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Isaac for DLC - One day. Some day. Golden Sunday.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2014
Rub it in, why don't you. Why can't I live there... I don't want to see these things at horrible hours of the morning where no one should be awake...
That's the vengance for :4greninja:ing me yesterday! Bwahhaha!
(Just kidding actually, I rubbed the fact with all my affection :p)

While it sounds like wonderlands... Well, it's not so cool for other events. For example, when E3 happened, Sony's confference was like at 3:30 AM or something (I watched it on live holding awake like a champ anyways!)

Do you have your snacks on stand by for the event?
Chips... check.
Juice... check.
My hype and partial hopes... check.

Yup, all set!

Gah, the niceness of living in Europe.
xD You might be one of the only ones actually awake to see it, so if there's a GS4 announcement, make sure to have enough hype for all of us! Haha.
Count on me! :smash: If something happens I'll flood the thread with hype, so be ready. I don't know if somebody will actually be awaken but I'll post the news as soon as I'm done.

So what would you prefer be announced: Isaac being playable in ssb4 or a teaser trailer for gs4?
Both? I'd rather get Isaac for smash, the hours I'd spend maining him would be endless :love:
I also want GS not to die, so I'd like GS4... Gah, I dunno, I'd rather leave the thinking for after the direct.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2014
The United States of America
That's the vengance for :4greninja:ing me yesterday! Bwahhaha!
(Just kidding actually, I rubbed the fact with all my affection :p)

While it sounds like wonderlands... Well, it's not so cool for other events. For example, when E3 happened, Sony's confference was like at 3:30 AM or something (I watched it on live holding awake like a champ anyways!)
so the fact I only speak English has nothing to do with it? :p (Okay, I'm learning French, but that doesn't help and I stink at it anyway.)
Count on me! :smash: If something happens I'll flood the thread with hype, so be ready. I don't know if somebody will actually be awaken but I'll post the news as soon as I'm done.
Unfortunately, I will be. Don't know if I'll be awake enough to actually look stuff up, though.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2014
so the fact I only speak English has nothing to do with it? :p (Okay, I'm learning French, but that doesn't help and I stink at it anyway.)

Unfortunately, I will be. Don't know if I'll be awake enough to actually look stuff up, though.
Just to not offtopic too much... I don't know if I should say this... Gah, screw it.
I dislike French so much! No offense to our potential francophones buddies, I love you guys, but I prefer English so much over it, it was a torture a few years ago in high school. I love English in fact, while French... I studied a year of it or something and it's most definitely not my cup of tea. I'm happy with Spanish and English only.
There, I said it. I didn't mean to be rude, so sorry if I offended someone :c I felt I needed to take that out of my chest. And sorry for the offtopic, but a little unrelated commentary from time to time don't hurt the thread too much imo.

Back to Isaac! Hype directly to my veins! I think I'm going to sleep to wake up in 7 hours or so (4AM right now) to get my body ready, Reggie style.
See ya guys!
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I still say Isaac bein
Just to not offtopic too much... I don't know if I should say this... Gah, screw it.
I dislike French so much! No offense to our potential francophones buddies, I love you guys, but I prefer English so much over it, it was a torture a few years ago in high school. I love English in fact, while French... I studied a year of it or something and it's most definitely not my cup of tea. I'm happy with Spanish and English only.
There, I said it. I didn't mean to be rude, so sorry if I offended someone :c And sorry for the offtopic, but a little unrelated commentary from time to time don't hurt the thread too much imo.

