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Isaac for DLC - One day. Some day. Golden Sunday.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2014
Just to ask
What is YOUR most hated part of the Golden Sun Trilogy?

For me...

The sea maze to Lemuria.
Worst thing ever.
When Djinni that appear via random encounter flee, when a boss uses Djinn Storm.

However, my most hated part was when it took me 2 to 3 freakin' hours to get Sunshine to finally forge me Excalibur.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Just to ask
What is YOUR most hated part of the Golden Sun Trilogy?

For me...

The sea maze to Lemuria.
Worst thing ever.
Farming for the Tisiphone Edge.

The maze in Lemuria wasn't all that hard for me actually.

Also I gotta say that I LOVED the Trident quest even if the game gave you like, no direction where to search for at all. I liked how I had to search the whole accesable map for the Trident Parts on my own.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2014
Farming for the Tisiphone Edge.

The maze in Lemuria wasn't all that hard for me actually.

Also I gotta say that I LOVED the Trident quest even if the game gave you like, no direction where to search for at all. I liked how I had to search the whole accesable map for the Trident Parts on my own.
Well... I liked the fact that those ultimate rare drops could be easily obtained with RNG methods...

Does that make me a cheater?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2014
Air's Rock is the Water Temple of the Golden Sun series. :laugh:
I always wanted to make it like a meme, but there's no good picture of Air's Rock to use... :ohwell:

But just like @ LasermasterA LasermasterA , I always had difficulties with the statue puzzle in Kibombo. I think badly when I'm under pressure because of the timer... :nervous:
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2014
Yeah, the trident quest is amazing. Like, "here's a boat - go and explore" and the game gave you an enormous amount of options. I remember being flashed by just how many places I could visit back when I first played the game.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Air's Rock was a hassle yes, but you gotta respect the difficulty! Personally, I found Ankohl Ruins far more difficult and tedious than Air's Rock.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2015
Air's Rock is the Water Temple of the Golden Sun series. :laugh:
I always wanted to make it like a meme, but there's no good picture of Air's Rock to use... :ohwell:

But just like @ LasermasterA LasermasterA , I always had difficulties with the statue puzzle in Kibombo. I think badly when I'm under pressure because of the timer... :nervous:
Air's Rock was a hassle yes, but you gotta respect the difficulty! Personally, I found Ankohl Ruins far more difficult and tedious than Air's Rock.
http:// http://
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Air Rock wasn't that hard for me...



Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2014
Air Rock wasn't that hard for me...

Yeah, specially in the part of the game where you have to go there, I mean, it's really early in the game and you'll have to brave through a dungeon that takes 2 hours to complete.

I really like Air Rock music too, it just fits perfectly.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
Well... I liked the fact that those ultimate rare drops could be easily obtained with RNG methods...

Does that make me a cheater?
Nah, not a cheater. Or a really cool cheater :p

I remember using those methods to arm my party with maximum unleash rates on everything. Isaac with 99% Meggido rate, Garet, Piers and Felix with around 90% unleash Excalibur, Jenna and Ivan with the Tisiphone Edges as well as Sheba and Mia with the Atropos Rod.

Although that does definitely break the game. Except against Dullahan who still poses quite a challenge.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2015
Kansas, United States
I never abused the RNG to get rare drops -- it's pretty much grinding, and I hate grinding (which is one reason I like GS over the few other JRPG's I've played). However, I did manage to get three Tisiphone Edges while training up my party normally, which, together with the Sol Blade and a respectable unleash rate for its wielder, made the Doom Dragon a breeze. :)


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Hello guys, I was a supporter for Isaac in PM, and this was before playing anything mind you.

As for 4, I wanted some characters to be officially recognized first, vets/brawl wishes etc.

However I've been playing Golden Sun for awhile now and I really enjoy the game, the only flaw is the constant dialect that you cant speed through lol.

