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Isaac for DLC - One day. Some day. Golden Sunday.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
top 5 assists becoming playable:

little mac

honorable mention Ray and Lyn though Waluigi is looking far less likely after Rosalina imo and Starfy is off the list now. Though to be honest I don't think the assist trophies are "tied" to each other in any way.

Isaac still has a decent shot and I'm a golden sun fan and would love to see him playable, personally I'm more interested in new series getting reps over just bloating the game series we already have with side characters and golden sun deserves some love.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
Golden Sun: The Lost Age maximum number of djinns is 9. Basically the use of djinns would be a neutral special move, You press B and then one of the possible 8 directions to select a djinn or you don't press a direction to use the 9 djinn.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Robin isn't getting in. Isaac is already Robin in Japan. :smirk: Plus he does the sword + magic thing better.I see it more and more likely that Isaac could also use Djinni and probably Summons to.

Way too much speculation here to actually be making a point. Isaac's not confirmed in anyway.
And that name theory is sort of meaningless: Sure Isaac's Japanese name is Robin, but Robin's Japanese name isn't Robin. Robin was chosen for the American release because it's a unisex name, just like Morgan is for the child character. Robin also has so many names, Robin, Avatar, My Unit.
Now the Sword + Magic thing is more accurate. Or at least, Isaac's Venus Psyenergy is considerably more unique/exciting then Robin's fire/electric/wind magic.

I see it more and more likely that Isaac could also use Djinni and probably Summons to.
Isaac still has a decent shot and I'm a golden sun fan and would love to see him playable, personally I'm more interested in new series getting reps over just bloating the game series we already have with side characters and golden sun deserves some love.
Golden Sun deserves some love for sure, Papagenos. And Diddy, I agree (for the most part). More unique characters like Rosa and Villager, I think show what this game is capable of in terms of more unique movesets. I really think that Isaac could bring his Djinn to smash as well as his Psyenergy. And that would make him a unique and valuable addition.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
Wouldn't be funny if another Golden Sun character appears in the game instead of Isaac or Matthew?
I almost die laughing when Wii Fit Trainer was announced. Only the reveal of Sheba would beat that (reveal, Sheba, I'm a genius). Or Kraden...


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
As I said quite a few pages back:

Guys, guys, Isaac's heyday was in the first game, but you know who was with your party for both The Lost Age and Dark Dawn? That's right, everybody's favorite scholar-extraordinaire and Smash 4 lock,Kraaaaaaaden!


I would rage-quit Smash forever if it was Sheba, though. Maybe. Possibly. In another dimension.

But man, reading through this thread has gotten me way too hopeful... I think I need to go and redouble my skepticism so I'm not horribly crushed if/when he doesn't make it D: y u gaiz do dis to me?!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
I'd be so hyped to see Sheba. She's awesome and I'd love to see some crazy wind and lightning psynergy moves. She could also get Catastrophe as her final smash, which is even more metal than Judgment.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Heh, I wonder how Kraden would play in Super Smash Bros... Perhaps he could talk his opponents to sleep, then squash them with a mountain of tomes.

But man, reading through this thread has gotten me way too hopeful... I think I need to go and redouble my skepticism so I'm not horribly crushed if/when he doesn't make it D: y u gaiz do dis to me?!
Typically, I am a pretty pessimistic person, so I usually do not have high hopes for any character, no matter how much I want them in. However, Isaac happens to be a special case. Golden Sun, I think, was the first RPG I ever played that did not involve a green-clad, pointy-eared swordsman. It was the game that triggered mine lifelong obsession with RPG's in general. That being said, Golden Sun is very important to me, and no other character reveal would please me more than Isaac's. Part of me says not to get mine hopes up, whilst another part of me will be greatly disappointed if he does not make it in.

If we had a Golden Sun character other than Isaac or Matthew, I would want it to be Felix. Or, better yet, the Wise One. Now that would be epic. I fancy he would be god tier.


