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Jay's Digital World Mini Mafia - Game Over - Town Faction Wins!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
My reads thus far,

Zalak is town. By far it's clear he has the intent to try and figure out the cast while being as vocal as possible.
I want to put Maven in the town category, been pretty happy with his content. Outside of the me "sheeping" people one. :/ Still watching this play out.
If Gheb doesn't explain his read on me I am willing to lynch him, FE left me in a null area before he replaced out. But he isn't a priority.
I don't recall Rosalina's if much at all.
I want to put Kursed as a town lean...only very very slightly though. I don' have much of a basis here I would call "legitimate" It's a feel mostly.
I would lynch Ninja if I had to lynch someone right now.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
My reads thus far,

Zalak is town. By far it's clear he has the intent to try and figure out the cast while being as vocal as possible..FE left me in a null area before he replaced out...........

I want to put Kursed as a town lean...only very very slightly though. I don' have much of a basis here I would call "legitimate" It's a feel mostly........

I would lynch Ninja if I had to lynch someone right now.
I agree with what I quoted here, and I also want Gheb to explain more


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
I suppose it's mostly because you called yourself the most suspicious player, Kursed. Also, you're calling me scum for.. agreeing with people. Am I never supposed to agree with anyone? I suppose you've been more helpful recently, but you seemed to be voting randomly a lot earlier on. To me, you seem really hungry for a lynch.
Agreeing with someone is okay, but people rarely have exactly the same opinion as everyone else. The only reason someone would be agreeing with everyone is to assimilate within the group, avoid enemies and essentially avoid being lynched. However, a town would not do that as they know they can't win while being friends with everyone. Mafia, on the other hand, can.

Well, he's yet to give a truly unique read on anyone. So far, all of his reads seem to just be him agreeing with someone.... not that there is anything wrong with agreeing with people, but he hasn't brought much to the table himself.
This is quite similar to my opinion of you.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
My reads thus far,

Zalak is town. By far it's clear he has the intent to try and figure out the cast while being as vocal as possible.
I want to put Maven in the town category, been pretty happy with his content. Outside of the me "sheeping" people one. :/ Still watching this play out.
If Gheb doesn't explain his read on me I am willing to lynch him, FE left me in a null area before he replaced out. But he isn't a priority.
I don't recall Rosalina's if much at all.
I want to put Kursed as a town lean...only very very slightly though. I don' have much of a basis here I would call "legitimate" It's a feel mostly.
I would lynch Ninja if I had to lynch someone right now.
@ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~ Opinions on this?


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Why do you want my reads? They're town reads, and none of them are being investigated atm. I'm not unwilling to give them out, but I want to hear your reasoning first.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
Wait, whom do you read as town right now, Rosalina? Everyone except for Hunter and me? And what do you mean they're not being investigated? If you think about it, we're all kind of being investigated right now. You have to spill some of the beans, Rosalina. Perhaps not all of them, but you've been too vague recently. Give us some beans.

Also, you and Kursed keep calling me out for agreeing with everyone, but most instances you've mentioned were just me making compensations before starting to argue against someone. There was the time Kursed called me out for agreeing with Hunter when he said that Kursed was acting scummy, but I was the first one to call Kursed out, so in reality, Hunter was the one agreeing with me.The only time I completely agreed with someone was when Maven made me realize I was making your job too easy by defending you before you had a chance to defend yourself, Rosalina. I agreed with him only because he was right. I made a rookie mistake, though I have not completely let Maven off of the hook because of that. I still think he was being strangely aggressive.

I'm open to hearing everyone's opinions because I do not want to make the mistake of lynching a townie on the first day. Right now, I'm very suspicious of you, Rosalina, but I suppose I am biased, as you are currently trying to get me lynched. :159: I'd love to hear the others' thoughts on the matter.

It's hard to order my suspicions right now, but I think Hunter is still the most suspicious in my eyes. :178:If either Kursed or Rosalina are maf though, I think it's likely they're working together.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
Oh, I guess there was the time I ended my first debate with Red Ryu very abruptly. I just thought we needed to hear from everyone else because we were pretty much the only ones talking at that time.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Wait, whom do you read as town right now, Rosalina? Everyone except for Hunter and me? And what do you mean they're not being investigated? If you think about it, we're all kind of being investigated right now. You have to spill some of the beans, Rosalina. Perhaps not all of them, but you've been too vague recently. Give us some beans.