I just got through on beating Sakurai Beard, DeadBeard, and I must say that was quite a fun boss fight, I was wondering when i was going to be on my toes, (as a long time JRPG player) then this dude showed up and i had to think for once instead of spamming rank 4 summons without ever touching psynergy, fun fight consider me a supporter now for smash 4, so add me to the list!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2015
Yeah, specially in the part of the game where you have to go there, I mean, it's really early in the game and you'll have to brave through a dungeon that takes 2 hours to complete.

I really like EVERY SINGLE SONG too, it just fits perfectly.
Fixed that for you :p
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Smash Apprentice
May 10, 2015
I always had problems with Air's Rock too, because I would always forget to get the Flora summon, damn it! XD
Back then when I was younger and hadn't played that many RPGs before, it also took me a while to figure out I had to climb the exterior of Gaia's Rock, I don't even remember why!? o.0'
Oh, and using Ply on the statue in Mercury Lighthouse was a pain too, I thought I was stuck in there! XD

Now let me ask, what are your favorite places in the series? Those places you feel like they did a really good job at mixing the graphics and music to make them come alive for you?
I really liked the Elemental Star Chamber, Tundaria Tower and Craggy Peak Ruins, for example.

I liked the Zodiac puzzles because I always had this idea for a game I would call the 13th Sign, where a group of 12 zodiac related people would have to save the world from an Ophiucus person who discovered a dark secret and was throwing things out of balance. Crazy cliché teenager ideas, I would say! XD


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Now let me ask, what are your favorite places in the series? Those places you feel like they did a really good job at mixing the graphics and music to make them come alive for you?
The very first place that comes to mind is Lemuria. I was always taken back by the music, and it is beautiful graphically, too.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2014
I always had problems with Air's Rock too, because I would always forget to get the Flora summon, damn it! XD
Back then when I was younger and hadn't played that many RPGs before, it also took me a while to figure out I had to climb the exterior of Gaia's Rock, I don't even remember why!? o.0'
Oh, and using Ply on the statue in Mercury Lighthouse was a pain too, I thought I was stuck in there! XD

Now let me ask, what are your favorite places in the series? Those places you feel like they did a really good job at mixing the graphics and music to make them come alive for you?
I really liked the Elemental Star Chamber, Tundaria Tower and Craggy Peak Ruins, for example.

I liked the Zodiac puzzles because I always had this idea for a game I would call the 13th Sign, where a group of 12 zodiac related people would have to save the world from an Ophiucus person who discovered a dark secret and was throwing things out of balance. Crazy cliché teenager ideas, I would say! XD
The same exact thing happened to me at Mercury Lighthouse, after trying lots of Psynergy, it finally worked.

Now as for the places, I would say Vale, Tolbi and Lemuria. Vale because it is your home town, a very important place in the series (it guards the Sol Sanctum) and I've got a huge nostalgia for the music. As for Tolbi, the first time you enter there, the music is pretty festive and catchy, which is no wonder, since Colosso was taking place (my favorite moment of GS1). It also has that awesome lucky medal fountain, where you can get pretty neat artifacts. Lemuria is probably the most beautiful town in the entire series, has a pretty fitting music and it also serves an important role in the series. I remember feeling so acomplished when I finally reached Lemuria after hearing about it so much.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2015
Now let me ask, what are your favorite places in the series? Those places you feel like they did a really good job at mixing the graphics and music to make them come alive for you?
I really liked the Elemental Star Chamber, Tundaria Tower and Craggy Peak Ruins, for example.
Tundaria Tower and the Snowdrift shrine are some of the most top-tier locations snow-cations in any game (mainly due to their godly music).

I always felt that the Craggy Peak ruins was the best part of Dark Dawn, puzzle-wise that is. It was just so creative, if not somewhat lacking in difficulty.

The greatest place has to be Mars Lighthouse though. The music, the puzzles, the Final Boss (and other bosses :] ), and the grandiose nature in general are just top-notch, and pretty much unparalleled in most other games IMO. Pretty god-tier.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2014
Garoh, while being a small village, is one of my favorite places because of the music.
But there's just so many places in Weyard that I'd love to really see...

