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Isaac for DLC - One day. Some day. Golden Sunday.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
It is important to not change Golden Sun's core gameplay mechanics to the point where it is unrecognizable.


Someone got Super Smash Brothers Wii U early and is revealing things in the game, here is a link to the User:


Let us make sure that Isaac is not found as an Assist Trophy. I will be looking at these videos for Isaac.
Oh, him? He's just another person who got an early copy. He's been posting a lot of stuff he wasn't supposed to, backed down for a bit, and has started posting stuff again.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Just keep it the same, but add more status effects in the game, for example:
If you use the Earthquake Psynergy move for example, it will cause you and some of the enemies to have a tendency to trip.
When using the Vine Psynergy, enemies will ocassionally get spiked by the thorns to do additional damage.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Well, I'm hoping to try out a livestream on Friday. It'll be the first time I attempted this. If I can get it working I'll post it again here before it starts.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
If Golden Sun 4 does get made, I hope they keep the turn-based battle system, but instead of doing a flat repeat like they did in Dark Dawn, they could add new battle mechanics besides "Attack", Psynergy, and Djinn to make it more rich and complex. Golden Sun has a pretty good formula; they just need to expand upon it. Changing the formula completely would be very risky, and could lead to disaster.

Oh, and before doing a prequel or any other side story, I think they should definitely resolve the cliffhanger in Dark Dawn.

If Camelot ever wants help with Golden Sun, I think they should totally team up with Monolith. Monolith has developed turn-based RPGs before (i.e. Xenosaga, Baten Kaitos), so their experience would probably be a great advantage.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
If Golden Sun 4 does get made, I hope they keep the turn-based battle system, but instead of doing a flat repeat like they did in Dark Dawn, they could add new battle mechanics besides "Attack", Psynergy, and Djinn to make it more rich and complex. Golden Sun has a pretty good formula; they just need to expand upon it. Changing the formula completely would be very risky, and could lead to disaster.

Oh, and before doing a prequel or any other side story, I think they should definitely resolve the cliffhanger in Dark Dawn.

If Camelot ever wants help with Golden Sun, I think they should totally team up with Monolith. Monolith has developed turn-based RPGs before (i.e. Xenosaga, Baten Kaitos), so their experience would probably be a great advantage.
I agree. I'd love to see Monolith team up with Camelot to help develop GS4. One thing I'd like to potentially see is a fully 3D world, maybe with some open world mechanics replace a World Map. Naturally, this would be complicated even on 3DS, but Monolith could help out with that perhaps. However, GS should keep its own style and not go "too" realistic like Xenoblade, so the two franchises can remain as Nintendo's core RPG franchise, but still be their own unique thing.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 14, 2014
@ LasermasterA LasermasterA Of course Golden Sun must keep his core gameplay ^^ I was just thinking about what would Golden Sun like with Kingdom Hearts Gameplay xD Ah sorry to bring more games on your list xD But if you never did KH i'm sure you will love them :D

@ JaidynReiman JaidynReiman Oh you're going to livestream? Well with the jet lag (beacause living on Switzerland) i'll try to come to your livestream ^^

Yeah Monolith helping Camelot to develop GS4 would be amazing but as you said GS must keep his core gameplay ^^ Well guys see you soon i'm gonna sleep xD It's 1am here xD

I hope to have some Isaac news soon =)


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Keep in mind, that's Nico Nico, which is Japanese only. However, that will likely later extend to the west, too.


Cassie Shore/Shelby Goodkind (Netflix)
Sep 2, 2014
Has anyone noticed that the song Battle Scene / Final Boss is back on the Norfair Stage?....Does this mean anything??


Cassie Shore/Shelby Goodkind (Netflix)
Sep 2, 2014
What's the second song and what stage is it on? Also, can someone that really knows Golden Sun really well reassure me by saying that Isaac is first in line to be playable and not Matthew since they already had a model of him in brawl? And that they'll choose 14 year old Isaac and not 38 year old? Sorry, but this has been bugging me the most.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
Second song is the main Overworld theme from Golden Sun Dark Dawn and plays on Palutena's Temple. Can't comment on Isaac/Matthew but no Isaac assist trophy or any Golden Sun trophy has been seen.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Well, we haven't seen much trophy-wise at this point in time. Only one person is showing off trophies. We do have two GS tracks, of course.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Since Isaac has seniority over Matthew and is arguably the face of the Golden Sun series, I fancy Isaac will get in before Matthew. Though, I could see them making Matthew an alternate skin of Isaac, like they did with Olimar and Alph.
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Cassie Shore/Shelby Goodkind (Netflix)
Sep 2, 2014
Since Isaac has seniority over Matthew and is arguably the face of the Golden Sun series, I fancy Isaac will get in before Matthew. Though, I could see them making Matthew an alternate skin of Isaac, like they did with Olimar and Alph.
Oh good, how could I have forgotten that Isaac was the face of Golden Sun? I just hope they'll add Isaac and at least ONE of his friends like Felix, Garet, or Ivan


