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Ken on SURVIVOR spoiler: Edrees wins survivor!

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Smash Lord
Aug 19, 2004
Wait, what does this whole argument have to do with Ken?

Mio, if you're trying to polish up your debate skills, I'm not sure you've chosen the most effective topic. Bones is a very cool guy and was certainly joking with no ill intent. Good debates are hard to come by, but even if you find a good one online I believe it differs greatly from a real life debate. The nice thing about a computer is that one has time to compose thoughts and articulate them in a highly proficient manner. Real life is a bit more challenging, as one has to worry about social anxiety clouding judgment. That said, online debates can still be highly stimulating and enjoyable.

Back onto Survivor... I've never watched the show until now. I was pretty unhappy at first with the way they were portraying Ken, but I also feel most people will be surprised that he was able to solve a puzzle faster than a Physics teacher (not to mention the teacher had a head start!) Perhaps this will allow some people to realize that gaming is not simply a mindless endeavor. Instead, it is based on insight and strategy that tend to correlate highly with many aspects of intelligence. Granted, it would be unfair to make such assumptions based on a single puzzle that had a simple word trick to it (the last numbers meant the numbers on the outside rather than the last two digits in order, which Ken realized after his first mistake) but considering how quickly people tend to make assumptions in the first place, I greatly prefer this more positive portrayal than the initial one Survivor seemed to be crafting.

I think Ken has a shot, but he'll need to establish some sort of alliance. From what I've seen so far, one is essentially screwed without it. The alliance would need to be large and skilled enough to survive until the merger, where they could vote out the other alliance without worry (and split the money from there). Dan Matty Crystal and JC perhaps? The five combined would have the best shot against the opposing alliance in most games. There is also no way of knowing the other players might not get greedy and decide against a split at the last second, so there would have to be some way of making the deal guaranteed. Then again, I still don't know a whole lot, so I could be entirely off.

So yeah, go Ken!


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
San Diego


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2006
Ken beating the teacher was 2 good even i know the answers this will probe that gaming is better than school ^.^

The Great Leon

Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
stereotypes exist for a reason. not saying its logical to base everything off of them, but if youre a bettin man you know whats up


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
Pretty much I just gave you a reason for disliking your cockiness: because you're wrong. That's not "just because." Try moar.

It's pretty dumb to hate cockiness just because. In and of itself it's nothing to look down upon. You should be cocky if you have a reason to be cocky. Don't hate ******
To the rest of your post, you're wrong, per usual. LMAO @ "there was no way of knowing that beforehand." The English language doesn't work like that, dude. It's a science. Learn it.

I have.
I'm pretty sure it's not his cockiness you don't like. I think there's a word for when someone is cocky, but they're wrong. You just have a problem with stubbornness. That is normal. There's a small problem with this logic. You can't be stubborn against something that isn't wrong or something that's simply an opinion. That would make you stubborn.
First you accused him of saying something known as right, then tell him he's wrong. Then you say it's dumb to hate cockiness, but you hate his. Usually in arguments, you're not suppose to contradict yourself. That's what I've been taught.

Bone obviously thought before he made the statement and it was also fairly tongue-in-cheek. The American part was a key to that to show that bone's tone in his post was purposeful, to prove an overall point. Saying, "Oh Bone, but that's so unfair because it's a blanket statement!" defeats the entire point bone was making, which is why it's so easy to point and laugh at mio for being so short-sighted. Mio's post was totally irrelevant, added no knowledge to the point and just came off as trying too hard; now, you could say the same for a lot of other posts on this forum, but it's especially rich to rip Mio to shreds on it because of his patronizing mindset and holier-than-thou attitude.

If you're going to be condescending, you better be right. Otherwise ridicule is what you get.
There are way too many long sentences. Always using long sentences makes your writing look jumbled up. I don't want to even try to figure out what you were saying.

What is language used for?
The only purpose of language is to transfer ideas from one mind to another. We make universal with these rules to be able to understand it. If someone gets their point across and doesn't need to impress the other person or live up to a standard, proper spelling and grammar isn't needed. I like it because it's nice :) although i can tlk liek this and u can still get wat im sayin.

Other than this, you've made your point.

That's slightly prejudiced, don't you think? Can't people lead normal, productive lives AND simply watch something to be entertained?
lol @ a serious response to a sarcastic post.

Btw, 5 days old props to ken. He realized his problem in the puzzle and adapted like a smash pro. Physics teachers don't adapt. Check and mate by Ken. He should have turned to Bob (or w/e his name was) and said "you have no mindgames"
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