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Everyone has their own preferences. Many think K. Rool is just plain old ugly, but he's designed to be that way because he's a villain. Others have their own favorite characters and K. Rool is a huge (no pun intended) obstacle as he's the top requested character, or at least one of the top requested characters. To see him fall from his pedestal allows other characters to jump up a notch, increasing their own chances. It's a vicious cycle and everyone has a competition in them, they don't want to see others succeed.in your own thoughts, why do you feel some people don't like King K. Rool????
. I cannot understand why people hate him. Crocodiles have always been such awesome animals. Who wouldn't want to play as a giant crocodile! I''m starting to have less and less respect for the smash community nowadays. For years we have been asking for characters that would make smash unique and fun. Making it fill complete. Instead, people are voting for these characters that were never as popular back then. They are asking for characters that play similarly to other characters. They complain about clones, but they still want characters that play like other characters. Semi clone, tri clones. What ever happened to making this roster unique? Where is all the respect? I'm tired of people bashing in on other characters, its making them look like total ( sorry ) *****. This community has no respect for one another and is filled with immature brats. Not everyone is like that, i'm just talking about the ones that are like that.
I need some news right now. I just want king k rool to be announced already so people can stop spreading the hate on him. This whole costume thing isn't fair for k rool. He was doing so well. I hope he's DLC.. I say on the final voting day we all on this thread do something that'll get our voices out to the whole internet. After all, it would be the last day for the ballot, so we have to finish this strong!
And there are also plenty of people who are indifferent to the fat croc king but have several other characters they desire to see before him. Many of us grew up with DKC and grew an attachment to K. Rool, other people grew up with other games, hence why not everyone shares our enthusiasm towards him.
All I'm saying is there are legitimate reasons for not liking K. Rool because it comes down to personal preference, not that K. Rool is any less of the ballot giant that he is. It's up to us to convince others why we love K. Rool, not why they shouldn't love their chosen characters and use ours as an alternative.
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