Friday, July 11, 2008
symptom129 (9:52:15 PM): hey
Mediocre Omelet (9:52:20 PM): Finally.
symptom129 (9:52:24 PM): i have to leave sometime between now and an hour
Mediocre Omelet (9:52:25 PM): Stupid AIM.
symptom129 (9:52:26 PM): what about virg
Mediocre Omelet (9:52:51 PM): I don't remember people's names.
Mediocre Omelet (9:52:54 PM): Blah.
symptom129 (9:52:56 PM): awesome
Mediocre Omelet (9:52:59 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (9:53:01 PM): Success.
symptom129 (9:53:10 PM): i have to leave sometime between now and an hour from now
symptom129 (9:53:16 PM): to pick up phil, just brb 15 when that happens
Kielbasa75013 (9:53:20 PM): ok
Mediocre Omelet (9:53:20 PM): Yeah.
symptom129 (9:53:25 PM): so.
Kielbasa75013 (9:53:26 PM): woah, vergy!
vergilijus (9:53:36 PM): I snuck in here
Kielbasa75013 (9:53:39 PM): like a theif
symptom129 (9:53:46 PM): virg and i want to infiltrate the building tonight
Mediocre Omelet (9:53:47 PM): So, what's up?
symptom129 (9:53:48 PM): the mansion
Mediocre Omelet (9:53:49 PM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (9:53:54 PM): I think that's a good idea.
Mediocre Omelet (9:54:02 PM): Stupid to sit around waiting.
symptom129 (9:54:03 PM): do you want to come with us
symptom129 (9:54:07 PM): as a group or just the duo team
Mediocre Omelet (9:54:12 PM): I think everyone should come in.
symptom129 (9:54:13 PM): my house does not have an alarm
Mediocre Omelet (9:54:17 PM): And then split up, inside.
Mediocre Omelet (9:54:21 PM): Eor.
symptom129 (9:54:23 PM): we also cannot blow up my house because it is too close to the mansion
Kielbasa75013 (9:54:24 PM): Tom makes his molotovs
Kielbasa75013 (9:54:29 PM): yes medio?
symptom129 (9:54:32 PM): takes a knife?
Mediocre Omelet (9:54:34 PM): Does anyone have a house with an alarm?
Mediocre Omelet (9:54:37 PM): That we know about?
Kielbasa75013 (9:54:46 PM): no
Mediocre Omelet (9:54:50 PM): Blah.
Mediocre Omelet (9:55:06 PM): Anyhow, Marsh and McCloud both take a knife.
Mediocre Omelet (9:55:14 PM): I recommend you do too, virg.
Mediocre Omelet (9:55:22 PM): I've got my bayonet.
symptom129 (9:55:26 PM): i wrap mine in cloth =)
Mediocre Omelet (9:55:30 PM): Yeah
symptom129 (9:55:41 PM): also, eor
vergilijus (9:55:43 PM): take knife
Mediocre Omelet (9:55:44 PM): Marsh and Cloudy both try to find somewhere to put them.
symptom129 (9:55:47 PM): i grab a pillow
Mediocre Omelet (9:55:50 PM): Where they won't stab themselves.
Kielbasa75013 (9:55:54 PM): Vergy takes a knife
Mediocre Omelet (9:55:57 PM): Yes!
Mediocre Omelet (9:56:02 PM): Pillow fight!
Mediocre Omelet (9:56:05 PM): No.
Kielbasa75013 (9:56:12 PM): Tom grabs a pillow
symptom129 (9:56:19 PM): alrighty
Mediocre Omelet (9:56:20 PM): We might be able to use a pillow or something as a makeshift silencer.
Mediocre Omelet (9:56:23 PM): For the rifle.
Mediocre Omelet (9:56:38 PM): And before we leave, we should scope out the situatoin.
Mediocre Omelet (9:56:43 PM): From your second floor, Tom.
Kielbasa75013 (9:56:45 PM): did you really want the pillow?
symptom129 (9:56:52 PM): yes
symptom129 (9:57:05 PM): i do want the pillow as a silencer
Kielbasa75013 (9:57:15 PM): ok then
symptom129 (9:57:17 PM): fold in half, press pistol against it, shoot
Kielbasa75013 (9:57:24 PM): just so you know, I won't joke with you guys again for a long time
Mediocre Omelet (9:57:25 PM): Wait?
Mediocre Omelet (9:57:28 PM): What are you shooting at?
Kielbasa75013 (9:57:32 PM): especially not in the mansion
symptom129 (9:57:32 PM): nothing
Mediocre Omelet (9:57:37 PM): Yeah, yeah.
symptom129 (9:57:39 PM): im explaining how to use it
Kielbasa75013 (9:57:39 PM): so, don't send joke actions either
Mediocre Omelet (9:57:41 PM): You're just saying that to set us up.
symptom129 (9:57:43 PM): i wont
Mediocre Omelet (9:57:43 PM): For a joke.
Kielbasa75013 (9:57:57 PM): you see zombies surround the house and pick it up
Kielbasa75013 (9:58:05 PM): they carry it into the woods
Kielbasa75013 (9:58:11 PM): I really wasn't
Kielbasa75013 (9:58:13 PM): but you forced me too
symptom129 (9:58:22 PM): hahahahaha
Kielbasa75013 (9:58:37 PM): no more jokes
Kielbasa75013 (9:58:47 PM): so everythign I say is serious
symptom129 (9:58:49 PM): alright.
symptom129 (9:58:54 PM): so lets take a look out the window
symptom129 (9:58:58 PM): what do we see
Kielbasa75013 (9:58:59 PM): marshy/mccloud get knives?
symptom129 (9:59:01 PM): and virg are you there
Kielbasa75013 (9:59:05 PM): what floor of windows do you look out?
Mediocre Omelet (9:59:06 PM): Yes.
vergilijus (9:59:07 PM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (9:59:10 PM): They do.
Mediocre Omelet (9:59:13 PM): Second floor.
Mediocre Omelet (9:59:20 PM): And virg gets a knife too.
Mediocre Omelet (9:59:22 PM): He asked.
vergilijus (9:59:37 PM): a nice, proper one
symptom129 (10:00:00 PM): second floor
Mediocre Omelet (10:00:07 PM): They all take the longest knifes they can find, I imagine.
Mediocre Omelet (10:00:10 PM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (10:00:14 PM): Let's scope out the situation.
Mediocre Omelet (10:00:19 PM): Between here and the mansion.
Mediocre Omelet (10:00:34 PM): So that means the back of the house, and the side next to the mansion.
Mediocre Omelet (10:00:39 PM): Is where I want to look.
vergilijus (10:02:46 PM): back in a few minutes
Kielbasa75013 (10:02:47 PM): sorry had to rescue people
Mediocre Omelet (10:02:56 PM): You're a hero, Eor.
Kielbasa75013 (10:03:05 PM): why thank you
symptom129 (10:03:10 PM): brb
symptom129 (10:03:12 PM): gotta get phil
Kielbasa75013 (10:03:28 PM): you ****!
Kielbasa75013 (10:03:35 PM): ok
Kielbasa75013 (10:03:39 PM): Mediocre looks out the window
Kielbasa75013 (10:03:47 PM): he sees a lot of zombies looking towards the house
Kielbasa75013 (10:03:50 PM): the alarm goes off
Kielbasa75013 (10:04:02 PM): no zombies seem to be looking at the McInter house
Kielbasa75013 (10:04:33 PM): thread update!
Mediocre Omelet (10:04:37 PM): Are there any in the space between the two houses?
Kielbasa75013 (10:05:03 PM): about five zombies are inbetween the area
Kielbasa75013 (10:05:10 PM): they move idly around
Mediocre Omelet (10:05:20 PM): Hmm.
Mediocre Omelet (10:05:27 PM): How to kill them?
Mediocre Omelet (10:05:30 PM): Or avoid them.
Mediocre Omelet (10:05:41 PM): How wide is the area?
Mediocre Omelet (10:05:43 PM): In between?
Kielbasa75013 (10:07:01 PM): about 20 feet
Mediocre Omelet (10:07:17 PM): Not going to jump that.
vergilijus (10:08:05 PM): back
Mediocre Omelet (10:08:05 PM): Virg, you have any brilliant ideas?
vergilijus (10:08:11 PM): well
Mediocre Omelet (10:08:15 PM): About how to kill the five zombies.
Mediocre Omelet (10:08:23 PM): Without attracting attention.
Mediocre Omelet (10:08:29 PM): They're not looking at us.
Mediocre Omelet (10:08:43 PM): They're all focusing on the mansion.
vergilijus (10:08:56 PM): well, the area is fairly dark
Mediocre Omelet (10:09:09 PM): We could go out a window on the first floor.
Mediocre Omelet (10:09:12 PM): Right into the area.
vergilijus (10:09:13 PM): and we have molotov's, right?
Mediocre Omelet (10:09:15 PM): Between the houses.
Mediocre Omelet (10:09:21 PM): But those will attract attention.
Mediocre Omelet (10:09:27 PM): And probably burn down Tom's house.
vergilijus (10:09:28 PM): well hold on a second
Mediocre Omelet (10:09:34 PM): What's the mansion made of, Eor?
vergilijus (10:10:16 PM): I assume the zombies are east of the sole window?
Kielbasa75013 (10:10:44 PM): bricks
Mediocre Omelet (10:10:52 PM): Well, that's good at least.
Mediocre Omelet (10:10:59 PM): But it still seems risky.
Kielbasa75013 (10:11:04 PM): house won't catch on fire
Mediocre Omelet (10:11:08 PM): No?
Kielbasa75013 (10:11:23 PM): no!
vergilijus (10:11:27 PM): ok
vergilijus (10:11:33 PM): how many molotv's do we have?
Mediocre Omelet (10:11:36 PM): Two.
Mediocre Omelet (10:11:46 PM): But I'm still iffy on this plan.
vergilijus (10:11:49 PM): all right
vergilijus (10:11:51 PM): hold on
Mediocre Omelet (10:11:53 PM): Molotovs take a long time to kill them.
vergilijus (10:11:57 PM): just tossing out ideas
Mediocre Omelet (10:12:02 PM): Yeah.
vergilijus (10:12:03 PM): hear me out
vergilijus (10:12:11 PM): there are five in that area
vergilijus (10:13:00 PM): if wee have you and some one else throw one at both ends of the valley, they will make a screen for the zombies coming from the backyard and the street
Mediocre Omelet (10:13:15 PM): Hmm.
Mediocre Omelet (10:13:18 PM): Might work.
Mediocre Omelet (10:13:28 PM): We could also try just throwing something out back.
Mediocre Omelet (10:13:31 PM): To make noise.
Mediocre Omelet (10:13:35 PM): And lure them away?
vergilijus (10:13:39 PM): if we throw them at the same time, and have me and tom literally bust out, stab, and break in
Mediocre Omelet (10:13:43 PM): But the alarm's going off.
Mediocre Omelet (10:13:45 PM): Blah.
Mediocre Omelet (10:13:51 PM): Everybody's going you know.
Kielbasa75013 (10:13:52 PM): alarm went off
Mediocre Omelet (10:13:56 PM): Oh.
vergilijus (10:14:03 PM): yeah: if tom and I go in we search for the magic switch
Mediocre Omelet (10:14:07 PM): No.
Mediocre Omelet (10:14:16 PM): Eor said the alarm went off.
Mediocre Omelet (10:14:21 PM): I think that means it's stopped.
vergilijus (10:14:56 PM): I think it means it's still ringing, like, it was triggered. "Went off"
Mediocre Omelet (10:15:10 PM): I don't think that's what he meant.
vergilijus (10:15:10 PM): which one, Eor
Kielbasa75013 (10:15:14 PM): secret
Mediocre Omelet (10:15:17 PM): Becuase I said that.
vergilijus (10:15:18 PM): -_-
Kielbasa75013 (10:15:22 PM): no i meant it's not going anymore
Mediocre Omelet (10:15:23 PM): And then he said that it "went off"
Mediocre Omelet (10:15:25 PM): Yeah.
vergilijus (10:15:32 PM): ok
Mediocre Omelet (10:15:33 PM): So we could just distract them.
Mediocre Omelet (10:15:37 PM): With some noise.
Mediocre Omelet (10:15:55 PM): Throw an empty bottle out a back window.
Mediocre Omelet (10:15:58 PM): Shatters.
Mediocre Omelet (10:16:04 PM): Zombies go check it out.
vergilijus (10:16:13 PM): but the five in the alley aren't going to sprint over there, and I fear the ones from the street are just slowly going to march through and not give us room
Mediocre Omelet (10:16:31 PM): Hmm.
Mediocre Omelet (10:16:39 PM): Then maybe throw it out into the street?
Mediocre Omelet (10:16:48 PM): Are there any zombies in the back of TOm's house, Eor?
vergilijus (10:16:52 PM): if they don't see us run in, then we should be good
Mediocre Omelet (10:17:09 PM): Well, probably.
Kielbasa75013 (10:17:12 PM): none in the back of the house
Mediocre Omelet (10:17:15 PM): I'm just trying to find the lowest risk solution.
vergilijus (10:17:20 PM): yeah
Mediocre Omelet (10:17:32 PM): so, would you be averse to throwing a molotov in front of the house?
Mediocre Omelet (10:17:36 PM): Or something to make noise?
vergilijus (10:18:04 PM): well, infront, but close enough to the two to block the alley with fire
vergilijus (10:18:11 PM): then, we can all get in
vergilijus (10:18:18 PM): maybe even tom's house will catch
vergilijus (10:18:26 PM): and make a distraction from the mansion
Mediocre Omelet (10:18:35 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (10:18:44 PM): I guess we got all we want from Tom's house anyway.
Mediocre Omelet (10:18:46 PM): Also, Eor.
Mediocre Omelet (10:18:53 PM): Does anyone have a car parked in the area?
Mediocre Omelet (10:18:58 PM): Who's in our group?
Kielbasa75013 (10:19:03 PM): McCloud - lost it
vergilijus (10:19:06 PM): me and tom are one group
Kielbasa75013 (10:19:08 PM): virgy- never had one, the bumb
Kielbasa75013 (10:19:10 PM): tom - lost it
Kielbasa75013 (10:19:12 PM): mediocre - blown up
Kielbasa75013 (10:19:16 PM): marhsigo - never had one, the bum
vergilijus (10:19:18 PM): I had a car once...but th e***** took it :-(
Mediocre Omelet (10:19:21 PM): OKay.
Mediocre Omelet (10:19:32 PM): Well, then, we'll need to find keys in the mansion too.
vergilijus (10:19:37 PM): yeah
Mediocre Omelet (10:19:42 PM): Check dead people's pockets.
Mediocre Omelet (10:19:50 PM): That might mean zombie pockets.
vergilijus (10:19:50 PM): the love's were rich: they probably have a car or two
Kielbasa75013 (10:19:52 PM): no you don't
Kielbasa75013 (10:20:00 PM): oh
Mediocre Omelet (10:20:00 PM): No we don't?
