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It's a Trap! Result thread


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
This is the tourney results:
Brawl Singles
1: Holynightmare
2: Swordgard
3: Chester
4: Buenob
5: Dom
5: Stroumbert
7: Steb
7: Thatguy
9: Mar1
9: Techiyo
9: Kirt
9: Linkshot
13: Rion
13: Stef
13: Agora
13: Kage
17: Fogel
17: Gorio
17: Kev!
17: Alpha
17: Phantom

1: PKM
2: Kage
3: Thatguy
4: EricR
5: Techiyo
5: Greg
7: Swordgard
7: Sam
9: Eric
9: Steb

Brawl+ singles
1: Holynightmare
2: Kage
3: Swordgard
4: Rion
5: Thatguy
5: Steb
7: Linkshot
7: Kev
9: Alopex
9: Greg
9: PKM
9: Techiyo
Last: GTA

Low tier:
1st: Swordgard (get ***** holy)
2nd: Holynightmare
3rd: Thatguy

Sadly, the doubles results got corrupted.

Heres the one i know
1st: **** Sucking Cutthroat backstabbers (Holy+ Dom, name chosen by Kev!)
2nd: Joel + Buenob
5th: The bad touch

Id like to thank everyone who came to this, especially GTA for their attendance despite their bad placings.

No but seriously guys, choke some moar please.

Ottawa: Thanks for coming. You guys are awesome.
1: Holynightmare: Seriously, as much as i would like to trash talk, all i can say is that those 2 days we had some epic games. GGs.
2: Swordgard: Er i dunnow what to say, train some moar, you fail so bad at melee.
3: Chester: You sir, simply and purely **** the mind of other people. I love seeing your fox in action.
4: Buenob: Good ****, you got much better, shame you never made it back to me in losers. Holys got your stuff
5: Dom: Great snake as usual.
5: Stroumbert: Good shiz being consistant , i still think you chocked.
7: Steb: I guess our lucas ditto will never ever happen in a tourney set XD
7: Thatguy: Good shiz, you had a **** bracket.
9: Mar1: Well, so much for top 3 lulz.
9: Techiyo: Your performance suprised me, good ****.
9: Kirt: Same as bisb XD. We chocked doubles D=
9: Linkshot: You improved tons >.<
13: Rion: Brawl + Zelda ***** lolz.
13: Stef: Your placing is so ironic.
13: Agora: You always get **** brackets D=
13: Kage: Wheres the warrior? Le poing? Good job in brawl+ though.
17: Fogel: Great snake, thanks for coming.
17: Gorio: We played only a few matches. D=
17: Kev!: Your soul is MINE!!!!!!!! You can now start to main MK.
17: Alpha: ????
17: Phantom: ?????

Well, this tourney was awesome despite obvious chocking from many mtl people and some canada regions. I guess shiz happens. I loved seeing all of you guys again.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Yo, are brackets going to be up later? It would be interesting to see who beat who.

and btw, LOLOL@GTA, yes, we did fail miserably.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
TvC and B+ was awesome.

However I didn't get to play that much Melee.

Also Smash 64 =)


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Yo, are brackets going to be up later? It would be interesting to see who beat who.

and btw, LOLOL@GTA, yes, we did fail miserably.
Yeah, ima upload it.

Im just failing gta failed cause

A) Ambrose mobile didnt show
B) Nor did melee mobile with raynex
C) Nor did niko who said he would still come in bus
D) Nor did minus who said he would still go without the ambrose mobile.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2009
oh GG all. Its fun to play against everyone of you.

very GG chet and steb ;) there is nothing like some close game in looser bracket. The one with chet was obviously the sickest. hehe

And wow holy, too good. There is a few games in double where at the start of the match i got ***** and as i was busy flying in the air trying not to die i was looking at the % and I was like, wow we are doing good

and thanks to swordguard master of sdi for organising this. I hope there is more tournement soon !


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol I had a great time at this! it seems I leave a little piece of myself wherever I go... and by little piece I mean like $100 in cables this time... oh well, I know i'll get them back (as long as holy doesn't pawn them off lol)

agora and techiyo came in close 3rd in teams! rob and toon-link/marth

holy - good **** on winning... i'll catch up with you soon!
sword - also good **** on winning... I'll get you next time gadget! next time!!!2 and thanks for running things
agora - double rob is actually a pretty awesome team :) fun games
techiyo - your marth is almost flawless... all I can say is that because you were too good, you were a bit predictable... epic matches, and maybe next time you won't trip as much :)
chet - you, make me feel like a bad player lol... next time I'm in town we need to chill // interact without money on the line (poker is still ok)
dom - i was really hoping to get to face you :) next time we need to have some friendlies, your snake in doubles was solid
stroumbert - honestly, one of the only falco's I enjoyed playing... regardless of weather you change your style or not, they were a tonne of fun, agro falco ftw!
thatguy - CHRISTMAS!!!!!
kirt - good matches... even though japes _may_ be in your favour, it only works like that if you have a percent lead lolz... fun friendlies all day
pure! - great matches, fun times, too bad you got owned by health reasons, I hope you are ok... ness represent!
elef - fail! at entering the tournament... i wished I could have finished that match with you... not enough setups :(
rion - last but not least! your zelda is epic mindgames combined with very methodical exectution, always fun


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
TvC and B+ was awesome.

