It's a-me, WaaAAAaario! I'm a pro! Wario's so good at this game that the developers knew they had to keep me off of the roster! So every Night, I'll be dishing out the hot gameplay tips I use to-a destroy my enemies in Koopa VS Kefka! You're gonna profit from listening to Wario, and Wario profits by getting paid a tidy sum of Coins and Gil! Although not as much as this info is really worth...
So listen up, here's my-a first hot tip! Use the same two characters in every Match you play! Stick to what you know, right? It's a saying! Hear me out!
There are all these colors, see?
Green > Yellow > Orange > Red > Pink > Indigo > Blue > Cyan > Lime! Yeah, I think that's how it goes! Great Yellow Outfits Rock Plainly In Big Clear Letters!
But there are too many of these darn colors to remember, even if I'm looking at my clothes while I say the mne... nem... memory-helper thing. So why in the heck would you bother learning about more than two characters? You'll just get them all confused and muddled in your head anyway.
Pick fierce-looking characters!
Live in the moment!
Don't plan, and don't worry about knowing what your opponent could throw at you!
That's my-a tip of the day.
If I get bored, maybe I'll come back tomorrow Night with more of my valuable advice! But until then,