Kielbasa75013 (10:20:07 PM): i thought you meant you'd need keys to get into the mansion
Mediocre Omelet (10:20:11 PM): Oh.
Kielbasa75013 (10:20:12 PM): sorry
Mediocre Omelet (10:20:14 PM): Naw.
Mediocre Omelet (10:20:30 PM): We've already got the window thing going.
vergilijus (10:20:39 PM): also
Mediocre Omelet (10:20:41 PM): Not going to march through all those zombies to get through the front door.
vergilijus (10:20:58 PM): grab a blanket to lay over the window pane when we smash it so we don't get cut
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:05 PM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:09 PM): Wait.
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:13 PM): No window pane.
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:19 PM): It's already been removed.
vergilijus (10:21:24 PM): it has?
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:26 PM): That's what set the alarm. off.
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:28 PM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:31 PM): With my bayonet.
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:34 PM): Around the edge.
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:37 PM): Right, Eor?
vergilijus (10:21:38 PM): I thought it was just jimmyed and went
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:42 PM): I think we got it out?
Kielbasa75013 (10:21:43 PM): it wasn't removed
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:46 PM): Oh.
Kielbasa75013 (10:21:50 PM): it's just loose
Mediocre Omelet (10:21:52 PM): How close were we?
Kielbasa75013 (10:21:59 PM): you could probably push it in
Mediocre Omelet (10:22:05 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (10:22:11 PM): Well, bring a blanket anyway.
vergilijus (10:22:14 PM): yeah
Mediocre Omelet (10:22:15 PM): Just in case.
Mediocre Omelet (10:22:19 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (10:22:29 PM): I have Marshy grab a blanket.
Mediocre Omelet (10:22:37 PM): He tucks it in his pants.
Mediocre Omelet (10:22:55 PM): It hangs out goofily.
Kielbasa75013 (10:23:24 PM): he does so
vergilijus (10:23:48 PM): so where can you and mack throw the molotov's from?
vergilijus (10:23:53 PM): safely, of course
Kielbasa75013 (10:24:01 PM): bedroom window
Mediocre Omelet (10:24:07 PM): We'll throw, you guys kill.
vergilijus (10:24:07 PM): second floor?
Mediocre Omelet (10:24:10 PM): Then we all go in.
vergilijus (10:24:26 PM): yeah
Kielbasa75013 (10:24:27 PM): indeed
vergilijus (10:24:44 PM): we'll clear the path, while you guys sprint down and run in
vergilijus (10:25:02 PM): makes tom take the blanket from Marsh
Kielbasa75013 (10:25:17 PM): to clear up confusion from before, when you give me the actual action, state the action specifically
Mediocre Omelet (10:25:19 PM): And tuck it into his pants, goofily.
Kielbasa75013 (10:25:25 PM): Tom takes the blanket
Mediocre Omelet (10:25:39 PM): Can we just say, "execute the plan"?
vergilijus (10:25:50 PM): let's clarify everything first
vergilijus (10:25:57 PM): bullet point style
Mediocre Omelet (10:26:17 PM): Sure.
vergilijus (10:26:57 PM): also, Tom and I are going out a window, I take it
Kielbasa75013 (10:27:25 PM): no
vergilijus (10:27:26 PM): since we would have to be running through fire from the molotov's if we went out the back
Kielbasa75013 (10:27:29 PM): because i might of misread your plan
vergilijus (10:27:43 PM): ?
Kielbasa75013 (10:27:53 PM): no to mediocre
symptom129 (10:28:06 PM): oh there we go
Mediocre Omelet (10:28:07 PM): We don't need to throw molotovs out the back.
Mediocre Omelet (10:28:14 PM): No zombies there.
Mediocre Omelet (10:28:15 PM): Hey Tom.
vergilijus (10:28:16 PM): I meant
symptom129 (10:28:19 PM): are we in my house?
Mediocre Omelet (10:28:22 PM): Yes.
vergilijus (10:28:22 PM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (10:28:26 PM): About to leave.
symptom129 (10:28:29 PM): okay
symptom129 (10:28:37 PM): medi/marsh/mack and tom/virg?
vergilijus (10:28:43 PM): I meant, we need the molotov's to hit so the alley way is closed of
Mediocre Omelet (10:28:44 PM): Yeah.
symptom129 (10:28:57 PM): what is the talk of my molotovs
symptom129 (10:29:07 PM): we are going to make a distraction?
Mediocre Omelet (10:29:11 PM): Sort of.
Mediocre Omelet (10:29:15 PM): There are five zombies.
vergilijus (10:29:15 PM): so the two must be thrown at the corner of tom's house: south west and south east
symptom129 (10:29:26 PM): i dont have access to swf
Mediocre Omelet (10:29:28 PM): IN the alleyway between the mansion and your house.
symptom129 (10:29:29 PM): internet is being gay
Mediocre Omelet (10:29:41 PM): It's having sex with other internets?
symptom129 (10:29:46 PM): other MALE internets
vergilijus (10:29:51 PM): other internets of the same gender
Mediocre Omelet (10:29:56 PM): Well, your internet could be female.
Mediocre Omelet (10:29:57 PM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (10:30:03 PM): VIrg knows what's going on.
symptom129 (10:30:03 PM): then it would be lesbian?
symptom129 (10:30:06 PM): not gay?
Mediocre Omelet (10:30:07 PM): Maybe.
symptom129 (10:30:14 PM): anyways
symptom129 (10:30:20 PM): which zombies are where
vergilijus (10:30:26 PM): let me recap for tom real quick
Mediocre Omelet (10:30:27 PM): Lots out front, of course.
Mediocre Omelet (10:30:30 PM): ONly five between.
symptom129 (10:30:37 PM): our front of my house?
symptom129 (10:30:38 PM): in the road?
Mediocre Omelet (10:30:41 PM): Right.
Mediocre Omelet (10:30:43 PM): Lots out there.
symptom129 (10:30:48 PM): i have a back door though, right eor?
Mediocre Omelet (10:30:54 PM): We're heading out the window.
Mediocre Omelet (10:30:57 PM): For speed.
Kielbasa75013 (10:30:58 PM): yes you have a backdoor
Mediocre Omelet (10:31:06 PM): That's what the internet is using.
Kielbasa75013 (10:31:13 PM): and just to repeat for tommy, when you actually bold the actions you're doing, restate what you're doing
symptom129 (10:31:20 PM): okay
Kielbasa75013 (10:31:30 PM): specifically
symptom129 (10:31:44 PM): i assume my south window is at the south and my back door is to the east?
Kielbasa75013 (10:31:44 PM): like, you guys just gave where you're thowing molotovs. restate that when you give actions
Kielbasa75013 (10:31:48 PM): yes
symptom129 (10:32:01 PM): and there are five zombies in the alley between my house and the love mansion
Mediocre Omelet (10:32:13 PM): Right.
symptom129 (10:32:16 PM): are they all together?
Mediocre Omelet (10:32:26 PM): While the molotov's are going, you and Virg are gonna go kill them.
Mediocre Omelet (10:32:30 PM): I don't know.
Kielbasa75013 (10:32:34 PM): no
symptom129 (10:32:54 PM): eor, please describe the direction we are running to get from building window to building window, and where the zombies are located
vergilijus (10:33:27 PM):
vergilijus (10:33:38 PM): the red dots are where we should throw the molotovs, I think
Kielbasa75013 (10:33:41 PM): i don't understand what you mean tom
symptom129 (10:34:04 PM): is it a straight shot south from my house window we are leaving to the mansion window we are going to?
Mediocre Omelet (10:34:10 PM): Virg, we don't need to molotov on the east of the map.
Mediocre Omelet (10:34:18 PM): No zombies back there.
Mediocre Omelet (10:34:22 PM): They're all in the alleyway.
Mediocre Omelet (10:34:29 PM): None in back of your house.
vergilijus (10:34:32 PM): I thought some were coming?
Mediocre Omelet (10:34:46 PM): Eor, what's the zombie status in back of the house?
Kielbasa75013 (10:34:48 PM): your south window is about a foot west of the love window you're going into
Kielbasa75013 (10:34:50 PM): no zombies out back
symptom129 (10:35:04 PM): thats good news
vergilijus (10:35:05 PM): ok, then only the molotov near the street
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:11 PM): But we need to kill the five zombies in the middle.
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:14 PM): At some point.
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:18 PM): Or not.
vergilijus (10:35:22 PM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:25 PM): Maybe we can just let them follow us in.
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:27 PM): then kill them.
vergilijus (10:35:29 PM): tom and I will kill them
symptom129 (10:35:33 PM): if they can go through the window
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:35 PM): Okay.
symptom129 (10:35:41 PM): although
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:42 PM): One of you should take my bayonet.
vergilijus (10:35:47 PM): tom should
symptom129 (10:35:48 PM): i would rather just shoot them all
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:49 PM): On my shotty.
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:51 PM): No.
symptom129 (10:35:53 PM): in case there is a jumper.
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:54 PM): Can't shoot.
Mediocre Omelet (10:35:59 PM): That will attract more.
vergilijus (10:36:06 PM): we need to shoot some; there are five
symptom129 (10:36:10 PM): the exploding alcohol wont attract them?
Mediocre Omelet (10:36:22 PM): Hmm.
vergilijus (10:36:29 PM): they're coming: we just have to get all of us in and kill the ones that see us before any others do
Mediocre Omelet (10:36:37 PM): But then we need to run through.
symptom129 (10:36:43 PM): we cant run through the house
symptom129 (10:36:52 PM): we have to allow for some time spent there, just in case.
symptom129 (10:36:58 PM): also, internet working
symptom129 (10:37:13 PM): lets go out my window
vergilijus (10:37:13 PM): so tom and I should go out the back door if there are no zombies out there
symptom129 (10:37:16 PM): throw the west molotov
symptom129 (10:37:21 PM): shoot the zombies
symptom129 (10:37:24 PM): and run into the mansion
Mediocre Omelet (10:37:32 PM): We should follow as quickly as possible.
vergilijus (10:37:35 PM): yes
vergilijus (10:37:44 PM): once you guys throw the molotov, run
symptom129 (10:37:46 PM): are we in agreement to do what i just said?
Mediocre Omelet (10:37:51 PM): Yes.
vergilijus (10:37:55 PM): hold on
Mediocre Omelet (10:37:56 PM): Let's get on with it.
symptom129 (10:37:59 PM): we are throwing a single molotov
vergilijus (10:38:00 PM): lets run out the back door
symptom129 (10:38:03 PM): why the back door
symptom129 (10:38:06 PM): that will take longer
vergilijus (10:38:13 PM): it is easier, faster, and no zombies are there
symptom129 (10:38:19 PM): its not faster
symptom129 (10:38:29 PM): and we will still have to meet the zombies
vergilijus (10:38:32 PM): three people jumping out of it in a row
symptom129 (10:38:46 PM): okay, that is a valid point
symptom129 (10:39:00 PM): virg, do you want to take the back door?
vergilijus (10:39:03 PM): you have a little picket fence: we can run out, turn the corner and then just pummel them
vergilijus (10:39:10 PM): yeah
vergilijus (10:39:17 PM): and just don't stop
symptom129 (10:39:20 PM): i dont see that happening if these zombies arent just drones
symptom129 (10:39:28 PM): so if you want to go out the back door, you can
Mediocre Omelet (10:39:29 PM): Hey, I give somebody my bayonet.
Mediocre Omelet (10:39:35 PM): And take Marsh and Cloud with you.
Mediocre Omelet (10:39:39 PM): I'll follow you guys.
Mediocre Omelet (10:39:44 PM): And throw the molotov.
symptom129 (10:39:46 PM): okay
symptom129 (10:39:53 PM): gives medi a molotov
vergilijus (10:40:11 PM): tom, you have a blanket incase there are glass shards left when we break it
symptom129 (10:40:15 PM): okay
symptom129 (10:40:19 PM): has the blanket, the pillow
symptom129 (10:40:34 PM): virg, go to the back door now
vergilijus (10:40:51 PM): goes to back door with marsh and mack
symptom129 (10:41:10 PM): i go out the window, and make for the mansion
Mediocre Omelet (10:41:22 PM): Yeah, Marsh and Cloud head for the back door.
symptom129 (10:41:25 PM): i shoot any zombies i see
Mediocre Omelet (10:41:29 PM): No!
vergilijus (10:41:32 PM): me, mack and marsh open the back door and sprint to the alley, guns drawn
symptom129 (10:41:33 PM): no i dont
Mediocre Omelet (10:41:33 PM): Don't start off shooting!
symptom129 (10:41:37 PM): i dont shoot anything
symptom129 (10:41:40 PM): =3
symptom129 (10:41:48 PM): (i dont know why im not shooting)
vergilijus (10:41:50 PM): tom's bullets magically reappear in his gun
Mediocre Omelet (10:41:57 PM): Wait for me to throw the molotov.
vergilijus (10:41:57 PM): medi, throw the molotov
Kielbasa75013 (10:42:01 PM): one second
Mediocre Omelet (10:42:02 PM): I throw it!
vergilijus (10:42:07 PM): KABOOM!
Mediocre Omelet (10:42:11 PM): No.
Mediocre Omelet (10:42:16 PM): It's frozen in midair.
symptom129 (10:42:16 PM): virg let eor make those actions =/
symptom129 (10:42:35 PM): symptom129 (23:42:16): virg let eor make those actions =/
vergilijus (10:42:42 PM): :-P
symptom129 (10:42:47 PM): symptom129 (23:42:35): symptom129 (23:42:16): virg let eor make those actions =/
Kielbasa75013 (10:42:51 PM): one second
symptom129 (10:43:12 PM): also, chad found tmw and kevinm
vergilijus (10:43:12 PM): eor, let eor make those actions =/
Kielbasa75013 (10:43:46 PM): repeat your actions
Kielbasa75013 (10:43:48 PM): specifically
symptom129 (10:43:49 PM): okay.
symptom129 (10:44:06 PM): i open the window and exit it, and make a run for the mansion window, looking for the zombies as i run
symptom129 (10:44:14 PM): i have my pistol drawn
Kielbasa75013 (10:44:22 PM): what window?
vergilijus (10:44:38 PM): Me, Mack and Marsh all run out the back door and turn into the alley, guns drawn at the zombies
symptom129 (10:44:40 PM): the south wall window of my house, first floor
Mediocre Omelet (10:44:49 PM): Why
Kielbasa75013 (10:44:50 PM): did you guys throw molotovs?
symptom129 (10:44:54 PM): not yet
Mediocre Omelet (10:44:55 PM): Yes!
