Finally - shout-outs..
I support both LTD and Items tourney! ^_^
John, just like what Hyuga said, any low tier, item, or randoms (random character, partner, ect.) tourneys would be
special events held in tandem with the Singles and Doubles, and wouldn't lessen the biweeklie's professionality one bit. What they
will do however, is add more reason to go to the events! Oh, and also, since the event could be different each time, we could still hold crew battles too.
Anyway, sorry i'm so late to this thread.. last week's shout-outs follows:
Zoap - Omg, you're so fun to play with, lol. GO KIRBY! lol, rar.
DM - **** man, we stayed up and smashed for hella long, haha... You're a real cool guy.. That was some good times man, I hope to play you again next time.
KFC - You're fun to play against; mindgaming Link vs. Y Link is intense

. You and your crew have such camaraderie with each other in battles & competitions (or simply smash in general); I like that, it's a commendable trait.
NK - Hmmmmm, didn't play you. Again.
Kevmoney - You're too cool and so fun to play with, hopefully I can play many more matches against you next time. I want to use some other characters against you and your luigi, but I didn't get a chance this time. Luigi is definitely one of those characters of which I have not explored all of my options (not even yet the options available to a sigle character)..
Tomi - Too bad you and tyde couldn't make it for the tourneys, it was a fun success.
ender - Lol, item matches. You're another one of those people who are just simply fun to play ^_^ .. Maybe next time we play we can do some
1v1 item matches..
Simna - -> Devestating Dreams... Hahaha..
Razr - Heh heh, Lirby is just too good.
Tyderium - OMFG, Ricky told me you showed him some of the things nearing the very end of 'Shadow of the Colossus'! I'm not going to reveal what those things were
right here, because this is a open public thread, AND I'M NOT TYDERIUM! lol. But I just don't understand why somebody would numb the effects of such good moments of a game.. So I guess what i'm trying to say is.. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MAN, WHY?! lol. Oh, wait! Hold on, don't tell me yet, i'm going to go watch that one movie you've been wanting to see and come back and tell you parts of the ending!
Cavesonic - You've gotten a lot better since I first met you.. Good ****, keep it up!
John - Good job on another successful biweekly, I definitely agree with ender, Sac county has definitely been prospering as a smash community, and your biweeklies have been an exemplary catalyst.
Meep - Wow, good job for taking two tourneys. I want to play you more. I know you were scared during that second match of ours in LT, huh? Lol, random MISFIRE RECOVERY + KILL! WHAT?!! ROFL.
Kawn (KOF?) - If you're going next time when the Biweeklies start up again (or if Delphiki takes them over and continues them), then i'll bring Perfect Dark'! I think that would be
really fun! lol. Teams would be hella fun too. And also, I want to see your Zelda. Everybody tells me how good it is.. I don't doubt it, I just want to see it. ^_^
Major thanks to TC1 for hosting these, IMO they were all great successes. -> And much fun.
P.S. Omg that spaghetti was delicious. (Thanks to John's mom for the spaghetti and salad!)
Pertaining to the issue of crews:
The current shape of TeamScape holds it back from being known outside of the Sac Scene. It seems to be put together pretty haphazardly. There also seems to be little unity between many members, and the standards of joining are not defined at all. Malix hardly plays Smash, and Uraj rarely appears at tournaments. Momo has college, and besides him ender and Milk are the only members with transportation. This makes for a loose crew which rarely trains together. Also, it has only a couple of well-known players which shadow the others, thereby reducing it from 'TeamScape' to 'Simna's and ender's crew.' The only other well-known player is NintendoKing, but he has yet to be identified heavily with TeamScape.
ender, as you yourself posted in Cave's thread, the point of a crew is to be a group of friends who know each other well and Smash together often. Where does that fit in here?
Primarily, I have the same thoughts as Delphiki on this.
I'm a little bit torn in my interests for crews; split between the status quo, the possible futures, and even maybe a little bit of nostagia of the past. I do like being in TeamScape, it's a fun crew, with a lot of cool people in it. A few people have talked about the size of the crew, but I don't see that as any kind of problem at all. It doesn't matter as long as all of the people are close, and active. Which is what seems to be the issue here.. Not all of the crew members participate in tournaments, or even still play smash. And ender, Simna, I see both of your points, with it being a crew for unity, friendship, and improvement. But less than two thirds of the crew pursues this. Tomi-x faced the same problem. Though I'm not suggesting the same solution.