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
@Arteen - But... but Ivan! D8[/biased]

@Altais - Yeah, I didn't even play Golden Sun til my first years of college, but the first two games just have such a classic feel to them, I don't see how anyone could resist their charm. They give me such hardcore nostalgia, even when I hadn't played a ton of RPGs before that. Unfortunately, the logical part of my brain says Golden Sun just doesn't quite have the momentum it needs to get a playable character. Ultimately, I think it all depends on how much Sakurai likes the series, and whether or not he thinks Isaac is unique enough. And as much as it pains me to say it, the easier solution would just be to make him an AT again, and it would be perfectly justifiable. But if that happens, then at least we'll have a shiny new Isaac model that somebody could eventually mod into a playable character! :p

Now, if we were basing this on purely personal preference, I would choose Felix over Isaac >3> But, of course, Isaac gets higher priority, being the "original" protag, or however you want to put it, even when Felix is clearly way more badass 8| I mean,
how many lighthouses did Isaac jump off of? How many times did he simultaneously narrowly avoid drowning and being crushed by a giant boulder as a child? How many years did he spend growing up in the harsh Proxian tundra? How many cool masks did he wear for a minimal amount of time at the beginning of the game???
Isaac is cool, too, but c'mon... Felix! ...Ok, I'm done.

And yes, The Wise One would most definitely be god-tier, haha. Entire moveset: telekinetically thrash opponents all over stage. Final Smash:
burying them underneath a mountain. Requires wiping your save file to make them usable again.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Golden Sun: The Lost Age maximum number of djinns is 9. Basically the use of djinns would be a neutral special move, You press B and then one of the possible 8 directions to select a djinn or you don't press a direction to use the 9 djinn.
While I like this idea, a lot, Smash only does 4 directional moves like that. But I could see 4 Djinn (prolly the originals) mapped to the 4 Specials.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
While I like this idea, a lot, Smash only does 4 directional moves like that. But I could see 4 Djinn (prolly the originals) mapped to the 4 Specials.
No you dont understand my idea, I was talking about:
*Use your Neutral Special attack*
Then you input a direction, side, up and down special would be completly different moves.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
I don't like the idea of Djinn being involved in the moveset, I say just be simplistic and just give him earth-based attacks like vines and earthquakes.
I dont want something simple for Isaac .But i know that if Isaac is in ssb4 he is going to have a simple moveset, one of the reasons that explains why i dont want Isaac to be in the game at all.

Like i said only noobs would use Mono-elemental classes in Golden Sun.

Basically you would use your neutral b to both =
*Use of Djinn, including changing your combination of djinn somehow.
*Change of Classes, that would change the speed, weight, fall speed, % of damage in attacks of Isaac, also changing your specials/smash if they use Psynergy.

And the question now is...
The use of psynergy hand should be a Grab or a side special move?

Actually i think that it should be a side special, so you can grab, then throw, then side special, then grab...
An absurd chaingrab.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Well he has the ability to summon out huge boulders and raise rocks from the ground, that could be balanced out with the fact that he's a middleweight slow character. If he was a fast character with all that power, I think he might be a little bit overpowered.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I don't like the idea of Djinn being involved in the moveset, I say just be simplistic and just give him earth-based attacks like vines and earthquakes.
I think the djinn are very imporant to golden sun, so I wouldn't be so quick to ignore them.

It could see something like being able to cycle through djinn (they float next to Isaac like the Luma to Rosalina) by pressing down b and by doing so it changes Isaac in some way. (Maybe changes his neutral b move?...it might be a bit much to change his whole moveset) The djinn could time out over time similar to the pokemon trainer, in order to force switching.

He would probably have the four most obvious/recognisable djinn. Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury.

Anymore than those four would probably not be necessary for a feasible moveset...those four are the most representative of the djinn.