Kielbasa75013 (10:44:59 PM): repeat your actions, then
Mediocre Omelet (10:45:04 PM): Why are you going out the window!
symptom129 (10:45:05 PM): medi repeat actions
symptom129 (10:45:10 PM): im supposed to!
symptom129 (10:45:12 PM): arent I?!
symptom129 (10:45:15 PM): the south window??
Mediocre Omelet (10:45:16 PM): I throw the molotov.
vergilijus (10:45:20 PM): tom wanted to go out the window
Mediocre Omelet (10:45:23 PM): Now you guys go out the backdoor.
Mediocre Omelet (10:45:31 PM): I go downstairs.
symptom129 (10:45:34 PM): -_-
Mediocre Omelet (10:45:34 PM): As fast as I can.
Mediocre Omelet (10:45:38 PM): to try to catch up.
vergilijus (10:45:44 PM): me, marsh and Mack run out the back door and turn into the alley, guns drawn
vergilijus (10:45:54 PM): once the molotov hits, we open fire
symptom129 (10:45:54 PM): i believe there was a misunderstanding, i specified that i went out the first floor window
Mediocre Omelet (10:46:09 PM): If you're sure.
symptom129 (10:46:20 PM): i assumed we were on the first floor because we had been talking about GOING OUT THE WINDOW this whole time
Mediocre Omelet (10:46:21 PM): I'll head for the window too.
Mediocre Omelet (10:46:34 PM): then we changed to the back door.
Mediocre Omelet (10:46:39 PM): Eor isn't even here.
Kielbasa75013 (10:46:39 PM): repeat where you threw the molotov!
symptom129 (10:46:44 PM): virg did
Kielbasa75013 (10:46:58 PM): no he didn;t
vergilijus (10:47:00 PM): medi threw it from the window
Kielbasa75013 (10:47:06 PM): where to, though
vergilijus (10:47:08 PM): as we ran out the back
Mediocre Omelet (10:47:11 PM): Okay, I throw the molotov at the space between the two houses, near the street.
Mediocre Omelet (10:47:21 PM): I open the window first, of course.
vergilijus (10:47:21 PM): he threw it to the first red dot on my map
symptom129 (10:47:30 PM): (left red dot)
vergilijus (10:47:33 PM): yeah
Kielbasa75013 (10:47:33 PM): ok
Kielbasa75013 (10:47:42 PM): Mediocre stands in the second floor with a moltov ready to throw
Kielbasa75013 (10:47:44 PM): he opsn the window
Kielbasa75013 (10:47:50 PM): Tom is on the first floor by the window
Kielbasa75013 (10:47:56 PM): or, in the back
symptom129 (10:48:09 PM): i thought there was a first floor window on the south
Kielbasa75013 (10:48:14 PM): there is
symptom129 (10:48:19 PM): im going out that window
vergilijus (10:48:37 PM): me, mack and marsh are going out the back door
Kielbasa75013 (10:49:00 PM): ok
Kielbasa75013 (10:49:08 PM): Mediocre lights the molotov and throws it at the first red dot
Kielbasa75013 (10:49:17 PM): Marshigo, TOm, Virgy, and Mccloud run out the back door
Kielbasa75013 (10:49:23 PM): mediocre sees the molotov burst into flames
Kielbasa75013 (10:49:29 PM): zombies look at it
Kielbasa75013 (10:49:33 PM): and slowly start to hobble towards it
Mediocre Omelet (10:49:57 PM): I head own.
vergilijus (10:50:00 PM): me, marsh and mack open fire
Mediocre Omelet (10:50:06 PM): to Tom's window.
Kielbasa75013 (10:50:08 PM): You all start to five at the five zombies
Kielbasa75013 (10:50:09 PM): they die
Mediocre Omelet (10:50:09 PM): As fast as I can.
Kielbasa75013 (10:50:23 PM): Mediocre reaches Tom's window as everyone else reaches the Love window
Kielbasa75013 (10:50:28 PM): zombies walk into the fire
Kielbasa75013 (10:50:30 PM): and light
Mediocre Omelet (10:50:30 PM): I open it.
Mediocre Omelet (10:50:32 PM): Go out.
Kielbasa75013 (10:50:37 PM): Mediocre opens the window and leaps out
Mediocre Omelet (10:50:49 PM): Fire on zombies coming through the fire.
Mediocre Omelet (10:50:52 PM): With pistol.
symptom129 (10:50:58 PM): i shoot the Love Mansion window through my pillow
vergilijus (10:51:00 PM): should we shoot out the window or push it in?
Mediocre Omelet (10:51:07 PM): Just push it in.
Mediocre Omelet (10:51:13 PM): With blanket.
vergilijus (10:51:16 PM): tom, push it in with the blanket
vergilijus (10:51:17 PM): yeah
Kielbasa75013 (10:51:17 PM): mediocre reaches everyone else
Kielbasa75013 (10:51:23 PM): zombies are coming through the fire
symptom129 (10:51:31 PM): fine, i push in the window with my blanket
Mediocre Omelet (10:51:40 PM): Shoot at the zombies, guys.
Kielbasa75013 (10:51:42 PM): Tom pushes the window in
Mediocre Omelet (10:51:45 PM): Means less to kill later.
Kielbasa75013 (10:51:46 PM): it lands
Kielbasa75013 (10:51:48 PM): doesn't break
Mediocre Omelet (10:51:51 PM): Open it.
Kielbasa75013 (10:51:53 PM): you hear a shriek
vergilijus (10:51:55 PM): we're firing
Mediocre Omelet (10:51:59 PM): From where?
Kielbasa75013 (10:52:01 PM): street
Mediocre Omelet (10:52:05 PM): Reload.
Kielbasa75013 (10:52:11 PM): you start to fire at the zombies in the fire
vergilijus (10:52:17 PM): tom, get in
symptom129 (10:52:19 PM): i walk into the mansion
vergilijus (10:52:25 PM): or climb in
Kielbasa75013 (10:52:26 PM): Tom climbs through the window into the mansion
symptom129 (10:52:27 PM): gun drawn, i look aroudn
vergilijus (10:52:48 PM): all right, who's next in?
Kielbasa75013 (10:52:54 PM): he sees a pool table
vergilijus (10:52:59 PM): I think a shotgunner needs to stay for the runner
Kielbasa75013 (10:52:59 PM): and a large tv
Kielbasa75013 (10:53:03 PM): with a couch
Kielbasa75013 (10:53:05 PM): it looks like a game room
symptom129 (10:53:10 PM): doors?
Kielbasa75013 (10:53:18 PM): zombies continue wlaking through the fire
symptom129 (10:53:23 PM): is there a runner???
symptom129 (10:53:25 PM): how do you know?
Mediocre Omelet (10:53:26 PM): Cloud goes in.
Kielbasa75013 (10:53:27 PM): not that you see
vergilijus (10:53:32 PM): shrieks
Kielbasa75013 (10:53:35 PM): McCloud climbs in, painfully from his arm
symptom129 (10:53:36 PM): -_- okay
Mediocre Omelet (10:53:39 PM): I continue firing.
vergilijus (10:53:39 PM): it should be coming soon
Mediocre Omelet (10:53:42 PM): WIth marshy.
symptom129 (10:53:50 PM): medi has a shotgun
Mediocre Omelet (10:53:55 PM): Marhs goes in.
symptom129 (10:53:58 PM): i look aroudn the room for a door
vergilijus (10:53:59 PM): so does marsh
Mediocre Omelet (10:54:02 PM): *Marsh.
Kielbasa75013 (10:54:38 PM): Marshigo and MEdiocre fire
Kielbasa75013 (10:54:44 PM): Virg fires too
Kielbasa75013 (10:54:48 PM): tom looks around
Kielbasa75013 (10:54:50 PM): he sees a door to his left
Kielbasa75013 (10:54:53 PM): and a door infront of him
vergilijus (10:55:02 PM): who's next into the house?
Kielbasa75013 (10:55:14 PM): zombies keep on coming
Kielbasa75013 (10:55:19 PM): faster then you can shoot down
symptom129 (10:55:22 PM): hold on
symptom129 (10:55:32 PM): any furniture we can put in front of the window??
Mediocre Omelet (10:55:39 PM): I go in.
Kielbasa75013 (10:55:44 PM): Mediocre crawls into the building
Mediocre Omelet (10:55:48 PM): After Marsh.
Mediocre Omelet (10:55:51 PM): I already sent him in.
Mediocre Omelet (10:55:53 PM): A while ago.
Kielbasa75013 (10:55:53 PM): Marsh gooes first
symptom129 (10:55:54 PM): eor, i only see a couch?
vergilijus (10:56:04 PM): I keep on firing headshots
Kielbasa75013 (10:56:05 PM): no, you said you fired with him
vergilijus (10:56:08 PM): yeah
Kielbasa75013 (10:56:11 PM): virgy continues firing outside
symptom129 (10:56:13 PM): evveryone inside
vergilijus (10:56:15 PM): it's marsh and I left
Mediocre Omelet (10:56:19 PM): Mediocre Omelet (11:53:37 PM): Marhs goes in.
Kielbasa75013 (10:56:19 PM): marsh just went in
vergilijus (10:56:19 PM): help us!
symptom129 (10:56:22 PM): everyone inside please.
Mediocre Omelet (10:56:25 PM): And then I corrected it.
Mediocre Omelet (10:56:30 PM): He should already be in.
Kielbasa75013 (10:56:33 PM): correct you are
symptom129 (10:56:37 PM): im inside, and there are too many zombies, lets push something in front of the window
vergilijus (10:56:40 PM): guys...I am the only one left outside
symptom129 (10:56:40 PM): like the tv or the couch
Mediocre Omelet (10:56:42 PM): So I should be in now.
vergilijus (10:56:45 PM): fo rthe love of god help me in
symptom129 (10:56:45 PM): virg, COME INSIDE THEN
Kielbasa75013 (10:56:47 PM): you hear the shriek
Mediocre Omelet (10:56:50 PM): Virg is still outside?
symptom129 (10:56:54 PM): COME INSIDE NOW VIRG JESUS
vergilijus (10:56:54 PM): -_-
symptom129 (10:56:56 PM): -_-
Kielbasa75013 (10:57:09 PM): the zombie are barely three paces from virg
vergilijus (10:57:11 PM): Tom, I AM but they are coming and you guys need to fire at them!
symptom129 (10:57:17 PM): no we dont
Kielbasa75013 (10:57:18 PM): he's between them and the window
symptom129 (10:57:21 PM): okay we do
Mediocre Omelet (10:57:23 PM): I stick my shotgun out the window.
vergilijus (10:57:24 PM): -_-
symptom129 (10:57:26 PM): i shoot zombies with my shotgun
Mediocre Omelet (10:57:26 PM): And shoot.
symptom129 (10:57:32 PM): -_-
vergilijus (10:57:35 PM): I crawl in
Kielbasa75013 (10:57:37 PM): Virg ducks as you guys shoot zombies
Kielbasa75013 (10:57:42 PM): he can't as everyone is firing out of it
symptom129 (10:57:46 PM): i stop firing
Mediocre Omelet (10:57:53 PM): Is it clear?
symptom129 (10:57:55 PM): i move to the couch
Mediocre Omelet (10:57:55 PM): IF so, I stop.
Mediocre Omelet (10:57:57 PM): Firing.
Kielbasa75013 (10:57:58 PM): no, more zombies keep on coming
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:03 PM): Cna he get in?
symptom129 (10:58:06 PM): help me push the couch over here
Kielbasa75013 (10:58:10 PM): nothing is inbetween him and the window
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:14 PM): Go virg!
vergilijus (10:58:15 PM): marsh helps pull me in
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:21 PM): I help.
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:23 PM): Pull him in.
symptom129 (10:58:23 PM): mccloud helps me push the couch over to the window
Kielbasa75013 (10:58:27 PM): Virg crawls in
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:27 PM): Yes.
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:30 PM): Cloud helps.
Kielbasa75013 (10:58:32 PM): the zombies start to hobble towards it
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:35 PM): I shut the window.
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:36 PM): And lock it.
Kielbasa75013 (10:58:36 PM): the couch isn't tall enough
vergilijus (10:58:42 PM): flip it
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:45 PM): Yes.
Kielbasa75013 (10:58:47 PM): the window is already shut
symptom129 (10:58:49 PM): flip it and put it against the window
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:49 PM): Upend it.
Kielbasa75013 (10:58:50 PM): the pane is gone on the floor
Kielbasa75013 (10:58:56 PM): someone shattered it with their feet when they walked in
Mediocre Omelet (10:58:58 PM): I lock it.
symptom129 (10:58:59 PM): put it halfway out the window
symptom129 (10:59:02 PM): or something
vergilijus (10:59:03 PM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (10:59:04 PM): McCloud and Tom flip the couch
Mediocre Omelet (10:59:05 PM): Zombies can't undo window locks.
symptom129 (10:59:13 PM): the pane is gone, medi
Mediocre Omelet (10:59:17 PM): Doesn't matter.
Kielbasa75013 (10:59:17 PM): the zombies reach in and grab Mediocre's shirt
Mediocre Omelet (10:59:20 PM): It can still lock.
vergilijus (10:59:27 PM): shoot the zombies with my pistol
symptom129 (10:59:28 PM): just put the couch halfway out it
symptom129 (10:59:34 PM): -_- cut that one
symptom129 (10:59:44 PM): just put the couch halfawy out the window
Kielbasa75013 (10:59:45 PM): Virg shoots the zombie dead
symptom129 (10:59:48 PM): uprightly sticking out
vergilijus (10:59:50 PM): pulls medi in
Kielbasa75013 (10:59:56 PM): Mediocre backs up
vergilijus (10:59:59 PM): inside more
Mediocre Omelet (10:59:59 PM): I was already in!
vergilijus (11:00:02 PM): yeah
Mediocre Omelet (11:00:03 PM): Oh.
Kielbasa75013 (11:00:09 PM): their arms reach through the window
symptom129 (11:00:11 PM): you were like right up against the window trying to close it
Mediocre Omelet (11:00:18 PM): But the zombie only grabbed my shirt because Eor wouldn't let me lock it.
symptom129 (11:00:27 PM): push the couch against their arms, outrightly through the window to block its entry GOD****IT ALREADY
vergilijus (11:00:29 PM): there is no wondow pane
Kielbasa75013 (11:00:30 PM): you locked the panless window before they grabbed you
symptom129 (11:00:32 PM): IVE DONE THIS TEN TIMES
Mediocre Omelet (11:00:40 PM): It doesn't matter if there's no pane!
Mediocre Omelet (11:00:45 PM): The window can still lock!
vergilijus (11:00:48 PM): help push the couch
symptom129 (11:00:49 PM): FORGET ABOUT IT
symptom129 (11:00:55 PM): THE GM SAID THAT WONT WORK
Mediocre Omelet (11:01:06 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (11:01:08 PM): Whatever.
symptom129 (11:01:09 PM): -_- so stressful <3 i love you all
Kielbasa75013 (11:01:17 PM): Vergy, Mccloud, and Tom all push the window halfway through the window, pushing the zombies back
Mediocre Omelet (11:01:29 PM): The couch.