However I didn't get to play that much Melee.

Also Smash 64 =)
We need moar Smash64. That **** was embarrassing until I finally got my act together. Ness Dair hitbox for the win. A mile below his feet, you're still screwed. Still need moar Z-canceling, though.

You, me, and Kev's partner were an awesome B+ doubles team. Kev stood no chance. 2 gud.

I need to hack your Wii. You need TvC.

-- Kirt's a cool guy. I'll hack your Wii at a weekly? If my offline method doesn't work, we'll beg GW for some quick internet access.

-- Dom, you are too generous. Thanks for covering my Brawl+ tourney expense. ;)
How is TvC going for you so far?

-- Rion, you're still my favorite. Make them fear the Dtilt. AREN'T TEXTURES AWESOME?!

-- Kev, thanks for helping us not be lost and get cash. Pretty sure we would've died from exposure without you.

It was good to see everyone. Good shiz. Sorry I had to leave early (comedy show was amazing, though). Thanks for all the B+ feedback. I need to get cracking on fixing Ness.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
What! I get my best placement and money back for the first time in Doubles ever, beating even Kirt and SG's team with Techiyo, and my bracket gets CORRUPTED?
We were ROB/TL & Marth, we got 3rd, and we were the PRO Jectiles! BELIEVE IT.

Tech: ... Amazing. I think I remember us doing very average in teams in the past, we've definitely improved since then. Kept our cool and took our time making educated counter-picks ( or maybe we just took too long for nothing, lulz ). It's too bad you didn't get farther in brackets, you deserved it. Was a pleasure hosting you as well, and big wtf on hogging my Pichu plush all evening XD
Kev!: Was great hosting you as well, Tentai Senshi Sunred episodes FTW. Good job TOing Brawl+, seems like it all went smoothly.
Agora: Wins one game in Singles, loses two sets in a row and rage quits. gj.
Buenob, Fogel, Linkshot: Massive lulz at the restaurant with you guys. Keep working on that Snake, Fogel, thanks for the friendlies. Buenob, you're right, double ROB *****. Linkshot, we didn't play at all XD
Kirt: Wtf no collar on the second day? That totally threw me off during our match. Also, less taunting before tournaments in case it backfires on you when everyone's watching ;P
SG: Your DI never ceases to amaze. I'll have to read your thread seriously and get what it's all about.
Joel: Get grabbed moar. Also I guess my Mario wouldn't have made it this far in Low Tiers without your example to follow XD Too bad you booted me out.
Mar1: Mad props for taking DK in tournaments, although you gotta work on being less predictable in Doubles.
Kage: I didn't see any of your matches outside of our Doubles set, but judging by your screams, you did well!
Dom: Never practicing with you before a tournament again : ( And if I do, I'm sandbagging!

I think that covers it, see you all at the weeklies where I'll try and main some new characters.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I posted the characters people used in the tourney thread:

Melee Singles
1. PKM (Various)
2. Kage (Ganondorf)
3. ThatGuy (Falcon)
4. Eric R. (Samus)
5. Techiyo (Fox/Marth)
5. Greg (Marth)
7. Sam (Fox/Marth)
7. Swordgard (Falco)
9. Steb (Sheik/Ganondorf)
9. Eric (Samus)

Brawl Singles:
1. Holy (ROB)
2. Swordgard (Ice Climbers)
3. Chet (Fox/Jigglypuff)
4. Buenob (ROB)
5. Strombert (Falco)
5. Dom (Snake)
7. Joel (Mario)
7. Steb (DK)
9. Mar1 (DK)
9. Kirt (Falco)

Brawl Doubles:
1. Dom and Holy (Snake/Rob)
2. Thatguy and Buenob (Mario/Rob)
3. Agora and Techiyo (Rob/Marth-Toon Link)
4. Kage and Mar1 (Marth/DK)

Brawl Low Tiers:
1. Swordgard (Lucas)
2. Holy (Pokemon Trainer)
3. Thatguy (Mario)
4. Kage (Ike, Falcon, Ganon)

Brawl+ Singles:
1. Holy (ROB)
2. Kage (Ganondorf)
3. Swordgard (Ice Climbers)
4. Rion (Zelda)
5. Steb (DK)


Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
We need moar Smash64. That **** was embarrassing until I finally got my act together. Ness Dair hitbox for the win. A mile below his feet, you're still screwed. Still need moar Z-canceling, though.