Also, you and Kursed keep calling me out for agreeing with everyone, but most instances you've mentioned were just me making compensations before starting to argue against someone. There was the time Kursed called me out for agreeing with Hunter when he said that Kursed was acting scummy, but I was the first one to call Kursed out, so in reality, Hunter was the one agreeing with me.The only time I completely agreed with someone was when Maven made me realize I was making your job too easy by defending you before you had a chance to defend yourself, Rosalina. I agreed with him only because he was right. I made a rookie mistake, though I have not completely let Maven off of the hook because of that. I still think he was being strangely aggressive.

I'm open to hearing everyone's opinions because I do not want to make the mistake of lynching a townie on the first day. Right now, I'm very suspicious of you, Rosalina, but I suppose I am biased, as you are currently trying to get me lynched. :159: I'd love to hear the others' thoughts on the matter.

It's hard to order my suspicions right now, but I think Hunter is still the most suspicious in my eyes. :178:If either Kursed or Rosalina are maf though, I think it's likely they're working together.
In retrospect, you are right. I judged based off of Kursed's reactions, and assumed you were blindly agreeing with everyone. As for my reads, the entire reason I am hiding them is so that the mafia don't know who I think is town, and therefore don't know who would be a good idea to lynch. Some may be town, some may be null. As the people I'm reading town are not in a situation to be lynched right now, I don't believe revealing them would aid us very much. But I will expand on my mafia reads:
Hunter: Inactive to the point of being quite suspicious. Mafia read.
Kursed: I didn't really like some of his early replies, and a couple of his current replies. However, it is gut, and I cannot be particulalry confident in this read. Mafia lean.
Zalak: Since I was wrong about you sheeping, I must take back my read. I still don't have much evidence that you are town though, so null

As for Red Ryu, since he is in the spotlight I feel obliged to comment on him. However, I first want Gheb's opinion on Ryu's reads.
@ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Expanding on my Hunter read: He comments occasionally, and is therefore able to comment. However, his posts do not contain particularly meaningful content, to the extent he may as well not be a player. He promises to post more, replies to one directed question, and stops posting.
@ WolfieXVII ❂ WolfieXVII ❂ If you're having trouble finding things to say, ask questions. Investigate the slots you find suspicious, and try to come up with solid reads on them.

EDWOP: Kursed: Slight mafia lean. I don't actually have much other than gut to support my read.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Wait, whom do you read as town right now, Rosalina? Everyone except for Hunter and me? And what do you mean they're not being investigated? If you think about it, we're all kind of being investigated right now. You have to spill some of the beans, Rosalina. Perhaps not all of them, but you've been too vague recently. Give us some beans.

Also, you and Kursed keep calling me out for agreeing with everyone, but most instances you've mentioned were just me making compensations before starting to argue against someone. There was the time Kursed called me out for agreeing with Hunter when he said that Kursed was acting scummy, but I was the first one to call Kursed out, so in reality, Hunter was the one agreeing with me.The only time I completely agreed with someone was when Maven made me realize I was making your job too easy by defending you before you had a chance to defend yourself, Rosalina. I agreed with him only because he was right. I made a rookie mistake, though I have not completely let Maven off of the hook because of that. I still think he was being strangely aggressive.

I'm open to hearing everyone's opinions because I do not want to make the mistake of lynching a townie on the first day. Right now, I'm very suspicious of you, Rosalina, but I suppose I am biased, as you are currently trying to get me lynched. :159: I'd love to hear the others' thoughts on the matter.

It's hard to order my suspicions right now, but I think Hunter is still the most suspicious in my eyes. :178:If either Kursed or Rosalina are maf though, I think it's likely they're working together.
Why do you think I would be working with Kursed if I were mafia? Other than the fact I agreed with the notion you were being excessively agreeable.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Actually, although Kursed's argument isn't as prevalent as I thought it was, it still holds some merit.
Zalak: Slight mafia lean.