Kielbasa75013 (11:01:31 PM): it shakes up and down as zombies grab it
Mediocre Omelet (11:01:35 PM): Halfway through.
symptom129 (11:01:40 PM): they shouldnt be able to pull it in
Kielbasa75013 (11:01:42 PM): i meant the couch
symptom129 (11:01:45 PM): pull it out*
Mediocre Omelet (11:01:54 PM): I look for anything else.
Mediocre Omelet (11:01:57 PM): No.
Mediocre Omelet (11:02:02 PM): I hold the couch in place.
vergilijus (11:02:08 PM): move the billiard table up to it's base
Mediocre Omelet (11:02:09 PM): Marsh and Cloud look for something else.
symptom129 (11:02:15 PM): right
symptom129 (11:02:26 PM): everyone but medi helps virg move the pool table against the couches base
Kielbasa75013 (11:02:27 PM): you look around the game room
Kielbasa75013 (11:02:33 PM): ok then
Mediocre Omelet (11:02:46 PM): Upend the table against the window.
symptom129 (11:02:54 PM): upend it against the couch
symptom129 (11:02:57 PM): er
vergilijus (11:02:59 PM): yeah
Kielbasa75013 (11:03:03 PM): everyone except for mediocre move the pool table to the window and upend it against the couch
vergilijus (11:03:07 PM): make it a buttress for the couch
Kielbasa75013 (11:03:08 PM): do you want this to block the window?
Kielbasa75013 (11:03:13 PM): and just push the couch out?
Kielbasa75013 (11:03:17 PM): it's very heavy
symptom129 (11:03:19 PM): buttress the couch, is great wording
Kielbasa75013 (11:03:26 PM): it's hard for mccloud and marshigo to hold it up
vergilijus (11:03:31 PM): wusses
symptom129 (11:03:31 PM): were not lifting it
vergilijus (11:03:32 PM): :-P
symptom129 (11:03:37 PM): were pushing it against the window
symptom129 (11:03:39 PM): er
symptom129 (11:03:41 PM): the couhc
symptom129 (11:03:42 PM): correct?
vergilijus (11:03:43 PM): yes
vergilijus (11:03:54 PM): to make it harder for the couch to move
symptom129 (11:03:54 PM): so that it serves as a buttress and then the couch cannot be tilted downward to be removed
vergilijus (11:04:00 PM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (11:04:01 PM): ok
Kielbasa75013 (11:04:04 PM): you push it there
Mediocre Omelet (11:04:06 PM): Yeah.
Kielbasa75013 (11:04:08 PM): still hard for the arm wounded people
Mediocre Omelet (11:04:09 PM): Let the couch go.
Kielbasa75013 (11:04:10 PM): you do so
Kielbasa75013 (11:04:14 PM): mediocre moves out of the way
Mediocre Omelet (11:04:19 PM): And the other guy.
Kielbasa75013 (11:04:21 PM): the couch rests on the pooltable
symptom129 (11:04:24 PM): good job people
symptom129 (11:04:26 PM): er
symptom129 (11:04:31 PM): it shouldnt rest on the pooltable
Mediocre Omelet (11:04:34 PM): Does it look like anything's moving?
symptom129 (11:04:40 PM): it should be like / that out the window
symptom129 (11:04:49 PM): and then the pooltable should be like this ----- next to the /
Kielbasa75013 (11:04:49 PM): the window isn't ground level
symptom129 (11:05:00 PM): i know
Kielbasa75013 (11:05:00 PM): it's window level!
Mediocre Omelet (11:05:01 PM): That's why it's like / that.
Mediocre Omelet (11:05:07 PM): "/"
Mediocre Omelet (11:05:09 PM): that.
symptom129 (11:05:10 PM): thats why it goes upwards and out the window like /
Mediocre Omelet (11:05:11 PM): Tilted.
vergilijus (11:05:14 PM): "/" is th ecouch
symptom129 (11:05:17 PM): yes.
Kielbasa75013 (11:05:20 PM): the pooltable isn't that high
Kielbasa75013 (11:05:25 PM): it's a pooltable
symptom129 (11:05:27 PM): it doesnt need to be high
vergilijus (11:05:30 PM): "___" is th epool table
Kielbasa75013 (11:05:33 PM): i had the couch being like "\"
Mediocre Omelet (11:05:34 PM): We pushed the couch out the window.
vergilijus (11:05:35 PM): so
Mediocre Omelet (11:05:36 PM): Right?
vergilijus (11:05:39 PM): ____/
Kielbasa75013 (11:05:42 PM): no you didn't
Mediocre Omelet (11:05:43 PM): Flat aginst the widnow?
symptom129 (11:05:45 PM): it just needs to push up AGAINST the couch which is halfway out the window, tilted UP
symptom129 (11:05:47 PM): no we didnt
Mediocre Omelet (11:05:52 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (11:05:56 PM): Supe.r
vergilijus (11:05:57 PM): guys, let me draw a picture
symptom129 (11:05:57 PM): its not that hard ._.
Mediocre Omelet (11:06:05 PM): Whatever.
Mediocre Omelet (11:06:07 PM): Who cares.
Mediocre Omelet (11:06:10 PM): Is it stable/
Mediocre Omelet (11:06:11 PM): ?
Kielbasa75013 (11:06:16 PM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (11:06:20 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (11:06:24 PM): Then who gives a crap.
symptom129 (11:06:38 PM): nobody
symptom129 (11:06:40 PM): good job team
symptom129 (11:06:40 PM): okay
symptom129 (11:06:52 PM): now we need to explore the mansion
symptom129 (11:06:54 PM): <3
Mediocre Omelet (11:07:00 PM): Yeah.
symptom129 (11:07:11 PM): lets go out the south door instead of the west one
vergilijus (11:07:35 PM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (11:08:03 PM): Sorry.
symptom129 (11:08:06 PM): np
symptom129 (11:08:10 PM): we havent moved yet
symptom129 (11:08:18 PM): trying to go through the south door, not the west one
Kielbasa75013 (11:08:22 PM): you go there?
Kielbasa75013 (11:08:26 PM): everyone?
symptom129 (11:08:33 PM): virg and i do
Mediocre Omelet (11:08:40 PM): Wait guys.
symptom129 (11:08:43 PM): medi you decide if you want to take the two and follow us or not
symptom129 (11:08:52 PM): drop the pillow
Mediocre Omelet (11:08:55 PM): Let's stick together for a little while.
symptom129 (11:08:57 PM): and the blanket
symptom129 (11:08:59 PM): then follow us
symptom129 (11:09:03 PM): they follow us?
vergilijus (11:09:14 PM): reload gun
Kielbasa75013 (11:09:14 PM): Tom has his flashlight back
symptom129 (11:09:21 PM): good
Kielbasa75013 (11:09:24 PM): i don't remember if yu gave it to virg or not
Mediocre Omelet (11:09:33 PM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (11:09:38 PM): We follow you.
symptom129 (11:09:38 PM): virg leads with gun, i follow with flashlight and gun as always
vergilijus (11:09:41 PM): I have the flashlight
Mediocre Omelet (11:09:43 PM): Until we find the stairs.
vergilijus (11:09:48 PM): or, had
Mediocre Omelet (11:10:00 PM): Cna I have it back now?
Mediocre Omelet (11:10:05 PM): Since you guys have the gun light?
vergilijus (11:10:19 PM): let's wait until we plit up
symptom129 (11:10:20 PM): gives mediocre back his gun, leaving me with just one shotgun
Mediocre Omelet (11:10:28 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (11:10:30 PM): Thanks.
Mediocre Omelet (11:10:37 PM): why do you need to light?
Mediocre Omelet (11:10:41 PM): Until we split up?
symptom129 (11:10:44 PM): what
vergilijus (11:10:46 PM): just because we're at the front
symptom129 (11:10:55 PM): light is good
symptom129 (11:10:56 PM): always
symptom129 (11:11:01 PM): even if lights are on
symptom129 (11:11:09 PM): quickly shine light in peoples faces
Kielbasa75013 (11:11:16 PM): lights are off
symptom129 (11:11:19 PM): okay
Kielbasa75013 (11:11:28 PM): you go to the southern door
symptom129 (11:11:29 PM): virg leads with gun, im right behind with flashlight
Kielbasa75013 (11:11:35 PM): Virg goes to the door and listens
Kielbasa75013 (11:11:38 PM): he hears nothing
vergilijus (11:11:46 PM): you know the drill, Tom
symptom129 (11:11:51 PM): opens door, backs away
Kielbasa75013 (11:11:52 PM): Virg opens the door and steps back
symptom129 (11:11:56 PM): shine light
Kielbasa75013 (11:12:01 PM): you shine light
Mediocre Omelet (11:12:07 PM): Can I have the flashlight so we don't forget it later?
Kielbasa75013 (11:12:09 PM): it seems to be an anerroom to the building
Mediocre Omelet (11:12:13 PM): I'm afraid we will.
symptom129 (11:12:15 PM): medi we are using it right now
Kielbasa75013 (11:12:15 PM): anteroom*
Mediocre Omelet (11:12:23 PM): Well, just remember.
Mediocre Omelet (11:12:24 PM): Please.
vergilijus (11:12:27 PM): we will
symptom129 (11:12:27 PM): i wont forget it
Kielbasa75013 (11:12:28 PM): there is the massive front door to your right
symptom129 (11:12:34 PM): i dont know why i have to give it to you =/
vergilijus (11:12:36 PM): locked?
Kielbasa75013 (11:12:38 PM): it can be barred with a metal pole
vergilijus (11:12:42 PM): do it
symptom129 (11:12:44 PM): leave it there
symptom129 (11:12:50 PM): leave the metal pole in the door
symptom129 (11:12:55 PM): virg that is the front door
Kielbasa75013 (11:12:56 PM): it's not barred
symptom129 (11:12:59 PM): OOOH
symptom129 (11:13:01 PM): do it
symptom129 (11:13:03 PM): do it do it do it
vergilijus (11:13:05 PM): yes
vergilijus (11:13:09 PM): you guys, stand point
Kielbasa75013 (11:13:10 PM): Virg goes and places the pole in the slots to bar it
Mediocre Omelet (11:13:23 PM): We stand point.
Kielbasa75013 (11:13:24 PM): to your left is a huge painting of someone from the turn of the century
Kielbasa75013 (11:13:33 PM): there is a small, fancy table nearby
Kielbasa75013 (11:13:36 PM): with a bust of it
Mediocre Omelet (11:13:40 PM): Keep the lights low, guys.
symptom129 (11:13:44 PM): examine bust with hands
Kielbasa75013 (11:13:46 PM): there is a door to the east, or, infront of you
vergilijus (11:13:47 PM): -_-
symptom129 (11:13:55 PM): -_-
symptom129 (11:14:02 PM): seriously examine bust with hands
Kielbasa75013 (11:14:05 PM): tom fondles the bust
Mediocre Omelet (11:14:09 PM): Everybody follows virg and tom.
Kielbasa75013 (11:14:10 PM): it's of some man
Kielbasa75013 (11:14:23 PM): it's labbeled "Love"
Kielbasa75013 (11:14:28 PM): no first name is given
symptom129 (11:14:42 PM): must be zach love, the gay uncle
symptom129 (11:14:47 PM): where are the doors?
vergilijus (11:14:51 PM): the one ***** by th ebear
symptom129 (11:15:07 PM): virg and i do the 1, 2 to the door to the east
vergilijus (11:15:10 PM): yes
symptom129 (11:15:22 PM): virg listens
symptom129 (11:15:35 PM): if we hear nothing, he opens it and backs up while i shine the light
Kielbasa75013 (11:15:39 PM): You go to the door and listen
symptom129 (11:15:40 PM): gun pointed always
Kielbasa75013 (11:15:40 PM): noting
Kielbasa75013 (11:15:47 PM): Virg opens it and shines the light
Kielbasa75013 (11:15:50 PM): it seems to be a dinning room
Kielbasa75013 (11:16:01 PM): a huge table is laid across the entire area
Kielbasa75013 (11:16:07 PM): there is an opening to the left
Kielbasa75013 (11:16:12 PM): no windows
Kielbasa75013 (11:16:14 PM): a light is on in the opening
vergilijus (11:16:31 PM): guns drawn at all times
symptom129 (11:16:34 PM): say loudly
symptom129 (11:16:41 PM): "if there are humans in here, speak up"
Kielbasa75013 (11:16:43 PM): the plates are set with silverware
symptom129 (11:16:44 PM): "we will shoot you"
Mediocre Omelet (11:16:46 PM): Don't do anythng loud.
Kielbasa75013 (11:16:46 PM): and napkins
Kielbasa75013 (11:16:50 PM): but no food is set
symptom129 (11:16:50 PM): slightly loudly
symptom129 (11:16:57 PM): =/
Kielbasa75013 (11:16:57 PM): you say that
Kielbasa75013 (11:16:59 PM): no response
symptom129 (11:17:02 PM): okay then
symptom129 (11:17:16 PM): continue slowly to the opening with the light on
symptom129 (11:17:20 PM): guns drawn
symptom129 (11:17:26 PM): virg, will you work point?
vergilijus (11:17:29 PM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (11:17:31 PM): you go to the opening
Kielbasa75013 (11:17:34 PM): it's a kitchen
Kielbasa75013 (11:17:43 PM): drawers are closed
Kielbasa75013 (11:17:51 PM): there is a pot on the stove
symptom129 (11:17:52 PM): check the fridge.
Kielbasa75013 (11:18:00 PM): and cutting boards out
Kielbasa75013 (11:18:06 PM): Tom checks the fridge
Kielbasa75013 (11:18:08 PM): lots of food
symptom129 (11:18:08 PM): say again
vergilijus (11:18:11 PM): medi, marsh and Mack cover me when I check stuff
symptom129 (11:18:14 PM): if there are humans in here, please speak up
Kielbasa75013 (11:18:34 PM): you say that agian
Kielbasa75013 (11:18:36 PM): nothing
symptom129 (11:18:50 PM): virg checks the room
Kielbasa75013 (11:18:56 PM): virg goes to the pot
Kielbasa75013 (11:19:03 PM): it's soup
Kielbasa75013 (11:19:05 PM): cold
symptom129 (11:19:14 PM): where are the doors in here
Kielbasa75013 (11:19:18 PM): no doors
Kielbasa75013 (11:19:21 PM): wait
Kielbasa75013 (11:19:39 PM): ah, i've been messing up with direction
symptom129 (11:19:45 PM): correct us then
Kielbasa75013 (11:19:45 PM): since i have a seperate mansion map
Kielbasa75013 (11:19:59 PM): you've been moving south
symptom129 (11:20:07 PM): okay
Kielbasa75013 (11:20:18 PM): there is a south door in the dining hall
Kielbasa75013 (11:20:24 PM): i flipped my map so it's correct
symptom129 (11:20:28 PM): okay
symptom129 (11:20:34 PM): but in the kitchen there is no opening to anywhere?
