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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Lincoln, NE

Becca and Connor: Your house is cold. I need to remember to bring a blanket next time. THANKS FOR HOUSING ETC. ETC.

Razor: Never got to record a match with you this time. Ah, well. By the time we left I wasn't very coherent anyways, and I hadn't even had any alcohol.

Cook: ARGH OLIMAR. You're beast, man. You totally shut me down.

Zykln: You are the bane of my tournament placings, apparently. Good ****, need to play the hell out of you so I'm comfortable with that laser.

Trent: Clearly when they said Midnight, they meant whenever the hell they felt like it.

Enima: Those were the silliest matches. SUPER SELF-DESTRUCT BROTHERS BRAWL. Good stuff.

That Sheik I played before we left: @#$%! THAT CHAIN. Teach me to do that ****.

Ganon Free-for-alls: Aw, hells yeah.

Everyone I friendlies'd: Thanks a ton, I really need matchup experience right now, it's my biggest hurdle ATM.

Anyone I missed: Anytime I wasn't hyped up on caffeine is kind of a dull blur, so I'm sorry I forgot. No sleep + 3 hour drive makes one a little tired.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
So, my voice is not allowing me to talk right now.


Fun tourney though, I decided that I'm gonna build a teleporter to go to Ames and Des Moines for all the brawl fests you guys do.

@Tyser :( That sucks major *** dude. WE SHOULD HOST TOURNIES IN OMAHA!


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
oh there was once a time when brawl tournaments happend in omaha with 50 + people
but over the times it got less and less
and now 0

everytime i go to IA though i wish i play brawl more...


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
oh there was once a time when brawl tournaments happend in omaha with 50 + people
but over the times it got less and less
and now 0

everytime i go to IA though i wish i play brawl more...
Could always try hosting Melee/Brawl again. Announce it at Gamers / Stuff and get people from Iowa to come. Joker needs more income anyways.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2008
I can understand hyping up a match and yelling if something cool happens or whatever. But they went way too far with how much they were yelling and what they were saying.

I dont think you would understand unless it happened to you personally. I've been in plenty of games where a crowd gathers and **** gets intense and people can get noisy but what I experienced was just a bit ridiculous and annoying.

Guess what. I play both games ******. So dont be like lol bawrl playrz sux; hawhawhawhaw

i only had money to enter 2 events at this tourney and I chose the ones I thought I could win money in. Sound fair enough to you?

Man the **** up you whor e.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
i dont want anything to do with gamers
they steal money from tournys

last time we did melee/brawl was at JBMS, IA actually came :3
we could get FFC to host again like usual but idk, the turn outs been pretty shiiittyy


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA

Christian: Always love you watching you win, but my head was not in the right place this time. >.>

Jake: Your the best guy to give encouragement to people, so that's why I root on for you in matches.

John: We would make the best Tag Team if people ever fought us. :laugh:

Chris: You want to fight?

Rebecca: Enjoyed all of our conversations we had at the tourney. They were epic.

Connor: You are the man!

Tony: Thanks for everything you did for me when I was blacked out. I'll mae sure that doesn't happen again.

Anthony: Thanks for helping Tony get me home and I understand if you did not want to touch that throw up I had on my shirt. :laugh:

Chloe: Thanks for helping run the tourney. I'm sorry too if I said any weird things while I was drunk.

Andy: Gotta use more F-Smash man!

Thomas: Good matches man. I was just satisfied that I got those spikes on you. I don't know how to take Kirby on well because you never play him! :laugh:

Tyser: I'm glad you're alright man and hope we'll see you man in the future. Epic conversations before bed man!

Yulai: You're my main man dude!

Andrew: Didn't get to see you play or anything. I don't think we spoke that much this time around too, but you looked pretty tired. Awesome for getting 2nd in Blaz.

Jon: Good seeing you again man. It was IHOP that did that to your stomach! I hope you feel better man.

Austin: Epic cheering. Hope your voice gets better.

Ed: Godd seeing again.

David: Thanks for that pitcher of beer man. Too bad it ended up on the floor later during that night. Congrats on 1st in Guilty and Blaz.

