(Version 1.0.2)
Please do not post comments hating on the tier list just because you dislike the placement of a character.
S :
A :
B :
C :
D :
E :
WiiU Singles
Items off
Stages: Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville, Omega Stages
2 stocks 6 minutes
Miis are default size, 1111 set.
(Not written in article, but customs off)
Each of the 9 SHI-G members ranked each character as A-E, with A=10, B=8, C=7, D=6, and E=5. After the average of was taken, any character with an average score of >9=A, >8=B, >7=C, >6=D, and >5=E. Every member gets 2 votes for S tier; only a character with all members voting for it to be S-tier gets promoted to S.
S Tier Voting:
Diddy got the 9 votes needed to retain S-tier status. Shiek had 4 votes, while Sonic had 2.
Some Data:
The character with the biggest rise in score was Olimar, with +1.67, jumping from E tier to C tier. He had success at Apex and had his Pikmin AI buffed. Mario was a close second, with +1.62.
The character the worst fall was Lucario, with -1.82. The second largest drop was Jigglypuff with -0.8.
Mario, Captain Falcon, and Ness had the largest standard deviation with 0.994. (I think it's probably because they were debating between A tier which is worth 10 and B tier which is worth 8)
Quote from Tenuhe:
"In voting, I imagined a tier list where B and above is a placement where you can win tournaments straight-forwardly, C needs amazing player skill or gimmicky tactics to attempt to win a tournament, and anything D and below has their limit capped at top 8."