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Intelligence Is Ian Illusion

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Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Link to original post: [drupal=4626]Intelligence Is Ian Illusion[/drupal]

Why must I witness people bragging about their intelligence when all I can hear coming out of their mouth is: ''I am making myself look foolish! Oh, the irony!''.

Just because you have reading comprehension and dedicated your time to studying alot-- doesn't mean anything. Intelligence is nothing but another leverage humans have created to make them feel ol' so special about themselves. Anyone can master these fields if they were to dedicate themselves to it just as much. This ''intelligence'' is nothing; which is almost just like another leverage we've created called ''power''.

Intelligence is simply nothing though-- it never existed. Power wouldn't exist if we didn't cower in fear-- but it still does exist.

It's called knowledge-- A beautiful sense of understanding that let's us paint different interpretations through our intricate genuineness. It allows us to hold all sorts of different worlds within ourselves, but never does it make you any smarter than any person out there.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Hold up.

Heres the thing, yes what you say about it not 'existing' is true, but thats not the whole story. If I look at two people, one who asserts superiority over others through intelligence, and one who does so through physical power, what one am I going to respect more, in a civilised world?

Knowledge is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. The opposite of knowledge is of course, ignorance. Ignorance can be a lack of empathy or any other attribute which can make a person completely unbearable. Not being aware of the consequences of your actions because you simply chose not to become knowledgeable about them is no excuse and is on the same level of something like bullying another kid because the bully wants to feel powerful.

So a persons intelligence level to me, is a clear indication of their desire to become knowledgeable. Barring brain disorders, we all have a similar capability to learn, some chose not to and thats fine. But if they choose the path of ignorance and then still have the audacity to assert power, well then they can just die for all I care.

If someone is intelligent and they assert authority because of this, I can not 'knock them down' through any means other than being more intelligent, lest I take the path of ignorance and be all that I hate. My only option is to respect it.
Aug 6, 2008
"Why must I witness people bragging about their intelligence when all I can hear coming out of their mouth is: ''I am making myself look foolish! Oh, the irony!'."
Temptation of power that they wield which they assume others do not have. A way to measure one's own success and to recognize their accomplishments. These are but a couple of the reasons why I believe people ever boast about their intelligence.

"Just because you have reading comprehension and dedicated your time to studying alot-- doesn't mean anything. Intelligence is nothing but another leverage humans have created to make them feel ol' so special about themselves. Anyone can master these fields if they were to dedicate themselves to it just as much. This ''intelligence'' is nothing; which is almost just like another leverage we've created called ''power''."
I believe everyone has the capability to attain the same level of experiences, but the rest of this I differ on. The fact is that the industrial world operates by people coming together of certain social structures and fulfilling their everyday needs using a circle of "create goods & services, work for money, pay for goods & services". But this creates competition among workers for limited slots or positions. So one has to market the skill sets they have. Intelligence, which can be represented in numerous ways, is merely a way to compare yourself to others. In this sense, you are right, intelligence creates power, but it is still important in the way in which the world operates.

"Intelligence is simply nothing though-- it never existed. Power wouldn't exist if we didn't cower in fear-- but it still does exist."

I'm not sure if you are tying to say that the concept of intelligence has created a sense of power in people. If you are, I think that is wrong. People would still fear power from the weaknesses that they have of the flesh rather than the mind. If that is not what your getting at with this bit.

It's called knowledge-- A beautiful sense of understanding that let's us paint different interpretations through our intricate genuineness. It allows us to hold all sorts of different worlds within ourselves, but never does it make you any smarter than any person out there.
If you look at some dictionary definitions, and I paraphrase, "Knowledge is familiarity of a science, art or technique. Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge." Intelligence is still an important factor. If one cannot use the knowledge or experiences they have amassed, how far will they get in life?


Feb 6, 2009
Man all this blog needs is some autotune and we could turn it into a top notch Owl City song.


Smash Champion
Jan 17, 2010
Northern Virginia
Intelligence in its most basic form is the capacity of an individual to learn. I don't know how you can say that intelligence does not exist, i.e. when you compare the potential of abstract thought of humans and ducks.