Brice: Good seeing you again man.

Mike: Good matches man.

TonyMajik: Always a pleasure to see you man.

Devon: Always love watching that Falcon man. Sexiest Falcon ever.

Cook: Wished you beat Fino man. You're still my hero.

Nicole: Good matches! Peach is tough to approach! Wished you won against Kit. You'll get him soon. Those were all very good matches.

Jordan: Good seeing you man! You always make the best suggestions at these Tourneys, but no one listens to you.

Kit: Good seeing you man. Your Wario is sexy to watch.

Alcohol: I guess you did your job man. Got me drunk gave me a good time for however long that was until I blacked out and started throwing up.

If I didn't get you in my shoutout, Sorry. I'll add you if I feel like editing.

Sorry to worry all of you with my heavy drinking. I'm sure all you guys got a kick out of it. I'm still alive. My count for if I continue this game is down to 2. I saw much improvement this time around, so we'll see where I place next time. Overall, Great Tourney! I think we should have a Thanksgiving Smashfest or something. I feel like we're a family now! :laugh:


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
I'm too lazy for shoutouts.

Nappy, Yeah, I raged because I hate losing to shitty Meta Knights due to my impatience. Also, you should deal with us cheering, Joker is a part of Iowa so we cheered for him. We also like seeing cocky bitches get wrecked. Grow some balls.

Greg I'm not even sure if you know the level to which you got obliterated. Oh my lord.

I'm generally willing to just drive to NE if anything ever goes on. Greg and I have driven down there randomly for smashfests/hang out with people before.

I think I'm done entering Brawl tournaments anymore though.


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
I got obliterated all right. If Tyser can't come to us, we'll go to him. I simply just like for us to hang out. I mean, we don't a game to always bring us together, right? Are we all more than Smash Friends?


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
My situation sucks. Im so pissed at that deer. I hope that mofo died slowly even though he got sliced in half during impact.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
My situation sucks. Im so pissed at that deer. I hope that mofo died slowly even though he got sliced in half during impact.
Hope all you want, but that fucker got destroyed. He's was done games instantly.

Also, Redemption vids are up except for finals, they'll be up by tomorrow



Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
Okay.. I can't say much more than "rofl" at Nappy =/ No more -needs- to be said, but I will add that I made it a point that we didn't say **** until Joker did something impressive, or at least damaging to you :) Then, sure, we cheered obnoxiously as ****.. but really? Lol, welcome to Iowa. If you hadn't have left a bad impression on the forums right beforehand, then I'm pretty sure we would have tried to tone down our Joker love a little bit outta respect.. <_<

And Eddie, that ain't my place, son >:O I hate that crappy apartment, but I figured I'd stay with you all anyway. Blame Connor (and his legit roommates) for their crappiness :p

Joker: Sexxxy, **** good thing you won >:) Told you we donated our money for you! Way to wreck in the tourney, and I know that everyone's fav was you taking Nappy down. And by everyone, at least me and my friends :D

Razor: Thanks for being so cool and helpful ^_^ Glad you got up there, I was rooting for you!! :) It's good to see you again!

Skyzim: It was good to see you, too! Sorry about your gay matches. HOPE YOU ENJOYED THOSE CHIPS, SON.

Connor: **** you, douchebag. You got lucky. .....Naw, but really, good job I guess >_> Though you know you got off easy with me, babe ;) Congrats on making it up there ^-^; a bit :p

Chloe: Said you didn't enter, but good job in teams.

Andy: BACK FLIP, BACK FLIP! No but really, nice riding with you. Sorry about the trashy car, again blame Connor/roommates :D

Tyser: **** that deer, man >_< It was nice seeing you, better not be the last time for awhile =/ Congrats on being first to totally guess, haha. No doubts.

Yulai: I LOVE YOU AND YOUR HUGS. :( your hat/button = epic.

Austin: Hope you had a good time, sorry about your car dealio. Get your voice back soon!

