So I was bored at work and thought about a moveset, I know there's been many and @
Zombie Saurian
of course has a phenomenal one but being bored I thought I'd try my hand.
Foreword special - crown throw, just a straight foreword projectile dosnt comeback like Links Boomerang it just shoots foreword and then reappears on his head after a short period.
Neutral Special - Blunderbuss, tap B once and fires a cannonball, if it hits an opponent it's bounces to the ground and can be picked up and thrown. Has a chance of firing a spiked cannonball which can't be picked up and does damage if touched. When the cannonball is on the ground holding B will have the Blunderbuss act like a vacuum which can pull in opponents or the ball, if an opponent is pulled in K. Rool hits them with the butt of the gun if he pulls in the cannonball the Blunderbuss flashes and he has a short window of time to fire the cannonball before his gun backfires doing damage to himself. If he does fire the cannonball before the backfire the ball flies faster and hits harder. If B is tapped twice before firing a shot he instead fires 2 cannonballs that spin in a circular motion in a straight path.
Down Special - Electrodes, K. Rool can drop an electrode (he can drop up to 3) when 2 or more are dropped and electric current flows through them damaging the opponent. The more electrodes on the field the more damage is done. The shock can damage K. Rool aswell.
Up special - Khaos Koppter, propels K. Rool left right or straight up depending on the direction you move the stick after the move is activated. K. Rools electrodes can be dropped while the Koppter is active and won't cancel the move.
Jabs are just various punches
Foreword Smash - K. Rool leaps foreword like in OG DKC the longer the smash is charged the further bounds.
Up Smash - he drops to the ground pretending to be K.O.d and leaps upward.
Down Smash - He ground pounds, longer the charge further the shockwave.
Fair - He leans foreword and snaps his jaws
Up Air - He fires a burst of flame his Blunderbuss
Bair - he tosses a boxing glove (similar to villagers slingshot)
Dair - He drops a cannonball straight down. It spikes like Megamans hard knuckle
Up tilt - he uppercuts with his boxing glove
Down tilt - kicks you in the shin
Forward throw - bounces you off his belly
Up throw - tosses you up
Down throw - grabs you with his jaws and performs a death roll like real crocodiles, does multiple hits like Kirby's down throw.
Back throw - spins around and tosses you like a sack of potatoes
The way Ryu works really inspired me to think of how the buttons are pressed to add variation to the attacks when it comes to the Blunderbuss. That's my moveset there are many like it but this one is mine lol
Edit: I forgot his dash attack, it's his slide from DKC2.