You, me, and Kev's partner were an awesome B+ doubles team. Kev stood no chance. 2 gud.

I need to hack your Wii. You need TvC.

****, I should of went just to play smash 64 >.>.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Anyways, some shoutouts.

Thanks to Swordgard, Kev!, and Kage for organizing the events for this. It was fun.

Brawl Singles
2: Swordgard - Ice Climbers are still gay in Brawl+. Good job placing second in vBrawl and getting first with Lucas in low tiers.
4: Buenob - Good job on your placing. Too bad we didn't get to play much.
5: Dom - Like always, I beat you, and then I have a hard time even hitting you for the rest of the set. Good games.
7: Steb - I should go back to Diddy to get 5th's again.
7: Thatguy - Why did we have to fight each other in round 1?
9: Mar1 - Lol DK dittos. Our games were close though, and you beat me in the friendlies set. Good games.
9: Techiyo - Good job in teams, you're a better team partner than you think. We just choked last time, sorry about that. Too bad for singles though. All the PR panelists agree you're good but you keep getting stupid brackets.
13: Rion - D-tilt to moveset, lol. Your bracket was ******** though, you shouldn't have placed this low.
13: Stef - Lucas > Ness.

4: Eric - Good job on your placing.
5: Greg - Too bad about your last match. You had me in our last 2 matches in our set. Luckily it didn't count. Good games.
7: Sam - Countering Ganon against Jiggs was a stupid idea. Good games.
9: Eric - Another Eric who plays Samus with a similar playstyle? Its like I had to play the same guy twice, except one would pick Poke Floats, lol. Good games.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2008
So like, Zelda TOTALLY should have been in low tier tournament. >_>


; ; Oh well~ maybe in the future? Lol.

I had a really fun time! It was great to be at a Brawl tourney again with a lot of people I knew. :)

Some shout outs~

Holynightmare - Ah! Our 1st Brawl+ Match was so close~ We definitely should play more. Congrats on your wins too!

Swordgard - Those ICs :dizzy: never again...

Chester - You've always been so good with your characters~ your Fox is so fearsome! Fearsome Foe Fox, hey, alliteration... but you always get me off-guard. Really amazing~

Steb - I must kill... with Dtilt > UpB (Never gonna happen. Maybe). And yeah! I had to fight you in brackets ; ; your Lucas is so tough! P.S. Down with infinite grabs! *throws down his controller* :embarrass I protest! I protest!

Thatguy - You Mario is really great! I was really nervous when I had to fight against you. I heard so many horror stories :dizzy:. You were a really tough opponent! Just promise me the next time you see me you won't kill me ; ;

Krewman - Thanks for showing me that food place when I got hungry. I hadn't eaten anything in so long @_@; And I'm sorry for confusing you with Alopex LOL! I'm terrible with these names sometimes. And you totally aren't the age you say you are! Lies! And do not fear the Zelda, embrace the Zelda~ mwahahaha... *USMASH*

Alopex - I avenged you Alopex~ that Ness needs some better recovery though. Too much lame gimps ; ; d@mn you PK Thundeerrr. Hope Brawl+ keeps advancing~ thanks for all your work! P.S. New Brawl+ Rule: NO MORE CUSTOM TEXTURES! GRAHH-*explodes*

Stef - Je suis desole que nous avons pas avance tres loin dans les Doubles ; ; Je suis pire en Team Battle! Mais ton Diddy est super bon~ je suis content d'etre en Teams avec toi! Merci pour les jeux!

Agora - I don't really remember playing you a lot this time around... next time, we'll get further in singles I'm sure!

Fogel - Thank you for the games with your Snake~ I'm sorry if my tactics against you seemed a bit noobish, but I always get so nervous against Snake ; ; D@mn you Ftilt/Utilt!

Gorio - Desole monsieur! Mon francais est tellement limite... C'est curieux que mon francais est si pire meme si j'etais nee en Quebec, haha. On a pas jouer tres longtemps, mais c'etais bon de vous rencontrez! :)

Kev! - Ah Kev. Do not hate the Zelda! You must embrace her Brawlness :D Next time we meet, should I wear a hockey mask? ; ; I don't want to lose teeth or anything...

Thanks everyone for a great time! I hope something like this happens again.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
St-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
I first wanna start by saying sorry for my ****ty attitude on the 2nd day. Next time I'll take an energy drink, maybe it'll help me out.