Eddie: See above. But also, it was good to see you again. Congrats and all, I heard you gave out some awesome advice (like a boss)

Cook: Congrats on the tourney, wish ya coulda made it. All of your help and advice was soo greatly appreciated; you were really cool about it :) Sorry my dollar didn't work.... LOL.

Nicole: You **** too hard. But anyway, it was nice actually interacting with you this tourney. :p

Jordan: Glad you made it back to the tourney alive ^-^ I'll say it was thanks to me.

Kit: You reaally remind me of someone I know, I think. Yeah.. but epic Wario stuff, congrats to you and Jordan in teams.

Nappy: ***** MORE LOL.. no, but I will say I was impressed. I was expecting you to be all trash talk and no game, but at least you weren't total ****.

Fino: You look... different than I thought >_> And are younger...... and once you stopped ignoring me, you were a pretty cool dude. Be less cocky, hahaha. Naw, but you play a wicked Olimar, and I'll do some work. Thanks for the extra practice/tips later on, it was cool.

MJG: Didn't getta talk to you much but I was way impressed. You're a cool dude with an epic Toon Link. Way to ****, son, hope you guys can make it up more.

Note: some random post at some random time will be Connor with his own shot outs, cuz the n00b didn't make an account.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
4. Fino - why u play olimar so different?? threw me off hard lol, lookin forward to future matches.
It's the pink boots mang. lol. Uhh... I try to play fast and kinda technical I guess.... I try to learn a little bit of everything ^^; I take it you're used to cook though - I hear that a lot from the ia/mo players... and all the ks players say the same to cook I hear (or at least tell me that he plays a lot different than I do lol).
I want to play moar peach though, so definitely hit me up next time ;)

Fino: You look... different than I thought >_> And are younger...... and once you stopped ignoring me, you were a pretty cool dude. Be less cocky, hahaha. Naw, but you play a wicked Olimar, and I'll do some work. Thanks for the extra practice/tips later on, it was cool.
Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnd Gaaaaammmmeeeeesssss....


what was I supposed to look like @.@? I definitely don't look like Mahoro Ando (as cool as that might be...haha) Also, I told you I'm bad at this game ._.

Joker, when is the next one of these.... I'm pretty sure all the kansas people had a ton of fun. Dunno about them, but I'm going to the next one (most likely ;D). I'll definitely be sportin' ma fly pink kicks - haha



Smash Ace
Feb 21, 2007
4 hours from Des Moines
Ok, Ima do shoutouts later. I'm tired and stuff, but I will say two things.

Joker: Thanks for letting us stay, as always. Sorry we couldn't say it in person or play some games before we left, but you was zzzzzzzing. How late were you and fino playing? lol


Like was said, shoutouts later.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
The deer I hit exploded like a grenade so I dunno -_-

To be completely honest though, I dont even recall what happened. I just remember Uli and Dekline telling me what happened. I remember seeing that deer and everyone screaming and then all the stuff after that I forgot. I dunno what's happening to my head.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Tyser I am pretty sure you are suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder.) You should talk to your local Nam vet about how to deal..... also that sucks man I fear deer whenever I am driving since I live between random timbers and corn fields.

I'm not doing shout-outs yet, but great tournament other than the power outages. Best decision ever (by cook) to move to the melee room.

Thanks all of the oos people that came, we really enjoyed having a large crowd.


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Lincoln, NE
****, I just realized we passed the deer you hit.

Jesus, that thing was goo. You got insta-revenge, son.

Also you can still smash if we get stuff going in Omaha or Lincoln, right? We just need to find a space to use.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Note: some random post at some random time will be Connor with his own shot outs, cuz the n00b didn't make an account.
Why the hell doesn't Connor have his own account on here yet?
****, I just realized we passed the deer you hit.

Jesus, that thing was goo. You got insta-revenge, son.

Also you can still smash if we get stuff going in Omaha or Lincoln, right? We just need to find a space to use.
Like I said, if anything actually goes down I'd pretty much drive down for smashfests/tourneys/whatever, and at least Joker and Love would probably come down with me.
I apologize in advance for this, since I normally don't post random videos. But this was absolutely too epic to not post in here.