I realise there cannot be three mafia, and as such, some of the above reads are slight.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Wait, whom do you read as town right now, Rosalina? Everyone except for Hunter and me? And what do you mean they're not being investigated? If you think about it, we're all kind of being investigated right now. You have to spill some of the beans, Rosalina. Perhaps not all of them, but you've been too vague recently. Give us some beans.

Also, you and Kursed keep calling me out for agreeing with everyone, but most instances you've mentioned were just me making compensations before starting to argue against someone. There was the time Kursed called me out for agreeing with Hunter when he said that Kursed was acting scummy, but I was the first one to call Kursed out, so in reality, Hunter was the one agreeing with me.The only time I completely agreed with someone was when Maven made me realize I was making your job too easy by defending you before you had a chance to defend yourself, Rosalina. I agreed with him only because he was right. I made a rookie mistake, though I have not completely let Maven off of the hook because of that. I still think he was being strangely aggressive.

I'm open to hearing everyone's opinions because I do not want to make the mistake of lynching a townie on the first day. Right now, I'm very suspicious of you, Rosalina, but I suppose I am biased, as you are currently trying to get me lynched. :159: I'd love to hear the others' thoughts on the matter.

It's hard to order my suspicions right now, but I think Hunter is still the most suspicious in my eyes. :178:If either Kursed or Rosalina are maf though, I think it's likely they're working together.
I have been deliberately vague, to avoid hinting at who I regard as town. But I still don't see how town reads help. Consider I say person X, who up till now has been playing perfectly fine, without the spotlight being placed on him, is town. What would you say? Would you question it? Would you argue it? After all, he's been playing fine, and you yourself probably had a similar read on him. It wouldn't generate much content, would probably be soon forgotten, and would only tell the mafia who to lynch if everyone came to the consensus that person Y is town. It doesn't help us at all. For instance, consider everyone's reveal of reads thus far. Can you actually remember who said who was town? On the other hand, I can remember conflicts between certain players, who thought who may have been mafia. Admittedly, I still need to sometimes reread for a refresher, but they stayed in my mind much more securely than any town reads they gave.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
My reads thus far,

Zalak is town. By far it's clear he has the intent to try and figure out the cast while being as vocal as possible.
I want to put Maven in the town category, been pretty happy with his content. Outside of the me "sheeping" people one. :/ Still watching this play out.
If Gheb doesn't explain his read on me I am willing to lynch him, FE left me in a null area before he replaced out. But he isn't a priority.
I don't recall Rosalina's if much at all.
I want to put Kursed as a town lean...only very very slightly though. I don' have much of a basis here I would call "legitimate" It's a feel mostly.
I would lynch Ninja if I had to lynch someone right now.
Since D1's about to end, I may as well comment on Ryu then.
His early game was decent, imo, with questioning and attempts to read. However, his content dropped quite a bit midgame, and I disagree with a couple of his current reads. However, I cannot consider someone mafia merely due to disagreement.
Red Ryu: Slight town read.

@ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu How can you not remember me? Virtually the entire last two pages was Maven trying to lynch me. Have you been reading up?

WolfieXVII ❂

stay woke
Jun 18, 2014
Hall of Fame
I post when I can
Wait, whom do you read as town right now, Rosalina? Everyone except for Hunter and me? And what do you mean they're not being investigated? If you think about it, we're all kind of being investigated right now. You have to spill some of the beans, Rosalina. Perhaps not all of them, but you've been too vague recently. Give us some beans.

Also, you and Kursed keep calling me out for agreeing with everyone, but most instances you've mentioned were just me making compensations before starting to argue against someone. There was the time Kursed called me out for agreeing with Hunter when he said that Kursed was acting scummy, but I was the first one to call Kursed out, so in reality, Hunter was the one agreeing with me.The only time I completely agreed with someone was when Maven made me realize I was making your job too easy by defending you before you had a chance to defend yourself, Rosalina. I agreed with him only because he was right. I made a rookie mistake, though I have not completely let Maven off of the hook because of that. I still think he was being strangely aggressive.