Alright, shoutoutz time!:

Agora: Good **** in team man! We sould team again, next time we're taking Hloy and Whoever snake he teams with down! Also thanks for hosting me and Kev, that was awesome watching Animes and sandbagging in brawl a bit. Your Pichu plush is awesome! He's too cute =)

Joel: Sorry at our Melee match for huh... breaking down? Whatever, can't find the word and too lazy to check dictionary. It was fun, I'm just plain ******. Grats on your performances at each event overall, especially in doubles, we had such a tight set :p

Buenob: I know I'm a bit predictable, I'm working on this :/ I like your Rob, I always like playing those so I can learn the fricking match-up. Grats in doubles for barely beating us :p Next time in singles, let's have the greatest set ever!

Swordgard: B+ IC's are gay. Next time I'll take someone else than Falco versus them. Maybe Fox? I'll have to check. Your DI is just too good, you'll have to explain to me how you do that. (btw I read your guide). Grats on beating Holy in Low tiers!

Kev!: I love you man, so much random **** all the time. Your Luigi in B+ is so scary, honestly, but I think there's more combo that you haven't seen yet. He can become a real monster. More housing with Agora? Epic evening.

Steb: Nice friendlies. That's it? XD Kidding, next time I wanna try out Punch-Out!! For real, like more than the 30 seconds I played at the Gamestop near my home. It looks somewhat good.

Stef: Peanut Glide toss to forward smash ftw. Actually that wasn't really my plan but oh well. Tight matches man, keep working on your Diddy, he is scary.

Mar1: Nice friendlies and good **** in teams with Kage. I really really hate your DK. Actually I hate all DK's XD. Next time bud!

Kage: Sorry for our Melee matches in the 2nd day. I'm sure you didn't had any fun playing me. Next time I'll try to keep my head up. Grats for B+, you almost took Holy down!

PKM: Thanks for the tips you gave me for Melee. I always need help for this game XD. I'll try to contact you someday, have some friendlies or alcohol? XD

Rion: B+ Zelda is definitely stupid. Plus she is light so she can't be Combo'd as easily as the heavier ones. That's the thing I hate the most about B+. Anyways, nice games, I'll definitely take Fox or Falco next time.

Dom: We should do more friendlies at the Weekly so I can understand more Snake players. Seriously I was only playing Fizzi before and now that he left, I don't have any Snake's experience. Grats on our matches.
P.S: Your Ike is so **** annoying in Low tiers! Urrgh...

Kirt: Like Agora said, don't taunt before, do it after. Still was nice seeing you. You ***** me so hard at that fighting game... huh... TvC? Whatever, Girly Snake is good, but not enough for Ryu :/

Linkshot: ZSS in B+ is annoying. just so fricking gay. Lol. Good ****.

Fogel: Nice Snake and good job in teams. I feared we'd lose the set XD. I wanna play some friendlies next time I see you :)

Holy: I so fricking hate B+ Rob. Down Smash everywhere and Fair. So Stupid. Next time I'll try harder and take you down! Or not. Grats on your performances except for low tiers, you're not good enough.

Chet: Nice seeing you, although we didn't play. Jiggs is too good.

Vwins: Thanks for the lift at the end. It helped me out ;)

Eric guys: You both play Samus and are equally skilled, so I'll talk to both of you Since I can't figure out which is which. Good games. I definitely don't know what the hell to do vs Samus when I have Marth, that's so weird.

Greg: Good games man. Your Marth is awesome, possibly better than mine. Next time bud ;)

Techiyo: Not good enough.

Anybody that could have been forgotten: Nice games everyone if we played, if we didn't, well nice seeing you!

That's all folks!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
Time for another of my great walls of text.

You, me, and Kev's partner were an awesome B+ doubles team. Kev stood no chance. 2 gud.

-- Kev, thanks for helping us not be lost and get cash. Pretty sure we would've died from exposure without you.

Thanks for all the B+ feedback. I need to get cracking on fixing Ness AND ZELDA.
You must be kidding. That was BULL****. All he was doing was ****ing kill me twice per game, while you guys lol'd and then make snarky comments when I'd steal one of his stocks.

****, I should of went just to play smash 64 >.>.

So like, Zelda TOTALLY should have been in low tier tournament. >_>

Kev! - Ah Kev. Do not hate the Zelda! You must embrace her Brawlness :D Next time we meet, should I wear a hockey mask? ; ; I don't want to lose teeth or anything...
No and yes :)

I first wanna start by saying sorry for my ****ty attitude on the 2nd day. Next time I'll take an energy drink, maybe it'll help me out.

Kev!: I love you man, so much random **** all the time. Your Luigi in B+ is so scary, honestly, but I think there's more combo that you haven't seen yet. He can become a real monster. More housing with Agora? Epic evening
Redbull is like is Shoryuken in a can.

