I would also say this. When you really think about it, one of the reasons 2stock is the norm is so Smash 4 can be done as soon as possible so that other games can be played and have the spotlight.
This isn't true at all. Many many many events have only smash 4 singles and some have smash 4 singles and doubles. Yet in both cases, 2 stocks still remains.
Why? Well, without going into too much detail......
1. Most TOs are simply bad. They cannot run an event on time (be it small or large) and cutting down stocks speeds up the event.
2. Relating to item #1, most TOs are lazy. Any way to cut corners (stock count is one way) will be taken to easy their work load.
3. Most TOs have put money (instead of the game) as the main focus. Twitch viewers (who i call ADHD viewers) cant handle 3 stocks and so they wont watch in droves. If they dont watch, you wont get ad money, viewer money, youtube money, sub money...etc. So what do you do? Cut the stocks, increases viewers and then receive the payout for it.
4. Smash 4 wifi is the best smash wifi we have ever seen. It is a legit way to play/train/grind with anyone on earth. The default ruleset is 2 stocks. Many uneducated players/TOs believe that if you TRAIN on wifi 2 stocks then OFFLINE 2 stocks is the only way the game should be played.
5. Probably the most important aspect, "influential" players/TOs/commentators. When these guys embrace something crazy as 2 stock or "Diddy is STILL the best character," the droves of ADHD twitch viewers and general uneducated population (the sheep) follow them.
In many ways Smash 4 does not get the respect it deserves. While there are more reasons for this I think the ruleset is one of the major reasons for this.
Absolutely. Smash and its scene are in one of the most complex situations i have ever been a part of. This is the ONLY party game where thousands and thousands and thousands of players agree to turn it into a makeshift fighting game that actually works. Its the ONLY game that relies on stage abuse (platforms, hazards, ledges, blast zones), shield+powershield+rolling+air dodge+ground dodge+triple jumps (some have 5-6).....etc. THEN you have the option to change stocks, legal stages, timers, items/smash balls. With all these options, many TOs will not do what the next TO does. To the FGC, who play TRADITIONAL FIGHTERS aka games that were developed from A-Z to be a FIGHTING GAME, the smash scene's behavior (which i approve of btw) gives off a sense of "their scene isnt together lol how sad." This is why FGC and traditionalists do not view smash too highly. The REALLY interesting thing is that not only has Smash destroyed (in numbers) all fighters (except Steet fighter) at EVO 3 years in a row, smash has more turnout across america in terms of weeklies, monthlies and regional in general. That says how strong we are. That says how we dont NEED the FGC or the "legitimacy" (LAUGH MY ASS OFF) it brings.
In terms of time I doubt 3stock would take up that much more time if any at all. There is only a 2min different between a match and a set can only last a few mins longer.
You are correct. It does take more time than 2 stocks but its not super crazy different.
Also lets say there are matches/sets that are drawn out. Why is this a problem for Smash 4 but not other games(fighting or different genre)? There is defensive play in Smash 4 and other fighting games. Other fighting games have matches that can be really drawn out but you do not see anybody complaining.
Because of the 3 stock/8min rule-set in BRAWL where MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY games at high and low level would hit 6-8 min regularly, the world view of 3 stocks (and any smash game NOT melee) is considered slow. Time outs are a legit strategy in fighters/party games and real life sports. It doesnt matter, if ADHD twitch viewers or melee elitists or Smash 4 haters or non smashers watch a smash match, it will appear slow/boring.
The only way to stop this "smash is too slow" mentality is to have a 99 sec timer (1 min 39 sec), life bars and a caged in stage.
3stock also has the possibility of more hype moments happening. That is in a sense advertising the Smash 4 community scene more for people to see.
i agree fully.
3 stocks promote the chances of the better player winning the longer the match goes on.
3 stocks correct SDs and dumb rage kills
3 stocks allows for adaption
3 stocks encourages aggressive play styles. In a 2 stock match, players don't want to commit/take risks because a loss of a stock is 50% of the game.
3 stocks allows us to see more of the cool stuff we want in a match......and the stuff we DONT want.