Wow. I see this all the time now. People who argue for items, they make no sense. ... It does not mater that you think matches should degenerate into an item spawn camp-fest.
...I've heard ******** arguments that it "takes skill to use items". ...It's really dumb for people to say "well if you're so skilled why can't you dodge the (bob-omg/final smash/snorlax/etc.).
"items only add so much randomness to a match"
^^ are you serious? that's honestly your argument? You're completely right, items add so much randomness to a match. That's why we don't use them, not because we just don't like the other playstyle or whatever...
...Dude, this is what you said before I even said a word to you. Who started off being hostile, here? Who's, frankly, devolving me into a stereotypical "stupid item user" before I even get my point halfway out the door?
Yeah, look, I'll restate it after the first eight million times. I know you guys just don't like the whole luck element that comes with items. That's great. That's fine. I don't mind. I don't want you to drop items in your tournaments, I don't want you to tell me OMG ITEMS
ARE BETTER!!1 I'm just sick of hearing cute little derogatory phrases that imply that playing with items off on 'tournament approved stages' is the 'true way of skillfully playing Smash.' That anyone who plays with items on as a rule must have about as much skill as a toddler holding the controller upside down.
I keep bringing up how much luck is involved because, frankly, that's my experience. I've been playing nothing but items on since the **** game came out, and I know that when we have a nightful of matches, there's rarely more than one KO the entire session that can be attributed to nothing but bad luck. I'm not trying to convince you that you should use items because of that, I'm just trying to dispel the popular myth that when you play with items on WHOAH EVERY KO IS COMPLETELY RANDOM.
If you're not cool with the occassional unavoidable KO, then it's not for you.
Like people keep saying: they don't want even a small chance they could lose a stock at an important time.
Like I keep saying: that's fine. That's how you want it, play it that way.
...And then some people say things like: We play without items because it's how really true skilled players play, and is perhaps the only real way to competitively play Smash and prove how good you are at the REAL game.
So I go: ...Excuse me?
Aeramis, and, well, anyone else who doesn't understand why I keep talking about skill with items: yes, the results are slightly affected by chance. If you don't want them to be even slightly affected, AGAIN,
THAT IS COOL. I'm just trying to counter the argument that item matches are somehow a complete non-bastion of skill. 98% of your record from playing with items will be faithful to your ability. If you're willing to give up 2% of accuracy to play Smash with items, which is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT game than tournament safe Smash, then welcome to the club.
Playing Smash in "Street Fighter" mode is very much a pure fighting game, I'm sure. The poker comparison stands to prove that playing Smash with items on at high skill levels is very much about versatility and probability, as with items on it is
not just a fighting game, but another beast entirely. Like Poker, or even most realworld games, Smash with items remains about adaptation to the 'hands' you're given. Whichever type of settings you prefer to play with is fine, but let's try not to be too easily dismissive of that what we don't understand.
PS- Aeramis, most of your examples seem a little exagerated.
-Bombs 'landing on you' even twice in a match is highly unusual. If you had such a match during an items tournament I'm sure you'd be allowed a rematch due to the highly unusual nature of that occurence.
-It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that during the 50th of a second between the sudden realization to press A and the actual act of doing it that an item will both appear and be grabbable, therefor ruining your move. There's a notable delay between the spawn of most grabbable items and the actual point in time where you can grab it, and it's usually enough where the player has fair warning.
-Turn off hearts. Nobody likes hearts. There are even things you can do in this situation, such as take advantage of your opponent's mad scramble for this new fallen item. But for the most part, turn off hearts.
-This is another unlikely occurence, as I can't rightly say I've seen folks launched just the right distance to not die but still be able to use the bunny hood to return all that often. But, this is also half of the point of the Bunny Hood. You can do crap like this if the chance arises, but in the end it usually doesn't work out for the hooded one anyway. If it bugs you, turn it off. But I've never especially seen a match wholly turned around by a lone Bunny Hood.
-I've noted the exploding barrel/capsule/box thing already. This is the one truly random element that cannot be accounted for, unfortunately. As noted, when it comes to most other items, there is a delay before they can be grabbed and interrupt your attack. Worst case scenario with the items you mentioned is that a red shell appears, you smack it instead, it goes flying and starts to home back in on you when it lands...a good few seconds later. Sounds like time to react to me.
Yes, items like bombs and hammers can occasionally spawn next to your opponent if, like Mookie said, you don't turn them off. Yes, you will have to dodge. But luck is not biased, and in any given matches where your opponent is given an 'unfair advantage,' 90% of the time you'll find yourself getting one just as good if not better later in the match.
(This completely ignores the fact that some characters have moves that actually give them the advantage in situations like this.)
Honestly, if it sounds like I'm "arguing" with anyone, let me know. Because the majority of intent in my post is a simple debate that items deserve to be acknowledged as a perfectly viable form of play and not a bunch of monkeys sitting in their living rooms smacking buttons for chuckles.