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
I was discussing Isaac as DLC at work (ie. I convinced them it was going to happen and then we talked move set :p) and someone was proposing Growth as a recovery move, but not as a tether, he imagined it growing vines (assumedly off a background element, rather than just floating) which would stay on the field for a while, and that Isaac could then climb up like a ladder. It certainly sounded unique, and since you'd have to wait for it to wither to use it again it's fit with a ground based game while giving him a good recovery at least once... I'm just not sure if I personally like it, though everyone else was a fan; how would you guys feel about a ladder spawning Up-B?

Anyways, we kinda made a full-ish moveset, so I thought I'd put it up.

Up-B: Growth (Spawns a ladder, by agreement)
Side-B: Move (Much smaller than the AT; sad we couldn't put it in neutral position for Kirby)
Neutral-B: Venus Psyenergy (uses psyenergy that acts differently in the air and on the ground)

On Ground: Spires (charges up and creates spires of earth to either side, more spires and bigger ones grow as it's charged like the higher level spells)
In Air: Rock Fall (similarly chargable, though less sizable, instead creates rocks that fall fron under Isaac, possibly at an angle?)
[I find it humorous now that I've look through the game again that these both go the opposite direction in their animation, but we (understandably) thought spires erupted from the ground and rock fall had the rocks falling downwards]

And then we have the gimmick of the set.

Down-B: Summon
When you use certain moves (particularly smashes and such) you'll use Djinn, which will then be unusable making the attack weaker, and plain reducing your stats while they're unset. If you use Djinn in order within their same element then you can summon the better summons, but using a different element resets them.


Flint: Sweetspot does great knockback (used in Side Smash or Down-Air)
Granite: Gives Isaac Super Armour for a few seconds (used in Power Shield)
Sap: Sweetspot drains a little HP (used in last hit of Jab combo)
Bane: Poisons the enemy (used in Down-Tilt)
[Venus Djinn increase weight and launch power, which decrease when used]

Forge: Increases all attack damage for a few seconds; more increase than Djinn decrease (Used in Up-Tilt)
Scorch: Creates an explosion is sweet spotted widening range further (Used in Down Smash)
Cannon: Hitting head on coats Isaac in flame (used on Dash Attack)
[Mars Djinn increase your damage output, which decreases when used]

Gust: If sweet spot lands it will combo into a triggered second attack (Used in Neutral/Forward/Back Air)
Smog: Surrounds the target in smoke, less than smoke grenade mind (Used in Forward Tilt)
Zephyr: If timed right after mid-air jump you can trigger a second mid-air jump (Used in triple jump)
[Jupiter Djinn increase speed and jump, which decrease when used]

Sleet: Freezes target when sweet spotted (Used in Up Smash)
Spritz?: Creates a spray of water that pushes target towards top of the screen (Used in Up-Air)
Fizz: Heals the user a little (Unsure, used in either Taunt or extended idle animation)
[Mercury Djinn increase defense, decreases when used)


Venus: An explosion from the ground with solid upwards knock back.
Ramses: Ramses slams his fists into the ground burrying anyone underneath.
Cybele: Creates vines that will grab anyone in it's way, trapping them and deals continuous damage for a while.
Judgement: Massive movable laser from the sky, hardest to pull off, but very powerful.

Mars: A large explosion with a good area of effect and decent damage.
Kirin: Kirin jumps forwards like a beam with intertwining fire trail that do damage
Tiamat: A large aimable fire breath, covers a large area but very little knockback.

Juptier: A quick hail of homing projectiles, not very strong.
Atlanta: Arrows from the top of the screen, no knockback, but do cause flinching?
Procne: A large-ish Tornado with a vacuum effect, does little damage but launches them upwards.

