Top Tier:
Rocky Agree
Bonkers Agree
Plasma Wisp We all saw this comming, thought it would be higher consider he can float XD
TAC Agree, he's much better than before
High Tier:
Gim Agree
Capsule J2 Yes, someone other than me understand :D
Simirror Simirror, you use to be one of the best, what happen D:
Buggsy Agree if you know how to use him
Birdon He's too high, unless you master the Shuttle Loop on bosses
Middle Tier:
Bio Spark A little higher then expected but I agree
Knuckle Joe I think he's too low, lol
Poppy Bros Jr TOO low if you ask me =/
Waddle Doo Agree
Sword Knight A little lower then I thought but I agree
Low Tier:
Blade Knight Yea, compared to Sword Knight he's not in the same shoes as him
Wheelie WTF, he's that high XD
Parasol Waddle Dee He's kind of low but I understand
Sir Kibble He's that low, I thought he was sweet ;_;
Bottom Tier:
Burning Leo They jacked up the range in this game, but he does more damage though
Chilly He's too low, I thought he would be high at best, lol