That's amazing.
People should scream like that every time they move in tourney matches.


Smash Ace
Feb 21, 2007
4 hours from Des Moines
Ok. Shoutsouts. Its been awhile.

Joker: Basically what I already said, plus grats on winning. Again. Whatever. Also don't let me snake ditto you ever again. Ever.

Razor: Not only did we not do our Falcon match, but we didn't even play at all. I'll get you next time. My chain is now beast XD *hug*

Connor: GIGAAAAA DRILLLLLL BREAKEEEEERRRRR!!!!! Hat and bag were too good man.


D.Vog: Fear the chain :laugh: It was really cool playing all those matches with you man. Hope to see you guys again.

Mysterious Silver: Lol I was the random Sheik guy :bee: It was fun getting all those matches at 1:00 in the morning haha. Thanks for the pit practice.

Fino: Learn the Sheik match-up and get some sleep so you can kick my *** next time. Good to know there's someone else out there that enjoys challenges of new stuff. GGs.


Tyser: Stop picking on deer.

Cook: We didn't play much, but its always good to see you. Now that I got the Ganon and G&W dair, I'll try something new. Maybe I'll get that Sheik utilt down someday for you.

Nicole: Needs more Sheik dittos, lol.

Kit and Jordan: Yes I'm combining your shoutout. There's never been a time when it wasn't good to see you guys. Your team is too real. Reality doesn't even compare. Love, Zash.
P.S We should play more games next time.
P.P.S. Jordans an alcoholic. Lay off man. We don't need you making love throw up again.

Blank: Someday you'll understand why you have to inflate a bed before you deflate it :lick:

Skizm: You're gonna have to teach Blank why this^ is so. I'll entrust it to you.

Jlo: Don't let me not play Sheik against you anymore. Please and thank you.

Yink: Sorry I'm such a creeper that Falcon Orgasms all the time. Can't help it.

Tim and Ryan: Get a **** account so I can flame you guys.

Zash: Shoutout to yourself. Its original and clever.

Well thats about it for now. Complain or flame me if I forgot you so I can flame back. Tourney was SWEET and group pic was EPIC. Hope to see most of you next month!

P.P.P.S. I took the time to shoutout to all of you during my class. Be grateful :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
P.P.P.S. I took the time to shoutout to all of you during my class. Be grateful :chuckle:
*Not grateful* >:O

Then again, I think I didn't list you in my shout outs.... TBQH, I copied Greg's and edited to try and ensure I got people... but I realized I don't know a lot of you guys' actual names! D:

If you were the MK ****** Sheik wielding a key blade, you're awesome, and thanks for epicness? :D?

Edit @ Skyzim: I think he actually has made an account or three, but he's kinda spacey/dumb and prolly forgot the passwords (he always makes ridiculously long/random passwords for stuff) I think I remember he tried making Ptato and it was taken, but honestly, wouldn't be surprised if he was the one that made it and forgot -_-;


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
Yo, it's ptato. Yea, I did make several accounts but I'm too lazy to remember my passwords, and it pissed me off that I couldn't have the name ptato...prolly my own fault. But yea, shoutouts! (watch out I have a tendency to ramble)

Nappy: Cry more you sissy *** double *****! Joker is a superhero while you're a superdouche. Sorry Iowa likes to have fun at our tourneys. Way to be an elitist *****. And if you can't handle a crowd cheering for the local favorite, then you need to either never leave your home town again or up your discipline, not much more to ignoring a crowd than ignoring your opponent. What is this supposed to be... golf? Only reason a crowd of loyal fans should bother you is if your insecure because you realize that relatively no one loves you.

Greg: Yo, thanks for drinking with me, and I'm sorry I got you a bit too drunk. I do that to all my skinny buds...it's cuz I'm too fat and drink way too often. I did fine but I felt bad about leaving you like that. I'm glad everything worked out, cuz one drunk trying to help another is always bad news. I'll make sure to bring some mixers next time so we can do more awesome. Way to be cool, man.

Uli: You are awesome in ways I know not how to explain.