I don't see that being very complicated, at least no more so than some movesets that already exist.
Last edited:


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
No you dont understand my idea, I was talking about:
*Use your Neutral Special attack*
Then you input a direction, side, up and down special would be completly different moves.
Oh, got it. That is likely a bit too much for Smash.

I dont want something simple for Isaac .But i know that if Isaac is in ssb4 he is going to have a simple moveset, one of the reasons that explains why i dont want Isaac to be in the game at all.
Well, this Smash appears to have a little bit more complexity in its movesets (Villager, Megaman, and Rosalina at least), so they might give him something more complex. 8 djinn might be too much, but I can see djinn being involved for sure. The class change aspect of it may be a little too much to hope for, though.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
If Djinn do get incorporated in Isaac's moveset, I really think they should be associated with his downward special. His neutral special, in mine opinion, should be something simple, like Move or Earthquake. I have been trying to think of a way to incorporate the elemental Djinn, but nothing--at least nothing good--has come to mind yet.

And I kind of have to agree that Isaac should be a middleweight character; it would certainly balance out some of the powerful psynergy moves he would likely have. I can see him being more of a tactical, defencive fighter than anything else.


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
Evil, evil person. How can you say that?
I know, I'm horrible XD I just never liked Sheba much, probably because she felt like a blatant Ivan clone. Listening to all of this GS music is really making me want to go back and replay the games again, though @-@


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
Sheba is objectively the worst of the 8 playable characters from the first two games, both battle and dialogue-wise


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so! Although I did have to laugh at the part in TLA where
it's revealed that Ivan has a sister, and for a second, Sheba is like, "Oh, y...you mean..." and then Hama is basically all "that's right, ME!"
Or however that scene goes - pretty sure it's something like that :p


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
Sheba is objectively the worst of the 8 playable characters from the first two games, both battle and dialogue-wise
Oh really? Considering that neither of Isaac and Felix speak when they are the main proganist...
Sheba actually have more developed personality than the other playable characters, with the exception of perhaps, Jenna.
Sometimes it feels that Sheba is the main protagonist of The Lost Age, with many, many situations that had her as pivot character.

Meanwhile in gameplay, Sheba is simmilar to Ivan. Ivan can be considered sightly better than Sheba because he have access to better weapons.

Although I did have to laugh at the part in TLA where
it's revealed that Ivan has a sister, and for a second, Sheba is like, "Oh, y...you mean..." and then Hama is basically all "that's right, ME!"
Or however that scene goes - pretty sure it's something like that :p
How you dare?!
Sheba was abandoned when she was a baby and decided to join Felix to discover her identity, to find her family. And she thought that in the Jupiter Lighthouse would find answers, but at the end she did not.

How can you make fun of that?


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
Oh really? Considering that neither of Isaac and Felix speak when they are the main proganist...
Sheba actually have more developed personality than the other playable characters, with the exception of perhaps, Jenna.
Sometimes it feels that Sheba is the main protagonist of The Lost Age, with many, many situations that had her as pivot character.

Meanwhile in gameplay, Sheba is simmilar to Ivan. Ivan can be considered sightly better than Sheba because he have access to better weapons.

How you dare?!
Sheba was abandoned when she was a baby and decided to join Felix to discover her identity, to find her family. And she thought that in the Jupiter Lighthouse would find answers, but at the end she did not.

How can you make fun of that?
I'm not making fun of her, she's just the most boring character of all. You can't fault Isaac and Felix for the game that they don't speak in, as you can clearly see Isaac's personality in TLA when he can speak, and it's much better than Sheba's. Felix is maybe as boring as Sheba dialogue-wise, but at least he can fight.

Sheba sucks and has a boring story that falls by the wayside


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
I'm not making fun of her, she's just the most boring character of all. You can't fault Isaac and Felix for the game that they don't speak in, as you can clearly see Isaac's personality in TLA when he can speak, and it's much better than Sheba's. Felix is maybe as boring as Sheba dialogue-wise, but at least he can fight.