Kolima, Tolbi, the Venus Lighthouse, the Dehkan Plateau and Kibombo also come to mind.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Now let me ask, what are your favorite places in the series? Those places you feel like they did a really good job at mixing the graphics and music to make them come alive for you?
I was always impressed by the overworld in the first two games. It looks gorgeous.


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
(so far it hasn't been as bad as the wait for the third game)
Actually its worse...

All we can do is ask when or if there will be another Golden Sun game and it doesn't help that Dark Dawn was garbage and of course we didn't see Isaac not only Super Smash Bros 4, but keep in mind he should of debuted in Brawl and not as stupid assit trophy, in fact Isaac should be a returning character.

Dark Dawn should of never happened, I do not care to ever see Golden Sun because this new cast of Golden Sun characters all suck otherwise we'd want Matthew in Super Smash Bros as dlc, we wouldn't still be considering guys like Saturos or Agatio as our favorite antagonists rather instead we'd actually be saying Blados or Chalis were the greatest antagonists ever... My point is none the new Dark Dawn characters got any love from the Golden Sun fanbase like the originals did.

That must mean the fans don't care about these new characters meaning if we're going to see this series continue, then first off we need to see remakes of the first two games.

Then Golden Sun 3, which will actually be confirmed as the real Golden Sun 3 while Dark Dawn can be just filler, thus not cannon to the series.

Remember there has been other games that did this, Super Mario Bros 2 was one of them, it wasn't cannon because The Lost Levels was the real Super Mario Bros 2.

Its been how long and nothing... Oh and not seeing Isaac in Super Smash Bros as of yet is not helping, I don't trust Nintendo, they give us all this idiotic junk, Splatoon, Shovel Knight, Xenoblade, garbage all of it! :glare:

This can still change... Put Isaac in as dlc, then announce the Golden Sun remakes for 3ds, not New 3ds just 3ds... Oh and keep in mind we're still missing a certain theme, the Isaac battle theme, so how about a Golden Sun stage featuring that on the 3ds version.

Oh and would it hurt to add a few dlc trophies... I would like to collect a Golden Sun characters as trophies!

Garet, Ivan, Mia, Saturos and Menardi, Alex, Felix, Jenna, I think all of these would be a good dlc trophy characters, its kind of stupid we didn't get to collect any.


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2015
Actually its worse...

All we can do is ask when or if there will be another Golden Sun game and it doesn't help that Dark Dawn was garbage and of course we didn't see Isaac not only Super Smash Bros 4, but keep in mind he should of debuted in Brawl and not as stupid assit trophy, in fact Isaac should be a returning character.

Dark Dawn should of never happened, I do not care to ever see Golden Sun because this new cast of Golden Sun characters all suck otherwise we'd want Matthew in Super Smash Bros as dlc, we wouldn't still be considering guys like Saturos or Agatio as our favorite antagonists rather instead we'd actually be saying Blados or Chalis were the greatest antagonists ever... My point is none the new Dark Dawn characters got any love from the Golden Sun fanbase like the originals did.

That must mean the fans don't care about these new characters meaning if we're going to see this series continue, then first off we need to see remakes of the first two games.

Then Golden Sun 3, which will actually be confirmed as the real Golden Sun 3 while Dark Dawn can be just filler, thus not cannon to the series.

Remember there has been other games that did this, Super Mario Bros 2 was one of them, it wasn't cannon because The Lost Levels was the real Super Mario Bros 2.

Its been how long and nothing... Oh and not seeing Isaac in Super Smash Bros as of yet is not helping, I don't trust Nintendo, they give us all this idiotic junk, Splatoon, Shovel Knight, Xenoblade, garbage all of it! :glare:

This can still change... Put Isaac in as dlc, then announce the Golden Sun remakes for 3ds, not New 3ds just 3ds... Oh and keep in mind we're still missing a certain theme, the Isaac battle theme, so how about a Golden Sun stage featuring that on the 3ds version.

