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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
Connor: Thanks for letting Ed and I stay at your guys' place again. I felt bad that we took up your roomates' room though. I realized we never played a match too! WTF

Becca: Zomg Blue hair was so awesome! What're your thoughts of me dying my hair Blue, spiking it downwards.... getting red shoes with yellow buckles... Anyways, it was good seeing you guys again. :)

Edward: BEST PIT IN THE MIDWEST OMG Quit killing me in New Mario Bros. Wii.

Razor: We didn't play each other at all. Wtf. Good seeing you again!

Joker: Same as above! How come I didn't play like anyone?! Isn't this a brawl tourney?! You guys should come to NE if we ever get tournies set up down here, you need more income anyways.

Jlo: Gannon is officially my secondary now. He's to cover all my bad match ups as Sawnik.

Blank: That Homing Attack kill was such BS. THANKS FOR KNOCKING ME OUT OF THE TOURNEY!! Nah, GGs though, I saw you playing Sawnik against other people though, don't worry about the bad ditto fight, 'tis a warm up.

Schism/Skizm/Chris: I'm glad I didn't have to fight your G&W, we had some epic doubles as Gannon/Jiggs! DON'T QUIT BRAWL.

C.Love: DON'T QUIT BRAWL EITHER. Don't think we played each other this time around, I was worried about ya passed out, glad you're okay.

Andy: Gawd I hate fighting Wario, but I actually enjoyed fighting yours. Quit being faster than me in the air, I'm the fastest thing aliii-eee-iiive, **** it. GGs

Nicole: We didn't play either... good seeing you.


Fino: I felt so helpless when you grabbed me with ICes, I shoulda just went and got some water when you grabbed me! AWESOME GANNON VS FALCON MATCHES!!!

Yink: Singles > Doubles

Uli: I coulda swore there was a Giga Drill Breaker somewhere...

Tyser: I swear to god I'll learn to Wave Dash, you don't even know. We should host tournies in Omaha to keep you company! Sorry about the deer thing, glad you guys didn't get hurt from it at least.

Dekline: Pretty sure I barely saw you while I was there. Good seeing you again regardless.

Need to set a date for the next tourney so I can ask it off, Gonna keep coming to these of course.

EDIT- Testing new colors, oooo pretty.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
I think I'm gonna pick up brawl since there's no one around to play in melee.

Sigh...NE is gonna roast me good for this.


Nappy: You sound like a b*tch.

That's all I got, cause ya know...I didn't go to the tourney.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE

1: Joker - good shiiit like always, i wish i got to see you poop on nappy :3
2: MJG - i hear your toon link is sick nasty
3: Razor - glad to see you again, good job getting third, you guys need to step it up in teams XD
7: Cook - what happend D::::: you were once my hero but your still awesome
7: Nicole - you'll get him next time :D BELIEVE!!
9: JLO - great seeing you again, glad you entered melee, i hope it helped you!!
9: Blank - my win against you in BB was not legit -_- your seriously playing MK now... <3
9: Andy - fun playing with you and port for the lil time it was lol, stupid ike
9: Smeesh - you should have gotten 2nd or 1st this time ****IITTTT ARRGGG
13: Zash - our manliness is unmatched, together we will triumph over evil, also we totally need to split that mango sometime, im stoked for it!!!
13: Greg Dang - told you you should stay marth son :3 dont get to wasted now haha
13: CBK - i hate you for beating tyser but love you at the sametime :3 good shiiit in tekken
13: Cue - you dont even play brawl haha
17: -BC- butt cock hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhaha
17: Echo - brawl O.O
17: Schism - dont quit son, look back and learn from this maaayynneee, you got this
17: Goku - HOW DID I MISS YOU!!!!
17: Ptato - glad to see you again, your the man, getting everyone drunk is XD
25: Trent - DRRRILLLUUUUUUUU, but anyway i hear david (cue) is going to be holding a big tourny like this in the future, hopefully brawl will be in it O.o we should play games more often lol
25: Kudou-Kun - <3 diggn the new hair cut, glad to see you this time unlike lasttime!!! how foes this season animes?
33: Mysterious Silver - same with trent silvaaa, i dont think ive ever played either of you in this game lol
33: Red - wut, pokemon!
GREENAALL- glad to see you guys again, you guys always keep it real and are super cool. hope to you guys again soon, lots of <3333 and im not into yaoi XDDD
33: Pcity - why you down so low :O glad to see you again, playing those teams were funzz :D
33: Afrayail - <3 nia costume was too good, hopefully see you guys again. idk about Naka con anymore, idk who else from here would go with me :\
49: JBM - GGODDD ****IIITTT you should have let me take place for you, i totally would have shiiit some hearts!!
49: McSuess - majik WTF MAN, why are you in last, but we dont paly this game XD
yink - WTF enter singles next time!! good to see you again though :D