Kielbasa75013 (11:20:39 PM): no opening
symptom129 (11:20:42 PM): okay, we have to go back
symptom129 (11:20:46 PM): and no goodies in the fridge?
symptom129 (11:20:49 PM): like last time?
Kielbasa75013 (11:20:50 PM): just food
symptom129 (11:20:52 PM): -_-
vergilijus (11:20:59 PM): we should grab a quick handful
symptom129 (11:21:01 PM): can i remind the gm that we have no goodies
symptom129 (11:21:06 PM): and finding some would be nice
vergilijus (11:21:07 PM): we've been running round a lot
symptom129 (11:21:08 PM): <3
symptom129 (11:21:14 PM): cant eat now
Mediocre Omelet (11:21:17 PM): Let's al drink some water.
Mediocre Omelet (11:21:20 PM): Yeah?
Mediocre Omelet (11:21:28 PM): It's supposed to reenergize us.
symptom129 (11:21:29 PM): we shouldnt let our guard down
vergilijus (11:21:30 PM): literally a handful, I mean
vergilijus (11:21:38 PM): tom, we can grab and go
Kielbasa75013 (11:21:48 PM): eating doesn't do anything
Mediocre Omelet (11:21:51 PM): My group all drinks some water.
Kielbasa75013 (11:21:53 PM): you don't need to eat
symptom129 (11:21:57 PM): im not drinking anything =)
symptom129 (11:22:02 PM): lets move back north into the dining room
Mediocre Omelet (11:22:06 PM): Drining helps some.
vergilijus (11:22:07 PM): marsh has water
Kielbasa75013 (11:22:08 PM): Marshigo still has his 13 waterbottles with him in his backpack
Mediocre Omelet (11:22:10 PM): *Drinking.
Mediocre Omelet (11:22:20 PM): If either of you want one, just ask.
Kielbasa75013 (11:22:28 PM): you drink from it, then refill it with tap water and rescrew it
vergilijus (11:22:28 PM): I'll drink a little bit
Kielbasa75013 (11:22:34 PM): so i don't have to be confused about how many you have so far
Mediocre Omelet (11:22:38 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (11:22:44 PM): Virg does it too.
vergilijus (11:22:45 PM): I hope the tap is fine
symptom129 (11:22:47 PM): i want to go north again back into the dining room
vergilijus (11:23:00 PM): we will
Kielbasa75013 (11:23:09 PM): you entered the dinding hall from the north
Kielbasa75013 (11:23:15 PM): the kitchen is to teh east of the dining hall
symptom129 (11:23:22 PM): okay back east to the dining hall
symptom129 (11:23:33 PM): there is another door we havent used?
Kielbasa75013 (11:23:39 PM): you move back west to the dinning hall
Kielbasa75013 (11:23:42 PM): there is a door to the south
symptom129 (11:23:46 PM): virg?
vergilijus (11:23:52 PM): yeah
symptom129 (11:23:56 PM): listen at the door?
vergilijus (11:24:01 PM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (11:24:06 PM): Verg goes and listens to the door
Kielbasa75013 (11:24:15 PM): nothing
Kielbasa75013 (11:24:18 PM): he opens it
symptom129 (11:24:21 PM): flash light
Kielbasa75013 (11:24:25 PM): and tom shines the light in
Kielbasa75013 (11:24:28 PM): it seems to be a sort of office
Kielbasa75013 (11:24:35 PM): there is a desk with a computer facing the door
Kielbasa75013 (11:24:45 PM): folders laying around
Kielbasa75013 (11:24:51 PM): bookshelves all along the side
symptom129 (11:25:02 PM): search for anything military or zombie
Kielbasa75013 (11:25:05 PM): a filing cabinet
Kielbasa75013 (11:25:09 PM): you start to ruffle through the files
symptom129 (11:25:16 PM): also the filing cabinet
vergilijus (11:25:19 PM): two people stand guard at door
Mediocre Omelet (11:25:20 PM): Everybody helps.
Kielbasa75013 (11:25:21 PM): and the filing cabinet
Mediocre Omelet (11:25:26 PM): IF needed.
Kielbasa75013 (11:25:29 PM): everything just seems to be about payments and philanthropy
symptom129 (11:25:36 PM): filing cabinet?
Kielbasa75013 (11:25:38 PM): same
symptom129 (11:25:39 PM): check the computer
Kielbasa75013 (11:25:43 PM): you turn the computer on
Kielbasa75013 (11:25:55 PM): the internet is disconnected
symptom129 (11:25:56 PM): files on desktop?
Kielbasa75013 (11:26:14 PM): they all seem to be about buisness
vergilijus (11:26:22 PM): check the desk
Kielbasa75013 (11:26:27 PM): and a minesweeper shortcut
symptom129 (11:26:33 PM): okay im done here in the office =/
symptom129 (11:26:48 PM): have we opened all doors except for the other one in the game room?
symptom129 (11:26:54 PM): so far that we have found
Kielbasa75013 (11:26:55 PM): and the front door
symptom129 (11:27:00 PM): yeah not opening that
Kielbasa75013 (11:27:02 PM): haha
Mediocre Omelet (11:27:08 PM): Yeah.
symptom129 (11:27:09 PM): ready to move back to the game room, virg?
Mediocre Omelet (11:27:11 PM): Where to next?
vergilijus (11:27:16 PM): yeah
symptom129 (11:27:23 PM): we should find stairs through there or something
symptom129 (11:27:31 PM): we move carefully back to the game room, shining light where we go
symptom129 (11:27:34 PM): virg take point
Mediocre Omelet (11:27:46 PM): We haven't seen any bodys, I assume?
Kielbasa75013 (11:27:51 PM): no bodies
symptom129 (11:27:54 PM): swat style infiltration seems almost unnecessary
symptom129 (11:27:59 PM): but im going to keep doing it
Kielbasa75013 (11:28:06 PM): you move back to the game room
Kielbasa75013 (11:28:15 PM): you still hear movement outside
symptom129 (11:28:28 PM): virg, listen at the door?
vergilijus (11:28:37 PM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (11:28:42 PM): Virg goes to the door and listens
Kielbasa75013 (11:28:49 PM): he hears moaning from the other side
symptom129 (11:28:53 PM): -_-
Mediocre Omelet (11:28:54 PM): Hmm.
Kielbasa75013 (11:28:57 PM): a lot of different voices
Mediocre Omelet (11:29:03 PM): A lot, eh?
symptom129 (11:29:03 PM): -____-
Kielbasa75013 (11:29:05 PM): slight movement
symptom129 (11:29:09 PM): step back virg
Mediocre Omelet (11:29:10 PM): I thought it was secure.
symptom129 (11:29:11 PM): please
Mediocre Omelet (11:29:13 PM): Oh well.
vergilijus (11:29:16 PM): step back
symptom129 (11:29:18 PM): open the door
Mediocre Omelet (11:29:19 PM): What do we do?
Kielbasa75013 (11:29:19 PM): Virg steps back
Mediocre Omelet (11:29:21 PM): No.
Mediocre Omelet (11:29:24 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (11:29:29 PM): I have my shotgun ready.
symptom129 (11:29:35 PM): it is the only door left besides the front one
Kielbasa75013 (11:29:37 PM): Everyone stands by the door entrence
Kielbasa75013 (11:29:40 PM): Tom opens it
Kielbasa75013 (11:29:45 PM): it's a hallawy
symptom129 (11:29:47 PM): shine light, step back
Kielbasa75013 (11:29:51 PM): he shines the light
Kielbasa75013 (11:29:58 PM): the walls are painted bright red
symptom129 (11:30:04 PM): with blooooood
Kielbasa75013 (11:30:11 PM): mirrors and paintings cover the wall
Mediocre Omelet (11:30:16 PM): That would be dark red.
Kielbasa75013 (11:30:18 PM): on the other side are zombies
Kielbasa75013 (11:30:25 PM): about thirty
symptom129 (11:30:28 PM): in the house?
Mediocre Omelet (11:30:29 PM): Okay.
symptom129 (11:30:30 PM): -_-
Kielbasa75013 (11:30:31 PM): and they start to move towards you
vergilijus (11:30:36 PM): hold on
Mediocre Omelet (11:30:36 PM): What, was it a party?
Mediocre Omelet (11:30:41 PM): In the house?
Kielbasa75013 (11:30:46 PM): course, magic party of people
vergilijus (11:30:48 PM): so eor, we are in a hallway in the house?
symptom129 (11:30:53 PM): yes we are
Kielbasa75013 (11:30:59 PM): you're outside of it as you haven't moved in yet
Mediocre Omelet (11:31:00 PM): How wide is the hallway?
vergilijus (11:31:04 PM): and there are thirty zombies
symptom129 (11:31:12 PM): that is a lot of zombies
Kielbasa75013 (11:31:13 PM): i told you earlier this game was for fun and wasn't based on too much!
Kielbasa75013 (11:31:19 PM): the hallway is about 10 feet wide
symptom129 (11:31:22 PM): okay
Mediocre Omelet (11:31:25 PM): ****.
symptom129 (11:31:27 PM): start shooting into the crowd with my shotgun
Mediocre Omelet (11:31:31 PM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (11:31:34 PM): Me too.
vergilijus (11:31:40 PM): all of us
Mediocre Omelet (11:31:53 PM): Marsh and McCloud do the same with their pistols.
Mediocre Omelet (11:31:55 PM): If they can.
Kielbasa75013 (11:31:56 PM): everyone gets into a line and starts to shoot at the zombies, who are heading toards you
symptom129 (11:32:03 PM): horizontal line.
Kielbasa75013 (11:32:06 PM): :-(
vergilijus (11:32:09 PM): british standard
symptom129 (11:32:12 PM): if not, im in the back of the line
symptom129 (11:32:14 PM): =D
vergilijus (11:32:17 PM): -_-
Kielbasa75013 (11:32:28 PM): the zombies start to drop dead
Kielbasa75013 (11:32:47 PM): they reach the halfway point of the hall before the last one dies
Kielbasa75013 (11:33:04 PM): you all reload
symptom129 (11:33:15 PM): alright
vergilijus (11:33:20 PM): all right, is there a door behind us we can close?
Kielbasa75013 (11:33:30 PM): you can close that door behind you to the gameroom, yes
symptom129 (11:33:33 PM): alright
symptom129 (11:33:38 PM): we move foward, virgy first
symptom129 (11:33:40 PM): =3
Kielbasa75013 (11:33:44 PM): you hear pounding behind you
vergilijus (11:33:52 PM): cat's are liver bellied :-P
symptom129 (11:33:53 PM): -_- are we all through the door
Kielbasa75013 (11:33:55 PM): a distance behind you*
symptom129 (11:34:08 PM): oh okay
Mediocre Omelet (11:34:12 PM): Hey, where the hell was the garage door?
vergilijus (11:34:17 PM): some one close the door
Mediocre Omelet (11:34:18 PM): We should have seen one.
Mediocre Omelet (11:34:20 PM): Oh well.
Kielbasa75013 (11:34:24 PM): is McCloud using a rifle or shotgun?
vergilijus (11:34:28 PM): rifle
Kielbasa75013 (11:34:32 PM): ok
Mediocre Omelet (11:34:32 PM): rifle.
Kielbasa75013 (11:34:35 PM): you close the door
vergilijus (11:34:45 PM): lock it if possible
Mediocre Omelet (11:34:48 PM): I've got Cloudy, don't I?
vergilijus (11:34:51 PM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (11:34:52 PM): Yes.
Mediocre Omelet (11:34:55 PM): Lock it.
symptom129 (11:35:02 PM): and move forwards.
Mediocre Omelet (11:35:08 PM): All the zombies dead?
Kielbasa75013 (11:35:11 PM): you close the door behind you and lock it
Kielbasa75013 (11:35:11 PM): yes
symptom129 (11:35:11 PM): flasing light, virg at point
vergilijus (11:35:12 PM): are the bodies uniformed?
Mediocre Omelet (11:35:16 PM): Let's move something in front of the door.
vergilijus (11:35:21 PM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (11:35:24 PM): no they're not uniformed
symptom129 (11:35:27 PM): -_- more bodies?
Kielbasa75013 (11:35:32 PM): the hallway goes east
vergilijus (11:35:34 PM): the zombies we dropped
symptom129 (11:35:39 PM): okay, lets go east
Kielbasa75013 (11:35:40 PM): there is a door at the end of it going south
Mediocre Omelet (11:35:42 PM): Wait.
Mediocre Omelet (11:35:48 PM): Do the zombies have pockets?
Kielbasa75013 (11:35:53 PM): yes
symptom129 (11:36:01 PM): -_____-''
Mediocre Omelet (11:36:02 PM): Do we know what the Loves looked like?
symptom129 (11:36:12 PM): im sure they are in the portraits lining this hallway
Mediocre Omelet (11:36:14 PM): I'd imagine we would.
Kielbasa75013 (11:36:16 PM): you know what the loe son looks like
Kielbasa75013 (11:36:20 PM): he's not in there
Kielbasa75013 (11:36:27 PM): there being the dead bodies
Mediocre Omelet (11:36:28 PM): The portraits?
Kielbasa75013 (11:36:35 PM): you look at the portraits
Mediocre Omelet (11:36:39 PM): Any of those faces match the zombies?
Kielbasa75013 (11:36:44 PM): they go from 18th century to modern
Kielbasa75013 (11:36:50 PM): none do
Mediocre Omelet (11:36:53 PM): Okay.
vergilijus (11:36:53 PM): lets go
Mediocre Omelet (11:36:56 PM): What can we move?
Mediocre Omelet (11:37:00 PM): In front of the door?
vergilijus (11:37:09 PM): the bodies?
Kielbasa75013 (11:37:09 PM): paintings
symptom129 (11:37:11 PM): medi jars the door with a painting
symptom129 (11:37:18 PM): virg and i move EAST to the door that goes SOUTH
Kielbasa75013 (11:37:25 PM): do you medi?
Mediocre Omelet (11:37:29 PM): yes.
Mediocre Omelet (11:37:31 PM): I do.
Kielbasa75013 (11:37:32 PM): aight then
Mediocre Omelet (11:37:40 PM): And stick a body on the end of it.
Kielbasa75013 (11:37:43 PM): Mediocre jars the handle to the door with a painting while virg and tom go to the door
Mediocre Omelet (11:37:44 PM): SO it doesn't slide.
Kielbasa75013 (11:37:47 PM): he then moves a body to it
Mediocre Omelet (11:37:58 PM): Spit on my hands to clean the blood off.
Kielbasa75013 (11:38:02 PM): you do so
Mediocre Omelet (11:38:03 PM): And rub them around.