Also, I think your posts are very annoying and bratty in their absoluteness that no one else agrees with. I lurk many parts of the board, and your threads and ideas sound like that of someone who was intimidated by society, and instead becoming open and friendly to people, decided to adopt a strange form of nihilism that does not incorporate common sense. I also think you make the statements you do to stroke your ego over the people who do not agree with you because you are absolutely sure that you are right. Just fyi.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
I would like to agree with AV.
But some got me a to lack of understanding.
Does he mean by saying, "with knowledge comes power"?

Man all this blog needs is some autotune and we could turn it into a top notch Owl City song.
I second this.
May 3, 2009
Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge in appropriate situations. So if someone has extensive knowledge on the history and evolution of language, and applies this during a philological discussion, they are intelligent, whereas if they were to attempt to apply this same knowledge in the field of entomology, the would not be intelligent. You say knowledge exists, and so by the same token intelligence can exist.

In the same vein, yes, people can be smarter than other people. Go ahead, cry about it all you want, but that's not going to change things. "Smartness" is a measure of intelligence, and, to some extent, knowledge. You can't possibly hope to argue that a man who has worked his *** off for for years and years for a PhD in whatever his career might be is not smarter than an ignorant bum who decides to have ten children then live off of welfare. That's not to say that the doctor is a "better person" than the lazy father, because at birth, at that moment that they hit the world in the hospital, they were both equals, with the same exact potential to become whatever they would strive to become. But the difference is that the doctor decided to apply himself, while the father did not. What I'm trying to get at is that people can be smarter than others, and while that doesn't make them better than others, it definitely makes them more valuable to society as a whole.

Anyhow, I hope you know that you constantly make yourself look like a hypocrite with your inane, self-absorbed blog posts. Intelligence is something to be proud of. You can't tell anyone that they can't be proud of themselves for working hard to get good marks in their educational life just because you might be butthurt that they surpassed you by leaps and bounds. Granted, bragging is never a good thing, but stop telling people that all that they've toiled for is for naught and nonexistent.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Browny said:
Hold up.

Heres the thing, yes what you say about it not 'existing' is true, but thats not the whole story. If I look at two people, one who asserts superiority over others through intelligence, and one who does so through physical power, what one am I going to respect more, in a civilised world?

Knowledge is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. The opposite of knowledge is of course, ignorance. Ignorance can be a lack of empathy or any other attribute which can make a person completely unbearable. Not being aware of the consequences of your actions because you simply chose not to become knowledgeable about them is no excuse and is on the same level of something like bullying another kid because the bully wants to feel powerful.

So a persons intelligence level to me, is a clear indication of their desire to become knowledgeable. Barring brain disorders, we all have a similar capability to learn, some chose not to and thats fine. But if they choose the path of ignorance and then still have the audacity to assert power, well then they can just die for all I care.

If someone is intelligent and they assert authority because of this, I can not 'knock them down' through any means other than being more intelligent, lest I take the path of ignorance and be all that I hate. My only option is to respect it.
When I had compared intelligence and power I wasn't trying to say anything remotely close to how intelligence is a form of power (esp. if it doesn't exist)

The fundamental notion that this blog focuses on is to express the fake nature of intelligence; that it has no advantage. Whilst, knowledge is a neutral aspect to life that we all have the ability to manifest. Ignorance is not knowing something, we are all ignorant because there is never going to be a time where we know everything--even if we did--this world would be doomed by our twisted nature. Thus, ignorance is simply not knowing something. We all have our own interpretation of this world.

If you call someone ignorant for not knowing something, you are ignorant aswell for not understanding why they do not understand what you may understand.

No. There is no such thing as intelligence. People use willpower to discover things. They chose to do it. Everything we will ever need is already here within us, and this ''intelligence'' is simply a leverage for us to make something out of nothing. It's basically the point I was making when I made all of those incredibly profound blogs awhile back. Just because you have all of these terms, and incredibly diffulcult words doesn't make you any different than me. I know stuff that you don't, and you know stuff that I don't. Even if you knew everything in the world, I would know the simple things in life-- and you wouldn't.