Oh and would it hurt to add a few dlc trophies... I would like to collect a Golden Sun characters as trophies!

Garet, Ivan, Mia, Saturos and Menardi, Alex, Felix, Jenna, I think all of these would be a good dlc trophy characters, its kind of stupid we didn't get to collect any.
...You know, I might stop coming to the Isaac thread. It seems every time I come here, I'm defending Dark Dawn. It's probably getting annoying by now. Um, I'm going to try and make this short. DD was not garbage, it was far from it. It was just not the game the fan base was expecting. I also believe that DD's negative reaction from the fans was exaggeration, as the game's not nearly as bad as people make it seem. As for the characters, I chalk that mostly up to nostalgia. As someone who's played DD before the original, and without any nostalgia goggles for any of the original cast, I can say that none of the character were vastly better than the ones in DD. In fact, I'd argue many of the characters in DD are more interesting than the ones in the original. Fans won't see this, as their too busy whining about how it's not the same set of characters they grew up with.

I'm...just sick of this sort of thing. I'll continue to support Isaac, but the GS fan base is starting to annoy me as much as the Zelda fan base, and that's...not good.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Dark Dawn should of never happened, I do not care to ever see Golden Sun because this new cast of Golden Sun characters all suck otherwise we'd want Matthew in Super Smash Bros as dlc, we wouldn't still be considering guys like Saturos or Agatio as our favorite antagonists rather instead we'd actually be saying Blados or Chalis were the greatest antagonists ever... My point is none the new Dark Dawn characters got any love from the Golden Sun fanbase like the originals did.

That must mean the fans don't care about these new characters meaning if we're going to see this series continue, then first off we need to see remakes of the first two games.

Its been how long and nothing... Oh and not seeing Isaac in Super Smash Bros as of yet is not helping, I don't trust Nintendo, they give us all this idiotic junk, Splatoon, Shovel Knight, Xenoblade, garbage all of it! :glare:

This can still change... Put Isaac in as dlc, then announce the Golden Sun remakes for 3ds, not New 3ds just 3ds... Oh and keep in mind we're still missing a certain theme, the Isaac battle theme, so how about a Golden Sun stage featuring that on the 3ds version.

Oh and would it hurt to add a few dlc trophies... I would like to collect a Golden Sun characters as trophies!

Garet, Ivan, Mia, Saturos and Menardi, Alex, Felix, Jenna, I think all of these would be a good dlc trophy characters, its kind of stupid we didn't get to collect any.
Shovel Knight is not a Nintendo IP. He's the property of Yacht Club Games, an indie team. Just wanted to point that out, not wanting to start an argument.
And @ Calane Calane has Greninja'd me - We both started with Golden Sun Dark Dawn as our entry into the series and worked backwards, so we don't have as strong a connection with the original heroes as much as you do. Now I need to cast some Sleep Psynergy.
:tired: (I don't want to wake up with a bed full of rocks when i log back in again)
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I never abused the RNG to get rare drops -- it's pretty much grinding, and I hate grinding (which is one reason I like GS over the few other JRPG's I've played). However, I did manage to get three Tisiphone Edges while training up my party normally, which, together with the Sol Blade and a respectable unleash rate for its wielder, made the Doom Dragon a breeze. :)
Now I want you to learn me how to RNG abuse. :urg:


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Now I want you to learn me how to RNG abuse. :urg:
The GBA had really bad RNG generation that used long strings of random seed numbers that could be predicted and manipulated (you could manipulate the heck out of it in Fire Emblem too).

Essentially, by setting up particular battle sequences, you could guarantee that enemies drop items.

There's a little bit of setup to do. You need to know the turn order of your team. The person who is going to attack third needs to have an attacking Djinn of an element that the foe carrying the item you want is weak to. Also, all of your party members need to be faster than your foes.

To start with, turn your GBA off, then back on. The first random encounter you get into after a hard boot will be a surprise attack, giving you a free turn. This is important.

You need to get into a fight with at least two foes, one of whom has to drop the item you are looking for.

