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Jay's Digital World Mini Mafia - Game Over - Town Faction Wins!


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
Huh, I guess I didn't consider Maven being mafia. I just really don't see how he could possibly be your team mate, or anyone else's for that matter.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
I could see Maven being Hunter or my partner, if either of us were mafia, but he's been pushing the three of you pretty hard. Maybe not Gheb, but he can't be Gheb's partner because then there would be three members of the mafia.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Right now, I'm pretty sure we can all agree Maven's not mafia. If so, I should have been alpha-striked long ago. So @ Maven89 Maven89 , you can use your plan. @ Kursed Kursed You NEED to unvote. I'm at l-1, and we never stand to gain from voting too early.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 10, 2015
Unvote: RosalinaSGS

I'll read this after school

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Kursed and Zalak are scum, guys. Neither Maven nor me hammered Rosie and we're the two town PRs so it should be obvious that we're not scum. It's between Kursed, Zalak and Rosie now except that neither Kursed nor Zalak qualify as 'likely scummates' with Rosie considering they've both voted her in lylo.

So yeah, lynch Zalak toDay and Kursed toMorrow?



Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Alright, Ryu's NK was a cluster**** and there's nothing much we can get from it

Zalak is town, I have him as town fully. That leads 2 out of Gheb, Rosie, and Kursed to be mafia. Zalak has yet to do anything I find suspicious at all and there's no way he's going to be the lynch today. Gheb/Rosie, Gheb/Kursed, Roise/Kursed are what I'm going to be looking at.

I have considered if Zalak is mafia but I'm not believing it.

Rosie has been gross all day, her explanation Day 1 was viable but as is the case in mafia that can easily be the case even when the person is pulling it out of their ass, and it never left me comfortable with her.Then her blatant, and constant flip flops between her and Zalak were ridiculous. There's a VT claim between her and Zalak, I'm without a doubt giving it to Zalak. I mean she insists that Zalak was town even when he was countering her claim? It's common for new scum to avoid pushing back against attackers because they know the other person is town, and Rosie has been doing that all game to a ridiculous amount. When Zalak was countering her VT claim, something that would have told Town Roise that Zalak was scum, she instead decided to believe that the game moderator made a mistake. I don't buy that at all. So as far as I'm concerned Rosie is almost definitely scum

Then there's Kursed, who honestly I haven't had much problem with. Sometimes I'll have trouble following what he's saying but overall the only scummy thing he's done that stuck out was his sudden flip flop on Hunter right before the lynch. Something new scum sometimes do when they worry about being on a townie lynch, so at the last second they back out. These two "new scum" mentions might seem very specific but they're very, very common. However, Kursed did not try to say the person was town, but instead wanted to lynch someone else, which lessens it by quite a bit, and this was the only single thing hes done that has stuck out as scummy. So in the end relatively minor and I'd only want to lynch him if it came down to POE or proof through a fake claim.

Then there's Gheb. I specifically asked for Kursed to claim first and for whoever the PR was to mention what PR he has and any information about how they've used their role, then told Gheb that if he jumped in line I'd consider it a scum tell.Then Gheb jumped in line and answered zero information that I asked, which as the PR he should be able to tell me what my PR is, or at the least tell me what his was. He already said he believes I'm town and the PR so he'd have zero reason to not tell me, since again if he's the PR he would be right and the scum would have been found out. The fact that Gheb has completely failed to do this means that he's almost definitely Rosie's partner.

Since we have to wait for Kursed to come back to lynch one of them, I'm still planning on waiting until Kursed claims his PR and information about it, just to be safe.

Gheb if you are just being coy for some reason now is the time to mention it, including any other information about how you used your role.

@ Kursed Kursed yo if I'm right and you are the PR, claiming which one and any information bout how you used it will win us the game


Smash Champion
Nov 15, 2014
All flips and roles posted so far were correct.
I apologize again for the early lynch Day 1, that was TERRIBLE modding.

At least it was probably going to happen anyway. -.-

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Maven, I visited you N1. That should answer your question. You know who I am.



Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Don't be coy Gheb, you have no reason to. Either role can visit people. You have zero reason to not want to out yourself

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You won't impress me with petty threats.

If you're the town PR you claim to be then you should know which one I am. I visited you N1 after all.



Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
Also, we already know that Rosalina knowingly lynched a townie :101: (I AM JOKING. HUNTER HAD TO BE LYNCHED AT THAT POINT OR THE GAME WOULD BE /RUINED/)

So I've been looking through the past posts to find the quotes that I'm looking for, and I think I've found some evidence as to who is partnered with Rosalina, but I'm gonna wait until this plays out to post about it.