Back to Isaac! Hype directly to my veins! I think I'm going to sleep to wake up in 7 hours or so (4AM right now) to get my body ready, Reggie style.
See ya guys!
Just... please don't hype up to much or you might be disappointed, kay? Isaac still has great odds, but he's also got a great chance of remaining an AT.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2014
I promise to hype enough to be excited but not as much as to get disappointed if nothing happens, pal! :smash:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2014
The United States of America
Just to not offtopic too much... I don't know if I should say this... Gah, screw it.
I dislike French so much! No offense to our potential francophones buddies, I love you guys, but I prefer English so much over it, it was a torture a few years ago in high school. I love English in fact, while French... I studied a year of it or something and it's most definitely not my cup of tea. I'm happy with Spanish and English only.
There, I said it. I didn't mean to be rude, so sorry if I offended someone :c I felt I needed to take that out of my chest. And sorry for the offtopic, but a little unrelated commentary from time to time don't hurt the thread too much imo.

Back to Isaac! Hype directly to my veins! I think I'm going to sleep to wake up in 7 hours or so (4AM right now) to get my body ready, Reggie style.
See ya guys!
It's four there? Why are you still here?
And I don't mind. I took French because I can pronounce more of it.

There. I'm done with off-topic things for now.

I forgot to say this earlier, but I had this weird dream last night where a few of the Smash characters got transported to Weyard and joined the Warriors of Vale on their journey. The plot went faster with Zelda figuring out things way faster. Or at least as far as I can remember.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2014
I forgot to say this earlier, but I had this weird dream last night where a few of the Smash characters got transported to Weyard and joined the Warriors of Vale on their journey. The plot went faster with Zelda figuring out things way faster. Or at least as far as I can remember.
Reminds me of a dream I had a few years ago. I was on my way to school and apparently Link (along with a few characters from other games I like) went there too. *rolls eyes* Haha.

So I haven't been keeping up with the leak a whole bunch, is the general consensus that there are still 5 characters that have yet to be shown? Or something? If so, part of me really wonders what characters would make up those spots. :/
And about DLC, I don't even know how something like that would be handled. Would the characters be added onto the roster as clones? Will they just be the equivalent of a pallet swap...? (I remember people talking about Isaac as possible DLC if he doesn't make it onto the roster for release, which is why I'm wondering how it would work.)
I still want him to be his own character, though. He deserves that. As do Ridley, K.Rool, and others. They're all too different from other characters available to make them into clones/DLC characters (which I would assume to be clones, or semi-clones).


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Reminds me of a dream I had a few years ago. I was on my way to school and apparently Link (along with a few characters from other games I like) went there too. *rolls eyes* Haha.

So I haven't been keeping up with the leak a whole bunch, is the general consensus that there are still 5 characters that have yet to be shown? Or something? If so, part of me really wonders what characters would make up those spots. :/
And about DLC, I don't even know how something like that would be handled. Would the characters be added onto the roster as clones? Will they just be the equivalent of a pallet swap...? (I remember people talking about Isaac as possible DLC if he doesn't make it onto the roster for release, which is why I'm wondering how it would work.)
I still want him to be his own character, though. He deserves that. As do Ridley, K.Rool, and others. They're all too different from other characters available to make them into clones/DLC characters (which I would assume to be clones, or semi-clones).
It does appear there's at least five characters left, but the roster could be reorganized to fit more.

IMO, the ideal final lineup is:

Ridley, King K. Rool, Isaac, Mewtwo, and Dixie Kong or Wolf. I don't think Wolf should be cut at all, but I also think that DK should get two newcomers. I think I'd rather have Wolf come back than DK get two newcomers, personally. Hell, we could cut any notion of Dixie/Wolf and the other four would be perfect.

Out of who I want most, K. Rool and Isaac. But I think Ridley and Mewtwo NEED to be in the game, as well.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2014
The United States of America
Reminds me of a dream I had a few years ago. I was on my way to school and apparently Link (along with a few characters from other games I like) went there too. *rolls eyes* Haha.