Mercury: A spray of water forwards, akin to Flamethrower or the like.
Nereid: Tidal waves to either side, no damage but can push anyone on the platform off the sides.
Neptune: Several beams of water fall from the sky in random locations.

Grab would be psyenergy catch and his Final Smash would be Meggido or Odyssey.
Of course this moveset doesn't consider custom moves, and I have no idea how that would work, but hey, the discussion wasn't that long :p.

What do you think?

Side note:

Mario Kart 8 and Valkyria Chronicles... Edelweiss kart confirmed for DLC!
I think I don't care if he's a clone, as long as he's put in the game as a playable character.

So, @ Oracle_Summon Oracle_Summon you're saying I shouldn't sell out to Xenoblade just yet, right?

I think my Northern Proxian Pride for Golden Sun can last one more year, but if nothing happens, I don't know, not seeing Isaac in this game already made me lose hope in this franchise and though dlc is a factor right now its just I kind of simply don't trust Sakurai to give us Isaac, look what he did to him in Brawl, I can think of three characters in Brawl Isaac should of been in instead of.

I'm definitely looking at you, ROB, and it frustrates me even more they kept this piece of junk, they should of had this thing a trophy and had Isaac instead.

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
Hmm...we just got an update that nerfed and buffed certain characters.

That got me thinking about this leak.


Now this is most likely fake (But it has Isaac ;A;)

But it has this Part...

"Finally is, Sakurai’s method of obtaining information and balancing, though I’m sure people have figured this out. Conquest mode is in fact used to gauge characters, as well as for glory. There are plans to keep balance specifically tied to THESE modes (characters will play as they did vanilla unless somehow broken outside of these modes) and will patch them periodically. How often how for how long he decides to do it is unknown, but the plan is generally just enough to keep the competitive scene happy without giving them an inch and drastically changing the experience for everyone else."

This leak has a itty bitty shred of credibility from this...

http://ssb4dojo.com/post/98996008721/rumor-mill-4chan-23 (but then again...this has credibility and its fake)
Jul 7, 2014
New South Wales, Australia
In response to bold: Yes! I know it sounds very repetitive at this point, but F-Zero should be rebooted (not change anything, but start releasing the iterations in the franchise regularly).

Personally, I would say that Magical Starsign is at the top of the obscure franchise, but that could just be my bias talking.

And looking back at the list I noticed that I forgot the Battalion Wars series.

The reason why Xenoblade is above Golden Sun is because it has taken off in popularity and has been noticed by Nintendo as a key franchise in its library (not to say that Golden Sun is less important). It also adds that Nintendo is actively pushing notification of the Xenoblade series to the public.

Golden Sun is a great series and is right behind the main ones, but the main difference between Golden Sun and Xenoblade is Nintendo's willingness to get it recognized by the public (again I am not saying that Golden Sun is less important).

I agree with you completely about the "Wii" series of games since their major appeal is towards casuals; however, why is Donkey Kong higher than Animal Crossing? Donkey Kong is a key franchise to Nintendo, but as it stands, Animal Crossing is starting to climb towards Pokemon impact for Nintendo.

Not trying to start a fight, but I am honestly curious why you believe Donkey Kong is above Kirby, since the main Donkey Kong series was absent for a while.
donkey has about 30 games and he himself would probably be the most recognized videogame character after mario and pacman


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
I agree. I'd love to see Monolith team up with Camelot to help develop GS4. One thing I'd like to potentially see is a fully 3D world, maybe with some open world mechanics replace a World Map. Naturally, this would be complicated even on 3DS, but Monolith could help out with that perhaps. However, GS should keep its own style and not go "too" realistic like Xenoblade, so the two franchises can remain as Nintendo's core RPG franchise, but still be their own unique thing.

Xenoblade's main pulling factor was the huge world and the huge towns and cities. I would love if Golden Sun got that as Golden Sun already has a huge world to pull from (inspired by the actual world but still). Plus the art style, it would be glorious in HD!

Obviously not the realistic route, Xenoblade Chronicles X can go that way. X being the MMORPG inspired game where Golden Sun the turn-based RPG.

Now let me go back to imagining Weyard in glorious open world 3D! :estatic:


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Donkey Kong is recognizable, but that was more of a personal guess of where I believe Nintendo's Franchises stand in impact and what not.
The thing is, you have to take a look at how many games there are, how much each game sells on average, the total franchise sales, how long the franchise has been around, etc.