Also, don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone is amazed at how much you improved and how well you and Agora did in doubles. I'd be ****ing proud to have played as well as you, let alone entered vBrawl Singles :(

Our games were funny as hell and I had a blast at Agora's, we should do it again sometime.

[...]and thanks to swordguard master of sdi for organising this. [...]
This made me chuckle.

**** i couldn't even make it out of pools

I almost feel like learning meelee just to hang out with your crowd. You guys seem funny.

Also. FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME, I WAS NOT in vBrawl Singles, that was due to the same ****tard that somehow added Meelee names into the Brawl+ bracket.


Agora: Thanks for everything man, the housing and introducing me to Astro Fighter Sunred. That **** was hilarious. Keep up the good stuff with Tech in teams. You guys surprised everyone, I'm sure.

Swordgard: Okay, so you have my soul. Big deal. You know what happens next :) Great tourney man, glad you let me be a part of it. I guess I'll just have to main MK now so I can play a ghey game the way it was meant to be played: Gay.

Holy: I swear to God I'm going to kick the **** out of R.O.B.+, just wait and see!

Joel: Funny guy, as always. We gotta play more Brawl+. I'll try not to outprioritize le Failcon, next time. Also, good job on setting up the PR, I laugh everytime I check it.

Kage: Keep up the warrior bull****. So many of the Meelee players were looking up to you and PKM it wasn't even funny. Keep powering through your opponents with Le Poing

PKMJesus: It was cool of you to not only give Brawl+ a try, but actually enter the tourney, as well. Watching you was not only hilarious, but entertaining as well. **** you Meelee players learn fast.

Techiyo: Great improvements overall. Keep up the good shiz. I'm looking forward to playing you again.

Kr3wman: those Brawl+ games slaughter sessions were bull**** lol. Thanks for enduring my eternal noobiness at Smash64 :D

Alopex: great build and supplied in time for the tourney. I can't thank you enough. I'm glad I was out having a smoke at that time. Buff ness, nerf Zelda to Hell, and I'll be your best friend now :D

Kirt: Wow you got *****. Hardcore. You're still my favorite popped collar boi ;)

Dom: Osti de traître que vous avez torché, toi pis Holy. Ça m,a donné le goût de plus pratiquer avec toi pour pouvoir en faire autant. Lâches pas!

Elef: Man those B+ games were t3h lulz. I think I never had so much fun playiing a video game before. You died exactly nine seconds into the game after that gimp, by the way :)
you also owe me about 746 956 smokes by now lol.

Rion:I don,t hate you for real man. It's just frustrating to see a player use the same basic strateg every game and Chew through my shield, moveset and outlast my airdodges. Not only that, but since Zeld is light & floaty, I can't even really combo her. When I get close enough to grab you, ****ing BAIR OUT OF SHIELD, everytime, kills me at like 75%. I just hate the matchup. Expect me to find something very ghey to counter it soon.

Steb: Your gameplay always makes me lol, not to mention the fact that you have like 20 characters beside your name in the PR lol. I had fun playing B+, although teams were bull**** lol.

I had a mother****ing blast. thanks to everyone who participated and sorry to whomever I may have forgotten in my shoutouts!

EDIT: Holy **** I almost forgot - Who is it I comboed into misfire on B+? Was it you, Kr3w?


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
^ whoa I wasn't expecting to be left out of kev's shoutout, we actually spoke together

also most people have **** DI. I only fail my DI when the opponent catches me off guard or when I don't care enough. You shouldn't miss a DI, ever.

Well maybe it's because I played melee, and brawl is like playing chess.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
EDIT: Holy **** I almost forgot - Who is it I comboed into misfire on B+? Was it you, Kr3w?
I think it was like Rion.

I don't remember.

I'm pretty sure the only combo you got me into was uptilt into uptilt.

Or like dthrow into uair. Or both of them.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
For teams: in addition to what Steb had, Linkshot and myself got 5th.; ViR (don't know his SWF name) and his partner got 7th; kr3wman/Pure got 9th (those were the teams we played in losers').

I kind of regret not signing up for Melee singles, but staying at that restaurant for supper was pretty good, so no real johns there.

Real shoutouts time! Je vais essayer quelques shoutouts en francais; désolé si je fais des fautes.

