You need to stop taking offense for every post disagreeing with you, bro. This isn't Tumblr.
That said, I don't have to clutter a post with a quote if the person I'm speaking to was the last poster. It's silly.
For Apex, Evo, and the like, I can't speak for Apex because I wasn't there, but Evo barely ran on time for Smash 4. Had it been 3 stock, Smash 4 would of ran over other games, and possibly ran over in GF. It was PACKED. 2 stock is simply better for larger tournaments, and larger tournaments are better for game and player exposure. Add (to be kind) 25% more run time to any 2 stock tournament and tell me how well that would go.
Those "baseless" comments aren't baseless because of that. It's only natural 3 stock takes longer. When things run smoothly and efficiently on 2 stock, putting it to 3 and increasing tournament length by a not-insignificant ratio is extremely unattractive. It's also been demonstrated that things like comebacks, learning opponents, and RNG jank (G&W hammer for days) are all within normal levels in 2 stock formats, with the advantage of 3 stock being insignificant. In the few 3 stock tournaments that were held, the data was clear: the time advantage is just better. You do realize 3 stock events have happened, right? That was the default early on.
Now, if you have no interest in tournaments, why do you care so much? Are you just trying to cause trouble? Because it sounds like you are. And saying that a TO chooses 2 stock for time concerns over 3 is selfish? Here's a reality check: Some locals that can grow bigger and better can only do so when time constraints are adhered to. Same thing with regionals. To say that a TO is selfish when they take THEIR time, THEIR money, THEIR reputation, THEIR energy, and put on events FOR THE COMMUNITY, is just, to be blunt, ignorance. They do it for the love of the people and the game. Most don't even make a big profit, if any at all. They gain experience with the community and do it FOR the community.
Coming from the guy that has no interest in tournaments, it's no surprise that you think something this... Idiotic. Strong word, but not meant to be an insult. It's meant to show just how off base you are.
And, as for the last section of your post, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking about the mindset. The one where people choose to see only what they want to see. Take in the stats and info that further their view, and ignore all the rest. It's always the same. I will always wonder why people like you have a victim complex so large that any disagreement is a direct insult. Happens every time. Believe me when I say that, if I want to insult you, I'll do it via PM and get my infraction there.
A TO's experience > your non-tournament caring experience. You're making assumptions that are provably unfounded. That's not a nice thing to do.