"This is an unofficial alt for P:M 3.0's new costume engine.
This unoffical alt is Ice Mario.
The contents of the folders are as followed:
Version 1: Ice Mario with ice effects for his Jab, Up Tilt, Forward Air, Neutral Special, Up Special, and Down Special. Normal SFX.
Version 2: Ice Mario with fire effects for his Forward Smash, Forward Air, and Neutral Special. Normal SFX.
Version 3: Same as Version 1, but with Melee SFX.
Version 4: Same as Version 2, but with Melee SFX.
Version 5: Same as Version 1, but with compatibility for Version 1 of Ice Mario.
Version 6: Same as Version 2, but with compatibility for Version 2 of Ice Mario.
Version 7: Same as Version 5, but with Melee SFX.
Version 8: Same as Version 6, but with Melee SFX.
If you want to use the Melee SFX Versions, then please download the SFX mod from this link.
This is of course Non-Wifi safe, so you and your friends will need to have the file contained in this zip (with the exception of this .txt file.
All you need to do is drag and drop the contents of the respecive folder onto your SD Card."
Should line 5 and 6 read "but with compatibility for Version 2 of Fire Mario"?