Then, have all four of your party members use area of effect Psynergy, focused around the foe that drops the item. I suggest using weak Psynergy, because you can very easily kill the foe this way if you aren't careful.

On the second turn, have the two fastest characters use more area of effect Psynergy. The third character then unleashes the Djinn you prepped before, and this Djinn attack HAS to kill the enemy. If it's successful, you'll get that enemy's item drop at the end of that battle and just need to kill the other foes at your leisure.

Also, I hate it when this thread gets lost in my Alert Box.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
...You know, I might stop coming to the Isaac thread. It seems every time I come here, I'm defending Dark Dawn. It's probably getting annoying by now. Um, I'm going to try and make this short. DD was not garbage, it was far from it. It was just not the game the fan base was expecting. I also believe that DD's negative reaction from the fans was exaggeration, as the game's not nearly as bad as people make it seem. As for the characters, I chalk that mostly up to nostalgia. As someone who's played DD before the original, and without any nostalgia goggles for any of the original cast, I can say that none of the character were vastly better than the ones in DD. In fact, I'd argue many of the characters in DD are more interesting than the ones in the original. Fans won't see this, as their too busy whining about how it's not the same set of characters they grew up with.

I'm...just sick of this sort of thing. I'll continue to support Isaac, but the GS fan base is starting to annoy me as much as the Zelda fan base, and that's...not good.
Nah that is the minority of the GS fanbase. Most Golden Sun fans acknowledge DD was good, and the under-appreciated game of the franchise. Not the best, but definitely great.

There were just a lot of missteps which combined with the late entry of the franchise has made many GS fans to gloss over it. The game came out at the end of the lifespan of the DS which didn't help either.

The GBA had really bad RNG generation that used long strings of random seed numbers that could be predicted and manipulated (you could manipulate the heck out of it in Fire Emblem too).

Essentially, by setting up particular battle sequences, you could guarantee that enemies drop items.

There's a little bit of setup to do. You need to know the turn order of your team. The person who is going to attack third needs to have an attacking Djinn of an element that the foe carrying the item you want is weak to. Also, all of your party members need to be faster than your foes.

To start with, turn your GBA off, then back on. The first random encounter you get into after a hard boot will be a surprise attack, giving you a free turn. This is important.

You need to get into a fight with at least two foes, one of whom has to drop the item you are looking for.

Then, have all four of your party members use area of effect Psynergy, focused around the foe that drops the item. I suggest using weak Psynergy, because you can very easily kill the foe this way if you aren't careful.

On the second turn, have the two fastest characters use more area of effect Psynergy. The third character then unleashes the Djinn you prepped before, and this Djinn attack HAS to kill the enemy. If it's successful, you'll get that enemy's item drop at the end of that battle and just need to kill the other foes at your leisure.

Also, I hate it when this thread gets lost in my Alert Box.
I think learning the method of counting is the better method. RNG 31 is the golden number where you have to register the kill of the targeted monster. Resetting the file gives you a free attack as you said starting the RNG at zero.

It goes as follows. (Taken from Golden Sun wikia, makes it easier)
  • First strike in battle: 1 RN
  • Attack Psynergy: 2 RN per target
  • Healing Psynergy: 2 RN per party member targeted
  • Support Psynergy: 1 RN per party member targeted
  • Status Psynergy: 1 RN per target
  • Defend: 0 RN
  • Attack Djinni: 2 RN (and 1 RN if the enemy is weak to that element)
  • Enemy Actions: 1 RN per enemy on the field - 2 instead for each Phoenix and Fire Bird enemy, 3 for each Wonder Bird. Even though the enemy does nothing on its 1st turn, RN is added between the 1st and 2nd of your turns.. .
  • Enemy Death: 1 RN
So basically you consume 27 RNs after resetting the game (making it zero) and unleash the Djinn at the RN 27. 3 RN for unleashing the Djinn and 1 RN for enemy death making the grand total to our golden number (and Djinn of enemy's weak element is used). Then just finish the battle as you like, the item that the enemy drops will be a guaranteed drop.


