Actually its worse...
All we can do is ask when or if there will be another Golden Sun game and it doesn't help that Dark Dawn was garbage and of course we didn't see Isaac not only Super Smash Bros 4, but keep in mind he should of debuted in Brawl and not as stupid assit trophy, in fact Isaac should be a returning character.
Dark Dawn should of never happened, I do not care to ever see Golden Sun because this new cast of Golden Sun characters all suck otherwise we'd want Matthew in Super Smash Bros as dlc, we wouldn't still be considering guys like Saturos or Agatio as our favorite antagonists rather instead we'd actually be saying Blados or Chalis were the greatest antagonists ever... My point is none the new Dark Dawn characters got any love from the Golden Sun fanbase like the originals did.
That must mean the fans don't care about these new characters meaning if we're going to see this series continue, then first off we need to see remakes of the first two games.
Then Golden Sun 3, which will actually be confirmed as the real Golden Sun 3 while Dark Dawn can be just filler, thus not cannon to the series.
Remember there has been other games that did this, Super Mario Bros 2 was one of them, it wasn't cannon because The Lost Levels was the real Super Mario Bros 2.
Its been how long and nothing... Oh and not seeing Isaac in Super Smash Bros as of yet is not helping, I don't trust Nintendo, they give us all this idiotic junk, Splatoon, Shovel Knight, Xenoblade, garbage all of it!
This can still change... Put Isaac in as dlc, then announce the Golden Sun remakes for 3ds, not New 3ds just 3ds... Oh and keep in mind we're still missing a certain theme, the Isaac battle theme, so how about a Golden Sun stage featuring that on the 3ds version.
Oh and would it hurt to add a few dlc trophies... I would like to collect a Golden Sun characters as trophies!
Garet, Ivan, Mia, Saturos and Menardi, Alex, Felix, Jenna, I think all of these would be a good dlc trophy characters, its kind of stupid we didn't get to collect any.