I've been lurking this thread for a while now, but have finally decided to post here. So where should I begin?
Well, my favourite video game character is Pac-Man, if you couldn't already tell. I've wanted him in Smash for as long as I can remember, and got even more motivated when I saw Sonic and Snake in Brawl. Once Smash 4 was unveiled, I knew the character I wanted in the most would be Pac-Man, and I was pretty confident after seeing Megaman getting unveiled and hearing about Namco Bandai helping in development. Well, once E3 2014 came, my wish was granted and Pac was in the game, even sporting the exact design/model I wished he had!

After hearing about the DLC functionality with the Mewtwo announcement, I knew I had wanted Lucas back the most as I think he and Wolf were cut unfairly. To my surprise, he was unveiled on the April 1st direct! Yet another character I wanted into the game made the cut, and I was as happy as ever. But it does not stop there, as the Fighter Ballot was announced a few moments later.

One thing I never understood was why good ol' King K. Rool wasn't in Smash. By Melee, DK still only had one rep, which struck me as odd since the other series had gained multiple, but I shook it off. By Brawl, Diddy was added and everything seemed fine. In Smash 4 however, I thought K. Rool was a given choice, and full on expected him to be added. He wasn't, and now DK has two reps when Kid Icarus has three and Fire Emblem has five? Something seems a little wrong here. All the characters I had previously wanted are in, but K. Rool is not. This is why King K. Rool is my number one pick for a Smash DLC newcomer, amongst many other reasons.
So Kutthroats, don't lose hope in your character as I never did in Pac-Man and Lucas. I think the King has a really good chance, and you guys seem to be the biggest support group of any character I have witnessed. Just keep doing what you are doing, and your wish will come true. Wait a second... why do I keep using the word 'your'? I guess I am a Kutthroat now as well!