Simplicity is merely complexity. The ignorance from the phrase ''Ignorance is bliss'' is simply a fake ignorance that people have altered from the term ''fear'' and ''weakness''. The real ignorance is simply not knowing something, so why would you want someone to die? You might aswell kill us all, because we will never know everything. If we did know everything, we wouldn't be able to comprehend simplicity which still leaves us in a pool of ignorance.

Xeylode said:
Temptation of power that they wield which they assume others do not have. A way to measure one's own success and to recognize their accomplishments. These are but a couple of the reasons why I believe people ever boast about their intelligence.

I believe everyone has the capability to attain the same level of experiences, but the rest of this I differ on. The fact is that the industrial world operates by people coming together of certain social structures and fulfilling their everyday needs using a circle of "create goods & services, work for money, pay for goods & services". But this creates competition among workers for limited slots or positions. So one has to market the skill sets they have. Intelligence, which can be represented in numerous ways, is merely a way to compare yourself to others. In this sense, you are right, intelligence creates power, but it is still important in the way in which the world operates.

I'm not sure if you are tying to say that the concept of intelligence has created a sense of power in people. If you are, I think that is wrong. People would still fear power from the weaknesses that they have of the flesh rather than the mind. If that is not what your getting at with this bit.

If you look at some dictionary definitions, and I paraphrase, "Knowledge is familiarity of a science, art or technique. Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge." Intelligence is still an important factor. If one cannot use the knowledge or experiences they have amassed, how far will they get in life?
Intelligence does not exist, so they might aswell boast about giving Casper a blow job.

My dad is an incredibly ''intelligent'' man and he is one of the most incredibly inconspicuous beings I've ever seen. Nobody sees what he is capable of, because our idea of ''intelligence'' is a sick experiment. What he is doing is applying himself along with this world, and everybody else when he manifests his knowledge. Basically, he doesn't think with power or arrogance. He thinks about making a better world, and how he would apply it just like me. There is no intelligence-- we all can dedicate our time and spirit to learn something that everybody can. So of course if you don't know something you won't be picked over somebody who does know, but it surely as hell does not mean you are worse off. You could know calculous or compose music at beethoven for all they know. We all have our own set of attributes we can apply to our reality, but none of them tower over everybody else's attributes.

I was comparing how intelligence doesn't exist, while power shouldn't exist-- but it does because of our fear to stand up. Knowledge isn't even power. We are all neutral. Everything that is done through power, or weakness is already mentally defecating on the essence of our well being. All we need is to ability to understand, and the will to apply to this knowledge.

That's simply an incorporated definition of intelligence. Just like how I disagree with the term ''depression'' people give it. They only write down the sole meaning (that they currently see) of each word. Doesn't mean it's always right. I suggest you to not believe everything you read. Especially when it comes to things that have no physical structure to grasp.

global-wolf said:
Intelligence in its most basic form is the capacity of an individual to learn. I don't know how you can say that intelligence does not exist, i.e. when you compare the potential of abstract thought of humans and ducks.

Also, I think your posts are very annoying and bratty in their absoluteness that no one else agrees with. I lurk many parts of the board, and your threads and ideas sound like that of someone who was intimidated by society, and instead becoming open and friendly to people, decided to adopt a strange form of nihilism that does not incorporate common sense. I also think you make the statements you do to stroke your ego over the people who do not agree with you because you are absolutely sure that you are right. Just fyi.
It doesn't exist. I said it because there is no real surface to intelligence. It's just another invisible leverage for humans to use to make it easier and more worthy to advance in this boring world while making them feel special all at the same time. Everybody can understand and fathom anything if given the time with proper endeavour.

Actually, I want to see a better world and I highly disapprove of this world. I will continue to share my personal ideas no matter how many people think I am trolling or making a fool out of myself. I do have an ego, yes, but what I speak of right now has nothing to do with my ego because alot of people agree with my heart rather than my ego. My ego refrains from being overly prominent to the point of belittling.

You seem quite intimidated by what you perceive my thoughts as. Care to talk about it?

Sucumbio said:
jeez, AV you sure know how to bring out the best in people :p
What would this world be like if people like me didn't follow my heart rather than play a non-cognitive reality with the majority?