Tyser: Nasty balls on the deer thing, but yea, if you guys set some stuff up in nebraska I'll totally drive up there and play some games. And hell yea, I'm gonna bring up so much booze...I still have about half of what I had at nebraskon so it'd be great times. But yea, is the only hurdle to making oos games lack of vehicle? Can no one else drive you?

Joker: You're a superhero man, Way to kick ***. Snake doubles are ****ton crazy to watch...It is hard to believe that there were only four gernades on screen at any given time. Crazy. But yea, stay awesome and use our $21 donation to the Joker is Awesome Fund well.

Razor: Thanks for always being willing to talk me through every match up I've ever lost at tourney ^_^. You're a superhero in your own way, and if it weren't for your advice and encouragement I wouldn't be half the player I currently am. Seriously, thank you.

Eddie: Sorry man, if you would've said something I could've torn down the quilt that I use for a curtain in my room and gave it to you. With me, you should always ask if you want something, I love opportunities to be generous but am often too dumb to realize how I can help.

Austin: Super crazy awesome to see you again. Like, the day after Nebraskon I kept thinking to myself, "hey we should go see how austin is doing...wait, he lives in nebraska...darn."

Skizm: Way to be a cool dude...I want to give you a shout out but have virtually nothing specific to say to you, so I'm kinda rambling. Yea, I'm that dumb. Oh yea, I don't have an account because I'm too busy/lazy to post often and Becca just keeps me up to date on everything that is going on.

D Vog: I want to play you in some friendlies were neither of us gimp ourselves horribly. That was really dumb and unfortunate. I hope to see you at the next monthly.

Connor: Way to go, giving underage people booze and being an overall looser. You made greg barf and then ditched him like a real jerk. Also, way to be a lame copycat and do exactly what zash did a few posts before you. LAAAME! Everyone prolly only tolerates you cuz becca is so **** cool.

Becca: Thanks for being so **** cool, we all know it is the only reason people tolerate my drunken ***. Sorry I'm a douche and play metaknight like a cheap *****. You'll prolly butcher me next time, and you'll deserve it more than I ever deserved to beat you.

Zash: I hate sheik's dumb crazy whippy thing of super priority.

Jlo: I wish I had played you in a couple friendlies just so I could experience your cool obscure chars again. DK is a badass Mofo.

Andy, Yink: It was cool riding along with you guys; giving you guys a ride up made the drive that much more smashy.

Anyone I forgot: I doubt you exist, but if you do...I'm very sorry.

But yea, Bec and I prolly won't be able to do games this thursday, we started doing a dnd4 campaign on sundays and cuz of thanksgiving break they're doing it thursday this week :-( Any other days people might want to try and get together for some smash? I'm prolly going to have absolutely nothing to do on sunday...(bec is going to family saturday so I'll be lonely u.u)


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
I can only go out of state with my folks or with my aunt or uncle meaning I prob wont be hanging out in Iowa for a long time. That is what Ive been restricted to.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008

My car is super old games so I can't drive, and neither can Uli. So pretty much that just leaves JBM for oos tournies now, but thats assuming only 4 ppl go. Lately people like echo/yosh have been wanting to go too, so that kinda screws stuff up. Maybe I'll just quit stalling a buy a new car already so I can drive -.-


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Shoutouts ^.^

MJG: Some intense matches down to the wire in every single one.

Razor: We didn't won doubles but next time for sure >.0

Fino: Tired Brawl is fun, also thanks for teaching me pivot walking >.<

Nappy: GG mang and no matter where you go people will always cheer for there own crew is part of being competitive.

Kit/Jordan: Good stuff on doubles next time I should drink with you guys @.@

Cook/Nicole: Still no Pokemons but next time for sure.

Jlo: Thanks for helping me carry the TVs, also you should try teaming with Andy.

Blank: You owe me IHOP >.<

Andy: I saw some of your Doubles matches very close ones and epic ones.

Yink: Thanks for helping with the tourney and sorry we couldn't do Mother team T.T

NE: Everything seemed fine till the ride back but like Skizm said we will go for smashfest or what not.

Grinnell: Thanks guys for coming down you're a fun bunch.

