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It's Time To Get FUNKY! Funky Kong for Smash thread


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Heck yeah! As much as I want Dixie and feel that she should come first, it just seems more likely for Funky to get the newcomer treatment by Nintendo. I don't know, I could just see it happening!
If that was the case, than Funky would have gotten in instead of K. Rool. Dixie I'm sure had a lot of votes in the Smash Ballot, she probably had more votes than Dark Samus did because of how much more popular and iconic she is. So don't worry, if we get a another DK rep, it will certainly be Dixie. Funky though, will definitely came after her if we ever get more than 5 DK reps.


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
Do you really think they're taking the ballot into consideration with the DLC? I don't, and since Funky became a marketing icon for the TF port, I could see Nintendo capitalizing on it. Though they might just stick in a bunch of waifus.

Deleted member

Do you really think they're taking the ballot into consideration with the DLC? I don't, and since Funky became a marketing icon for the TF port, I could see Nintendo capitalizing on it. Though they might just stick in a bunch of waifus.
Nintendo really pushed Funky a lot.

I can easily see him being someone Nintendo puts on their list for Sakurai to choose from.

Deleted member

He is. Shame he's kinda out of the running now, but at least he's a Master Spirit.
That's something, right?


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Surprised the low amount of posts in here...I am guessing it is because Dixie is next in line and being a master spirit does seem like a rather hard disconfirm. But we can get something going, right?

I actually wonder if he could challenge Dixie in terms of requests. Japan seems to like him more, but we seem to favour Dixie more. Both are very good characters and I'd be glad with either getting in, but it is a rather interesting situation between the two. Could both be added to appease fans? Or is Dixie's numbers actually higher than Funky's overall?

I'd probably prefer Funky after years of preferring Dixie, but the latter did have years of loyal support for Smash and it would be a bit dirty to get him before her...but we shall see.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Surprised the low amount of posts in here...I am guessing it is because Dixie is next in line and being a master spirit does seem like a rather hard disconfirm. But we can get something going, right?

I actually wonder if he could challenge Dixie in terms of requests. Japan seems to like him more, but we seem to favour Dixie more. Both are very good characters and I'd be glad with either getting in, but it is a rather interesting situation between the two. Could both be added to appease fans? Or is Dixie's numbers actually higher than Funky's overall?

I'd probably prefer Funky after years of preferring Dixie, but the latter did have years of loyal support for Smash and it would be a bit dirty to get him before her...but we shall see.
I didn't know Funky was more popular than Dixie in Japan. I know K. Rool was the most popular DK rep everywhere and I highly assumed Dixie would have been high on Japan's wanted list of chaaracters if K. Rool was at the very top for them.
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
I didn't know Funky was more popular than Dixie in Japan. I know K. Rool was the most popular everywhere and I highly assumed Dixie would have been high on Japan's wanted list of chaaracters if K. Rool was at the very top for them.
Funky's helped by his MKWii fame. You know a character's loved when he gets his own segment for an enhanced port and is used as a selling point.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Funky's helped by his MKWii fame. You know a character's loved when he gets his own segment for an enhanced port and is used as a selling point.
Now that K. Rool is finally back, I hope we get to see Candy Kong in the next DKCR game along with K. Rool and the Kremlings. She is the only character from the original DKC cast that hasn't made their grand return yet.
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Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2018
Someone should make a Twitter account to campaign for Funky. I'm already doing one so I don't think it should be me.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2014
Count me in as a supporter! Funky Kong would make a great addition to the roster, of which doesn't even have to be an echo! (though he very easily could be, of course).

I've made a moveset for him to demonstrate what I think he could do as his own unique character, or at least as an "Isabelle-tier" unique fighter, if you know what I mean.

Funky Kong Moveset.jpg

Of course, as usual, here's a link to it elsewhere, as Smashboards has a habit of compressing images: https://www.flickr.com/photos/184893183@N07/49942873792/in/dateposted-public/ Feel free to use this moveset in the original post as well if you'd like!


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Count me in as a supporter! Funky Kong would make a great addition to the roster, of which doesn't even have to be an echo! (though he very easily could be, of course).

I've made a moveset for him to demonstrate what I think he could do as his own unique character, or at least as an "Isabelle-tier" unique fighter, if you know what I mean.