TokyoGamer7 said:
I would like to agree with AV.
But some got me a to lack of understanding.
Does he mean by saying, "with knowledge comes power"?
No. I was trying to say that intelligence is a leverage and so is power. I was explaining how both do not exist, but one of them do exist )power) because of our embodiment of fear.

Indigo Jeans said:
Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge in appropriate situations. So if someone has extensive knowledge on the history and evolution of language, and applies this during a philological discussion, they are intelligent, whereas if they were to attempt to apply this same knowledge in the field of entomology, the would not be intelligent. You say knowledge exists, and so by the same token intelligence can exist.

In the same vein, yes, people can be smarter than other people. Go ahead, cry about it all you want, but that's not going to change things. "Smartness" is a measure of intelligence, and, to some extent, knowledge. You can't possibly hope to argue that a man who has worked his *** off for for years and years for a PhD in whatever his career might be is not smarter than an ignorant bum who decides to have ten children then live off of welfare. That's not to say that the doctor is a "better person" than the lazy father, because at birth, at that moment that they hit the world in the hospital, they were both equals, with the same exact potential to become whatever they would strive to become. But the difference is that the doctor decided to apply himself, while the father did not. What I'm trying to get at is that people can be smarter than others, and while that doesn't make them better than others, it definitely makes them more valuable to society as a whole.

Anyhow, I hope you know that you constantly make yourself look like a hypocrite with your inane, self-absorbed blog posts. Intelligence is something to be proud of. You can't tell anyone that they can't be proud of themselves for working hard to get good marks in their educational life just because you might be butthurt that they surpassed you by leaps and bounds. Granted, bragging is never a good thing, but stop telling people that all that they've toiled for is for naught and nonexistent.
No. Intelligence is just a mental instrument that is man-made. Knowledge is a pre-existent language that our mind can interpret.

No. There is no ''smart'' people. They have knowledge. They've studied, and dedicated their time to absorb pieces of that information. That's called knowledge; intelligence is just their way of adding sugar to it all. A man who were to earn a Phd. used reading comprehension. He attuned himself to gather the information and dedicated himself to make that information his main priority. I learned Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in 7 seconds, and it has stuck with me to this day. It's because I dedicated my 7 seconds to learn that word to prove a point. Anybody can focus and fathom information, people choose not to, and others act like they have a gift to carry that information-- when they are far from it. The bum just isn't manifesting his life responsibly-- this has nothing to do with intelligence. This is based upon his actions that he chose not to take control of. It's common sense not to screw up. He chose to. Sometimes the bum didn't even do anything wrong, it's the ''intelligent'' people who run the bigger businesses that ****ed his life over. They encourage debt, and will do anything to snake money from us ''feeble'' people.

I highly doubt--with your scurrilous attitude--that you even know a bum enough to judge them from your keyboard. You are no better to deem another life like they were just rotten food. They aren't serial killers, they are human beings who are lost and have nothing to go for, or have the willpower to live a healthy life because people like you look at them like they are nothing compared to people who **** us over everyday.

''Intelligence'' is a monster. Knowledge is golden. Silence is key.

You can't tell people like me to stop facing the reality head-on when you are just as much as a hypocrite.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
It appears so.

Since ''Central'' means the cortex of a given element. They aren't the brightest, so we don't need the C.

''Intelligence'' doesn't exist. So that makes them a ''Central'' agency, but they aren't any special than we are. So we don't need the I.

Then we have ''Agency''-- Which works.

So now the C.I.A is just A.


King of Evil
Jun 12, 2008
La Grande, Oregon
While I generally agree with the notion that one individual is not inherently of higher intellect than another, or one condemned to inferiority, the message is diluted by a few things.

One, AV, is that you need to really examine what you're saying. You have a habit of making malapropisms and saying things at given times that don't make sense, which is why you're sometimes accused of philosophastering (pseudo-intellectual philosophizing). You form solid ideological seeds in your head, then don't really develop them, so you express them in very nebulous ways.