So I haven't been keeping up with the leak a whole bunch, is the general consensus that there are still 5 characters that have yet to be shown? Or something? If so, part of me really wonders what characters would make up those spots. :/
And about DLC, I don't even know how something like that would be handled. Would the characters be added onto the roster as clones? Will they just be the equivalent of a pallet swap...? (I remember people talking about Isaac as possible DLC if he doesn't make it onto the roster for release, which is why I'm wondering how it would work.)
I still want him to be his own character, though. He deserves that. As do Ridley, K.Rool, and others. They're all too different from other characters available to make them into clones/DLC characters (which I would assume to be clones, or semi-clones).
I've been staying away from the leaks. The news I get of them only really come from this thread or the main page. Though the five unknown characters theory does seem to be common.

As for the DLC... I have no idea. My experience with Nintendo DLC mainly comes from Fire Emblem Awakening, which had both the Avatar clone Legacy characters and completely new maps, three with their own mini plot.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
So what would you prefer be announced: Isaac being playable in ssb4 or a teaser trailer for gs4?
If it is one or the other, Golden Sun 4. I would love to play Isaac in Smash Bros., but there is no way I'd be willing to give up a chance at a new Golden Sun game for it.

However, I'm not sure it matters. If there is a new Golden Sun game on the way, Sakurai probably learned of it (especially if he asked for any input on character design or style when transferring Isaac), and his chances have skyrocketed. What's more, since Camelot isn't going to make the same mistakes again, and everyone already owns a 3DS, EVERYONE is going to love the new game, and Isaac is going to be popular enough to definitely be in Smash 5.

If Isaac is in Smash 4, there's going to be enough love for the character and his fantastic new gameplay style that a whole new host of players are going to learn to adore him and go download his games (we've already seen Awakening getting even more popular due to this effect with Robin). Then everyone will realize how awesome the series is and demand a sequel, so we'll get Golden Sun 4 anyway.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
If it is one or the other, Golden Sun 4. I would love to play Isaac in Smash Bros., but there is no way I'd be willing to give up a chance at a new Golden Sun game for it.

However, I'm not sure it matters. If there is a new Golden Sun game on the way, Sakurai probably learned of it (especially if he asked for any input on character design or style when transferring Isaac), and his chances have skyrocketed. What's more, since Camelot isn't going to make the same mistakes again, and everyone already owns a 3DS, EVERYONE is going to love the new game, and Isaac is going to be popular enough to definitely be in Smash 5.

If Isaac is in Smash 4, there's going to be enough love for the character and his fantastic new gameplay style that a whole new host of players are going to learn to adore him and go download his games (we've already seen Awakening getting even more popular due to this effect with Robin). Then everyone will realize how awesome the series is and demand a sequel, so we'll get Golden Sun 4 anyway.
Wouldn't the inclusion of Isaac in SSB4 sort of encourage Nintendo to release a Golden Sun 4 to cash in on the hype?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2014
It does appear there's at least five characters left, but the roster could be reorganized to fit more.

IMO, the ideal final lineup is:

Ridley, King K. Rool, Isaac, Mewtwo, and Dixie Kong or Wolf. I don't think Wolf should be cut at all, but I also think that DK should get two newcomers. I think I'd rather have Wolf come back than DK get two newcomers, personally. Hell, we could cut any notion of Dixie/Wolf and the other four would be perfect.

Out of who I want most, K. Rool and Isaac. But I think Ridley and Mewtwo NEED to be in the game, as well.
I couldn't imagine the character images to get any smaller than they already seem to be...! xD But it does look like room for 5.

I think out of those five (if those are the five, that would be ridiculously awesome btw), my favourites would be Isaac (obviously!) and Mewtwo, my second Melee main. ;;
I think that Wolf would be more likely simply because of the new Starfox game in production. :T Gotta keep that Starfox hype high.

Though I honestly can't think of many characters outside of those five (since many have been deconfirmed) that would be in those spots. Maybe Rhythm Heaven rep? That's honestly the only other idea I'd have. But this is Sakurai, so who knows.

I've been staying away from the leaks. The news I get of them only really come from this thread or the main page. Though the five unknown characters theory does seem to be common.

