So it’s a JRPG about a blonde guy in his late teens-ish, who everybody and their mother seems to want in the next Super Smash Bros.
His best friend is this muscular, tall, red-headed guy, who at first is the only one who sets out on his journey with him.
The protagonist’s main love interest is also a member of the party at the beginning of the game, but she has to leave the party because of reasons, which is what partially also starts the game’s main plot.
The love interest’s older brother meanwhile is far more badass than the protagonist, and becomes playable later on.
All four of them are from the same village, and both the protagonist and the love interest’s older brother can wield this super awesome ancient weapon.
Later on, the party comes across this mage girl dressing in blue/purple clothes, whose family becomes kinda important to the plot.
Oh, and then there’s this old mentor guy that the protagonist, his best friend, the love interest, and the love interest’s older brother have known for years.