As for my stance on the subject though, the reasoning you use is flawed primarily because it necessarily implies that anything of modal/contingent nature is illusionary. Intellect and power aren't "illusions" so much as they're things which aren't entirely immutable and possess a degree of vicissitude. You have to categorize and identify something by what it does rather than by what conventions dictate it is. For instance, everything you see around you has modal qualities to it. By the current line of reasoning you hold, the guitar next to me is a lie, because it's entirely possible to put the guitar in a blender and rearrange its molecules. Thus, the hideous soup before me has the molecules of a guitar, but no longer serves the purpose of a guitar, thus it is not a guitar. Intellect is not immutable, but its plasticity does not make it immaterial.

So we have to invest metaphysical stock into things. The "concept" of a guitar is immutable, but the manifestation of it isn't. The concept of intellect is immutable, but its manifestation isn't. Again, I agree with the sentiment that no being is predestined to be of inferior intellect, sans debilitating mental deficits, but your reasoning as for why intellect is an illusion isn't justifiable under a logical light. Everybody has a unique way of conceptualizing things, sure, but it's inarguable that some of those conceptualizations are more efficient under the premise of what their purpose is.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2003
Forest of Feelings
Intelligence has nothing to do with motivation. Motivation is controlled primarily by your hypothalamus, a part of the brain the size of a kidney bean that has nothing to do with brainpower and intelligence.

That being said, you can't decide how valuable or intelligent a person is based on something as trivial as whether or not they decided to spend a huge chunk of their life perusing a PhD. As I already said, intelligence has nothing to do with motivation, and how valuable a person is depends on their individual actions, not their level of education.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Hey, Verm (glad to discuss with you), you've misinterpreted my overall message. That guitar is a solid; physical structure. Power, and intelligence is this mental invisible force humans had created. They just gave it a name, and all it does is make us more insignificant than they are. There is no real evidence of it's existence, but I can relatively see how humans have used it and it's no different than say-- a man holding a gun thinking he is suddenly bigger, and more powerful than everyone.

I do agree that I have incredibly huge ideas that I do not have the terms or catalysts to properly introduce with a solid; physical structure. I try my very best to articulate my notions though.

@Frotaz. People choose to dwell into these elements life provides us. Intelligence is nothing but a force humans created to make themselves bigger than everyone else. Possibly also so they can have a lively reason to dwell into information. It's a mental fail-safe that supports fake advantages.

You speak wise words-- but not all of the time, Frotaz. Does that make you not as intelligent as it seems? Or does that make you partially ignorant, and just in need to broaden your horizon more? You chose to get as far as you are in manifesting knowledge, but this has nothing to do with intelligence. It has everything to do with your dedication, and time you've spent to gather this knowledge that we like to implicate personally as ''intelligence''. When it's just information that everyone can learn if they chose to learn it. I said willpower, not motivation.

I don't believe in motivation, I think it takes life for granted. We should accept life for it's simplicity, we shouldn't want more just to live the life that was given to us.


King of Evil
Jun 12, 2008
La Grande, Oregon
Hey, Verm (glad to see discuss with you), you've misinterpreted my overall message. That guitar is a solid; physical structure. Power, and intelligence is this mental invisible force humans had created. They just gave it a name, and all it does is make us more insignificant than they are. There is no real evidence of it's existence, but I can relatively see how humans have used it and it's no different than say-- a man holding a gun thinking he is suddenly bigger, and more powerful than everyone.

I do agree that I have incredibly huge ideas that I do not have the terms or catalysts to properly introduce with a solid; physical structure. I try my very best to articulate my notions though.
I don't think I have, AV.

As for my analogy, it doesn't matter if its visible for invisible. As one who pursues philosophical concepts, you have to recognize the similarities and dissimilarities between the physical and the metaphysical and the vitality of principle over appearance.

Intellect is proven by an individual who, under, again, the premise of their purpose (what the most efficient way to mete out their purpose is) achieve a result efficiently and compute information efficiently, whether it be through contemplation of symbols to condense large amounts of information into a singularity, or otherwise.

