Ok well, it’s been a minute since anyone has posted so I’m just going to to pop in here to tag ole’
You said in your recent video that you couldn’t really think of a gimmick that was really associated with Ninja Gaiden so I thought I’d let you know what my idea for the moveset is.
If you’ve ever played a Ninja Gaiden you know there’s a plethora of weaponry present in those games. They range from a regular Sword, to Dual Swords, to a Scythe, a staff, a Kusari-Gama, and even claws on the hands and feet called the Falcon’s Talons.
Now the reason I mention this is because, even though they can be used in any situation, each weapon has its own situation that is most useful.
For example, the Falcon’s Talons are fast and very precise. You’re gonna want to use this when taking down and focusing on one enemy. The attacks are shortrange and the focus attack itself is a barrage of attacks on a singular enemy, unlike other weapons. These are probably the most combo heavy weapons in the game with maybe the Kusari-Gama comingin a close second.
The Eclipse Scythe on the other hand has HUGE sweeping attacks that are intended to hit multiple enemies at once and do a LOT of damage with each swing. Each individual swing probably does the amount of damage that the Falcon’s Talons does x3 but it’s SLOW. You can run into a group of enemies and swipe them down with the Eclipse Scythe but if one dodges around you mid swing you’re going to have to reposition yourself. Its charge attack is this giant ground sweeping projectile which is fantastic for clearing the area super fast from a decent distance. The Eclipse Scythe is all about crowd control.
The Dragon Sword is probably the most versatile weapon. It’s not necessarily made for one on one fights but it’s not crowd control either. It’s the perfect middle. With each swing you have a decent area of affect but it’s nothing that’s going to hit 7-8 enemies at once. At most maybe 3. It’s the most basic of Hayabusa’s utilities but is easily the most user friendly. Being a perfect speed and strength for beginners. And it’s also super useful when you’re facing a tough enemy and just need something familiar. It’s charge attack attacks up to 3 individual enemies one by one. Attacking and killing the first before moving on to the next.
So, my idea for the character is actually quite ambitious. He’d basically be, well, Pokémon Trainer. Each weapon would have to drastically change his moveset for each. And even though you could say that gimmick has been done before it’s not quite the same. Basically the down special would swap between those 3, or any other combination depending on what Sakurai wants to use, and each individual weapon will have its pros and cons. Eclipse Scythe could be that stronger more Crowd control like weapon but have garbage for recovery, The Claws could be the reverse, and the dragon sword be right down the middle. If that were the path they would want to go down I would limit weapon changing to when you’re on the ground which, if I remember right, is how the actual games are.
Anyways, I just wanted to give you an idea for a moveset. Hopefully it could change your mindset on the character just a little but as I know you listed him at 20% on your want for him not appealing to you. I don’t know if this will really sway you honestly but I do implore you if it’s his fact as a Ninja that turns you off to look into his different weapons he’s used in the modern Trilogy. If it’s his costume then I implore you to look at some of his alternates in the modern Trilogy. Maybe those things will change your mind. If not, hey, no hard feelings. It’s good to see you around in the Isaac thread man and I’m glad you popped Hayabusa into your videos. And I appreciate you, hopefully, taking the time to read this.