Sheba sucks and has a boring story that falls by the wayside
The second part of the message was directed to "RhymesWithEmpty".
Anyway till both groups, Felix and Isaac groups merge in one, Sheba is the central character of TLA. Perhaps i need your explanation about:
What makes a character funny or boring?
And, what distribution of djinn you use?


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Sheba is objectively the worst of the 8 playable characters from the first two games, both battle and dialogue-wise
I don't think you understand what "objective" means.

I like Sheba a lot, actually. Moreso than some of the other party members.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Felix is indeed more badass than Isaac, however, Isaac has the best shot out of the two so it's logical to support Isaac over him. :smirk: If I could, I would choose Felix to however.

Ivan > Sheba to. And by a whole lot!

I like Garet and Jenna equally, but Jenna is a better party member because of her healing Aura attacks.

Piers > Mia because Piers can actually survive when he's getting hit. Also found Piers more badass overall.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
I don't think you understand what "objective" means.

I like Sheba a lot, actually. Moreso than some of the other party members.
my opinions are objective facts

you liking her doesn't make her any more interesting or better of a fighter

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I don't like the idea of Djinn being involved in the moveset, I say just be simplistic and just give him earth-based attacks like vines and earthquakes.
The Djinn are pretty well integrated into the series as a whole. And to be honest, they can help with Isaac's moveset even more. Not that they are 100% needed. But there's no denying that they are important to Golden Sun.

Also, I kind of like Isaac and Garet the most. But Sheba, Mia and Felix were all pretty cool.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Im sure that i could beat you in a GS battle with Sheba in my team.
She'd die if Felix or Isaac would attack her instantly.

Think the best team in Golden Sun TLA is: Felix, Isaac, Jenna and Ivan.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
She'd die if Felix or Isaac would attack her instantly.

Think the best team in Golden Sun TLA is: Felix, Isaac, Jenna and Ivan.
Consider that GS link battles are of 3 characters.
And another time, no one of you is telling what combination of Djinns is using your team. If you dont say it, Felix, Isaac, Jenna and Ivan could be the worst team.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Consider that GS link battles are of 3 characters.
And another time, no one of you is telling what combination of Djinns is using your team. If you dont say it, Felix, Isaac, Jenna and Ivan could be the worst team.
Stats are still distributed the same. Sheba still has the worst base HP and defence out of all the cast. And she has the worst weapon type combinations. She takes the worst aspects of Mia and Ivan easily. Biggest advantage being her high PP.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
Stats are still distributed the same. Sheba still has the worst base HP and defence out of all the cast. And she has the worst weapon type combinations. She takes the worst aspects of Mia and Ivan easily. Biggest advantage being her high PP.
No, you are wrong. Sheba and Ivan are really simmilar but i can tell you the differences between them now.
Ivan does have the worst HP, Attack and Defense of all the eight characters. Sheba is the 2nd worst character in those stats.
Ivan is the best character in PP and Agility, Sheba is the 2nd best character in those stats. Yes Ivan have access to better weapons than Sheba, and that makes Ivan sightly better. Djinn combinations and classes are important, my dual-elemental or tri-elemental Sheba would be better than the Mono-elemental Ivan of a noob player.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Oh well, means that in the end, Ivan is the better summoner to due to his better Agility. Light blades are a lot better for offense to than maces, especially Tisiphone Edge (the hardest mother****ing weapon to get in Golden Sun ever) and he gets better equipment in general due to Golden Sun sexism.

I really like actually discussing Golden Sun here for a change. Feels refreshing in a way.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Speaking of equipment, I hope the weapons in Golden Sun 4 (if it ever gets made) will vary more greatly, in terms of type and whom can wield them. One weapon I would really love to see in Golden Sun is the kusarigama (sickle & chain). There could also be halberds, clubs, crossbows, chakrams, spears, and many more. How many enemies a character can hit with "Attack" can vary, depending on what weapon he/she is wielding. This would definitely make an interesting addition to the battle system, in mine opinion.
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