The fact that the guitar is observable has no significance in the consideration for two things, who, in principle, share basic qualities of mutability. Physical relevance is null in the consideration of the metaphysical concepts such as categories and purpose. The guitar has a purpose and intellect has a purpose. Both are categorized as a guitar and as intellect by virtue of what their assigned purpose is. The guitar is only a guitar because we define it as such. The concept of a wrench is only a wrench by virtue of the very same mental state you say intellect is. Again, principle. If someone who's never seen a guitar before picks one up and uses it as a hammer, the guitar is then a hammer. It is not a concrete object and it can change, just like the concept of varying intellect, or the circumvolutions the mind goes through to achieve the same result as another person. Though, since this is getting side-tracked a bit, I'll clarify the purpose of this paragraph. It's meant to contend with the idea that because something can change or isn't a concrete object, it isn't conceptually concrete and an "illusion." Technically, everything is an illusion by those justifications.

Intelligence exists only because we observe the fact that it has varying degrees of use, and the same applies to any physical object with a conventional purpose. I wanna reiterate though, I totally agree with the main body of your idea, that one can achieve the same intellect as another, but it's the conclusion that I disagree with: intellect being illusory.

Edit: The topic acronym made me laugh. :colorful: IIII

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Yes, but there is a distinctive difference between something that is physical and the elements from our complex nature. When you see a guitar you are able to label it as a whole because it's not subjective in anyway. It appears for what it is to be because there is no reason to change our interpretation of it. Our mind, and how peculiar our subconscious works-- it completely changes everything to a whole new system of understanding; scrutinising.

Intelligence is formless, and you can see that it has no true purpose but for people to feed their egos. Whenever I see people talk at an ''intelligent'' level, I say they are knowledgeable. They are not intelligent because for all we know they don't even know how to tie their shoes (lol Einstein). When you are able to not place an element from life in a reasonable sense you start to question it's existence, it's nature. I've looked at it from every corner that I am aware of and intelligence simply is nothing but an illusion humans created to make this ****ing world more complex than it already is. To create superiority, when we are all human beings to begin with.

I don't have the terms you do, Verm. What I do have, is heart and the ability to distinguish dissonance that plagues this world and it's ambiguous interpretations.

I wish it was easier to get my points across, especially how odd they can be sometimes.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2003
Forest of Feelings
Well motivation and willpower are basically the same thing if we're talking about things like perusing college education. But I agree with most of what you're saying, "intelligence" as a concept is mostly used by people to put themselves above others. Being around people who think they're some sort of brilliant successful prodigy is the most tiresome thing. "My parents paid for me to go to college for 10 years. Therefore, I am superior to you."

In my experience, most people who think they are really smart are pathetic nerds who really don't have anything going for them other than their self proclaimed genius.

Ian Illusion sounds like the name of some crappy kids show.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Yep. I wouldn't call them geeks though. Some ''geeks'' have high-paying jobs for their knowledge they shoved into their mind. Lol. It's basically just people who abuse knowledge for their own selfish advantages that you are referring to.

The title of the OP was because I saw alot of I's so I just made it all start with an I.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
I completely agree. Intellect isn't how much knowledge a person can brag about. Nice blog, AV, I don't see them very often from you, xD.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Wait til I make my music blog, you'll see an incredibly artistic side of me. I just like to speak my mind when it comes to these things. Lol.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
I thought the limit of your artistic ability was choosing avatars that are creepy as hell, xD.


King of Evil
Jun 12, 2008
La Grande, Oregon
AV, my last post addressed each and every single one of those points with what's the next best thing to tautological proof. Intellect's intangibility holds zero relevance, as it's neglecting the shared principle of its metaphysical nature with physical objects. You're ignoring the analog I drew between the guitar and intellect. Saying intellect's of a "different nature" or "our complex minds do so and so" doesn't tell me how my analogy is incorrect of flawed. Saying things like "happiness can't be proven" or "love can't be proven" are null arguments, because they can be proven a priori. You're relying solely on a positivist/empiricist perspective.

Intellect is not an "illusion." Some people on this planet are genuinely of higher intellect, and can compute, problem-solve and conceptualize with a greater efficiency than others. This is not fate, but it is the current state of things. You are essentially saying that BASIC has the same function and efficiency as C++ or PYTHON script languages. To restate, I fully agree that one is not doomed to be of inferior intellect, or privileged to be of untouchable intellect, but as stands, some individual's minds have plasticized in such a way that there are varying degrees of intellect.
Aug 6, 2008
Let's just pull out the trump card.