I'm open to hearing everyone's opinions because I do not want to make the mistake of lynching a townie on the first day. Right now, I'm very suspicious of you, Rosalina, but I suppose I am biased, as you are currently trying to get me lynched. :159: I'd love to hear the others' thoughts on the matter.

It's hard to order my suspicions right now, but I think Hunter is still the most suspicious in my eyes. :178:If either Kursed or Rosalina are maf though, I think it's likely they're working together.
Granted we all want to see Rosalina's reads, you do seem to be most concerned about them
Why is that?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'm not in the game long enough to really have a solidly informed on all players yet so I'm just doing the good ol' PoE thing:

- I'm OK with Maven's content so far and can see where he's coming from with his reads on Ryu and Rosa atm.
- Zalak has posted a lot of content and not hesitated to make his stances clear. We're not gonna lynch him toDay.
- Kursed behavior looks a bit suspicious but his posts aren't scummy. I can see why somebody would think that player X generally agreeing with just about everything is scummy. I'd consider him null for now.
- Rosie seems to avoid tanking clear stances and has an extremely consensual approach to the game. Forever null but I will not oppose a lynch either.
- HNRP generally seems to be the punching bag toDay and I'm not sure if it's justified or not. He just seems to lack confidence yet but if he were scum I'd expect his parner to show up and defend him or deflect the attention somewhere else. Probably not a terrible lynch though I'm not actively gonna push it.

That leaves Ryu's slot and I cant think of anything pro-town he's done yet. None of the reads he posted are substantial or backed up solidly and it's the only time he's shared any content. That's pretty shallow and weak. So yeah, I'd prefer to lynch Ryu toDay but could compromise on HNRP and Rosie if it comes down to it. Will only vote Kursed if it's necessary to prevent a no lynch.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm not in the game long enough to really have a solidly informed on all players yet so I'm just doing the good ol' PoE thing:

- I'm OK with Maven's content so far and can see where he's coming from with his reads on Ryu and Rosa atm.
- Zalak has posted a lot of content and not hesitated to make his stances clear. We're not gonna lynch him toDay.
- Kursed behavior looks a bit suspicious but his posts aren't scummy. I can see why somebody would think that player X generally agreeing with just about everything is scummy. I'd consider him null for now.
- Rosie seems to avoid tanking clear stances and has an extremely consensual approach to the game. Forever null but I will not oppose a lynch either.
- HNRP generally seems to be the punching bag toDay and I'm not sure if it's justified or not. He just seems to lack confidence yet but if he were scum I'd expect his parner to show up and defend him or deflect the attention somewhere else. Probably not a terrible lynch though I'm not actively gonna push it.

That leaves Ryu's slot and I cant think of anything pro-town he's done yet. None of the reads he posted are substantial or backed up solidly and it's the only time he's shared any content. That's pretty shallow and weak. So yeah, I'd prefer to lynch Ryu toDay but could compromise on HNRP and Rosie if it comes down to it. Will only vote Kursed if it's necessary to prevent a no lynch.

Yeah because I totally didn't try to kick start the game or anything to get content moving.

Gheb plz.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Since D1's about to end, I may as well comment on Ryu then.
His early game was decent, imo, with questioning and attempts to read. However, his content dropped quite a bit midgame, and I disagree with a couple of his current reads. However, I cannot consider someone mafia merely due to disagreement.
Red Ryu: Slight town read.

@ #HBC | Red Ryu #HBC | Red Ryu How can you not remember me? Virtually the entire last two pages was Maven trying to lynch me. Have you been reading up?
Reading up? For the most part, just your content hasn't left me with a solid impression right now.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Gheb how can you call Ninja just a punching bag, he's been prodded for solid stances best being his post #216 and activity but to no avail on a solid direction with him.

Do you think lack of confidence makes sense here for his activity when he has posted? Can you give me examples then.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
Why do you think I would be working with Kursed if I were mafia? Other than the fact I agreed with the notion you were being excessively agreeable.
That is pretty much the only reason. Also.. intuition.. I guess. Mostly a gut feeling.