i should play more brawl... maybe....
ike is too good btw

Melee results threadddd:


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Pokemon Manga is too good! Just read that Red won the Indigo League and he literally catches every thing he sees. On Chapter 41.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
so i reformatted my computer and forgot to save my book marks, there goes like hundreds of manga ive been keeping up with -_-
hopefully i will remember the names when i see them
i guess ill fire up this pokemon


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Random Post:

Snapple Fact of the Day: Did you know that the average lead pencil can draw a line 35 miles long or write roughly 50,000 English words.


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Lincoln, NE
Everyone who'd come up here for smashing:

We've hosted a couple of 'smash parties' at our house, they're mostly for fun and populated by non-tourney players, but they're still fun. Omaha/Lincoln people are always welcome to show up... or anyone else, for that matter, but I doubt you want to drive three hours for it.

We really, really, really want to get regular tournaments and such started here, but we need to find a place to do it. Our house is too small, won't cut it. We at one point were going to have a club through UNL for it, but it fell through (partially due to the lack of UNL students involved.)

Presently racking my brain for other locations where we could get something regular going, but in the meantime, if people for sure have an interest in coming down and giving Joker more entry fees... I'll start calling around to find a place we can host something.

NE needs a Brawl scene, dammit.


Forgot to mention, next Smash Party is actually this Saturday, 6 PM if anyone in the area wants to show up. Lemme or Trent know, we'll help you get there. Just be warned, lotsa scrubs etc.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Pierre, SD

1: Joker - Great job getting "redemption" against Nappy those were some epic matches to watch. Sliding Fsmash on ice is too good.

2: MJG - Awesome toonlink, I couldn't do much to approach and there was no way to win camping against it. GG's

3: Razor - Good work as always, you've been consistently on top of your game and improving.

5: Nappy - We had some fun team matches, it was good playing you and Breezy. had to pk fire a bike off stage for a flaming bike cypher bite double kill to take a match off you guys. That's like an act of god.

7: Cook - Team matches were fun. Your Wario is coming along but I'm way afraid of Olimar.

7: Nicole - Hey friend, sorry for being so emo about the Wario/Peach matchup. I think we both feel the same way but you handle it better. Good work carrying our team at Time Crisis, I'll pick up the slack next time.

9: JLO - Mr. Jack of all trades master of none. Well I take that back since your Peach seems to wreck shop. I'm fearing the day that you pick up the high tiers.

9: Blank - hey lil buddy.

13: Greg Dang - get wrecked son

13: CBK - Thanks for playing Snake and making my life easy. Your Pikachu is serious business.

17: -BC- - When's our money match bro? :p

17: Schism - Fun hanging out with you as always

17: Goku and team. - Good **** against us in teams. After that first match I thought we had the thing but you came back beautifully.

17: TysaH - Nice runnin into you again. Too bad about the deer.

17: Ptato/Afrayail/Hulk'sBro - Thanks for letting us ride with ya'll. I'll be sure to return the favor if you ever need.

25: Breezy - Scary Ganondorf. Intense matches. Too bad Wario runs around Norfair all too easily.

25: Trent - too fast/fun matches. We should get more friendlies next time.

33: Pcity - Learn to tourny! Thanks for the ride back. We should have gotten more doubles matches. I'll bring more caffeine next time and make it happen.

??: Y1NK - **** girl we rocked teams. Thanks for playing so well and settin up plays.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Shout-out time.

Joker: I'm still upset about our doubles performance, good job winning on the comeback trail for once.