Everything is an illusion and we are living a fake existence. Reference "Matrix" to give an idea of how a false existence might be achieved. Although there are other possibilities.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
AV, my last post addressed each and every single one of those points with what's the next best thing to tautological proof. Intellect's intangibility holds zero relevance, as it's neglecting the shared principle of its metaphysical nature with physical objects. You're ignoring the analog I drew between the guitar and intellect. Saying intellect's of a "different nature" or "our complex minds do so and so" doesn't tell me how my analogy is incorrect of flawed. Saying things like "happiness can't be proven" or "love can't be proven" are null arguments, because they can be proven a priori. You're relying solely on a positivist/empiricist perspective.

Intellect is not an "illusion." Some people on this planet are genuinely of higher intellect, and can compute, problem-solve and conceptualize with a greater efficiency than others. This is not fate, but it is the current state of things. You are essentially saying that BASIC has the same function and efficiency as C++ or PYTHON script languages. To restate, I fully agree that one is not doomed to be of inferior intellect, or privileged to be of untouchable intellect, but as stands, some individual's minds have plasticized in such a way that there are varying degrees of intellect.
It's hard to read what you are saying, Verm. So expect lots, and lots of misconceptions. I am doing my utmost best to read your profound articulateness. -.-

I still disagree. You look at it like it's something that actually is a big part of us, that people really are more attuned to greater amounts of knowledge than others. That's complete bull****. Intelligence is just as silly as ''power''.

You have to realise that we ingest things that are not exactly healthy for our well being every ****ing day. People are effected by it in all sorts of different forms which is why we are all like trees, and some of us are able to absorb the sun's rays while the rest is in the dark.

I believe we all have the ability to manifest anything if all of the variables do their part.
Everything that negates it doesn't count, because it's not the person's fault that their parents smoked and drinked so they aren't as keen as everyone else. I don't think you understand we all have a ****ing brain. Stupid things like toxins, unhealthy food, drinking, etc really can affect us negatively in the long run. We also have different interests, and some people are more interested in something more than somebody else. Which means:



King of Evil
Jun 12, 2008
La Grande, Oregon
Here's the tricky part: we have to define intellect.

Also, I apologize for the hard-to-read posts I've made. I feel if I'm not succinct by virtue of technical terms, then the meaning will be lost in circumlocution (talking in circles). If I am, I feel that I'll be harder to understand at first, but the message will be more concrete. It's sticky territory we're entering now, so undefined terms and convoluted points can result in massive communication breakdowns.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
I still disagree. You look at it like it's something that actually is a big part of us, that people really are more attuned to greater amounts of knowledge than others.
to be fair, some really are. Like I wouldn't say anyone is "smarter" than someone else, I'm unsure what the word smart even really means. Although every DOES have a different capacity for retaining and desiring knowledge.

I do agree to a large extent that people put too much emphasis on "intelligence" or appearing "intelligent", but to say that it doesn't exist, because it's made by humans, doesn't seem very reasonable to me.

It largely depends on what the word intelligent actually means. I'm not even very certain, I haven't checked a dictionary.

People do throw their own "intelligence" at you a lot, and that's negative, and detrimental, but even though it's a human concept, that doesn't mean we should just disregard it. If people in general have an opinion that some people are intelligent, and some people are not, it could be beneficial to make yourself look intelligent to those people.

idk I'm bad at communicating my thoughts, but every person is different, and if a concept exists to a person, that causes them to treat people differently, disregarding that concept and saying it doesn't exist objectively, or universally probably won't help us gain much of anything.

To me, intelligent seems like a good word for someone who's all-around knowledgeable, or smart (I tend to use smart interchangeably with knowledgeable, but I also use smart interchangeably with wise, and wise tends to cover slightly different kinds of things than knowledgeable, to me).

How do you define intelligence?