As for the DLC... I have no idea. My experience with Nintendo DLC mainly comes from Fire Emblem Awakening, which had both the Avatar clone Legacy characters and completely new maps, three with their own mini plot.
I've been kinda keeping away from it too (mostly because I don't want EVERYTHING spoiled for me before the Japanese release, if the leaks ARE real...).

Ahh I haven't gotten any FE:A DLC yet. I need Roy. ;;
I just wasn't sure if Nintendo had done anything like this (if Sm4sh has DLC, that is). I guess that means we're going in blind.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to be added to the list of supporters. While I haven't played Golden Sun myself and am unfamiliar with Isaac as a character, it is clear that he has enough merits to be a great addition to the Smash roster, and it seems that many of you have wanted Isaac to be playable for a long time. I'd like to see that dream become a reality.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to be added to the list of supporters. While I haven't played Golden Sun myself and am unfamiliar with Isaac as a character, it is clear that he has enough merits to be a great addition to the Smash roster, and it seems that many of you have wanted Isaac to be playable for a long time. I'd like to see that dream become a reality.
Welcome! We are gladly accepting anybody that wants to support Isaac. If you have a Wii U, you can get GoldenSun on the VC right now and try it out yourself. :grin:

Man, you guys now got me a bit hyped to see what the Direct might have. It would be a dream, no, a miracle if GS4 and Isaac as playable in Sm4sh are announced that day. I wouldn't know what to do but freak out in amazement. But hey, we'll see what we'll be getting.
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Apr 13, 2008
There's still actually a chance for Isaac's inclusion, and I fully support it (hell, he could be a Robin clone at this point), but the chances look slim. At this point, they're looking slim for most characters. Strange we haven't seen a single tidbit of Golden Sun info yet, not that it's a huge series... I guess this is what fuels further speculation! There are ostensibly five (four) character slots left. Whether they be filled in vanilla Sm4sh, DLC, or never, there's potential there. Those slots could be ANYONE, and Isaac is honestly a contender. Unfortunately, I feel he's got Fire Emblem and Shulk working against him given his physical similarity to those representative characters—though I suppose you could argue in his favor given there are so many of those animers.

If not Sm4sh, then Project M!
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to be added to the list of supporters. While I haven't played Golden Sun myself and am unfamiliar with Isaac as a character, it is clear that he has enough merits to be a great addition to the Smash roster, and it seems that many of you have wanted Isaac to be playable for a long time. I'd like to see that dream become a reality.
Well, let's give you a little demonstration of some of those merits:

The Japanese Psynergy trailer for Dark Dawn, showing off a little of its versatility, and the best vid to show off Psynergy use outside of combat.

A collection of the battle Psynergy moves appearing in Dark Dawn, and the base classes they are tied to.

Keep in mind: This is just battle uses, and doesn't factor in the fact that most Psynergy has three different levels of strength. A ton of Psynergy also has out-of-battle uses, but I couldn't find a collection of them.
Some of these are exclusive to the GBA games, as well.

There's also the summons.

And the Weapon Unleashes.
Note: These are just the artifact weapon unleashes. In Dark Dawn, every weapon has at least one unleash (most have more), and there are some unleashes in the GBA games that don't show up here.

And the Djinn Attacks.
I couldn't find a collection of the Djinn from the GBA games. But there are almost as many (I think only like five fewer, because some of the GBA ones wound up in Dark Dawn being used by Isaac and Garet), and almost all of them are different from this video.

Think about that. All that is like an hour. All of different attacks. That is how many options Isaac has. Now you have an idea of how versatile Isaac can be. But just an idea, because these vids pale compared to using them yourself, or seeing how many different ways the out-of-battle Psynergy can be used.

Extra Bonus: You get to experience some of the awesome music from the series while watching.
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Electric Tuba

Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2012
Dallas, Texas
The above post is one of our (or at least my) favorite reasons for Isaac to be in smash: His moveset potential is larger than any other character by a BIG margin. Look at all of that!