1: Holynightmare: Ottawa est dans l'Ontario aussi :( Le GTA+Niagara n'est pas l'Ontario entier.
2: Swordgard: Beast ICs, best I've ever played! Also, you didn't seem too confident in it but I thought your Snake was very good as well. I found a couple of things I should try just from those friendlies. Thanks again for hosting this tourney!
3: Chester: C'était bon de te revoir! On a même eu une petite conversation en francais; ninja french FTW. J'espère qu'on peut jouer la prochaine fois!
4: Buenob: Lose earlier so we can leave on time! j/k; I don't know if you did well enough to be satisfied with yourself, but I'm happy that you were able to place so high and remind everyone that Ottawa is still on the map :)
5: Dom: Ton Snake est excellent;, j'ai appris plusieurs choses en regardant tes jeux. Ton patience est formidable en Snake dittos!
5: Stroumbert: Didn't play you or talk to you, but I watched some of your matches and your aggro Falco style is very interesting. We need to play sometime.
7: Steb: IOU one Diddy ditto on FD. That Snake ditto was pretty fun though, probably more fun than Diddy dittos. Suicide bombing is a fun strat :)
7: Thatguy: You're probably expecting some inside joke or whatever here..but...MINDGAMES, serious business time. Thanks for housing us. I'm sad that I didn't get to play your Mario in any friendlies/tourney matches at all again. I'm going to insist on it next time.
9: Mar1: Aggro DK owns me.
9: Techiyo: Good games in teams, you and Agora work really well together. We need to play some singles in both Melee and Brawl next time!
9: Kirt: We need to play sometime. Next time we're at the same tourney, we should have some friendlies!
9: Linkshot: Pleasure teaming with you, we did pretty well for our first time teaming together.
13: Rion: Good patience with Zelda, I definitely felt like you were predicting and punishing what I was doing most of the time in our matches. I'll read up more on the Zelda matchup, and I'll get you next time!
13: Stef: Ton Diddy aggressif est trop bon. Good games!
13: Agora: Good times at that restaurant. I think those jukebox speakers were the worst quality I've ever heard in my life. Good matches with you; your ROB and Luigi are very good!
13: Kage: I keep losing to you in teams :( I'll get you next time! Also, thanks for running Melee; sorry I didn't participate, but I really wanted to get food.
17: Fogel: Way to get last place, better step it up next time.
17: Kev!: It was cool to meet the guy who posts in pink. I don't think we played much, but your matches+banter were pretty fun to watch. Don't lose faith in Luigi, he is definitely a beast!

Pure: Fun matches on Saturday, your Ness is really good. Also, you are definitely top tier at random conversations during matches :) Hopefully you are feeling better from that random sickness you got Saturday night/Sunday morning.

Vwins: Good games en Brawl. Je sais que tu ne l'aime pas beaucoup, mais ton ZSS et G&W sont encore très bon!

pkm: Je ne suis pas sur si tu vas lire ces shoutouts, mais c'est toujours un plaisir de jouer à Melee avec toi. Back throw kill FTW!

Last:GTA: Fail :(


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2008
It's kinda funny when I think about it. I'm pretty sure other than Testrider, who I haven't really seen around, I'm pretty much the only guy who plays Zelda around here lol~

Alopex said:
-- Rion, you're still my favorite. Make them fear the Dtilt. AREN'T TEXTURES AWESOME?!
*implodes from awful textures, 90% probably done by 10 year old anime fans* Seriously though, some of those textures made me wonder. :embarrass And I'm flattered to be a favorite! Whoo~

Kev! said:
Rion:I don,t hate you for real man. It's just frustrating to see a player use the same basic strateg every game and Chew through my shield, moveset and outlast my airdodges. Not only that, but since Zeld is light & floaty, I can't even really combo her. When I get close enough to grab you, ****ing BAIR OUT OF SHIELD, everytime, kills me at like 75%. I just hate the matchup. Expect me to find something very ghey to counter it soon.
I believe what the biggest problem for a lot of people I play around here is that Zelda just isn't really a popular character. She's not a very well known character around these parts, so I think a lot of the time, the advantage for me is that no one really knows the match up all that well. I'm sure once people learn her match up more, people will realize she's actually not so great, haha.

Plus, I play extremely predictable. That's something I have to work on. If you remember my matches with Elef, he caught onto my habits pretty quickly and was starting to spot dodge a lot of my attacks pretty easily. That's probably the best example I can give, haha~

I'm sure it won't be long until people start figuring me out! I just have a very short lived advantage for now~

Fogel said:
Rion: Good patience with Zelda, I definitely felt like you were predicting and punishing what I was doing most of the time in our matches. I'll read up more on the Zelda matchup, and I'll get you next time!
Ahh! That one time where I predicted your ledgejump and punished with a Uair honestly just baffled me too lol. I think I just got really lucky...

I'm sure you'll be dancing circles around me soon enough! :laugh: Thanks again for the matches.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
^ whoa I wasn't expecting to be left out of kev's shoutout, we actually spoke together

also most people have **** DI. I only fail my DI when the opponent catches me off guard or when I don't care enough. You shouldn't miss a DI, ever.

