So on the Crash Bandicoot forum I've mentioned how I think Crash and Ryu Hayabusa would be a great way to end to Smash Ultimate's DLC, and I may have even predicted them being the endgame somewhere on here. But... I'm not gonna lie, while Hayabusa still has a great shot, especially after learning how the Ninja Gaiden Master Collection is getting a censored Switch-only version rated CERO D in Japan, as well as the CERO Z rated one (why do that if Nintendo wasn't going to advertise the less-serious one for Hayabusa's Smash page? Yep I'm fully onboard this theory

), I've started to become more iffy on Crash's chances.
There isn't really a lot of evidence for his chances besides the 5-Year Crash Plan from Activision, which might be real since they actually acknowledged a comment referring to it when Crash On The Run came out, but we STILL don't what the actually contents of the 5-Year Plan are. People have been saying that Crash for Smash was on it, but there hasn't been any real proof of that. I just don't think the leaks or theories surrounding Crash are as solid as they are with Hayabusa, and not only that, but it's possible that Nintendo and Activision didn't negotiate for him on time, whether due to people wanting Crash for Smash still being relatively new (just in the past few years to be precise), or because of the virus messing up probable plans.
Finally, and I know I'm going back on something I said over a week ago, but I've kind of changed my mind on Lloyd Irving's Mii costume coming back with Hayabusa or as part of Mii Costume Wave 10. Yeah, a lot of people are thinking that Lloyd is likely coming now due to his costume being the only one missing, and maybe that would be too obvious if he IS getting upgraded to playable fighter. But... maybe that doesn't matter in the end? A lot of people DO want Lloyd, and despite the surprise being gone if he does come, maybe that's okay. Bandai Namco honestly does deserve a 2nd character at this point considering the amount of work they've helped put into Ultimate. And considering how I also believe Koei Tecmo deserves a character in Smash due to their working relationship with Nintendo, this could be a good way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
So in conclusion. I know these are mostly just theories, and I know I'm going against one of my all-time favorite game characters' chances, but I think I'm gonna go with Ryu Hayabusa and Lloyd Irving as Smash Ultimate's final 2 DLC characters! At this point the roster's already perfect, so I feel like I've got nothing to lose even if I'm wrong.