View attachment 272950

Of course, as usual, here's a link to it elsewhere, as Smashboards has a habit of compressing images: https://www.flickr.com/photos/184893183@N07/49942873792/in/dateposted-public/ Feel free to use this moveset in the original post as well if you'd like!
Awesome moveset idea. Though I would include one of his fruit guns from DK64 as one of his Specials to represent that game. Diddy has the Jetpack and K. Rool has his boxing gloves so I think Funky should have one of his fruit guns.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Count me in as a supporter! Funky Kong would make a great addition to the roster, of which doesn't even have to be an echo! (though he very easily could be, of course).

I've made a moveset for him to demonstrate what I think he could do as his own unique character, or at least as an "Isabelle-tier" unique fighter, if you know what I mean.

View attachment 272950

Of course, as usual, here's a link to it elsewhere, as Smashboards has a habit of compressing images: https://www.flickr.com/photos/184893183@N07/49942873792/in/dateposted-public/ Feel free to use this moveset in the original post as well if you'd like!
This is awesomely detailed, and makes me wanna support Funky Kong even more! He has a lot of potential you made me realize. And I'd love it if he became more often playable in many different roles. I love it!


Smash Rookie
Jul 27, 2020
Funky Kong Moveset

Jab: funky kong has a three hit jab. He does a left right hook ending with a shoulder bash.

F-tilt: funky kong swipes his surfboard in front of him. This move has high knockback and is relatively quick, making it a good get off me tool.

Down Tilt: funky kong shoots out his leg sending opponents upwards this is a good grounded combo tool. Itd one of his fastest moves and least laggy as well. It lacks in power to make up for this.

Up Tilt: funky kong does an upwards attack, like a volley ball hit. Imagine incineroar upsmash but with less power. This move can kill at high percents.

Dash Attack: Funky kong slides forward on his surfboard. This move has a sweet spot at the very beginning and a sour spot towards the end. This is a powerful grounded burst kill move. The sweet spot sends at a upwardd diagonal angle and the sour spot sends horizontally. This allows for both hits to be useful.

F-smash: Funky Kong swings his surfboard like a baseball bat from Super Sluggers. This attack has a sweet spot right around where he would hit the ball with it in that game. Not at the very end but not right on him, around the middleish if the board. This move would have significant startup and end lag but would be a very early kill move if hit correctly.

Down smash: funky kong spins around on his board and finishes with a sick pose. This is a multihitting move that is deceptively quick. It is his weakest smash attack but if the opponent somehow touches funky when he strikes his pose, they will take set knockback that sends them very far. It will never kill, its more of a punishment for getting in Funky's spotlight. The move will naturally keep the player away from funky so theres no need to worry about being hit by it when trying to kill with it. It should stay a rarer occurance.

Up smash: funky kong goes into a handstand with his board on his feet in the air and quickly extends his arms and legs upwards, pushing the board towards the sky. This move will be a great anti-air and will be plenty powerful. It will have trouble hitting smaller opponents though.

Neutral air: funky kong does a swing with his surfboard beneath him, sending the opponents at a higher angle, it is similar to ike nair with a bit more horizontal knockback.

Fair: Funky Kong mimics his friend Donkey Kong and swings his board in front of him in a similar fashion. This move will have more range than DK's but will be less powerful. The spike will still be the same power though. This move is faster than DKs, but with the same lag.

Up Air: Funky Kong will swing his arm above him hitting opponents up. This move will have a large diamenter so it can hit grounded opponents. It will be moderately quick and will kill at higher percents.

Back Air: Funky Kong swings his arm backwards similar to Captain Falcon's but goes all the way around, giving it less lag but it also doesnt stay out as long. It has decent range and can combo into itself at low percents. It sends at a slightly upwards angle. This move also stalls funky kong in the air a bit.

Down Air: Funky Kong spins his board beneath his feet. This us a multihitting move that sends opponents in front of Funky. This can be a great edge quarding move due to its sizeable horizontal hitbox and its horizontal launch angle.

Neutral Special: funky kong fires the boot launcher from donkey kong 64. This attack can be angled up and down. This attack is slow. The projectile is a large boot that is launched towards the opponents and shoots them in the direction that the boot is going. The boot is a hitbox from the moment it id launched and explodes after a certain distance. The boot will has high base knockback but not substantial knockback growth, meaning the boot will always send you a significant distance away but wont really kill for a while. However, if you are hit with the boot explosion, you will take much more damage and knockback, giving way for early kills. The explosion wi always happen at a certain distance and the explosion size will be about 2/3 the size of explosive flame.