Another solid reason is that.. well.. Golden Sun was essentially the best RPG on the GBA. Even if you want to argue that it wasn't THE best, it was definitely up there. It's just a really great series, and I highly recommend you play at least Golden Sun and The Lost Age (if you like playing turn based RPGs).

One more reason I'll mention is that he's a psychic knight. Robin is in and fill that gap a little, but Isaac and other Adepts manipulation of nature (called Psyenergy) is different enough from Fire Emblem's magic that they can both fit in one game without being to similar.



Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Kind of feeling a little arrogant asking this, but would @ N3ON N3ON be willing to add those vids to the second post? It's currently empty (and I don't think we're likely to get any tease content at this point), so I think some videos just showing off Isaac's raw potential would serve as the start of a great second post.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
Oh my 2 pages of posts! You guys have been busy since I went to sleep!

Well there are obviously no hints to Golden Sun 4 at the moment but if it happens, all our dreams will come true :p Because if there is a Golden Sun 4 announcement, Isaac would be almost 100% guaranteed! Plus Isaac has remained a protagonist of a handheld game so he might be announced as a character at the end of the presentation or something as a playable character! That would be amazing! Sakurai does not need to reveal an unexpected character post-leak to bring back the hype! And Isaac is a perfect candidate, so Sakurai can't make an excuse like i) I couldn't make a moveset or ii) he just another swordsman.

Isaac has got almost everything with him maybe except Sakurai's bias!

And for the reveal trailer! According to me if it is a solo trailer, it could follow this scenario!

It starts with the traditional Golden Sun 1 music and the Golden Sun rising to the sky. And then enter Sol Sanctum where a battle is taking place with Isaac and one other character, although we see just the silhouettes! Then we hear "Meggido!!!!" and a Meteor comes crashing down on the foe. Then Isaac jumps down (with Sol Blade in hand), this time visible and makes a grand entry! And he just shouts "MOVE!!" as he pushes the opponent and we get the character screen : "Isaac Shakes it up!" with his signature move pose and Flint on his shoulder (in HD!). And then we are laid witness to his battle moves within the game! And his final smash is "I summon you, Judgement!!!"! And then at the end of the trailer we get a teaser for a different Golden Sun assist trophy!

Obviously that is an ideal case and what I would want. Plus I was confused on some details like who the opponent is but ideally it would be Alex :p Plus Isaac doesn't talk much except Meggido and Move.

Sorry if that sounded confusing! But still I just hope something awesome comes out of Nintendo's Direct but knowing them, they might just show games we already know about or some other game.

But hope for Isaac will still remain strong! Here's to an awesome Direct and Isaac for Sm4sh!
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
So, someone in the Shulk thread claims that Sakurai retweeted the Direct. Um, hype? I honestly didn't expect news in a Japan-only Direct, but this changes things. I don't watch Sakurai on twitter, so I can't confirm.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
So, someone in the Shulk thread claims that Sakurai retweeted the Direct. Um, hype? I honestly didn't expect news in a Japan-only Direct, but this changes things. I don't watch Sakurai on twitter, so I can't confirm.
Sakurai better have some good news if that is true!


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Sakurai better have some good news if that is true!
It is true that Sakurai retweeted the direct. I just checked. Here is a link if you want evidence. https://twitter.com/Sora_Sakurai
Its true. Awesome. Here's hoping we actually get something. I still stand by the statement that Isaac or perhaps a Pokemon are the only characters I can imagine getting announced in a 3DS Direct. But I'm going in cautiously optimistic. I can't imagine Ridley being announced, but K. Rool might be one announced in such a thing as well, he's popular worldwide (although K. Rool would be more likely to be announced in a worldwide Direct IMO).