I hope you're all ready for some SUSPICIOUS BEHAVIOR (Mostly Kursed/Gheb, because one of you needs to be convinced of Rosalina's guilt)

Zalak: Town lean, he's projecting a town mindset, but I didn't like some of his previous, early posts too much. Possibly because of the caps (seriously, stop shouting)
This one bothers me mostly because you told me to stop shouting, but it does a good job of capturing what I feel like you've been trying to do to me for the entire game. You've been pushing against me pretty relentlessly, but I also feel like you've been trying to get onto my and the rest of the town's (as most people gave me town reads, especially mid-game) good side by fluctuating between mafia and town reads on me. You've never pushed me for too long at one time, but you've done it many times throughout this game.

Me: "Well, he's yet to give a truly unique read on anyone. So far, all of his reads seem to just be him agreeing with someone.... not that there is anything wrong with agreeing with people, but he hasn't brought much to the table himself."

This is quite similar to my opinion of you.

I also don't think Rosalina has ever pushed against the one pushing them. During the breadcrumbing fiasco, Rosalina did not vote against Maven, the one who first accused Rosalina, but Rosalina did try to divert attention away from themself.

Hunter's basically inactive, and is therefore rather suspicious to a certain degree. Kursed posts relatively frequently, and I find him suspicious based off of these posts, rather than pure inactivity.
Kursed: "Fire, this is all you had to say when a ton of drama was being thrown around? Are you posting simply for activity rule?"
Kursed: "This is just supporting my theory Zalak that you are acting suck-up ish. You're agreeing with a lot of people! Where are your finds?"

Those are all of the most suspicious of Rosalina's push posts.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
This whole situation reminds me of that one scene in Sonic Adventure 2 on the space colony ARK. YOU ALL KNOW THE SCENE, unless you've never played the game.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Alright, Ryu's NK was a cluster**** and there's nothing much we can get from it

Zalak is town, I have him as town fully. That leads 2 out of Gheb, Rosie, and Kursed to be mafia. Zalak has yet to do anything I find suspicious at all and there's no way he's going to be the lynch today. Gheb/Rosie, Gheb/Kursed, Roise/Kursed are what I'm going to be looking at.

I have considered if Zalak is mafia but I'm not believing it.

Rosie has been gross all day, her explanation Day 1 was viable but as is the case in mafia that can easily be the case even when the person is pulling it out of their ***, and it never left me comfortable with her.Then her blatant, and constant flip flops between her and Zalak were ridiculous. There's a VT claim between her and Zalak, I'm without a doubt giving it to Zalak. I mean she insists that Zalak was town even when he was countering her claim? It's common for new scum to avoid pushing back against attackers because they know the other person is town, and Rosie has been doing that all game to a ridiculous amount. When Zalak was countering her VT claim, something that would have told Town Roise that Zalak was scum, she instead decided to believe that the game moderator made a mistake. I don't buy that at all. So as far as I'm concerned Rosie is almost definitely scum

Then there's Kursed, who honestly I haven't had much problem with. Sometimes I'll have trouble following what he's saying but overall the only scummy thing he's done that stuck out was his sudden flip flop on Hunter right before the lynch. Something new scum sometimes do when they worry about being on a townie lynch, so at the last second they back out. These two "new scum" mentions might seem very specific but they're very, very common. However, Kursed did not try to say the person was town, but instead wanted to lynch someone else, which lessens it by quite a bit, and this was the only single thing hes done that has stuck out as scummy. So in the end relatively minor and I'd only want to lynch him if it came down to POE or proof through a fake claim.

Then there's Gheb. I specifically asked for Kursed to claim first and for whoever the PR was to mention what PR he has and any information about how they've used their role, then told Gheb that if he jumped in line I'd consider it a scum tell.Then Gheb jumped in line and answered zero information that I asked, which as the PR he should be able to tell me what my PR is, or at the least tell me what his was. He already said he believes I'm town and the PR so he'd have zero reason to not tell me, since again if he's the PR he would be right and the scum would have been found out. The fact that Gheb has completely failed to do this means that he's almost definitely Rosie's partner.

Since we have to wait for Kursed to come back to lynch one of them, I'm still planning on waiting until Kursed claims his PR and information about it, just to be safe.

Gheb if you are just being coy for some reason now is the time to mention it, including any other information about how you used your role.

@ Kursed Kursed yo if I'm right and you are the PR, claiming which one and any information bout how you used it will win us the game
You saw my read of him, as well as the mistakes Jay had already made. Wouldn't it make sense for Jay to have made another mistake? We were all feeling pretty confident that Zalak was town. Wouldn't you be rather shocked if he counterclaimed your role? Additionally, I can't understand why he would CC VT. It would have been better for him to CC a PR, on the off chance they may be lynched.

Right, even if you're certain I'm mafia, I ask you to lynch Kursed first. I know for a fact that he's mafia, given that I know Gheb and Zalak aren't a team.