Well maybe it's because I played melee, and brawl is like playing chess.
Well, i guess the problem lies into the fact that when you use ice climbers, your opponent has to skip turns. Until they lose 1/3rd of their pieces D=


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
Zelda just isn't really a popular character. She's not a very well known character around these parts, so I think a lot of the time, the advantage for me is that no one really knows the match up all that well.
I've played her way more then enough to justify not getting ***** that hard, even though I admit I don't know it as well as say, Snake, for example.

Besides, Elef's Yoshi is just weird, he doesn't give a **** about the laws of physics or fair play. He also gives results that are more inconsistant than the economy. In the Five games I saved from when we played, three are so one sided that it's not even funny, the others two being 3 stock comebacks.

Plus, I play extremely predictable. That's something I have to work on. If you remember my matches with Elef, he caught onto my habits pretty quickly and was starting to spot dodge a lot of my attacks pretty easily. That's probably the best example I can give, haha~
That's what makes it so god**** annoying... All my attempts at punishing your predictability were ***** by overall speed and priority and the ridiculous Dtilt + followups :(

And lol @ Chester's post, QQ moar man :laugh:


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
It's kinda funny when I think about it. I'm pretty sure other than Testrider, who I haven't really seen around, I'm pretty much the only guy who plays Zelda around here lol~
When I played Brawl (huge emphasis on "played"), I played Zelda. "C"let and Kirt can attest to that.
Quite honestly, though, it was playing Zelda that made me stop playing Brawl. OMG it was just so boring being so defensive. I recall the matches that changed my life... it was at a "C"let fest in November of last year... it was me and Sphyra playing with a Wii to ourselves... he was Lucario, I was Zelda. We ran out the clock EVERY TIME. So much hanging back waiting for openings and mistakes... no approaching, no adrenaline.
It felt like Street Fighter, and I was in tears.

brawl is like playing chess.
Eff that. I'm good at chess. I can win in that game. That is not the case in Brawl.

Chess is infinitely more fast-paced.

Brawl is more like poker. You gotta read people and call their bluffs. And poker sucks anyway.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
I dunno about what's this talk about GTA Melee players failing, we never really confirmed anything lolol.

Probably has has to do with their main driver taking a step back from the scene though, haha. Doubt they'll be coming out to Quebec again unless they find another ride.


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
1: Holynightmare: Keep getting better.

2: Swordgard: Good ****, you beat me in low tier! Our matches are alway so epic whenever its low tier or singles but you kinda fail in Brawl+ <3.
Thanks for the ride and organizing the tournaments! Lol at trying to get home both night, it was ridiculous lmao xD

3: Chester: Too good Chester, thanks for coming and proving you are still a solid number 3, next time use Marth against Swordgard. You got this man. Your Fox is still mad crazy =D

4: Buenob: You improved Buenob, the only thing you need now is manage to beat Chester and Swordgard so we can have a epic Grand Finals, Machine Vs Machine.

5: Dom: Ton Snake est tellement meilleur que la derniere fois, continue a te pratiquer! Bien jouer dans les doubles, on leur a montrer cest quoi le duo de Snake and ROB.

5: Stroumbert: Stroumbert, it was a pleasure to play you. You have a very unique Falco who doesnt rely on spamming but maybe you could spam a bit more, Im sure you would do a bit better if you did. Anyway good **** placing 5th.

7: Steb: Youre getting consistent again! Keep improving, lol wtf at Donkey Kong being in Punch-out! lol

7: Thatguy: Your bracket was doomsday incarnate, next time you got Buenob! Good job in melee and doubles Brawl, sorry for being mad gay in low tier with PT! Play to win force me to play cheap :(

9: Mar1: Good job Mar1, next time youll do better!

9: Techiyo: You got gayed in the brackets again :( Nice game in Brawl+, you wrecked me on Lylat with Falco lol.

9: Kirt: Good job Kirt, huge improvement from your last tourney results.

9: Linkshot: Nice Lucario! Our games in Brawl+ were fun =D

13: Rion: Your Zelda is too good in Brawl+, very close matches! We need to play more.

13: Stef: GGs man, Diddy Kong in Brawl+ is bad D:

13: Agora: Nice games in doubles lol!

13: Kage: My Brawl+ Rival! Lol our matches were too **** good, also low tier was so ****ing close lol! One last hit lmao!

17: Fogel: We need to play next time, desoler jai oublier que Ottawa fait parti de Ontario xD

17: Gorio: Didnt play you either =/

17: Kev!: Good shiz, thanks for running Brawl+, Doubles next time maybe? Also thanks for letting me team with Dom!

17: Alpha: Dont know who you are o.0

17: Phantom: Who are you mr?

