Before I commence with the meat of my post, I have a question: Has anyone brought up Isaac's inclusion in the fan game Super Smash Flash 2 yet? It might provide some ideas as to how certain moves would look and work.
Note: I'm not yet able to post links, so please delete the spaces in all the URL's before attempting to use them.
Now, for stages, I have tons of ideas, which I think would all be great. Unfortunately for the more complex ones (which is most), their complexity makes them less feasible for DLC, in my opinion. Several of these could either be static (like Battlefield) or dynamic (like Skyloft). If they are only static, then they should be the most famous scenes I describe in my descriptions of dynamic stages below. All of this having been said, Nintendo has not said anything about adding stages, only characters, so this may all be for nothing. It's still fun to think about, however.
Elemental Stars Chamber: Could have some slick platforms (remember how Kraden slides around before asking Isaac and Garret to fetch the Stars?). Players might also be able to snatch the Stars, which would cause platforms to rise up. Once the last Star is taken, the chamber becomes violent in exactly the way it did in Golden Sun.
Mt. Aleph: This would be a dynamic stage that includes, in some capacity, the Elemental Stars Chamber stage, as well as the trap room that caused a storm and the boulder to fall when Saturos and Menardi's party botched their attempt at stealing the Elemental Stars. The stage would begin outside Sol Sanctum, then proceed to each important location inside it. I suppose this stage could proceed from there in one of two ways, each having a 50% chance of happening. If the trap isn't disarmed, the next part of the stage takes place in Vale at Jenna's house. It's raining hard and the boulder eventually falls and destroys part of the stage, creating a further water hazard. If the trap is disarmed, the stage proceeds to what is described above as the Elemental Stars Chamber stage. After either of these forks concludes, the stage restarts in front of Sol Sanctum.
Mercury Lighthouse: Several scenes with waterfalls and other water hazards occur on the way to the aerie. Some platforms pre-aerie could be temporary spots on the water, similar to how you can jump on the water a few times in the source game. At the aerie, the lighthouse is already seen to have been lit.
Venus Lighthouse: Pretty much a static stage, though I don't remember what it was like on the way to the aerie, so this could change. The lighthouse is ignited during the scene at the aerie, and this causes the platforms to suddenly jerk apart horizontally, as in the source game. There may also be a Fusion Dragon stage boss or hazard, which would not function like Ridley.
The Eastern Sea: Another stage similar to Skyloft, this time taking us on the journey to Lemuria. It would mostly visit the areas that contain the components of the Trident of Ankohl, with said components being collectible. The stage would not progress until they are collected. After all pieces of the Trident are collected, the stage proceeds to Champa, where the Trident is restored. The player who collects the Trident then has the option to use it in the next scene of the stage, in which Poseidon is attacking everyone on Piers's ship. When it is used, Poseidon is easily defeated and the stage progresses to Lemuria, which would just be a peaceful and beautiful final location, with the stage transitioning back to the beginning by way of Piers's ship departing the ancient city. Until the Trident is used, however, Poseidon tries to put the players in their, well... Watery Grave, you might say. The choice of when the Trident is used is entirely up to the player who possesses it (it can be knocked away from them, as with some other items), lending some strategy to the stage as a whole.
Jupiter Lighthouse: Wind hazards on the way to the aerie if this is a dynamic stage, and possibly Karst and Agatio as stage bosses or hazards. I don't remember if the aerie broke apart as the Venus aerie did, but this would be in if we actually saw it in the game or if the stage tours the inside of the lighthouse and goes to the aerie.
Prox: Horrible, horrible weather. This would be a very chaotic stage due to the weather conditions (snow, ice, and wind gusts), as well as very depressing. It would be a good anxiety-inducer, making someone feel like they sometimes do when the fight with a game's final boss is imminent.
Mars Lighthouse: This one would definitely be dynamic, as the encroachment of the edge of Weyard (the edge of the world, for those not in the know) would be threatening the base of the lighthouse -- a scene the players would fight in. A ways up the inside of the Lighthouse, players may encounter two Flame Dragons (mindless, transformed versions of Karst and Agatio). At the top, the Doom Dragon would be the same kind of boss or stage hazard that the Fusion Dragon was in the Venus Lighthouse stage. The stage would, following the Dragon's exit, break apart as the Venus Lighthouse did. The Golden Sun may or may not be shown, as it's not local to the Lighthouse. The stage would then transition back to the base of the Lighthouse.
Craggy Peak: I'm sure something interesting could be done with this. Music track here: https: //www. youtube .com/watch?v=LmKzfQYPOms
Alchemy Dynamo / Belinsk (post-Dynamo activation): Takes place before, during, and after the activation of the Alchemy Dynamo. Starts inside the Belinsk Ruins and tours up through Luna Tower. Music track here: https: //www. youtube .com/watch?v=VBRUkdXsxW8. Outside, may involve attacks by monsters of the Grave Eclipse, or at least have them terrorizing people in the background. Possible music track for an appropriate remix here: https: //www. youtube .com/watch?v=Vn8YCEEkhvU. The track would play after the Dynamo's activation and before escaping Belinsk in Briggs's ship.
Endless Wall / Apollo Ascent: It would take place during the Grave Eclipse, so the sky would be dark. Possible awesome music track here: https: //www. youtube .com/watch?v=dmuJfzikfe4. A dynamic stage, it would tour from the wall all the way up the Ascent.
Apollo Sanctum: A static stage, for once! Takes place at the top of the Apollo Sanctum, with -- and this is a first! -- light hazards. You have to do battle in the shadow of the giant statue or risk heavy, but no-knockback, damage from the intense light. May or may not include a Chaos Chimera stage boss or hazard. The ultimate stage music theme... here: https: //www. youtube .com/watch?v=tm2qJtImeNA.
One last possible stage element for wherever it fits: Alex. He should show up and waterspout parts of the stage, sending anyone hit by the waterspouts flying straight up.
I'm actually not a huge fan of Smash bosses. However, I really would like to see the Golden Sun boss characters semi-immortalized by being in Smash, and they would also give the stages more flavor. I suppose they would be a better idea if the stages are simplified, as far as a cut to the amount of touring (again, as in Skyloft) is concerned, but it's hard to make up my mind on what kind of balance would satisfy me with regard to both elements.