Mediocre Omelet (11:38:06 PM): Then follow.
Mediocre Omelet (11:38:11 PM): Virg and tom.
vergilijus (11:38:21 PM): door porcedures again
vergilijus (11:38:25 PM): procedures
symptom129 (11:38:32 PM): be specific like he said =3
symptom129 (11:38:36 PM): virg listens at the door
symptom129 (11:38:44 PM): if nothing, he opens and moves back while i shine light
symptom129 (11:38:49 PM): if something, then plan changes
Kielbasa75013 (11:39:24 PM): virgy listens to the door
Kielbasa75013 (11:39:33 PM): he doesn't hear anythin
Kielbasa75013 (11:39:37 PM): he opens it
symptom129 (11:39:37 PM): i love how the zombies
symptom129 (11:39:41 PM): were trapped in a hallway
symptom129 (11:39:45 PM): by two closed doors
symptom129 (11:39:47 PM): LOL
vergilijus (11:39:52 PM): just chilling
Kielbasa75013 (11:39:59 PM): he doesn't need the light to see
symptom129 (11:40:05 PM): oh good
Kielbasa75013 (11:40:05 PM): it's the greenhouse courtyard
vergilijus (11:40:09 PM): nice
symptom129 (11:40:13 PM): is that inside/
Kielbasa75013 (11:40:17 PM): it goes three stories up
Kielbasa75013 (11:40:18 PM): and is massive
Kielbasa75013 (11:40:28 PM): at the very top you see the roof is glass
Kielbasa75013 (11:40:32 PM): seperate panes
symptom129 (11:40:38 PM): -_-
Kielbasa75013 (11:40:38 PM): that then slant off at the back
symptom129 (11:40:41 PM): okay
Kielbasa75013 (11:40:51 PM): the moon shines through
Kielbasa75013 (11:41:01 PM): there are two small ponds, west and east
Kielbasa75013 (11:41:03 PM): and a pathway inbetween
vergilijus (11:41:16 PM): I've got a bad feeling about this set up
Kielbasa75013 (11:41:17 PM): trees to your immediate left and right
Kielbasa75013 (11:41:19 PM): you're facing south
symptom129 (11:41:28 PM): i dont have bad feeler
Kielbasa75013 (11:41:30 PM): more trees east and west of the door on the other side
Kielbasa75013 (11:41:38 PM): flower beds line inbetween
Kielbasa75013 (11:41:43 PM): it's humid
symptom129 (11:41:44 PM): lets take the path
symptom129 (11:41:49 PM): slowly
symptom129 (11:41:50 PM): guns drawn
Kielbasa75013 (11:41:56 PM): in what order?
vergilijus (11:41:58 PM): guys, scan left and right at all times
vergilijus (11:42:07 PM): I'll take point
symptom129 (11:42:12 PM): mccloud will take point.
vergilijus (11:42:16 PM): ok
Kielbasa75013 (11:42:19 PM): i don't exactly know what that means
vergilijus (11:42:20 PM): I guess
Kielbasa75013 (11:42:20 PM): first?
symptom129 (11:42:22 PM): first
vergilijus (11:42:24 PM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (11:42:25 PM): then?
symptom129 (11:42:34 PM): then i dont like this at all -_-
symptom129 (11:42:39 PM): how about this
symptom129 (11:42:56 PM): McCloud, Tom, Marsh, Virg, Medi
Mediocre Omelet (11:42:57 PM): Hey, you can't just send my McCloud into a potentially dangerous situation like that.
Mediocre Omelet (11:43:01 PM): But okay.
Kielbasa75013 (11:43:05 PM): single file?
symptom129 (11:43:07 PM): you can take his place, medi
symptom129 (11:43:09 PM): single file
Mediocre Omelet (11:43:10 PM): Okya.
Mediocre Omelet (11:43:14 PM): I'll take his place.
symptom129 (11:43:17 PM): the line is now
Kielbasa75013 (11:43:19 PM): McCloud takes the back
Kielbasa75013 (11:43:22 PM): i assume
Mediocre Omelet (11:43:23 PM): I've got the shotgun bayonet after all.
Mediocre Omelet (11:43:26 PM): Yes.
symptom129 (11:43:26 PM): Medi, McCloud, Tom, Marsh, Virg
Mediocre Omelet (11:43:31 PM): Or that.
Kielbasa75013 (11:43:36 PM): what
Kielbasa75013 (11:43:37 PM): oh
Kielbasa75013 (11:43:54 PM): i thought Mccloud was in back
vergilijus (11:43:55 PM): I keep tabs behind us too
vergilijus (11:44:00 PM): switched it up
Mediocre Omelet (11:44:04 PM): I focus forwards.
Mediocre Omelet (11:44:15 PM): But tilt my head slightly left and right.
symptom129 (11:44:27 PM): mccloud watches a bit to the left, marsh a bit to the right
Kielbasa75013 (11:44:35 PM): You start off down the path
Kielbasa75013 (11:44:44 PM): the room is about a hundred yards long
symptom129 (11:44:52 PM): watch the ceiling
Kielbasa75013 (11:44:57 PM): the ponds in the middle
Kielbasa75013 (11:45:02 PM): who does?
symptom129 (11:45:03 PM): i do
Kielbasa75013 (11:45:07 PM): you walk ten yards
Kielbasa75013 (11:45:14 PM): you think you see movement ahead of you
symptom129 (11:45:27 PM): medi, your choice to fire in that direction or not
Kielbasa75013 (11:45:31 PM): out of the west clump of trees by the door, you see a lone zombie walk out
symptom129 (11:46:00 PM): if we do not recognize him, someone shoots at him please
Kielbasa75013 (11:46:15 PM): he notices the feat infront of him and starts to walk forward
Kielbasa75013 (11:46:19 PM): feast*
symptom129 (11:46:29 PM): someone with a pistol shoot him in the head now
vergilijus (11:46:35 PM): mack's rifle
symptom129 (11:46:38 PM): macks rifle fires at him
Kielbasa75013 (11:47:10 PM): medio
Mediocre Omelet (11:47:17 PM): Hmm.
symptom129 (11:47:21 PM): shoot the zombie, its a zombie
Mediocre Omelet (11:47:24 PM): I shot him.
Kielbasa75013 (11:47:29 PM): oh man this is so good for jokes but i can't :-(
Mediocre Omelet (11:47:30 PM): *shoot.
Kielbasa75013 (11:47:42 PM): Mediocre aims with his shotgun
Kielbasa75013 (11:47:44 PM): and fires
Kielbasa75013 (11:47:52 PM): the eighty yards
vergilijus (11:47:58 PM): -_-
Mediocre Omelet (11:47:58 PM): Heh.
vergilijus (11:48:04 PM): mack's rifle
symptom129 (11:48:06 PM): i think he meant that mccloud shoots
Mediocre Omelet (11:48:10 PM): No.
Kielbasa75013 (11:48:11 PM): the zombie doesn't drop
symptom129 (11:48:13 PM): what
symptom129 (11:48:16 PM): why didnt mccloud shoot
Mediocre Omelet (11:48:17 PM): Okay.
symptom129 (11:48:20 PM): we are in a glass room
Mediocre Omelet (11:48:23 PM): I said I'd shoot him.
symptom129 (11:48:32 PM): -_- well mccloud should shoot him
Mediocre Omelet (11:48:35 PM): So, whatever.
Mediocre Omelet (11:48:38 PM): Naw, no hurry.
Mediocre Omelet (11:48:47 PM): Let's just keep walking.
Mediocre Omelet (11:48:50 PM): Until he's closer.
Kielbasa75013 (11:48:59 PM): the walls aren't glass
symptom129 (11:49:02 PM): the ceiling is
Kielbasa75013 (11:49:02 PM): only the ceiling
Kielbasa75013 (11:49:08 PM): three stories up
symptom129 (11:49:14 PM): okay then, i guess we let a ZOMBIE live and we keep walking towards it
symptom129 (11:49:20 PM): instead of KILLING HIM
Kielbasa75013 (11:49:21 PM): you continue walking towards the zombie
symptom129 (11:49:21 PM): =/
Mediocre Omelet (11:49:23 PM): Yeah.
vergilijus (11:49:27 PM): we will kill it
Kielbasa75013 (11:49:28 PM): he walks forward too
Kielbasa75013 (11:49:35 PM): more zombies break from the trees
Kielbasa75013 (11:49:37 PM): about three more
vergilijus (11:49:39 PM): guys, keep eyes one their respective areas
Kielbasa75013 (11:49:39 PM): walking towards you
Mediocre Omelet (11:49:40 PM): Okay.
symptom129 (11:49:44 PM): shoot them all **** it
Mediocre Omelet (11:49:45 PM): Take out my pistol.
vergilijus (11:49:48 PM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (11:49:51 PM): Shoot first one.
Mediocre Omelet (11:49:56 PM): When he's close enough.
symptom129 (11:49:58 PM): this is so scripted
symptom129 (11:50:05 PM): you are all robots programmed to get on my nerves
vergilijus (11:50:07 PM): medi and mack should start firing
Kielbasa75013 (11:50:12 PM): you're ten yards infront of the pond
Mediocre Omelet (11:50:12 PM): I did.
Kielbasa75013 (11:50:13 PM): s
Kielbasa75013 (11:50:19 PM): mack doesn't fire because mediocre refuses
Kielbasa75013 (11:50:22 PM): Mediocre aims
symptom129 (11:50:24 PM): im going to stop walking forwards
Mediocre Omelet (11:50:32 PM): McCloud shoots.
symptom129 (11:50:34 PM): im not going near the pond with live zombies
Kielbasa75013 (11:50:34 PM): McCloud aims
Mediocre Omelet (11:50:35 PM): Whatever zombies he can.
Mediocre Omelet (11:50:38 PM): With the rifle.
Kielbasa75013 (11:50:40 PM): and fires at the first zombie
Mediocre Omelet (11:50:43 PM): In the head.
Kielbasa75013 (11:50:43 PM): and downs it
Kielbasa75013 (11:50:54 PM): Tom walks forward inbetween the pools
symptom129 (11:51:00 PM): nope
symptom129 (11:51:01 PM): i do not
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:08 PM): on, you said stop
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:12 PM): huh, i guess i'm dumb
symptom129 (11:51:18 PM): like im not going near the **** water when there are live zombies
Mediocre Omelet (11:51:19 PM): We all stop.
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:20 PM): i thought you said start
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:22 PM): ok
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:24 PM): you all sto[
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:26 PM): p
symptom129 (11:51:26 PM): and i dont know why we waited before killing one =/
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:27 PM): McCloud aims
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:31 PM): and shoots another one
Mediocre Omelet (11:51:34 PM): How close are they?
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:34 PM): then he aims at another one
Mediocre Omelet (11:51:35 PM): Now?
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:39 PM): and another one, and downs all four
Mediocre Omelet (11:51:45 PM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (11:51:48 PM): All dead?
vergilijus (11:51:51 PM): mack reloads
Kielbasa75013 (11:51:51 PM): all four are dead
Mediocre Omelet (11:51:55 PM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (11:52:00 PM): Reload, Cloudy.
Kielbasa75013 (11:52:04 PM): McCloud reloads, as his gun can only hold 4 bulelts
vergilijus (11:53:13 PM): so we need to either go east or west to get around the pools or cautiously go through
symptom129 (11:53:35 PM): eor
symptom129 (11:53:38 PM): how deep do the pools look
symptom129 (11:54:15 PM): eor, how deep do the pools look
symptom129 (11:54:59 PM): are you guys ther
symptom129 (11:55:00 PM): e
Mediocre Omelet (11:55:02 PM): We should flashlight them.
vergilijus (11:55:08 PM): I'm here
symptom129 (11:55:10 PM): flashlight the pools to see how deep they are
symptom129 (11:55:27 PM): how far are we from the pools
symptom129 (11:55:36 PM): beause i think we should shotgun into them
symptom129 (11:55:41 PM): to kill zombie fish
vergilijus (11:55:54 PM): zombie fish shouldn't be jumping out, me thinks
symptom129 (11:56:34 PM): kill zombies in the water is what i meant
symptom129 (11:56:37 PM): hey eor
Kielbasa75013 (11:56:42 PM): yes
symptom129 (11:56:42 PM): if youre dumb, dont say anything
Kielbasa75013 (11:56:43 PM): sorry
symptom129 (11:56:44 PM): ARGH
Kielbasa75013 (11:56:46 PM): went away
Kielbasa75013 (11:56:52 PM): there is a path inbetween the pools
Kielbasa75013 (11:57:03 PM): the pools are each about five yards away from the stone path
Kielbasa75013 (11:57:11 PM): you don't walk through them
Kielbasa75013 (11:57:13 PM): unless you want to
symptom129 (11:57:22 PM): okay then
symptom129 (11:57:30 PM): how deep are the pools
symptom129 (11:57:37 PM): shine a light to see how deep they are
Mediocre Omelet (11:57:40 PM): WE'd have to go over to them, wouldn't we?
symptom129 (11:57:48 PM): i just dont want anything jumping out of them
symptom129 (11:57:59 PM): and then if they are not deep, then i will take the middle path
Kielbasa75013 (11:58:32 PM): so who does what
vergilijus (11:58:52 PM): guys?
Kielbasa75013 (11:58:55 PM): they look like fish pools
symptom129 (11:58:55 PM): ugh
symptom129 (11:58:58 PM): okay
symptom129 (11:59:05 PM): then shoot a shotgun into the pools
symptom129 (11:59:14 PM): and then take the middle path slowly
Mediocre Omelet (11:59:23 PM): Wait?
Mediocre Omelet (11:59:26 PM): Why shoot them?
Mediocre Omelet (11:59:30 PM): Just flashlight them.
vergilijus (11:59:38 PM): if there is nothing in them
Mediocre Omelet (11:59:43 PM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (11:59:47 PM): IF there is something, then shoot.
Mediocre Omelet (11:59:49 PM): Not before.
symptom129 (11:59:52 PM): ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
symptom129 (11:59:56 PM): eor are you there
Mediocre Omelet (11:59:57 PM): Besides, water kills bullet effectivness.
Kielbasa75013 (11:59:58 PM): yes i am
symptom129 (11:59:59 PM): i feel like im about to explode
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Kielbasa75013 (12:00:04 AM): i felt the same way last night
symptom129 (12:00:11 AM): okay eor
symptom129 (12:00:18 AM): im going to shoot into the pools
Kielbasa75013 (12:00:23 AM): which pool firwst
symptom129 (12:00:28 AM): left one
Kielbasa75013 (12:00:43 AM): Tom goes over to the east one with his shotgun
Kielbasa75013 (12:00:50 AM): he gets to the edge and aims it down
Kielbasa75013 (12:01:02 AM): it's about eight feet by eight feet
Kielbasa75013 (12:01:07 AM): the water is dark
symptom129 (12:01:15 AM): pull the triggerz
Kielbasa75013 (12:01:20 AM): tom fires into the pool
symptom129 (12:01:27 AM): water goes everywhar!!!