Smash Apprentice
May 10, 2015
Actually its worse...

All we can do is ask when or if there will be another Golden Sun game and it doesn't help that Dark Dawn was garbage and of course we didn't see Isaac not only Super Smash Bros 4, but keep in mind he should of debuted in Brawl and not as stupid assit trophy, in fact Isaac should be a returning character.

Dark Dawn should of never happened, I do not care to ever see Golden Sun because this new cast of Golden Sun characters all suck otherwise we'd want Matthew in Super Smash Bros as dlc, we wouldn't still be considering guys like Saturos or Agatio as our favorite antagonists rather instead we'd actually be saying Blados or Chalis were the greatest antagonists ever... My point is none the new Dark Dawn characters got any love from the Golden Sun fanbase like the originals did.

That must mean the fans don't care about these new characters meaning if we're going to see this series continue, then first off we need to see remakes of the first two games.

Then Golden Sun 3, which will actually be confirmed as the real Golden Sun 3 while Dark Dawn can be just filler, thus not cannon to the series.

Remember there has been other games that did this, Super Mario Bros 2 was one of them, it wasn't cannon because The Lost Levels was the real Super Mario Bros 2.

Its been how long and nothing... Oh and not seeing Isaac in Super Smash Bros as of yet is not helping, I don't trust Nintendo, they give us all this idiotic junk, Splatoon, Shovel Knight, Xenoblade, garbage all of it! :glare:

This can still change... Put Isaac in as dlc, then announce the Golden Sun remakes for 3ds, not New 3ds just 3ds... Oh and keep in mind we're still missing a certain theme, the Isaac battle theme, so how about a Golden Sun stage featuring that on the 3ds version.

Oh and would it hurt to add a few dlc trophies... I would like to collect a Golden Sun characters as trophies!

Garet, Ivan, Mia, Saturos and Menardi, Alex, Felix, Jenna, I think all of these would be a good dlc trophy characters, its kind of stupid we didn't get to collect any.
You know, I don't want to seem rude or start an argument, but you should be more careful about assuming that other people have the same opinion about a game that you do.
To start, games are already subjective pieces of art, created by groups of people according to their ideals.
Playing them makes them even more subjective, because you are taking those ideas and mixing them with your own, creating your own perception and opinion of the game.
That said, each person will have their own opinion depending on how many game that person has played, what games have been played by them, their own life experiences, etc.
Just saying...

Back to the topic of locations.
How could I forget Lemuria, such an intriguing place!
I also liked Aqua Rock with all that flowing water and soothing music, just so... relaxing... :)

@ Falgor Falgor Speaking of Garoh, did you guys notice how one of the new shapeshifter races/classes shown in the latest Fire Emblem If trailer is called the Garou and is a type of werewolf transformation? Intriguing coincidence... or is it!? :smirk:


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
Back on locations... Dark Dawn didn't any cool locations imo, I mean c'mon you had to use a glitch to revisit Isaac' Lookout Cabin. :glare:

In first two games there was always somewhere to go... My favorite I don't know probably Imil as far as towns go, Prox is fun to visit too, I guess I like the cold places.

Other favorite locations include Magma Rock, Mercury Lighthouse, Venus Lighthouse, Lemekian Desert, just t nae few, like I said so many amazing places to go in the 1st two games.

I can't name one place I liked to visit in DD unfortunately...


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2014
I loved all three Golden Sun games and well, I liked some characters from DD more than from the first two. As for Isaac and Matthew, they're both my favorites, followed by Felix and Himi is the Earth Adept that I liked less. As for Mars, I liked them all the same, yes, even Tyrell (since you get to see his evolution through the game). As for Wind Adepts, Karis is my favorite, but I also liked a lot the other 3 we had. As for Water Adepts, Piers takes the cake, but I liked the other 3 too.

