if they are intelligent ( they don't just post KAMEK FOR BRAWL)
if they are going to contribute and do something in the club. Not just post and never post again.
EDIT: how does it ruin the group"
^ Lololol hoo evr wroat thiz waz tolly descrybing m3eee :D lawl, zomg like 4 paijz uhgo aye wroat: Foook yaaaaa kamekkkk 4 brawwlllllll
Okaye bt srsly, !t loox lyke yall r havin som truble figuren owt hiz FinelSmash
Obv !t wud b 'im flyin' ovr tha staij onn hiz broomst!ck && drawppin wavez ov colurphul m4dness ovr hiz opponentz 4 teh supa-shrinkage efx 2 mak 4 teh ez KO aftr tha phact
wo0t, nawt ay singul wurd iz spelld korrectly, lolololol