Side-B: funky kong gets on his surfboard and goes forwards, becoming a hitbox. Level One surfboard is not as strong or fast as the further levels but it is available to Funky first. Funky Kong can upgrade his surfboard two times by holding down the side-b button on activation, he will sit down and begin to fix up the surfboard. Each level up to level three increases the speed and launch power of the surfboard. However, Level 2 lasts much longer than level 3, making you required to know exactly when to use it. Level 2 lasts for 30 seconds while Level 3 lasts for 15. Your repair progress is saved so you can stop your repair and continue fighting and keep all that you've done. However, if yourcurrent level degrades during your progress towards the next, that progress will instead go towards getting that board back. The repair has multiple frames of startup and ending lag, meaning you can be punished for doing it. This gives funky a risk-reward system. The surfing animation can be cancelled by jumping out of it like bowser jrs clown car.

Down Special: Funky Kong strikes a pose and his teeth shine. This sends a stun hitbox out in front of him, like mewtwos. However due to his high kill power, this move will not stun as long as mewtwos.

Up Special: Funky Kong uses the barrels from Donkey Kong Barrel Blast to shoot him self upwards, this move is at first charged uo and its distance differs depending on how fast you press the b button. This makes his recovery exploitable. There is a hitbox on the front of the move but not on the sides.

Grab: Funky Kong grabs his opponents and pummels with a headbutt.

Down throw: Funky Kong jumps on the opponents back, sending them up and away. This is a high dealing attack with some follow ups.

F-Throw: Funky jumps in the air with hid opponent and throws them at a downwards angle in front of him. This move can be used at the ledge to throw people off the stage. On stage, this move can be teched.

Up Throw: Funky Kong tosses his opponent into the air above him with one arm. This throw can combo into up air and back air at early to mid percents.

Back Throw: Funky Kong throws the opponents beneath his legs and backwards. This is his main kill throw.

Attributes: Funky is lighter and smaller than Donkey Kong but is faster and has more reach. His air speed is about the same as Donkey Kong. Funky can also not go underwater, rather he just surfboards on top of it.

Donkey kong barrel controller also functions with this character.
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3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
If we were to get an extra echo fighter after both Fighters' Passes as a bonus for unlocking every character, Funky should be the one.
In the last major update, whether or not Funky is unlocked, his Master Spirit status would taken over by Tawks as reference to Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze's Funky Mode where Tawks runs the store while Funky is out there fighting baddies.
Anyone who sees this message and can let Sakurai know should do so before it's too late.
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Deleted member

Funky Kong Moveset

Jab: funky kong has a three hit jab. He does a left right hook ending with a shoulder bash.

F-tilt: funky kong swipes his surfboard in front of him. This move has high knockback and is relatively quick, making it a good get off me tool.

Down Tilt: funky kong shoots out his leg sending opponents upwards this is a good grounded combo tool. Itd one of his fastest moves and least laggy as well. It lacks in power to make up for this.

Up Tilt: funky kong does an upwards attack, like a volley ball hit. Imagine incineroar upsmash but with less power. This move can kill at high percents.

Dash Attack: Funky kong slides forward on his surfboard. This move has a sweet spot at the very beginning and a sour spot towards the end. This is a powerful grounded burst kill move. The sweet spot sends at a upwardd diagonal angle and the sour spot sends horizontally. This allows for both hits to be useful.

F-smash: Funky Kong swings his surfboard like a baseball bat from Super Sluggers. This attack has a sweet spot right around where he would hit the ball with it in that game. Not at the very end but not right on him, around the middleish if the board. This move would have significant startup and end lag but would be a very early kill move if hit correctly.

Down smash: funky kong spins around on his board and finishes with a sick pose. This is a multihitting move that is deceptively quick. It is his weakest smash attack but if the opponent somehow touches funky when he strikes his pose, they will take set knockback that sends them very far. It will never kill, its more of a punishment for getting in Funky's spotlight. The move will naturally keep the player away from funky so theres no need to worry about being hit by it when trying to kill with it. It should stay a rarer occurance.