As for villains, well, Saturos is my favorite, followed by Karst, then Menardi, then Agatio. Chalis and Blados are at the bottom. Don't get me wrong, I like both Chalis and Blados, but they aren't higher, because their battle was way too easy when compared to the other two duos. I remember being pumped up to fight them for the first time, since they were Dark Adepts and I was looking forward to see some awesome and powerful Dark Psynergy, but in the end, the only Dark Psynergy they casted was Dark Shield... And they used items as attacks... Even with Chaos Hound they're battle isn't very hard. But well, my main point is that Dark Dawn doesn't deserve the bashing it gets, because it was a pretty cool and enjoyable game.

As for RNG methods on GS, just google it and you'll come across some pretty easy and fast methods, I used to do this to get Kikuichimonji, Tisiphone Edge, Riot Gloves, etc.

I must admit, this is awesome.

@ Falgor Falgor Speaking of Garoh, did you guys notice how one of the new shapeshifter races/classes shown in the latest Fire Emblem If trailer is called the Garou and is a type of werewolf transformation? Intriguing coincidence... or is it!? :smirk:
Isaac confirmed as Smash DLC and as Fire Emblem DLC. (Isaac in Fire Emblem... 10/10 would buy).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2014
...You know, I might stop coming to the Isaac thread. It seems every time I come here, I'm defending Dark Dawn. It's probably getting annoying by now. Um, I'm going to try and make this short. DD was not garbage, it was far from it. It was just not the game the fan base was expecting. I also believe that DD's negative reaction from the fans was exaggeration, as the game's not nearly as bad as people make it seem. As for the characters, I chalk that mostly up to nostalgia. As someone who's played DD before the original, and without any nostalgia goggles for any of the original cast, I can say that none of the character were vastly better than the ones in DD. In fact, I'd argue many of the characters in DD are more interesting than the ones in the original. Fans won't see this, as their too busy whining about how it's not the same set of characters they grew up with.

I'm...just sick of this sort of thing. I'll continue to support Isaac, but the GS fan base is starting to annoy me as much as the Zelda fan base, and that's...not good.
Thank you, that's pretty much what I was going to say!

I'd still say that some characters in Dark Dawn are not as interesting as they should be, but that's mainly because the dialogue was not handled in the best possible way. But it was not awful in any way.

The Golden Sun community is a good one, but our two problems are the loud minority trying to Dark Dawn pass for a bad game and the pessimism of a part of us (generally the less invested ones). It's possible to acknowledge the bad points of the game or at least the ones that could have been better without saying that it's garbage, because it's 100% wrong.

And for the pessimism, damn, why do so many people think that nowadays, when a franchise doesn't have a game every year there's a problem? That's not something bad and it doesn't mean anything. What means something is our attitude: Show support instead of just complaining about Dark Dawn, dammit.

It's not aimed at anyone in particular: I've seen this kind of behavior everywhere and I'm just trying to make it stop.

@ Falgor Falgor Speaking of Garoh, did you guys notice how one of the new shapeshifter races/classes shown in the latest Fire Emblem If trailer is called the Garou and is a type of werewolf transformation? Intriguing coincidence... or is it!? :smirk:
Haha, it's just like that Reddit thread about cross-over games ideas we were on, the other day. You see, my Golden Sun x Fire Emblem is the best idea, it even works from a gameplay point of view. :smirk:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2015
What do you guys think DD did BETTER than the originals?

There was a lot of dialogue in both the Lost Age and Dark Dawn, but I felt that Dark Dawn had better characters than the first 2 games, at least in terms of the time that the game took to develop character with the vast amount of dialogue.

For example, the lost age and OG had many chances to talk about Sheba, but other than the time that she poked fun at Jenna and the time she talked about her origin (or lack thereof), I can barely think of a single character trait.

Sveta, on the other hand, I feel is a well-written character that develops over the course of the game. Amiti too, is pretty well developed before and after he left Ayuthay. The only 3 people who have pretty lacking development are Eoleo, Rief and Himi.I think that a better balance could be found in terms of the overwhelming amount of dialogue in DD though.
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