Kielbasa75013 (12:01:28 AM): you hear a shriek
Kielbasa75013 (12:01:40 AM): and from the west pool, a zombie springs out, straight into the air
symptom129 (12:01:45 AM): SHOOT IT
symptom129 (12:01:49 AM): OH GOD SHOOT IT TURN AND SHOOT IT
Kielbasa75013 (12:01:51 AM): and lands ontop of Marsh
vergilijus (12:01:51 AM): shoots it
symptom129 (12:01:55 AM): oh **** it
Kielbasa75013 (12:01:56 AM): you shoot it dead
Kielbasa75013 (12:02:02 AM): but Marsh has a bite wound in his shoulder
symptom129 (12:02:05 AM): -_-
symptom129 (12:02:13 AM): i forgot to tell you eor
symptom129 (12:02:24 AM): marsh shot into the west pool when i shot into the east one....? *Crosses fingers*
Kielbasa75013 (12:02:30 AM): another zombie shambles out of the west pool
Kielbasa75013 (12:02:34 AM): and you all hear something above you
symptom129 (12:02:35 AM): shoot it
Kielbasa75013 (12:02:38 AM): Tom shoots it
vergilijus (12:02:39 AM): shoot it
symptom129 (12:02:41 AM): look up
Kielbasa75013 (12:02:45 AM): Tom looks up
symptom129 (12:02:47 AM): shoot what is above us.
Mediocre Omelet (12:02:52 AM): Hmm.
vergilijus (12:02:53 AM): not yet
Kielbasa75013 (12:02:54 AM): on the ceiling is five zombies, looking straight down
vergilijus (12:02:59 AM): glas will fall
Kielbasa75013 (12:03:01 AM): one punches
Kielbasa75013 (12:03:04 AM): and the glass creaks
symptom129 (12:03:06 AM): RUN TO THE OTHER SIDE
vergilijus (12:03:09 AM): run away from their fall
Mediocre Omelet (12:03:10 AM): Let's run.
Mediocre Omelet (12:03:11 AM): Yes.
symptom129 (12:03:11 AM): AAAAH
Kielbasa75013 (12:03:16 AM): the glass breaks and the zombies fall down
vergilijus (12:03:27 AM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (12:03:30 AM): THEY FALL
symptom129 (12:03:30 AM): run to the southern side, yo
vergilijus (12:03:37 AM): we all take that initiative
symptom129 (12:03:38 AM): you guy shoot them
Mediocre Omelet (12:03:40 AM): We're running, yah?
symptom129 (12:03:42 AM): YEAH
Kielbasa75013 (12:03:42 AM): YOU RUN
Kielbasa75013 (12:03:52 AM): BUT ONE LANDS ON MCCLOUD
vergilijus (12:03:56 AM): shoot it
Mediocre Omelet (12:03:56 AM): Shoot it.
Kielbasa75013 (12:03:58 AM): SMASHING HIM INTO THE GROUND
symptom129 (12:04:00 AM): keep running.
Kielbasa75013 (12:04:02 AM): YOU TURN ABOUT TO SHOOT
Mediocre Omelet (12:04:07 AM): But not Cloud.
Mediocre Omelet (12:04:10 AM): Don't shoot cloud.
Mediocre Omelet (12:04:16 AM): Stab it if I have to.
Kielbasa75013 (12:04:19 AM): YOUSEE BLOOD
symptom129 (12:04:20 AM): keeps running.
Mediocre Omelet (12:04:26 AM): CLoud gets up.
Mediocre Omelet (12:04:31 AM): Keeps running.
symptom129 (12:04:32 AM): shoot anything that pops out
vergilijus (12:04:40 AM): back peddle to where tom the coward is running
symptom129 (12:04:45 AM): wtf
symptom129 (12:04:48 AM): im running SOUTH virg
symptom129 (12:04:52 AM): to the door we HAVENT been do
symptom129 (12:04:54 AM): its not back peddling
symptom129 (12:05:01 AM): OH CRUEL FATE
Mediocre Omelet (12:05:01 AM): Is he getting up?
vergilijus (12:05:03 AM): tom, mack and Marsh are dying
Kielbasa75013 (12:05:08 AM): two zombies land in the pool
symptom129 (12:05:10 AM): -_- no im not.
vergilijus (12:05:19 AM): we need your gun fire
Kielbasa75013 (12:05:19 AM): McCloud gurgles
symptom129 (12:05:23 AM): eor how am i not to the south door by now
Kielbasa75013 (12:05:27 AM): the two zombies jump up
Kielbasa75013 (12:05:31 AM): tom is by the south door
symptom129 (12:05:32 AM): shoot them
Mediocre Omelet (12:05:34 AM): I take my shotgun.
Kielbasa75013 (12:05:38 AM): they rush to mccloud
vergilijus (12:05:40 AM): shoot everything that moves
Mediocre Omelet (12:05:41 AM): Shooting any zombies around McCloud.
symptom129 (12:05:46 AM): nice action virg
symptom129 (12:05:47 AM): i dont move
symptom129 (12:05:50 AM): so virg doesnt shoot me.
Kielbasa75013 (12:05:55 AM): Mediocre fires, but when he's pumping the other zombie tackles him
Kielbasa75013 (12:05:58 AM): wait, no
Kielbasa75013 (12:05:59 AM): i misread
Kielbasa75013 (12:06:05 AM): mediocre fires, kiling one zombie
Kielbasa75013 (12:06:09 AM): the other moves towards him but virg shoots it
symptom129 (12:06:15 AM): you two
symptom129 (12:06:17 AM): lets go south
Kielbasa75013 (12:06:18 AM): thought you said you move by mccloud
Mediocre Omelet (12:06:22 AM): What about the others?
Kielbasa75013 (12:06:24 AM): McCloud gurglles
symptom129 (12:06:26 AM): mccloud is dead
Kielbasa75013 (12:06:26 AM): there are no others
Kielbasa75013 (12:06:33 AM): the other one landed on the ground and exploded
vergilijus (12:06:34 AM): all zombies dead?
symptom129 (12:06:38 AM): LOL EOR
Kielbasa75013 (12:06:38 AM): the other one was already shot
Mediocre Omelet (12:06:44 AM): All dead then?
symptom129 (12:06:46 AM): it was a spam master zombie?
Kielbasa75013 (12:06:46 AM): uh
Kielbasa75013 (12:06:53 AM): one more is on the roof
Mediocre Omelet (12:06:54 AM): I run to cloud, if they're all dead.
symptom129 (12:06:57 AM): shoot it
Mediocre Omelet (12:07:02 AM): I grab cloud's gun.
Mediocre Omelet (12:07:04 AM): Shoot it.
Kielbasa75013 (12:07:05 AM): Tom aims his shotgun up and shoots
symptom129 (12:07:06 AM): yeah
vergilijus (12:07:06 AM): yes
symptom129 (12:07:11 AM): grab all of mcclouds ****
Kielbasa75013 (12:07:12 AM): the glass shatters and the zombie fallss to his death
vergilijus (12:07:13 AM): watch out for glass
symptom129 (12:07:17 AM): you guys
Mediocre Omelet (12:07:18 AM): Duck.
Kielbasa75013 (12:07:19 AM): you go to McCloud
symptom129 (12:07:20 AM): so i can have it or something
Mediocre Omelet (12:07:21 AM): Immediately.
symptom129 (12:07:25 AM): no i dont go to mccloud
symptom129 (12:07:27 AM): im south
symptom129 (12:07:29 AM): i stay south
Kielbasa75013 (12:07:29 AM): his throat is ripped out
symptom129 (12:07:32 AM): =3
Kielbasa75013 (12:07:32 AM): ok, not tom
Mediocre Omelet (12:07:33 AM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (12:07:35 AM): He's dead.
Kielbasa75013 (12:07:38 AM): Mediocre goes to Mccloud
Mediocre Omelet (12:07:43 AM): I shoot him in the head.
Kielbasa75013 (12:07:44 AM): his eyes are open, but there's no life behind them
Mediocre Omelet (12:07:49 AM): With my pistol.
Kielbasa75013 (12:07:54 AM): ****it
symptom129 (12:07:57 AM): grab all his guns and gear
vergilijus (12:07:57 AM): is marsh on his feet?
Mediocre Omelet (12:07:58 AM): Lol.
symptom129 (12:08:00 AM): okay?
Mediocre Omelet (12:08:04 AM): You thought I wouldn't think of that?
Kielbasa75013 (12:08:05 AM): Marsh is on his feeet
symptom129 (12:08:10 AM): ask him his name!
Kielbasa75013 (12:08:11 AM): i was hoping to describe you blowing his head up
symptom129 (12:08:14 AM): MARSH WHATS UR NAME LOL
vergilijus (12:08:24 AM): EVERYONE FREEZE
vergilijus (12:08:26 AM): eor
Kielbasa75013 (12:08:27 AM): you shoot McCloud in the head with your pistol
Kielbasa75013 (12:08:29 AM): yes
symptom129 (12:08:32 AM): lol
vergilijus (12:08:34 AM): you must describe mac's death
vergilijus (12:08:37 AM): let us wait
symptom129 (12:08:39 AM): TIME OUT GUYS
Kielbasa75013 (12:08:44 AM): what
symptom129 (12:08:53 AM): *is poking fun at virg*
symptom129 (12:09:04 AM): virg wants you to stop the action and describe mack's death
vergilijus (12:09:10 AM): You wanted to describe mack's death, so do it
Mediocre Omelet (12:09:33 AM): Yeah.
Kielbasa75013 (12:09:38 AM): mediocre fires into McCloud's head with his shotgun. McCloud's head expldoes, sending meat and bone fragments everywhere, jelly flying onto mediocre's legs
Mediocre Omelet (12:09:48 AM): I did it with my pistol.
Kielbasa75013 (12:09:51 AM): i know
Kielbasa75013 (12:09:54 AM): that's what would of happened, though
Mediocre Omelet (12:09:59 AM): Heh.
vergilijus (12:10:01 AM): ok
Mediocre Omelet (12:10:08 AM): So, all zombies dead?
vergilijus (12:10:10 AM): RIP Mackie :'(
symptom129 (12:10:10 AM): what is Marshigio's condition?
Kielbasa75013 (12:10:11 AM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (12:10:12 AM): McCoud did?
Mediocre Omelet (12:10:15 AM): Yeah.
vergilijus (12:10:16 AM): bitten, but alive
Kielbasa75013 (12:10:23 AM): Marshigo is bitten on his right shoulder
symptom129 (12:10:25 AM): -_- we must continue south
Mediocre Omelet (12:10:26 AM): Does he seem coherent?
vergilijus (12:10:27 AM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (12:10:27 AM): nothing is ripped out
Kielbasa75013 (12:10:29 AM): he seems fine
Kielbasa75013 (12:10:31 AM): but it's bleedingt
Mediocre Omelet (12:10:34 AM): Okay.
symptom129 (12:10:35 AM): wrap it and lets go
Mediocre Omelet (12:10:39 AM): Rip part of his shirt off.
vergilijus (12:10:39 AM): grab mack's stuff and go
Mediocre Omelet (12:10:42 AM): And wrap it.
vergilijus (12:10:44 AM): yes
symptom129 (12:10:53 AM): medi
Mediocre Omelet (12:10:57 AM): Yeah?
symptom129 (12:10:57 AM): can i have mccloud's revolver now
Mediocre Omelet (12:11:03 AM): Yes, you can.
symptom129 (12:11:05 AM): thank you
Mediocre Omelet (12:11:06 AM): I don't think he'll mind.
symptom129 (12:11:11 AM): LOL
Kielbasa75013 (12:11:13 AM): Virgy goes to McCloud's corpse and steals the following from his dead friend
Kielbasa75013 (12:11:13 AM): Rifle, 4 loaded, 88 extra. uses .308 Winchester. . Cobra Revoler, 6 loaded. 50 left. Remington pump shotgun, 8 shots, 5 loaded. 30 bullets. kitchen knife. lighter.
vergilijus (12:11:15 AM): so who has what guns now?
Kielbasa75013 (12:11:30 AM): since marshigo never got his shotgun back
symptom129 (12:11:35 AM): revolver and shots go to me, ill take lighter
Mediocre Omelet (12:11:46 AM): Hey, Eor.
Mediocre Omelet (12:11:57 AM): Which arm of Marshy's got hit by the bullet?
Kielbasa75013 (12:12:01 AM): left
vergilijus (12:12:04 AM): I'll take the rifle, marsh gets the shotgun
Mediocre Omelet (12:12:18 AM): So can he use either of his arms fully?
Kielbasa75013 (12:12:38 AM): hmm
Kielbasa75013 (12:12:40 AM): i am dumb
Kielbasa75013 (12:12:46 AM): i meant for the bite to be on the same arm as his gunshot wound
Kielbasa75013 (12:12:50 AM): uh
Kielbasa75013 (12:12:53 AM): bite on left shoudler
Kielbasa75013 (12:12:56 AM): right arm is find
Kielbasa75013 (12:13:00 AM): left arm, not so much
symptom129 (12:13:04 AM): okay
symptom129 (12:13:09 AM): we dont have to kill him then LOL
vergilijus (12:13:18 AM): try to find a vaccine
symptom129 (12:13:21 AM): dude
vergilijus (12:13:23 AM): somewhere in the house
symptom129 (12:13:25 AM): weve been looking everywhere
vergilijus (12:13:33 AM): Tom, I mean when we check rooms
symptom129 (12:13:40 AM): i checked remember
symptom129 (12:13:42 AM): the fridge?
symptom129 (12:13:44 AM): -_-
symptom129 (12:13:47 AM): "goodies"
vergilijus (12:13:47 AM): I know, but let's continue it
symptom129 (12:13:49 AM): we will
symptom129 (12:13:51 AM): dont worry
symptom129 (12:13:59 AM): Eor, lets continue south
symptom129 (12:14:11 AM): virg, listen at the door?
Kielbasa75013 (12:14:13 AM): you continue south, leaving McCloud dead in the room
vergilijus (12:14:21 AM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (12:14:59 AM): Medi, Tom, Marsh, Virg
Kielbasa75013 (12:15:07 AM): you open the door
symptom129 (12:15:15 AM): shine light
Mediocre Omelet (12:15:20 AM): ****.
vergilijus (12:15:22 AM): back up
Mediocre Omelet (12:15:22 AM): First death.
Kielbasa75013 (12:15:24 AM): it seems to be a study
Mediocre Omelet (12:15:24 AM): Blah.
Kielbasa75013 (12:15:33 AM): you shine the lights around
Mediocre Omelet (12:15:33 AM): What's in it?
vergilijus (12:15:35 AM): gotta keep on going, medi
Kielbasa75013 (12:15:36 AM): lots of bookshelves
Kielbasa75013 (12:15:40 AM): there is a spiral staircase leading up
Mediocre Omelet (12:15:43 AM): Anything military or business looking?