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Isaac reveal and Golden Sun IV trailer. C'mon, Nintendo, don't fail me now.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Isaac reveal and Golden Sun IV trailer. C'mon, Nintendo, don't fail me now.
Skyblade, please don't get yourself too hyped... Before you blamed this thread for making you feel that Isaac had good chances of making it into the game and got upset, I don't what to see you get upset again. Don't expect Isaac. Secretly want him if you wish, but don't expect him.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
Isaac reveal and Golden Sun IV trailer. C'mon, Nintendo, don't fail me now.
Yea man considering you get nervous and upset easily, maybe you should dial it down a notch. Unless you can handle absence of some announcement and will still remain positive :)

Isaac for Sm4sh! And Golden Sun 4 would be amazing!
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Don't worry, guys. Not actually expecting much of anything from this one. I haven't caught one of the general console Directs yet, so I don't know how much new info they tend to get over the game-specific ones. And it's Japanese only, so I don't expect huge reveals (they'd save those for international ones, I think).

But if we get those two wonders...


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Don't worry, guys. Not actually expecting much of anything from this one. I haven't caught one of the general console Directs yet, so I don't know how much new info they tend to get over the game-specific ones. And it's Japanese only, so I don't expect huge reveals (they'd save those for international ones, I think).

But if we get those two wonders...
****, damn, that just made me hope for an Isaac reveal any more... The fact is that Isaac, though still a popular pick, isn't as popular as he once was... huge reveals WOULD be saved for an international thing... they just might not think Isaac is that big of a deal...

Ugh, crap... No, kill that hype.... :p


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2014
Sakurais retweet does not have to mean anything. It is just like when everyone thought that Shulk was gonna be revealed because of the Monolith Soft retweet. I do hope we get a character reveal or Golden Sun 4 (or both :p) but i think that this is just not very likely.
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Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
****, damn, that just made me hope for an Isaac reveal any more... The fact is that Isaac, though still a popular pick, isn't as popular as he once was... huge reveals WOULD be saved for an international thing... they just might not think Isaac is that big of a deal...

Ugh, crap... No, kill that hype.... :p
Don't worry man, good news is good news. If we get a Golden Sun reveal or an Isaac reveal it would be great no matter if it is international or not.

An Isaac reveal in THIS direct seems unlikely, but we can still hope for GS4! And some amazing new games since Nintendo has less 1st party support for 3DS this year!

Character reveals would probably be saved for International, popular or not!


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Sakurais retweet does not have to mean anything. It is just like when everyone thought that Shulk was gonna be revealed because of the Monolith Soft retweet. I do hope we get a character reveal or Golden Sun 4 (or both :p) but i think that this is just not very likely.
Sakurai is a whole different story, though. I think we can guarantee something Smash related. It could just be a trailer without any reveals. As for GS4... its questionable, but a Japanese only 3DS Direct is the most logical place for such a thing to appear. Although in all honesty, the only way I see GS4 teaser happening is if Isaac is also announced in Smash Bros.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
Sakurai is a whole different story, though. I think we can guarantee something Smash related. It could just be a trailer without any reveals. As for GS4... its questionable, but a Japanese only 3DS Direct is the most logical place for such a thing to appear. Although in all honesty, the only way I see GS4 teaser happening is if Isaac is also announced in Smash Bros.
And we want that to happen! That too now before Smash so we can hope for Isaac with much more enthusiasm! E3 is too far away and they probably want to reveal some games to increase the declining 3DS sales. Although I can see that a lot of this Direct might focus on the upcoming Pokemon games as well as Smash 4. Just hope they have space for some surprise reveals!
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2014
Geez, he actually retweeted the thing. Way to hype people!
Curse you Sakurai!
50 minutes left, I can't wait! >_<
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2014
Shulk confirmed. No Isaac. :(
I seriously did not expect a character reveal in a Japan only direct.

If you look at the official website you will notice that the Shulk render is the same as the one in the leak. So the footage is now confirmed. Not surprising though.
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Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Well. I'm officially heartbroken. The leak is now true, which means Isaac is confirmed as an AT. The leaker said so himself.

I'm done.
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