Up smash: funky kong goes into a handstand with his board on his feet in the air and quickly extends his arms and legs upwards, pushing the board towards the sky. This move will be a great anti-air and will be plenty powerful. It will have trouble hitting smaller opponents though.

Neutral air: funky kong does a swing with his surfboard beneath him, sending the opponents at a higher angle, it is similar to ike nair with a bit more horizontal knockback.

Fair: Funky Kong mimics his friend Donkey Kong and swings his board in front of him in a similar fashion. This move will have more range than DK's but will be less powerful. The spike will still be the same power though. This move is faster than DKs, but with the same lag.

Up Air: Funky Kong will swing his arm above him hitting opponents up. This move will have a large diamenter so it can hit grounded opponents. It will be moderately quick and will kill at higher percents.

Back Air: Funky Kong swings his arm backwards similar to Captain Falcon's but goes all the way around, giving it less lag but it also doesnt stay out as long. It has decent range and can combo into itself at low percents. It sends at a slightly upwards angle. This move also stalls funky kong in the air a bit.

Down Air: Funky Kong spins his board beneath his feet. This us a multihitting move that sends opponents in front of Funky. This can be a great edge quarding move due to its sizeable horizontal hitbox and its horizontal launch angle.

Neutral Special: funky kong fires the boot launcher from donkey kong 64. This attack can be angled up and down. This attack is slow. The projectile is a large boot that is launched towards the opponents and shoots them in the direction that the boot is going. The boot is a hitbox from the moment it id launched and explodes after a certain distance. The boot will has high base knockback but not substantial knockback growth, meaning the boot will always send you a significant distance away but wont really kill for a while. However, if you are hit with the boot explosion, you will take much more damage and knockback, giving way for early kills. The explosion wi always happen at a certain distance and the explosion size will be about 2/3 the size of explosive flame.

Side-B: funky kong gets on his surfboard and goes forwards, becoming a hitbox. Level One surfboard is not as strong or fast as the further levels but it is available to Funky first. Funky Kong can upgrade his surfboard two times by holding down the side-b button on activation, he will sit down and begin to fix up the surfboard. Each level up to level three increases the speed and launch power of the surfboard. However, Level 2 lasts much longer than level 3, making you required to know exactly when to use it. Level 2 lasts for 30 seconds while Level 3 lasts for 15. Your repair progress is saved so you can stop your repair and continue fighting and keep all that you've done. However, if yourcurrent level degrades during your progress towards the next, that progress will instead go towards getting that board back. The repair has multiple frames of startup and ending lag, meaning you can be punished for doing it. This gives funky a risk-reward system. The surfing animation can be cancelled by jumping out of it like bowser jrs clown car.

Down Special: Funky Kong strikes a pose and his teeth shine. This sends a stun hitbox out in front of him, like mewtwos. However due to his high kill power, this move will not stun as long as mewtwos.

Up Special: Funky Kong uses the barrels from Donkey Kong Barrel Blast to shoot him self upwards, this move is at first charged uo and its distance differs depending on how fast you press the b button. This makes his recovery exploitable. There is a hitbox on the front of the move but not on the sides.

Grab: Funky Kong grabs his opponents and pummels with a headbutt.

Down throw: Funky Kong jumps on the opponents back, sending them up and away. This is a high dealing attack with some follow ups.

F-Throw: Funky jumps in the air with hid opponent and throws them at a downwards angle in front of him. This move can be used at the ledge to throw people off the stage. On stage, this move can be teched.

Up Throw: Funky Kong tosses his opponent into the air above him with one arm. This throw can combo into up air and back air at early to mid percents.

Back Throw: Funky Kong throws the opponents beneath his legs and backwards. This is his main kill throw.

Attributes: Funky is lighter and smaller than Donkey Kong but is faster and has more reach. His air speed is about the same as Donkey Kong. Funky can also not go underwater, rather he just surfboards on top of it.
No flame runner? This moveset sucks.

Donkey kong barrel controller also functions with this character.
never mind this moveset is perfect


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2021
Hello! Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze is one of my favorite games. I never needed Funky Mode playing normally, but I have enjoyed revisiting levels to beat them faster with Funky.

Consider me added as a Funky Kong Supporter.
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