MJG: I don't believe for a second there is another toon link out there that is better than you. I have ideas for next time I face you, to remedy the problem I had getting even close to you. You are too good, I hope you keep coming to our tournaments. We have both won a set against each other so next time will be the real test :)

Razor: You could / should have done better, especially in doubles. But good job helping run the tournament.

Fino: I enjoyed having you around for this tournament. Thanks for taking the time to work with some of our newcomers to competitive play. I'm sure you'll get me next time, keep coming up here!

Nappy: I was hoping we could have our re-match, but it wasn't meant to be I suppose. Thanks for coming down, and congrats on doubles.

Breezy: Your ganon is real man, as I told you before. I hope you can make it again, I will challenge your ganon with my falcon next time :) Congrats on doubles as well.

Kit: Lord, after you cleaned me up on that first match I thought my tournament was ended in fifth place. I really enjoy you and your group, and look forward seeing you guys next tournament.

Nicole: We should have done friendlies outside of doubles because we definitely didn't. I'm really happy that you are consistently placing high in tournaments now. It is a testament to how good you have gotten.

Cook: We didn't do friendlies either, but you are one of my favorite out of state people. Olimar dittos are ridiculous and that is a stupid way to end a tournament. Number 1 in my book. Thanks for being third in command and recommending we go to the "melee room" it really saved the tournament.

<At this point I no longer know where people placed so it will be random>

Jlo: Listen to me other maxwell player. You need to get over your jitters that you seem to have in tournament and start placing as good as you are. I don't think anyone other than me understands the extent to how good you are and that is a problem.

Ramses Boostamonte Lovan: I think this was the least interaction we have ever had at a tournament but that was prolly due u being in the other room more. Seriously man, I don't think mk is your answer but you will do what you will do I suppose.

Love: Congrats on your highest placement yet friend, see new promising days are on the horizon.

Kudou: Thanks for helping with this and that throughout the day.

Schism: Don't quit!

CBK: Congrats on traveling as far as you did after an early loss. Smash > Tekkan whatever number it is nowadays....

BC: Glad you are getting back into the game, you'll get your groove back.

Andy: I am just as happy you are placing highly as well. Iowa's wario gets much respect from me.

Chloe: Enter a d-amn tournament ya hear? Thanks for helping me run the bracket, and for a future controller donation to the razor charity case :)

ZZZZash: <hug> You are my favorite. We already had a talk, you are great. <(")

Raven/Enema: Zash's friends, nice to meet both of you and hope to see you in the future.

Sekou: I wish that when you are able to play in a tournament you would actually want to do so.

Becca: You are Iowa's little cheerleader. Thanks for the moral support, and no worries I will always be there for advice.

Connor: Hey no worries about all the match-up advice. I hate telling you all the time you just have to be patient and play it over and over, but unfortunately that is the best way to improve.

Lamoni group: Get accounts on smash boards so we can keep you updated. You all are very good for this being your first smash adventure outside of your home area. I wish I could have played all of you, and those that I did I would like to have played more. If you have free time give me a shout-out on here and we can arrange something.

Grinnell: I'm glad you guys keep coming. You all have improved soooo much since you first started showing up. I think the only thing holding you guys back now is that you need more external experience. Come around some times that aren't necessarily tournament days and I would be glad to play endless friendlies with you all.

Tyser: Me and jlo were talking on the way home. You could be SO good at brawl if you would put the effort in. You were able to do extremely well in a match-up you didn't hardly know at all by just listening to my advice and then doing it. That = promise.

Dekline: I hope you don't quit man, even though melee doesn't really include me that would mean I won't see you ever anymore.

JBM: I'm disappointed in you with your second tournament in a row where you forfeit.

Smeesh: Someone got their brawl swagger back!

Uli: You are on of my favorites as well, good seeing you as always.

Jordan: Oh Jordan, you always make tournaments completely amusing. Always a joy when you are around.

CTX: Link dittos were the best. Keep up the good work I'm always glad when you come up with the other Kirksville folk.

Jimmy: You are no longer an "RFG" in my book. Our matches were some of my closest all tournament. Stupid ledge canceling glitches!

Sorry if I forgot anyone, but this shout-out is painfully long already!


Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Everyone who'd come up here for smashing:

We've hosted a couple of 'smash parties' at our house, they're mostly for fun and populated by non-tourney players, but they're still fun. Omaha/Lincoln people are always welcome to show up... or anyone else, for that matter, but I doubt you want to drive three hours for it.

We really, really, really want to get regular tournaments and such started here, but we need to find a place to do it. Our house is too small, won't cut it. We at one point were going to have a club through UNL for it, but it fell through (partially due to the lack of UNL students involved.)

Presently racking my brain for other locations where we could get something regular going, but in the meantime, if people for sure have an interest in coming down and giving Joker more entry fees... I'll start calling around to find a place we can host something.

NE needs a Brawl scene, dammit.


Forgot to mention, next Smash Party is actually this Saturday, 6 PM if anyone in the area wants to show up. Lemme or Trent know, we'll help you get there. Just be warned, lotsa scrubs etc.
I wanna try to get a ride at it.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I probably over exaggerated in my post

but at the time I had been up all day on like 2 hours of sleep and its easy to get distracted and angry when I'm in that state. Its my fault but I didn't appreciate the **** that was going on from what I remember

you guys physically made the match go from me ****** him to joker barely winning the next two. Mock me if you want but that **** is aggrivating beyond belief. I'll just win whatever next tourney I go to -_-

Also, that was only my 2nd time teaming with breezy. We have no idea what a team work is. And he uses a ganondorf. LOL! And I heard iowa was supposed to be good at doubles.... -.-

My mk isn't even ****ty schizm. He's pretty much just about as good as my snake you know. Its just that I only use him in doubles and on gay stages like brinstar so I dont play him often. So dont call my mk ****ty :)

Tyser-I play melee, just not as much as brawl. I dont have time to be playing a game that requires you to practice every ****ing day to keep up and get better. I play both games about once a week at the max. And I play them for fun. It just happens that I'm good at one of them and I can win money playing it.

But overall I kinda apologize what I said, but next time I go to iowa I'm bringing headphones....=__=


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
I probably over exaggerated in my post

but at the time I had been up all day on like 2 hours of sleep and its easy to get distracted and angry when I'm in that state. Its my fault but I didn't appreciate the **** that was going on from what I remember

you guys physically made the match go from me ****** him to joker barely winning the next two. Mock me if you want but that **** is aggrivating beyond belief. I'll just win whatever next tourney I go to -_-

Also, that was only my 2nd time teaming with breezy. We have no idea what a team work is. And he uses a ganondorf. LOL! And I heard iowa was supposed to be good at doubles.... -.-

My mk isn't even ****ty schizm. He's pretty much just about as good as my snake you know. Its just that I only use him in doubles and on gay stages like brinstar so I dont play him often. So dont call my mk ****ty :)

Tyser-I play melee, just not as much as brawl. I dont have time to be playing a game that requires you to practice every ****ing day to keep up and get better. I play both games about once a week at the max. And I play them for fun. It just happens that I'm good at one of them and I can win money playing it.

But overall I kinda apologize what I said, but next time I go to iowa I'm bringing headphones....=__=
*Yawn* Jonz, Jonz, Jonz, Jonz. Change the record already. I dunno if your headphones are goign to be loud enough to drown out the voices next time, especially with all this hate you're bringing on yourself. Not smart on your part.

And "Iowa is supposed to be good at teams LOL?" Why would you hate on Joker and Razor when they are some of the people who have been nice to you thus far? Are people not allowed to have bad days/bad matches as you are so claiming with all of your pathetic excuses? But hey, i heard you were supposed to be good at singles, LOL.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I came to this planning on winning singles and losing in doubles

somehow the reverse happened. : |

for anyone who didn't know who I was I was that white kid with the hollister sweatshirt. GG


The Robo-PSIentist
Oct 6, 2009
Osaka, Japan
im playing ike
ima poop people...
Needs more Ike Manly shouting. ;D


Andy - Rofl our team was pretty **** good. I loved the bike spike that **** was funny. It was like ghost rider got off his bike and let it fall to hell

Sekou - I wanted to see more of your matches, and I was happy you showed up! Thanks for the ride back

NaPPy - I'm making your sig right now. Nice Snake work

Zash - L O L. Needs more Falcon Knee. Your orgasmic yelling was so amusing.

