Well, glad to see something that potentially lays this whole shindig to rest (the amiibo, which, kudos to @
for predicting). It doesn't take us out of the forest just yet, but I for one will not be believing until I see concrete proof.
I haven't forgotten last year (almost to the day), when mods were talking up "credible sources" who were claiming things like "they definitely for sure have not unlocked everyone on this 3DS roster CSS" and that "my guy in Japan is saying that Ridley, Dixie, Mewtwo and the Chorus Kids are still coming." We as K. Rool fans should remember more than most, considering we bore the brunt of this "bow down to your shoo-in overlords" narrative.
Anyhow, check this out...seems we've struck a nerve by being a Miiverse contest winner.
Let's try and put even more K. Rool promotional fanart up this last month to see if we can't enrage users like that even further (and actually promote a character "no one knows" on Miiverse in the process of course).