from 0%, Sonic can upthrow in to a Bair, Bair, Bair. And if one of those bairs leads off stage, he can land with no lag, then quickly run offstage and throw out a spring to spike them before they can react. And even if that one doesn't kill them, since dair is lagless, you can spring dair on the stage ASAP and then run back off and spring again before they reach the ledge. And the best part of this is that this situation can be adjusted.
He can also combo Dash Attacks together if he uses the weak hits, which always trip. That lets you easily tech chase with either more weak dash attacks, Down Smash, which cancels into anything you want, or the strong Dash Attack, which does 23%, and can kill at 80%.
His speed is stupid, and his crouch cancel slides him very far, and he can do anything afterwards.
His spring is a true spike, and looks like it can gimp at nearly anypercentage except for the absolute best recvoery characters aka those with super armor or a move that eats teh spring like Bowser.
Dash Attack (Strong) combos into upair>spting upair.
Dtilt > Grab > upthrow is still legit at low percents, but there is no upthrow chain grab. Fair> Fair works fine as well.
Nair has wonderful knockback too, and i can use it at the end of a edgegaurd to push them back, possible for kills. its so strong i use it in my combos now.
- his turnaround animation is the same as before, so it looks really bad, but you shouldn't be using it anyway.
Fsmash and Bair have a longer lasting hitbox, does massive damgae.
that's what I get form it right now. You can seriously base your game off of his dashes and his Dash Attack and be good, which is ironic becuase this sounds like how sonic should have been in the first place, but it took a bunch o hackers to get it done right. LOL sakurai
oh yeah, and Crack Taunting is the best AT in the game LOL.