Added ya to the list.I just got my JP 3DS and I was trying to add funds with my credit card on the eShop, just to see how it would work when I get Smash bros. And when I click the credit card option, I get a message (and I don't really know a lot of kanji, so it's hard to understand) and all I get is an option to go back to the main eShop menu. I created a Japanese NNID and confirmed it on my email.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem? D: I wanted to get quite a few games from the eShop. Thanks! c:
JP FC~~ 2036-8528-4889
As for the card, I don't really know. I got mine in without any problems. My only suggestion is for you to take your english 3DS and mirror everything you do. That way if there's a problem you can understand it, and if not then you'll at least know where everything goes.
Put you on as well. Sorry that I haven't added some of you on my 3DS yet, I just haven't had it with me much.Good thing to hear!
Mine FC and NNID you can find in my profile. I've already added you all as well!
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