no, i mean a scale that logically measures right and wrong. not your opinion.
The only way to measure right and wrong is by majority opinion. You can have the majority rate the rightness or wrongness on a scale of 1 to 10. This is perfectly logical because majority opinion is the only logical way to do it.
it has nothing to do with me not liking it or not; it has to do with your flawed reasoning. if it doesn't work for other things, it can't work here. you're being hypocritical about the fact.
Like I said, you have to use the right tools for the job. "if it doesn't work for other things, it can't work here." is complete conjecture on your part. You are simply stating something with nothing to back it up.
that doesn't mean it's a fact. if the only way to prove something is to see what somebody thinks, how does that make it anymore of a fact than somebody else's thoughts? there is no way to prove either wrong. when you use 'majority' reasoning, it is flawed because the majority could easily be wrong.
If the majority is wrong that only means they have the wrong idea about what is wrong. That could be said about somethings we observe in different cultures. In some societies it is acceptable and praiseworthy to stone a woman to death for leaving her house without a male family member to escort her. In our society that is completely wrong. If society does not decide what is right and wrong, which as it seems is completely subjective, then how do you explain that one culture can have such a vastly different opinion than a different culture? Oh wait, I said it. It is an opinion. Right and wrong is a completely subjective opinion. The only reason we don't stone women to death is because the majority of us find it completely wrong. The only reason they do stone women is because the majority of them find it perfectly acceptable. Society decides what is right and wrong.
that isn't even a logical explanation. it is just a continuation of your flawed reasoning using opinions and ad populum. you've presented no facts; merely what the majority thinks.
If you are going to accuse me of using a debate fallacy, then at least know what it is you are accusing me of. If I was using an argument ad populum, I would have to be saying "Right and wrong are decided by majority because most people think so." Which is not what I am doing. I am showing you time and time again that society decides what is right or wrong, not because most people think that is how it works, but because that is the only way we can define a completely subjective thing such as right, wrong, ugly, beauty, clean, dirty, dark, light, hot, cold, pain, pleasure, etc.
funny is merely a reaction. gross and beauty are subjective feelings. good and evil are pretty much 'right and wrong' painted with something else. sloppy and clean is actually observable.... (at least according to our interpretations).
That is my point. Subjective feelings can be defined if a majority of people agree on the feeling. It can be said that Lewis Black is a funny guy. And almost nobody would disagree with me. But you can not measure funny with some tool, it is completely subjective and of course there are people who do not get his humor, yet he is still considered a funny man. And sloppy and clean can not be observed because your idea of clean may be sloppy to me. My house is always kept clean, but compare it to a 'clean room' it is a disaster area.
you do not see right and wrong. you merely FEEL it. if i kill a person, for you to think it is wrong, you would have to FEEL it. simply seeing me do the act is simply seeing me kill a person. the wrong part comes in when you feel it.
Thank you for making my point for me, it is unfortunate you can't see it yourself.
and my answer to his question is that nobody decides it. you are saying the majority decides it. does god exist because the majority says so?
No, god does not exist because the majority says so. That argument has nothing to do with this because of reasons I pointed out earlier in this post. If nobody decides what is right or wrong, then how do we know what is right or wrong? It would have to be some sort of arbitrary outside source. But if that is the case then why do we all not agree on what is right or wrong? Why do some of us find it perfectly right to stone women in the street?
It is society that decides right from wrong. That is the only explanation that fits. Unless of course you can explain to me a better one.