For the most part, the impact is how many sales the franchise has and how many games are there. I'd argue that sales-per-iteration are an important factor, but the length of the series also shows how important it is to Nintendo. Sales-per-iteration isn't the end-all factor, having a long-running standing in Nintendo history is also an important thing to consider.

This is also why I think that, despite Xenoblade Chronicles X and Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, Golden Sun is still bigger, and will be bigger unless GS does not continue or X has a huge increase in sales over the first game.

DK had a bit of a gap between main series games during the Rare buyout, but it never stopped having games made and all of the main games, and Diddy Kong Racing, were massively successful. The DKC GBA remakes also had a lot of new things added to the games as well to improve on the original formula.

Animal Crossing has a lot of sales in a small number of games, but its still only sitting at 26m. And except for Wild World, DK in general sells more copies on a per-iteration basis. When making the comparisons, you've also got to remember that spinoffs are to compliment the main games. Animal Crossing is pretty popular, but there's only one game per console, and it never has any spinoffs at all.

Kirby is the next-biggest franchise after DK, but Animal Crossing's 26m is very close to Kirby's 33m, and Animal Crossing has way less games (DK's 55m is such a significant gap that there's no way, even with the spinoffs not selling well, it should ever be listed below Kirby). In the case of Animal Crossing and Kirby, the question comes down to: is the fact that Animal Crossing only has 10m less sales in four games better than Kirby's longer prominence and more games? That kind of comparison will come down to some bias. I ended up putting Kirby over AC, but I don't think its quite accurate, and Kirby probably should be higher due to its longer running status.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
The thing is, you have to take a look at how many games there are, how much each game sells on average, the total franchise sales, how long the franchise has been around, etc.

For the most part, the impact is how many sales the franchise has and how many games are there. I'd argue that sales-per-iteration are an important factor, but the length of the series also shows how important it is to Nintendo. Sales-per-iteration isn't the end-all factor, having a long-running standing in Nintendo history is also an important thing to consider.

This is also why I think that, despite Xenoblade Chronicles X and Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, Golden Sun is still bigger, and will be bigger unless GS does not continue or X has a huge increase in sales over the first game.

DK had a bit of a gap between main series games during the Rare buyout, but it never stopped having games made and all of the main games, and Diddy Kong Racing, were massively successful. The DKC GBA remakes also had a lot of new things added to the games as well to improve on the original formula.

Animal Crossing has a lot of sales in a small number of games, but its still only sitting at 26m. And except for Wild World, DK in general sells more copies on a per-iteration basis. When making the comparisons, you've also got to remember that spinoffs are to compliment the main games. Animal Crossing is pretty popular, but there's only one game per console, and it never has any spinoffs at all.

Kirby is the next-biggest franchise after DK, but Animal Crossing's 26m is very close to Kirby's 33m, and Animal Crossing has way less games (DK's 55m is such a significant gap that there's no way, even with the spinoffs not selling well, it should ever be listed below Kirby). In the case of Animal Crossing and Kirby, the question comes down to: is the fact that Animal Crossing only has 10m less sales in four games better than Kirby's longer prominence and more games? That kind of comparison will come down to some bias. I ended up putting Kirby over AC, but I don't think its quite accurate, and Kirby probably should be higher due to its longer running status.
I mainly had Donkey Kong so low, because I was focusing on which series had been absent. Donkey Kong (the main series) was absent fro a long while until Retro Studios picked it back up.

Not to bash Golden Sun, but I would say that Golden Sun is an older franchise, not bigger in its size when comparing it to Xenoblade Chronicles. Golden Sun has yet to hit the exposure level that it needs and that is all thanks to Nintendo.

Though what you said about impact and sales was true as well.
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Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
I mainly had Donkey Kong so low, because I was focusing on which series had been absent. Donkey Kong (the main series) was absent fro a long while until Retro Studios picked it back up.

Not to bash Golden Sun, but I would say that Golden Sun is an older franchise, not bigger in its size when comparing it to Xenoblade Chronicles. Golden Sun has yet to hit the exposure level that it needs and that is all thanks to Nintendo.

Though what you said about impact and sales was true as well.
Golden Sun is just not at its peak anymore. It is definitely bigger than Xenoblade.