@ Maven89 Maven89 Very, very carefully consider the situation between Gheb and Kursed.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
You saw my read of him, as well as the mistakes Jay had already made. Wouldn't it make sense for Jay to have made another mistake? We were all feeling pretty confident that Zalak was town. Wouldn't you be rather shocked if he counterclaimed your role? Additionally, I can't understand why he would CC VT. It would have been better for him to CC a PR, on the off chance they may be lynched.

Right, even if you're certain I'm mafia, I ask you to lynch Kursed first. I know for a fact that he's mafia, given that I know Gheb and Zalak aren't a team.

@ Maven89 Maven89 Very, very carefully consider the situation between Gheb and Kursed.
Edit: You should be able to realise their allegiances, all the evidence is there.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I didn't alpha strike you either yet Maven insists that I claim my PR and considers me a more likely scumbag than Zalak. That's fishy as hell and needs an explanation.



Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
I didn't alpha strike you either yet Maven insists that I claim my PR and considers me a more likely scumbag than Zalak. That's fishy as hell and needs an explanation.

This argument is completely unnecessary. He didn't alpha strike me, so he's town. Anyone who's reading should realise you're town. Somehow, Maven hasn't though. @ Maven89 Maven89 Reread carefully. It should be obvious what PR he is.

It is fishy, but we know for a fact he's not mafia. It doesn't matter what we think of him, he's town.

Are you up for lynching Kursed today? We know you and Maven are town, and that one of me/Zalak is too. So can we just lynch Kursed today. After that, we can track me and Zalak to find the remaining mafia.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Like I said, I'm pretty sure we're dealing with a Zalak/Kursed team.

I'd still like Maven to acknowledge that I'm clear and that he should know which PR I am. Just to make sure that we're on the same page and don't need to deal with this nonsense anymore.



Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Gheb if the next post you make doesn't contain your PR and what you did with it I'm voting you. I honestly don't give a **** if you're town right now because if you are, then goddamn you're the most stubborn ****** I've met, you've had 5-6 opportunities to flatly come out and say it but instead you're just incredibly vague. Yes I can pick up on what you might be suggesting, or what you might be saying to throw Kursed off, or what you might be fishing. See how that works? Honestly if you're town and you have just sat down and refused to play ball out of some ******** pride issue, then I have no regrets if we lose.

Gheb, put on your big boy pants, swallow your pride, and just flatly answer the question. You have zero reason not to and if you had just done this the first, second, third, or maybe even the fourth or fifth time I asked the game would be over.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Gheb if the next post you make doesn't contain your PR and what you did with it I'm voting you. I honestly don't give a **** if you're town right now because if you are, then goddamn you're the most stubborn ****** I've met, you've had 5-6 opportunities to flatly come out and say it but instead you're just incredibly vague. Yes I can pick up on what you might be suggesting, or what you might be saying to throw Kursed off, or what you might be fishing. See how that works? Honestly if you're town and you have just sat down and refused to play ball out of some ******** pride issue, then I have no regrets if we lose.

Gheb, put on your big boy pants, swallow your pride, and just flatly answer the question. You have zero reason not to and if you had just done this the first, second, third, or maybe even the fourth or fifth time I asked the game would be over.
Are you kidding me? Gheb is pretty much confirmed town. Lynching him is not going to make him change his playstyle, and will only lose this game pointlessly. I highly doubt he's going to, and he hasn't yet, but please don't vote him over something so petty.
@ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~ Same applies to you, you're being ridiculously obstinant over a ridiculously small issue. Your secrecy makes sense early on, but at this point it's just causing conflict and threatens our success. Your refusal to cooperate is causing conflict between the only two confirmed towns we have. Just claim your PR already.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I don't see why we should reveal our PRs to scum at this point. We know each other's roles, everything else is just a matter of him accepting it.



Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Vote: Gheb

I ask for help, I clearly need help, and you just refuse. I honestly do not believe you are capable of answering my question because you have yet to do so outside of very, very vague statements that could go either way. If you are town, then goddamn. Grow up a little and learn to play with others.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Alright. I've rethought this.

Unvote: Gheb

I apologize, I realize now I was also refusing to play ball or put pride away. You did say some things that are would doom you if you were lying, and i had convinced myself that this wasn't the case. Specifically the line about N1.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
No it was more that you might have been able to POE that situation out of what was going on. I didn't believe Kursed would have been able to, which is why I wanted him to go first, and was hoping he didn't pick up what you were saying.

I'm going to re-read since everything I read about the game seems to be wrong, so I'll make sure that they are and I didn't get tricked by some ridiculous play based on my weak play, which I consider unlikely but still. Zalak's reads have basically matched mine the entire game, and I'm very shocked that Rosa might be town.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
I mean I'll expand on that top part if you want, you said you don't want us to give out our pr but have basically done so already so I don't know exactly what you want to have happens about this, I tried to not post any more details then you have.
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