Elef: Lol nice seeing you again.

Vwins: A shame you didnt enter Brawl singles, next time maybe?

PKM: You are hilarious man, good **** at melee and you didnt do so bad in Brawl+ with ROB for your first time.

Mystic Viper

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2003
Using part of your format, Holy, to do my shoutouts :)

Holynightmare: Keep getting better. Oh wait, no forget that. I think we need to rethink our Rob strategy for japes. Maybe just a little :p

Swordgard: Good job making it that far in both singles and low tier. I think we made some bad calls in doubles in term of character use and then stages. I think we still need to refine our strategy when it comes to unnexpected situations such as being bundled up together. I won't have my wii for a while because of the lens issue, but as soon as i can, I'm going to start practicing to be a more technical Falco as to better aid us in teams, even if most people think Falco sucks in team.

Chester: Always a pleasure being in your surroundings. We had some great friendlies, and no, you cannot have my girlfriend, not even for an evening.

Buenob: I was impressed by your performance. While you might be satisfied by your own standings, I still think you did good. Also, I don't know whether it was because of all the friendlies and Rob practice I had, but I think that I should be able to catch up to you soon enough. :)

Dom: C plate, on a meme pas pu jouer ensemble. Oh well, la prochaine fois. Je mattend que tu deviens bon a TvC aussi entre temps la puisque c toi qui a le jeu a Alopex.

Stroumbert: Ganon > Falcon, merci. Mais bon, bravo pour avoir fini en 5ieme. J'envie ton falco et c plate que je peu pas te regarder jouer plus regulierement pour que je puisse en apprendre plus.

Thatguy: Thanks for not only stealing all of my money on the day before the tourney, but for keeping me awake all night the night before as to be half asleep the following day. Your plan worked out perfectly.

Techiyo: Phffft, the only reason you guys won in teams is due to our lack of effective decision making, not you guys's abilities in making them. We will be more then ready for you guys next time. Believe it.

Kirt: Stop being such a scrub and learn to do techs better pl0x.

Kirk: Oh man, you are the best, you could have easily won this tourney.

Fogel: We have seen each other at about 4 tournies so far and we have never played each other at neither of them :( Yes, we should definitely make it mandatory that we play next time.

Elef: Dam, you showed up? Keep at your yoshi. This community needs a little originality, even though you dont really play the game often.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2005
Quebec City
I suppose I should post some shoutouts as well:

Holy - It was great finally playing you during the tourney. You use all of R.O.B. projectiles really well, and I feel that I would have been (even more) screwed without Falco's shine due to this fact. Great mindgames overall, too. As you suggested, I'll try to take advantage of Falco's laser game more and perhaps aim for a more defensive style of play from time to time, instead of always being on the offensive. Amazing Squirtle, too. I mean, I knew he was
good, but I didn't think my secondaries would have such trouble dealing with him. :| Your Squirtle has mad aerial combos, by the way.

Swordgard - Looks like I didn't get to face your ICs this time. Well, I guess that's good since I still don't have a solid counter against them, not to mention that the ICs mop the floor with my main. I should get off my lazy butt and get a secondary who can decently deal with them. :/

Chester - For some reason, I don't recall your Fox being so fast-paced when I fought you at FFYF2, but maybe my memory's just failing me. O_o; Anyway, I enjoyed watching your matches. Good job on finishing third with underused characters!

Buenob - Once again, really close games during the tourney. I'll be looking forward to facing you again next time. Great R.O.B.

Dom - Excellent Snake. J'avais bien peur de perdre contre toi, car je ne me sens jamais très à l'aise contre ce personnage. En effet, notre second match dans le tournoi fut très serré, et j'ai été chanceux avec mon b-air sur ta dernière vie (un simple up-tilt me séparait de la mort). J'espère bien rejouer contre toi dans un prochain tournoi.

Joel - Sorry, I totally forgot that we were supposed to have a fight later on. I mean, I was reminded of it at some point, but you seemed busy with Brawl+ stuff at that time, so I didn't want to bother you. I guess we'll just have to play next time. :/ Your Mario is impressive, though.

Mar1 - Bon DK en géneral. Toutefois, je te conseillerais de faire attention de ne pas toujours atterrir en faisant un air-dodge à proximité du sol, puisque c'est quand même facile de punir la manoeuvre avec un smash ou un grab. Aussi, désolé pour AIM l'autre soir: J'ai oublié de me déconnecter avant de partir. :/ On pourra se faire quelques matchs sur Wi-Fi plus tard si tu veux.

Kirt - The games (both singles and doubles) I had with you were both fun and hilarious! 3-hit Ganon combo on Meta Knight FTW!

Fun tourney overall. I just wish I hadn't missed the low tier tourney. :(
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