Zash: Don't worry about it Tourney took everything out of me and was just really tired. Hopefully you can make it this week with Peeks.

C.Love: You shouldn't drink if you can't handle it but luckily you have friends who can put up with it ^.^;

CBK: Way to ruin our trip to IHOP T.T but no mang is all good IHOP is always there so next time.

Zyklon: I enjoy talking to you specially cause Falco is such a kool char.

-BC-: Good old Proficient.

Skizm: Thanks for helping with the TV's at the end.

Ptato/Afrayail: I'm glad I didn't disappointed you both I also wanted to drink with you guys but maybe we can do a smashfest and drink then <(^.^<)

Breezy: I wanted to play you but didn't got the chance T.T congrats on doubles.

NGamer3K: Glad you can make it we need to play some more.

Trent/Silver: Always a pleasure hanging and talking with both of you.

Kudou: Yeeeeeeeeeah boy, thanks for the advice in some of my matches and I know I really wanted IHOP that day T.T

Port City: I saw you play a bunch of people and probably ***** XP

CTX: Hey we didn't play for once XD but yeah man nice seeing you like always.

I know there where more new faces that I don't remember there names yet but glad you guys can make it and hopefully you can make it to the next one.

Anyone else i forgot sorry and GG.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
random post~

Thanks a big whole truck load to you Olistars <33 Played a couple random games with Connor and even though I derp on a few things, I've seen lots of improvement already. I pulled off some epic recovery moves, too, and I think my game stepped up a lot just from seeing/playing you guys.

random additional note~

No more giving me crap for long posts; Connor rambles worse than I do. :D <3


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
Well Iowa...thanks for a fun tourney. Time for shout-outs!

Yink: Thanks for a fun low tier doubles friendly match. Fun matches.

Joker: Good Games man. Nothing more needs to be said honestly. Good snake...

Razor: Fun matches. I got lucky on frigate >_>.

Fino: Lets try to get higher on doubles next time. 3rd isn't bad for barely practing.

Nappy: I still wish I MM'd your snake >_>

Kit: Thank god I didn't have to play a wario. The match up is hard enough as it is.

Cook: Good olimar man. I hate mansion with a passion but it was a good counter pick I guess...Pretty much the only time I will use diddy is against someone on mansion.

Nicole: Ha. You barely avoided me in brackets. You have gotten better at the match up. And i was pulling for you against nappy..Don't get to see many peach's beat a snake player.

JLO:I didn't play you for once. We might have met up though. Im pretty sure you were close to me in brackets.

Blank: Good Games dude. I don't think I would be able to go from other games (like blazblue) and compete in a tourney like you did. Good stuff.

Andy: Good games. You friend was telling you what to do in our matches D:

Zash: Another match up im glad I didnt have to go through. I play no sheiks at all

Zyklon: Falco. Lol. Didn't get to play you :(

Schism: Thanks for showing me to the food court. LOL.

Breezy: Good Ganon..Good job taken first in doubles.

Mysterious Silver: I am leaving you a shout out because I really wanted to play your pit. I love the match up...not as much as diddy though.

CTX: Keep working with your toonlink. He is a tourney viable character.

Pcity: Good games dude. You know the toonlink match up so well.

Afrayail: I just realized who you were after you left your shout out. I didn't think Fino neglected you. I saw you guys sitting down together at a TV playing for a good bit...oh well. Hope to play you soon.

Iowa: You will be seeing more of KC in the future. Good Games everyone...

Sorry if I left anyone out...


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
Afrayail: I just realized who you were after you left your shout out. I didn't think Fino neglected you. I saw you guys sitting down together at a TV playing for a good bit...oh well. Hope to play you soon.
Lol :p

No, I was teasing him for ignoring the PM I sent him before No Koast. He said he ignored it because he ignores messages from IA/MO, originally. Once he recognized who I was in person and I gave him some crap about it (jokingly) he was more than happy to help, and I greeeatly appreciated his and Cook's advice. And also, stalking them during their tourney match was.... interesting... Olimar dittos, blech!
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