Say you guys, what if there is a new Donkey Kong Country cartoon? Of course K.Rool needs to be the main villain, the other two really don't work as long term villains that a tv show needs. Though despite working with a comedy vibe, a DK cartoon has a lot of action which means there's only one network(in the states at least) that would work, and that would be Disney XD.
This is one of those things that I would not only love to see, but also know is important for brand-exposure (I feel the same way about a more game-accurate Kirby show, as well).
With Nintendo's old wounds that were inflicted by
how their major Hollywood licensees handled Super Mario Bros.: The Movie all those years ago* finally healing, coupled with their updated stance on licensing deals, there's actually now a real chance that we could see this sort of thing again.
*This is a really good article that applies equally to a lot of non-gaming adaptations of video games from the 1990s and 2000s, not just Super Mario Bros.: The Movie. It's well worth a read if you're interested in the subject matter.
Over here in the UK, it's likely that either Boomerang or Disney XD would pick it up - all of the current major video game-based TV shows are shared between these two channels due to their demographical reach (Disney XD has Pokemon and Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, and Boomerang has Sonic Boom; Both channels tend to attract the young and old audience mix, due to their appeal to current youngsters, nostalgic parents watching the current stuff with their kids, and the geek market).
rather than creating unnecessary baby clones of every other character.
You forgot giving character slots to things that should be power-ups.

(And the threat of Pink Gold Baby Rosalina still looms large, especially after it appeared in the background of Mario Kart 8's Baby Park DLC track...