It was a pretty popular game in 2001 and Lost Age in 2003. It did sell a lot and it did get advertisements (which Nintendo does so less of nowadays)!

It was ported to the US without the need for a movement and it was in the news for a while when it was announced in E3 2009 and shown off in E3 2010. It was going to be "legendary" but sadly it didn't shoot up in popularity like Nintendo expected it to. It was late but at that time it was clearly more popular than Xenoblade which Nintendo wasn't even considering porting to west without Operation Rainfall.

Golden Sun had exposure, just maybe not as much as Xenoblade and that you explained yourself using the "Old Nintendo" and "New Nintendo" theory.

I don't want to be the one mentioning it again but Shulk's popularity skyrocketed once he was included in the Gematsu leak and then subsequent inclusion in Smash. Now he has getting a port on New 3DS and his series is getting a spiritual sequel on Wii U. It is still not bigger than GS but it has now a good chance of becoming bigger.

After all GS has had 3 games and now including the N3DS port and Wii U game, the Xenoblade franchise will also have the same.

Nintendo just needs to pick up the pace with Golden Sun. Having 2 killer JRPG series would be amazing to having just one. Who knows, GS4 may be announced next E3? Or the next big Direct. Once X gets a release date, it becomes much more likely considering GS might give it competition.
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Cassie Shore/Shelby Goodkind (Netflix)
Sep 2, 2014
I still don't see why they waited seven years to make Dark Dawn, which isn't doing well. And now it's going to be five years ago. Has Golden Sun given up or Sakurai bring it back by adding Isaac?


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Golden Sun is just not at its peak anymore. It is definitely bigger than Xenoblade.

It was a pretty popular game in 2001 and Lost Age in 2003. It did sell a lot and it did get advertisements (which Nintendo does so less of nowadays)!

It was ported to the US without the need for a movement and it was in the news for a while when it was announced in E3 2009 and shown off in E3 2010. It was going to be "legendary" but sadly it didn't shoot up in popularity like Nintendo expected it to. It was late but at that time it was clearly more popular than Xenoblade which Nintendo wasn't even considering porting to west without Operation Rainfall.

Golden Sun had exposure, just maybe not as much as Xenoblade and that you explained yourself using the "Old Nintendo" and "New Nintendo" theory.

I don't want to be the one mentioning it again but Shulk's popularity skyrocketed once he was included in the Gematsu leak and then subsequent inclusion in Smash. Now he has getting a port on New 3DS and his series is getting a spiritual sequel on Wii U. It is still not bigger than GS but it has now a good chance of becoming bigger.

After all GS has had 3 games and now including the N3DS port and Wii U game, the Xenoblade franchise will also have the same.

Nintendo just needs to pick up the pace with Golden Sun. Having 2 killer JRPG series would be amazing to having just one. Who knows, GS4 may be announced next E3? Or the next big Direct. Once X gets a release date, it becomes much more likely considering GS might give it competition.
Because Golden Sun's Peak is gone that is why I say that Xenbolade Chronicles is bigger than it is, Golden Sun has been around longer, but Xenoblade has more moving power right now.

Having two awesome JRPGs would be awesome. The more Franchises helping Nintendo the better.

Deleted member

I still don't see why they waited seven years to make Dark Dawn, which isn't doing well. And now it's going to be five years ago. Has Golden Sun given up or Sakurai bring it back by adding Isaac?
IT's more of a Camelot/Nintendo issue. Camelot wasn't sure about making the game after the reception of Dark Dawn, and Nintendo's priorities have them working on the Mario sports titles before anything else. Fans of the series will be forgiving of them if they make a new installment, of course, but we'll have to see.

Sakurai's choice on whether or not to use Isaac remains to be seen, although including a music track as the only one from his own personal stage not from his own personal game does mean he recognizes the franchise (or, at least he really likes the music). We are so close to the American release that I cannot wait to see the completed list of trophies, since that is what I want to see.


Cassie Shore/Shelby Goodkind (Netflix)
Sep 2, 2014
IT's more of a Camelot/Nintendo issue. Camelot wasn't sure about making the game after the reception of Dark Dawn, and Nintendo's priorities have them working on the Mario sports titles before anything else. Fans of the series will be forgiving of them if they make a new installment, of course, but we'll have to see.