Here's the tricky part: we have to define intellect.
left this tab open for a while then made my post, and found out that Verm said sorta the same thing haha.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
That's not to say that the doctor is a "better person" than the lazy father, because at birth, at that moment that they hit the world in the hospital, they were both equals, with the same exact potential to become whatever they would strive to become.
Bull****. That's as silly as saying that they had the same potential to be as tall as they wanted. Genetics have at least something to do with how intelligent a person can become.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Let's just pull out the trump card.

Everything is an illusion and we are living a fake existence. Reference "Matrix" to give an idea of how a false existence might be achieved. Although there are other possibilities.
That's a very deep thought right there. I've been always thinking like that since I legitimately stared at carton of chocolate milk during middle school. :3c


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Bull****. That's as silly as saying that they had the same potential to be as tall as they wanted. Genetics have at least something to do with how intelligent a person can become.
Intelligence is not on the same level... Consdering how much potential power the brain has which no one in the world is close to using, you cant be so quick to say that.

Personally, I'm of the belief that almost all of us have the same capacity but what limits us is time.

I consider myself a pretty intelligent person and I took a number of online IQ tests before going to take a proper real-life examination one. What sticks out to me more than anything is that none of the questions were overly difficult, it just takes some people longer than others to figure it out. This is kind of like real life. If I task 3 people to solve a logic puzzle and it takes them 1, 2 and 3 minutes each until they come up with the answer, clearly all the people have the same capacity to come to the answer but some people are able to get there more quickly. When it comes to an examination situation, repeat such very basic child-play questions 100 times, and 1 person can answer every single question correctly in the time frame while the slowest might only do 50 of them, or they could complete them all, but get 50% right. the point is; time is the factor.

This of course is where willpower comes into play. People have different attention spans, they will get frustrated more quickly over trivial problems that they dont solve straight away and so will make careless mistakes. if they only took a little longer, they would have got to the correct answer.

Hence why there has been much debate on the appropriateness of timed examinations at high school/university. Is it fair to preclude one student from getting into their desired course over another, simply because if they had merely 10 minutes more on a 3 hour test, they would have got the required amount of questions right to get into the course? Working under pressure if of course a desirable quality in the work force so that is an understandable reason. But to brand that as 'intelligence' is... not entirely accurate.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Because that was totally the point ffs.

What I was getting at is that in case you havent noticed, IQ stands for 'Intelligence Quotient'. Every single IQ test I've taken is the same; the questions are stupidly simple but where there are a lot of them and the test is time based, there is a large difference in score depending on how long it takes you.

Clearly ones ability to do simple questions in life faster than others, is a factor in their quotient of intelligence.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Intelligence is not on the same level... Consdering how much potential power the brain has which no one in the world is close to using, you cant be so quick to say that.
The smartest people in the world seem to be born smart. Geniuses show their intelligence at fairly young ages (musical geniuses, for example), before they have much control of their life/actually care about becoming smart. The human mind has a lot of potential power, but how much of that power we're given is out of our control, for the most part.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
How can we define that as ''intelligence'' guys? I mean, if you think about it.. When you look at IQ tests, then look at our mind, can you really measure the potential of our mind? I mean, if you look at different illusions you'll notice that there is no real relative group that sees one thing. Everybody is structured differently because it's a proven fact that all of our brains are wired differently. All of the variables, factors, information that we consciously, and subconsciously gather throughout our entire lives can affect why people interact with puzzles, and questions so differently. Just eating the wrong kind of food can affect us. So it's not intelligence. It's called being more clear-minded than others. If you also noticed, there are a huge majority of young japanese kids doing crazy stuff. If you also noticed, they ****ing dominate technology.

So if you really want to know what gives us the ability to think faster. (I think those who do more puzzles, questioning things; overall being curious about more than they already can see-- they will be able to react alot faster to a question, because they exercise in that field alot, may it not be the same context. They are still used to working with their brain.)

It has something to do with exercising our brain because I know we can exercise our memory aswell. Just being healthy and respecting our body can give us incredible results.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
I once heard that there were nine types of intelligence. I'm not sure what they are.

I don't think that doing a lot of logic puzzles will make someone smarter, but rather make them better at completing logic puzzles. I feel that intelligence is too much of an umbrella term to be completely defined, and is more of a concept than a reliably measurable thing.
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