I post when I can

Granted we all want to see Rosalina's reads, you do seem to be most concerned about them
Why is that?
Rosalina has been trying WAY too hard to justify holding onto secret reads. Like.. right here :177:

I have been deliberately vague, to avoid hinting at who I regard as town. But I still don't see how town reads help. Consider I say person X, who up till now has been playing perfectly fine, without the spotlight being placed on him, is town. What would you say? Would you question it? Would you argue it? After all, he's been playing fine, and you yourself probably had a similar read on him. It wouldn't generate much content, would probably be soon forgotten, and would only tell the mafia who to lynch if everyone came to the consensus that person Y is town. It doesn't help us at all. For instance, consider everyone's reveal of reads thus far. Can you actually remember who said who was town? On the other hand, I can remember conflicts between certain players, who thought who may have been mafia. Admittedly, I still need to sometimes reread for a refresher, but they stayed in my mind much more securely than any town reads they gave.
@ RosalinaSGS RosalinaSGS :057:

Your scenario only applies in a situation where the THE ENTIRE TOWN agrees someone is not acting suspiciously. That has not happened yet. As I've already stated multiple times in the past, I don't completely trust anyone right now. If you actually provide an explanation for your town reads, you might sway me and the others into agreeing with you. If I do not agree with you completely, I will argue. Additionally, not telling us your reads is making you look incredibly suspicious, at least to me (and probably Maven. Maven was the first one to point out how suspicious your secret reads are). LASTLY, we can refer back to your reads as a record that can be used either against you or in your favor, depending on how the rest of this game plays out.

(Also, I don't know about the rest of you, but I have no trouble remembering people's reads.)


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Very well, I'm convinced. Out of everyone left, I have only concealed reads on Gheb and Maven. Due to Fie inactivity, I don't have anything on Gheb. However, I have a solid town read on Maven. His posts made sense and used sound logic, although he did overreact a bit. When you consider things from his perspective, his actions can really only be described as town.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
why did you want to hide that
Primarily for the reasons stated above. While no-one or very few people posted they thought you were town, concealing my read of you would allow me to prevent attention being drawn to you. However, after everyone revealed their thoughts on you, my reason became moot. Questioning Zalak was primarily an attempt to generate content and attempt to get a better read of him. Additionally, his reasoning actually brought to mind several reasons I shouldn't conceal my reads, some of which I'd forgotten. Thus, I decided to reveal my reads after my reasons to conceal them became moot.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Ok, I think I get you. My push on you, while you believe it to be wrong, made you think I was town because you understand where I'm coming from, but you didn't want to post it because you didn't want to attract mafia attention to me, but you wanted people to know you had reads so you mentioned it anyways, though not the details. This correct?


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Primarily for the reasons stated above. While no-one or very few people posted they thought you were town, concealing my read of you would allow me to prevent attention being drawn to you. However, after everyone revealed their thoughts on you, my reason became moot. Questioning Zalak was primarily an attempt to generate content and attempt to get a better read of him. Additionally, his reasoning actually brought to mind several reasons I shouldn't conceal my reads, some of which I'd forgotten. Thus, I decided to reveal my reads after my reasons to conceal them became moot.
Sorry meant to quote you in the above post to get your response


Smash Journeyman
Jan 10, 2015
- Kursed behavior looks a bit suspicious but his posts aren't scummy. I can see why somebody would think that player X generally agreeing with just about everything is scummy. I'd consider him null for now.

Can you tell me what I have done to become suspicous?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 10, 2015
Also, you and Kursed keep calling me out for agreeing with everyone,
Because it is so true! As if whenever you begin an argument/quote you begin with

"I see your side and agree with you, but..."


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
Because it is so true! As if whenever you begin an argument/quote you begin with

"I see your side and agree with you, but..."
I'm just making compensations so they'll listen to me more carefully.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Ok, I think I get you. My push on you, while you believe it to be wrong, made you think I was town because you understand where I'm coming from, but you didn't want to post it because you didn't want to attract mafia attention to me, but you wanted people to know you had reads so you mentioned it anyways, though not the details. This correct?
Pretty much. However, I said I had reads since I would be asked about the rest of my reads, or I'll have to lie, which is never a good idea.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 10, 2015
Jay are you going to edit OP because Fire was replaced?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I post when I can

Granted we all want to see Rosalina's reads, you do seem to be most concerned about them
Why is that?
Two things,

1) lets wifi again. Dorfpatrol is ready for action again.

