What really boggles me in these "Does God Exist?" threads, is that when discussing the existence of God, it's always about the Christian God. What of other religions? Why are they always wrong? In that sense, Christianity and all other religions would be wrong in the eyes of a Bhuddist and so on and so forth. Honestly, it could be possible that Christianity is false and that Bhuddism's reincarnation is true. Or perhaps Allah (who happens to be a different variation of God) is the real God? What makes Christians so sure that their religion is the right one? And why is it that they tend to be so judgmental than all other religions (extremists, like terrorists do not count as judgemental religious people)? Other religions obviously will not agree with Christianity, but it's not like they will down them the way Christians down others for their beliefs. That being said, I know for a fact there are very open-minded and accepting Christians. However, Christians have received such a stereotype, that they as a whole pretty much earned it because of the majority.
If there is a God, why does he create man and all other forms of life? Why create the universe and all the stars and planets if Earth is the only life-sustaining planet in existence (assuming there's no life out there)? If we die and have no form of sentience after death, then what is the point of our existence? Maybe there isn't a God? Perhaps we simply are here as a mere accident? A roll of the cosmic dice, if you will.
Regardless, if there is one constant rule, it's that energy cannot be created nor destroyed - it merely changes. On that note, suppose our bodies die and our conciousness goes with it: the energy used to keep us alive, as well as the energy that's within the very cellular structure that makes up our bodies will simply - in theory - move to become something else, whether it's energy to power a light bulb or maybe to breath new life into another creature. I honestly believe that whateever happens will happen. If I die and find out I'm going to Hell on the grounds that I doubted the existence of God, then I say it's better that than to just rot in the ground devoid of thought. On the other hand, if we die and become mere nothingness, then we wouldn't really have time to sulk about our lack of existence because we'd be dead!