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Islander Cards & Comics Tournament - ICCT2 - Saturday, September 8th

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Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2006
Orlando, Florida
The druggies' house? Hungry, yur right, we prolly could've done well.

hey fvck you F-0, ur a fvckin prude ***got. dont ever fvckin disrespect me or my house like that again. if i ever see you at, or around my place again i will personally end you. u come to my place to smash, and u bring those words out.... druggies! u are never welcome here ever again. let me tell you something, ur gunna come across that **** countless times in ur life. Have we ever offered it to you, NO, have we ever even suggested it to you, NO. When and if i see you at the tournament, god help you. U better make ur **** discrete. Grow some balls and stop being a ***** *****. Ur fvckin mom is not going to be there for the rest of ur life. If you cant handle that, well thats just to bad. WATO is one of our favorite people to chill with, cool as fvck, God only knows y they let a *** like you in.

You are the first smasher i have met that i personally hate. Oh my god. ok im done ranting on you, if you want me to not hound you everywhere i see you i expect an apology. ASAP. i will make ur life a ****in hell.

U are unbelievable.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
now I can move the hate away from hungry-box and flame you.
First off, you don't just say **** like that.
From what I seen/heard, from your own crew... mind-you, is that your very closed minded about stuff. You don't like hearing curse words, you don't like the way alot of ppl's play style. when u think your better than someone, you throw tantrums and complaints, after you get beat.
I'm personally glad I won't be seeing much of you, except at tourneys, maybe.
If you keep that mind-set going on you'll end up like:



Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
Good job, you pissed off Skrach. I've never seen him angry once, he's probably one of the chillest smashers around.

TNT hosts the biggest smash fests, houses people, and gives people rides. Sounds like pretty **** nice people to me. I've always felt welcome at their place and they're really curious smashers. So what gives you the right to insult them like that?

If you have any values at all, you will apologize to them.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
F-0, that is pathetic; you just don't say stuff like that. Skrach and Crew are some of the coolest people in the smash community. You need to grow a pair and learn when to keep your mouth shut.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
Kissimmee, FL
wow...its not like me to be such an as.shole...but i just said what was on my mind. your right, and i figured i would get hammered for saying that...maybe that was a statement of "im better than you, cause im religious, and your not". I am sorry, I'm under stress guys....I really do apologize. Christians can't act like that and call themselves Christians. Totally uncalled for, I'll try not to say such an insensitive and as.sholish comment like that again. Really. Maybe it was just brian pissing me off, or the sh.it that I'm going through in my life.....but that's no excuse. Please forgive me guys. I'm not the worst guy in the world...really....

Fvck....man....i'm so sorry....


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
F-0 went off on a tirade the 1st time he came over here. He basically called all of us horrible people and if his church ever found out he was here his life would be over. I didn't even take offense to it because I thought:

1. It was extremely funny
2. It was equally as sad

If you honestly think drinking or getting blazed makes you a horrible person then 95% of Americans are horrible people. You need to keep your beliefs to yourself. You also need a reality check because the real world isn't anything like that church you've been hiding in your whole life.


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2006
Orlando, Florida
Accepted. Kid, its not like me to hate or hold something against someone, especially as trivial as this. And im sorry if you're going through tough times. But we all are. Every single one of us. As for your religion thing, its good that you have something to guide you, but dont let it control you. But this is not the place to bring that stuff up. Im religious to, but there is also something called common sense. Dont cop out because of religion. Listen man, im not about to get philisophical on the boards. There is also a time and a place for that as well.
Just don't impose your views on others, when you yourself haven't experienced 10% of what is out in the world yet.
And no this does not mean we are on good terms. We are, as some would like to put it, neutral.
I to will apologize for what I have said, it is not like me to go so far. I do not like offending people by any means.... but know, every man is responsible for his words. So there is/was no excuse.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
Kissimmee, FL
F-0 went off on a tirade the 1st time he came over here. He basically called all of us horrible people and if his church ever found out he was here his life would be over. I didn't even take offense to it because I thought:

1. It was extremely funny
2. It was equally as sad

If you honestly think drinking or getting blazed makes you a horrible person then 95% of Americans are horrible people. You need to keep your beliefs to yourself. You also need a reality check because the real world isn't anything like that church you've been hiding in your whole life.
It doesn't. Those words were put in my mouth, I never said you guys were horrible people. For some reason though i wanted to say, in this thread, " You do this, so I'll call you this". Completely fvcked up, and wrong. Like it didn't fvcking matter. I'm a total as.shole right now, and i feel like sh.it. Completely. I was mocked by you guys though, saying im a pu.ssy for what I believed in, but that doesn't give me the right to insult anyone. If I were a Christian, I would turn the other cheek. I'll try my hardest to not piss any of you guys off again. You have my word as a man. I hope you can forgive me, though it's probly going to be hard...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
Kissimmee, FL
Accepted. Kid, its not like me to hate or hold something against someone, especially as trivial as this. And im sorry if you're going through tough times. But we all are. Every single one of us. As for your religion thing, its good that you have something to guide you, but dont let it control you. But this is not the place to bring that stuff up. Im religious to, but there is also something called common sense. Dont cop out because of religion. Listen man, im not about to get philisophical on the boards. There is also a time and a place for that as well.
Just don't impose your views on others, when you yourself haven't experienced 10% of what is out in the world yet.
And no this does not mean we are on good terms. We are, as some would like to put it, neutral.
I to will apologize for what I have said, it is not like me to go so far. I do not like offending people by any means.... but know, every man is responsible for his words. So there is/was no excuse.
Completely tru. It might take time, but I will apologize as many times as It takes. I've stained my own name, and God's, for acting in such a way.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
lmao noob-test just gang banged f-0. i love it, i ***** love it
Who the **** are you? Shut the hell up

This is between F-0 and NT

I love how you all jump in when you see someone ****ed up
That doesnt make you any better so grow up.

Im not backing up F-0 just cuz hes in my crew. What he said was really messed up.
Even with an apology dont expect forgiveness.

I understand your religious and i got no problem with that but it doesnt belong here.

What rohins and dguy said was true and they dont automatically go all the way to the
HAHAHA f-0 is ghey **** you hahaha speak. So this post doesnt apply to them. Thats right reno i think your cool but stfu you dont need to be involved unless you got something productive to say. That post and xoffs was a total waste of space.

Anyway NT be mad tight dont hate on em nick.
and yes we're still cool.
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