2) can you discuss me with your reads and why you think such in the best detail, if not I am 100% for lynching you first right now. I don't feel as though you are invested in finding scum which is a scum tell to me.

If you are, be as honest as possible in your next post and go into every thought you have on the cast at large.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Yeah because I totally didn't try to kick start the game or anything to get content moving.

Gheb plz.
Fishing for pro-town credit on grounds of "getting town out of RVS" is scummy, my friend. Not to mention that you didn't kickstart" ****. You just asked Zalak a couple of shallow questions.

Nope, you haven't done anything this game. You can die.

Gheb how can you call Ninja just a punching bag, he's been prodded for solid stances best being his post #216 and activity but to no avail on a solid direction with him.

Do you think lack of confidence makes sense here for his activity when he has posted? Can you give me examples then.
Uhhhhhhh, I have no idea what you're trying to tell me ...

Can you tell me what I have done to become suspicous?
No, it's quite irrelevant now.


WolfieXVII ❂

stay woke
Jun 18, 2014
Hall of Fame
Two things,

1) lets wifi again. Dorfpatrol is ready for action again.

2) can you discuss me with your reads and why you think such in the best detail, if not I am 100% for lynching you first right now. I don't feel as though you are invested in finding scum which is a scum tell to me.

If you are, be as honest as possible in your next post and go into every thought you have on the cast at large.
We'll play a bit later XD
If Rosalina is mafia, then Kursed is his partner.
Zalak is probably town
As for Gheb and you Red, I'm not too sure
My first two reads (Rosalina and Kursed) seem the most likely due to concealed reads (which is pretty suspicious regardless if they are town reads or not) Kursed has been pushing Zalak for agreeing with people, and I know this isn't a great basis for scum, but based on his posts it doesn't take much to peg him as such.
My Zalak and Maven reads aren't as sure
Zalak has been giving really strong town vibes since the start, but having the same opinion as most can mean you are trying to stay on good terms with everyone which could point to mafia. Or you really feel that way :L
Maven, I honestly don't have a definitive read as well, but I don't want to peg you as null just yet
I'll make my vote in the next post
I just want to push this out before my phone dies


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
We'll play a bit later XD
If Rosalina is mafia, then Kursed is his partner.
Zalak is probably town
As for Gheb and you Red, I'm not too sure
My first two reads (Rosalina and Kursed) seem the most likely due to concealed reads (which is pretty suspicious regardless if they are town reads or not) Kursed has been pushing Zalak for agreeing with people, and I know this isn't a great basis for scum, but based on his posts it doesn't take much to peg him as such.
My Zalak and Maven reads aren't as sure
Zalak has been giving really strong town vibes since the start, but having the same opinion as most can mean you are trying to stay on good terms with everyone which could point to mafia. Or you really feel that way :L
Maven, I honestly don't have a definitive read as well, but I don't want to peg you as null just yet
I'll make my vote in the next post
I just want to push this out before my phone dies
The first 'read' is just a blatant copy of what Zalak had said.
And I don't think you've been reading the entire thread. No-one objects to the concealment of my reads now, after I've explained my reasoning behind them in great detail.
And what's wrong with Kursed pushing Zalak for agreeing with much too many people? You yourself agree that agreeing with many people can be indicative of a mafia mindset.
Also, can you explain why you feel that if I am mafia, then Kursed is too? Other than the fact I agreed with him on the Zalak push. If that's all you've got, you've just been blindly copying Zalak's logic.
Can you describe how Zalak gave off strong town vibes? Quotes preferably, if possibly, but if that's too much of a hassle a brief summation would work too.

@ WolfieXVII ❂ WolfieXVII ❂ Please reply to the above questions soon, given the close proximity of the deadline.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
tbh, right now Gheb's push on Ryu is actually beginning to kind of make sense. It seemed very sudden, but Ryu hasn't been able to appropriately defend himself. Admittedly, he hadn't posted much, and thus didn't have much to defend himself with, but it's noteworthy. Far from voteworthy right now, but it isn't as harebrained as it had originally appeared.
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