Sakurai's choice on whether or not to use Isaac remains to be seen, although including a music track as the only one from his own personal stage not from his own personal game does mean he recognizes the franchise (or, at least he really likes the music). We are so close to the American release that I cannot wait to see the completed list of trophies, since that is what I want to see.
I didn't realize Camelot was that way. It sure is suspicious that Sakurai included two Golden Sun tracks. If that doesn't confirm Isaac's playability idk what does. But then again, him and the seven other missing assists might come back as Wii U exclusive...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2014
I didn't realize Camelot was that way. It sure is suspicious that Sakurai included two Golden Sun tracks. If that doesn't confirm Isaac's playability idk what does. But then again, him and the seven other missing assists might come back as Wii U exclusive...
The problem with that is "why?" Why would Sakurai make exclusive assist trophies? More importantly why would Sakurai make (as far as I remember) no unlockable assist trophies for the 3DS Smash, yet make unlockable/exclusive assist trophies for the Wii U version?

It simply wouldn't make sense.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
But then again, him and the seven other missing assists might come back as Wii U exclusive...
Huh? Sakurai said both versions of SSB4 will have the same roster, unless you mean that the characters will end up being Wii U exclusive Assist Trophies.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Uh...I just read an interview with Sakurai that confirmed they weren't working on any dlc characters beyond Mewtwo right now. Although it also confirmed that adding more dlc characters is something they'd have to think carefully about. At the very least he doesn't seem opposed to adding more characters.

Do you think this forum is going to be closed again because of that interview?

(If you want to read it, the smash bros subreddit should have a link. Probably on one of first few pages)


Cassie Shore/Shelby Goodkind (Netflix)
Sep 2, 2014
Huh? Sakurai said both versions of SSB4 will have the same roster, unless you mean that the characters will end up being Wii U exclusive Assist Trophies.
That's exactly what I mean. It's worth noting that there are already a few 3DS exclusive, for example Infantry & Tanks. But also it wouldn't make Sense for Isaac to be Wii U exclusive because he's originated from only game boy... But then that wouldn't even matter because he was on the Wii


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Uh...I just read an interview with Sakurai that confirmed they weren't working on any dlc characters beyond Mewtwo right now. Although it also confirmed that adding more dlc characters is something they'd have to think carefully about. At the very least he doesn't seem opposed to adding more characters.

Do you think this forum is going to be closed again because of that interview?

(If you want to read it, the smash bros subreddit should have a link. Probably on one of first few pages)
Months ago he said the same thing. I don't buy it, though its possible (POSSIBLE) this subforum could get closed, but I don't think so. The thing is, he did say that DLC was a possibility.

IT's more of a Camelot/Nintendo issue. Camelot wasn't sure about making the game after the reception of Dark Dawn, and Nintendo's priorities have them working on the Mario sports titles before anything else. Fans of the series will be forgiving of them if they make a new installment, of course, but we'll have to see.

Sakurai's choice on whether or not to use Isaac remains to be seen, although including a music track as the only one from his own personal stage not from his own personal game does mean he recognizes the franchise (or, at least he really likes the music). We are so close to the American release that I cannot wait to see the completed list of trophies, since that is what I want to see.
As far as I had heard in this very thread, Nintendo WANTED Camelot to continue GS after GS2 and Camelot were hesitant, focusing on sports games instead. Its probably the same situation now.


Majestic Space Pirate
Jun 9, 2011
Florida, USA
I can see Nintendo stalling on SSB DLC and using it for presentation at E3 next year


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
That's exactly what I mean. It's worth noting that there are already a few 3DS exclusive, for example Infantry & Tanks. But also it wouldn't make Sense for Isaac to be Wii U exclusive because he's originated from only game boy... But then that wouldn't even matter because he was on the Wii
I will look into it later, but I vaguely recall Sakurai stating that the Wii U version would have more Assist Trophies than the 3DS, because of hardware limitations.

I can see Nintendo stalling on SSB DLC and using it for presentation at E3 next year
That would be just like Nintendo, since they are very hush hush about things.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I will look into it later, but I vaguely recall Sakurai stating that the Wii U version would have more Assist Trophies than the 3DS, because of hardware limitations.
No, he never said that. What he said is that the Assist Trophies would be almost the same per game. Never said Wii U or 3DS would have a different number of trophies, just that they'd be almost the same.
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