Nicole - I still love you and your Peach, we really need to team sometime. :)

Joker - I TOLD you the Shredder was lucky! You did a good job congrats on winning the tournament in singles! Hope you liked the Joker book. :p

MJG - Those were some fun friendlies, we'll double sometime. :)

Love - You scared me to death, but I still love you <3

Schism - You rock. I wish I was watching more of your matches.

Jake - I kind of took over the brackets, but it made life easier for you! :) Good job in the tournament. I'll get you a new controller soon

Breezy - Cool Ganon, lots of interesting combo work too :p

Afrayail - I loved having you there, it made me not feel like the only girl. (yay for the 3 of us entering)

Tyser - You're hilarious. Good ****.

If I forgot you...I'm sorry I'm really tired. D: WOO BIRTHDAY IN LESS THAN A WEEK.



Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Ugh, tourney is over. No more johns please.

If anyone should john it should be me since I went through three controllers at this tournament.


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Any games tonight?

Edit: I probably think we're not going to any tourneys in awhile, but I would like to play to not be rusty.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
*Yawn* Jonz, Jonz, Jonz, Jonz. Change the record already. I dunno if your headphones are goign to be loud enough to drown out the voices next time, especially with all this hate you're bringing on yourself. Not smart on your part.

And "Iowa is supposed to be good at teams LOL?" Why would you hate on Joker and Razor when they are some of the people who have been nice to you thus far? Are people not allowed to have bad days/bad matches as you are so claiming with all of your pathetic excuses? But hey, i heard you were supposed to be good at singles, LOL.
****ing truth, dear god. And honestly I wouldn't doubt you were going off of lack of sleep or -something- because your face looked funny all day.... constantly going about glaring and looking upset :S

The only truth Bolt didn't lay down on you was the fact that whatever delusions were produced from your 2 hours of sleep, I'm pretty sure you were far from "******" Joker the first match. Congrats on your victory ^__^ But the best man won in the end >.<; And if you wanna try an' blame it on his supporters.. well.. try having supporters sometime instead of coming here to spread hate for yourself.

On another note, your fellow MN-friend seemed like a pretty cool dude, and I give him props for cheering you on even though he was surrounded by a room full of Joker supporters.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
Any games tonight?

Edit: I probably think we're not going to any tourneys in awhile, but I would like to play to not be rusty.
Double post. Anyway, I don't know when I'll see you guys again, since I don't think I'll be making games this week (if there even are any.) If we don't have an official tourney, I wouldn't mind waking up early to stake claim to the Honors Building again for another small one.. or even a random smash festy sort of fiasco. Low tier tourney, anyone?

Or maybe sum REAL money matches? (coins)

Just let me know if anyone's interested and when y'all're available.
That's right. I just put three words together.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
On another note, your fellow MN-friend seemed like a pretty cool dude, and I give him props for cheering you on even though he was surrounded by a room full of Joker supporters.
I expected someone to throw something at me >_<

25: Breezy - Scary Ganondorf. Intense matches. Too bad Wario runs around Norfair all too easily.
I'm CPing a small stage next time we play :mad:

Breezy: Your ganon is real man, as I told you before. I hope you can make it again, I will challenge your ganon with my falcon next time :) Congrats on doubles as well.
Thanks ^_^ And I'll do the Falcon/Ganon match only if you can only use falcon punch and I'll only use Utilt :laugh:

Breezy: I wanted to play you but didn't got the chance T.T congrats on doubles.
Thanks, and congrats on singles yourself :D We'll play next time we're both at the same event. I dunno if you remember but I played you like a year ago at Beezo's. You wrecked me :dizzy:

And to everyone, I don't like leaving shoutouts because I'm a perfectionist and too paranoid about missing some one <_< However, I will say to everyone I played, games were way too fun :chuckle: And I legitimately mean this; there was not a single person I played that I didn't enjoy playing against (^_^)b


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
I will say to everyone I played, games were way too fun :chuckle: And I legitimately mean this; there was not a single person I played that I didn't enjoy playing against (^_^)b
You avoided the Olimar/IC main ^^; but we chilled briefly :]
Always supa cool mr ganon main :D because of you I can say I lost a MM to a ganon XD

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