Kielbasa75013 (12:15:48 AM): looks like rich people books
vergilijus (12:15:50 AM): get in, close the door and lock it
symptom129 (12:15:54 AM): marshigio aims for the staircase
symptom129 (12:16:01 AM): with his gun, standing point there
Mediocre Omelet (12:16:02 AM): Sure.
symptom129 (12:16:04 AM): lets search the room
Kielbasa75013 (12:16:04 AM): several chairs at the bottom for luxurious reading
symptom129 (12:16:13 AM): any desks, drawers?
Kielbasa75013 (12:16:16 AM): no
symptom129 (12:16:18 AM): computer?
Kielbasa75013 (12:16:22 AM): marshigo's wound is still bleeding
Mediocre Omelet (12:16:29 AM): I tied stuff around it.
symptom129 (12:16:30 AM): wrap the wound with part of his pants
Mediocre Omelet (12:16:32 AM): I said so.
symptom129 (12:16:33 AM): we did
Kielbasa75013 (12:16:36 AM): missed it then
Kielbasa75013 (12:16:37 AM): ok
symptom129 (12:16:44 AM): lol virg
symptom129 (12:16:47 AM): "buckle up"
vergilijus (12:16:58 AM): buckle up :-P
symptom129 (12:17:01 AM): is there a phone in the room?
Kielbasa75013 (12:17:04 AM): Virg closes and locks the door
Mediocre Omelet (12:17:04 AM): So, no computer?
Kielbasa75013 (12:17:05 AM): no hone
Kielbasa75013 (12:17:07 AM): no computer
symptom129 (12:17:10 AM): ... no phone?
symptom129 (12:17:13 AM): are you SURE no phone?
Kielbasa75013 (12:17:20 AM): Mediocre ripped off more of his pands and tied it around the wound
symptom129 (12:17:22 AM): not even a disconnected phone?
Kielbasa75013 (12:17:41 AM): no phone
symptom129 (12:18:01 AM): -_-
vergilijus (12:18:01 AM): eor, how long did you say the zombification process takes?
vergilijus (12:18:06 AM): roughly
Mediocre Omelet (12:18:07 AM): He didn't.
Kielbasa75013 (12:18:08 AM): i said you don't know
vergilijus (12:18:11 AM): ok
vergilijus (12:18:17 AM): then, I propose
vergilijus (12:18:30 AM): we keep Marsh in front so we can keep tabs on him
Mediocre Omelet (12:18:36 AM): Hmm.
Mediocre Omelet (12:18:41 AM): that sounds alright.
Mediocre Omelet (12:18:47 AM): But he has only one arm.
Mediocre Omelet (12:18:56 AM): How about second to front?
Mediocre Omelet (12:19:00 AM): I can go in front of him.
Mediocre Omelet (12:19:15 AM): How long was McCloud a zombie?
vergilijus (12:19:15 AM): well, I fear that he, when zombified, might still use his hgun
vergilijus (12:19:23 AM): mccloud wasn't one
Mediocre Omelet (12:19:24 AM): Why would he?
Mediocre Omelet (12:19:28 AM): No.
symptom129 (12:19:30 AM): because its in his hands or something
vergilijus (12:19:33 AM): yeah
vergilijus (12:19:36 AM): just a thought
Mediocre Omelet (12:19:38 AM): I mean, how long from when he was bitten.
Mediocre Omelet (12:19:43 AM): Until the vaccine.
Kielbasa75013 (12:19:43 AM): 7 HOURS TILL DAWN
symptom129 (12:19:46 AM): lets make our way up the stairs
symptom129 (12:19:51 AM): marshigio first
vergilijus (12:19:59 AM): yes
symptom129 (12:20:15 AM): or medi first
symptom129 (12:20:17 AM): whichever medi wants
Mediocre Omelet (12:20:22 AM): Me first.
symptom129 (12:20:30 AM): medi, marsh, tom, virg goes the line
symptom129 (12:20:37 AM): up the stairs we go
Mediocre Omelet (12:20:48 AM): Eor, I want you to tell me when a half hour has passed.
Kielbasa75013 (12:20:58 AM): i'll do so
Mediocre Omelet (12:21:04 AM): Game time, of course.
Mediocre Omelet (12:21:07 AM): I assume I have a watch.
Kielbasa75013 (12:21:19 AM): Mediocre, Marshigo, Tom, Virg?
Kielbasa75013 (12:21:22 AM): up the stairs?
Mediocre Omelet (12:21:23 AM): Yes.
Kielbasa75013 (12:21:30 AM): should I take that as the formation for everything?
vergilijus (12:21:36 AM): keeping eyes out for movement
Kielbasa75013 (12:21:40 AM): except for when it's a horizontal line, then it'd be that way but left to right?
Mediocre Omelet (12:21:42 AM): Marshy puts the safety on his gun, by the way.
symptom129 (12:21:46 AM): okay
Kielbasa75013 (12:21:54 AM): i'm doing that
Kielbasa75013 (12:21:55 AM): ok
Kielbasa75013 (12:22:00 AM): Marshigo puts the safety on his shotgun
Mediocre Omelet (12:22:05 AM): He undoes the safety every time he needs to shoot.
Kielbasa75013 (12:22:08 AM): ok
Mediocre Omelet (12:22:09 AM): And redoes it afterwars.
Mediocre Omelet (12:22:11 AM): Automatically.
Mediocre Omelet (12:22:39 AM): Well, let's keep going.
Mediocre Omelet (12:22:42 AM): Up the stairs.
vergilijus (12:22:44 AM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (12:22:57 AM): This house has terrible design, seriously.
symptom129 (12:23:06 AM): eccentric people
Mediocre Omelet (12:23:10 AM): One long corridor until the stairs?
Mediocre Omelet (12:23:16 AM): I guess they get their excercise.
Kielbasa75013 (12:23:26 AM): i guess they planned it for zombie raids
symptom129 (12:23:31 AM): =)
vergilijus (12:23:33 AM): and they still failed
vergilijus (12:23:36 AM): :-P
Kielbasa75013 (12:23:36 AM): :-(
symptom129 (12:23:38 AM): up.
Mediocre Omelet (12:23:39 AM): Didn't work out too well for them , did it?
Mediocre Omelet (12:23:43 AM): Yah, up.
Mediocre Omelet (12:23:49 AM): Hey can I have the flash now?
vergilijus (12:23:49 AM): oh well, let's keep on going
Kielbasa75013 (12:23:50 AM): Mediocre walks up the spiral stairs
Mediocre Omelet (12:23:53 AM): Since I'm in front?
vergilijus (12:23:56 AM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (12:24:02 AM): he gets the flashlight before he does so
Kielbasa75013 (12:24:15 AM): everyone follows
Kielbasa75013 (12:24:31 AM): at the top seems to be another floor for the study
Mediocre Omelet (12:24:39 AM): COmputers?
Kielbasa75013 (12:24:40 AM): more bookshelves, with some couches laid out
Mediocre Omelet (12:24:46 AM): Business or military documents?
Kielbasa75013 (12:24:51 AM): a desk with a computer on it exists
vergilijus (12:24:55 AM): check it
Kielbasa75013 (12:25:04 AM): on the east wall
vergilijus (12:25:05 AM): I stand guard
symptom129 (12:25:09 AM): are there any doors out of this room?
Kielbasa75013 (12:25:18 AM): a door to the west
Mediocre Omelet (12:25:22 AM): Lock it.
symptom129 (12:25:23 AM): okay gun to that door
Mediocre Omelet (12:25:25 AM): I go lock it.
symptom129 (12:25:32 AM): okay ill check the computer with virg then
Mediocre Omelet (12:25:36 AM): And then listen at it.
vergilijus (12:25:41 AM): good
vergilijus (12:25:50 AM): tom and I check the desk and computer
Kielbasa75013 (12:25:59 AM): Tom and Verg checks the computer while Mediocre locks the doors and listens
Mediocre Omelet (12:26:05 AM): Oh, ****.
Mediocre Omelet (12:26:10 AM): We forgot to check the zombies.
Mediocre Omelet (12:26:15 AM): In the conservatory.
symptom129 (12:26:19 AM): for what?
Mediocre Omelet (12:26:25 AM): Being Loves.
vergilijus (12:26:27 AM): they weren't uniformed, I believe
Mediocre Omelet (12:26:40 AM): But they could still have been Loves.
vergilijus (12:26:44 AM): yeah
vergilijus (12:27:03 AM): Eor, did we recognize any of them?
Kielbasa75013 (12:27:11 AM): no
symptom129 (12:27:12 AM): tell me about the computer
Kielbasa75013 (12:27:13 AM): you did not
Kielbasa75013 (12:27:16 AM): the comptuer turns on
Kielbasa75013 (12:27:23 AM): the local area connection is out
Kielbasa75013 (12:27:32 AM): it has a program on it
Kielbasa75013 (12:27:36 AM): the desktop
symptom129 (12:27:38 AM): run program
Kielbasa75013 (12:27:41 AM): you run it
Kielbasa75013 (12:27:44 AM): it seems to be a book finder
symptom129 (12:27:52 AM): recent searches?
Kielbasa75013 (12:27:53 AM): like those terrible things at libraries
vergilijus (12:28:01 AM): I hate those systems >:^(
Kielbasa75013 (12:28:40 AM): The Histories, by Herodotus, Shogun, by James Clavell, and Beyond Good and Evil, by something i forget
Mediocre Omelet (12:28:53 AM): Hey Eor, there was no garage on the first floor.
Mediocre Omelet (12:28:59 AM): Was that intentional?
Kielbasa75013 (12:28:59 AM): really now
Kielbasa75013 (12:29:12 AM): i have the maps to this on my computer
Kielbasa75013 (12:29:21 AM): when i made the other maps
symptom129 (12:29:34 AM): search the book thing for anything military
symptom129 (12:29:41 AM): then anything infection
symptom129 (12:29:44 AM): then anything zombie
Kielbasa75013 (12:29:44 AM): so i didn't ax a garage to piss you guys off or anything
Mediocre Omelet (12:30:03 AM): How would they not have a garage?
Mediocre Omelet (12:30:08 AM): Oh well.
Mediocre Omelet (12:30:13 AM): It's a crazy house anyway.
vergilijus (12:30:15 AM): they do have one
Kielbasa75013 (12:30:16 AM): same reason they'd have a long hallway and an inside courtyard
Mediocre Omelet (12:30:28 AM): They do?
Mediocre Omelet (12:30:35 AM): How do you know, Virg?
vergilijus (12:30:36 AM): "i didn't ax a garage to piss you guys off or anything"
Mediocre Omelet (12:30:47 AM): But that means it was never there to begin with.
symptom129 (12:30:55 AM): books
Mediocre Omelet (12:30:57 AM): He didn't ax it to piss us off.
symptom129 (12:31:01 AM): tell me about them
Mediocre Omelet (12:31:02 AM): it just wasn't in the map.
Mediocre Omelet (12:31:03 AM): Ever.
vergilijus (12:31:05 AM): I thought it was he didn't ax it from the beginning
vergilijus (12:31:09 AM): oh well
symptom129 (12:32:01 AM): books =3
Kielbasa75013 (12:32:11 AM): You see books about the battle of Teutenburg forrest, the Sengoku period, the Tet offensive, and a lot about the middle east
Mediocre Omelet (12:32:15 AM): Search for the name of this town.
Kielbasa75013 (12:32:20 AM): you see no books about zombies
vergilijus (12:32:24 AM): constantinopleville
Kielbasa75013 (12:32:24 AM): infection draws up several medical books
symptom129 (12:32:36 AM): search for constantinopleville
symptom129 (12:32:55 AM): if this doesnt bring up anything we should move on
Mediocre Omelet (12:33:04 AM): Probably.
Mediocre Omelet (12:33:11 AM): Although we should search for zombies, too.
symptom129 (12:33:14 AM): also, is the door the only exit to this room besides the stiars we took
Mediocre Omelet (12:33:18 AM): The word "zombie"
Kielbasa75013 (12:33:26 AM): Constantinopleville brings up several books about town meetings and other trivial things
Kielbasa75013 (12:33:35 AM): zombie was already searched for and brought up nothing
Mediocre Omelet (12:33:40 AM): Oh.
symptom129 (12:33:40 AM): lets go out the door then
Kielbasa75013 (12:33:43 AM): yes, the only way out is that door
symptom129 (12:33:52 AM): unlock, open, and shine light
Mediocre Omelet (12:33:58 AM): Hey, do they have a driveway?
Kielbasa75013 (12:34:04 AM): no
Mediocre Omelet (12:34:04 AM): I'd assume one of us would know.
Mediocre Omelet (12:34:11 AM): ****.
symptom129 (12:34:29 AM): unlock, open, and shine light
Mediocre Omelet (12:34:29 AM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (12:34:33 AM): Yeah.
vergilijus (12:34:35 AM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (12:34:35 AM): I do that.
Kielbasa75013 (12:34:47 AM): mediocre opens the door, looks around with the light
Kielbasa75013 (12:34:54 AM): it's a hallway
Kielbasa75013 (12:34:59 AM): with a door directly across from you
Kielbasa75013 (12:35:05 AM): the walls are as red as before
Mediocre Omelet (12:35:07 AM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (12:35:10 AM): Let's go.
symptom129 (12:35:11 AM): what else
symptom129 (12:35:13 AM): eor
Kielbasa75013 (12:35:17 AM): the wallway goes north and south
Kielbasa75013 (12:35:25 AM): you're east
Kielbasa75013 (12:35:34 AM): directly across from you is another door
symptom129 (12:35:39 AM): what
Kielbasa75013 (12:35:42 AM): you can't see anything else as you haven't moved into it
vergilijus (12:35:44 AM): I get it
symptom129 (12:35:45 AM): okay
symptom129 (12:35:56 AM): move into hallway and turn left as virg moves into hallway and turns right, guns drawn
Mediocre Omelet (12:36:00 AM): Close and lock the door behind us.
vergilijus (12:36:04 AM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (12:36:20 AM): Tom looks right, and sees the hallway ends. There is a table with another bust on it
symptom129 (12:36:26 AM): feel up the buset
symptom129 (12:36:27 AM): bust*
Kielbasa75013 (12:36:30 AM): Virg looks right, and sees that the hallway bends west ahead of it
Kielbasa75013 (12:36:33 AM): ahead of him
Kielbasa75013 (12:36:39 AM): about fifteen yards
Mediocre Omelet (12:36:54 AM): I ask Marshy how he's doing.
Kielbasa75013 (12:36:55 AM): there are two katanas hanging on the wall, along with what looks like bamboo samurai armor
Kielbasa75013 (12:36:59 AM): it looks like a type of museum
symptom129 (12:37:01 AM): **** YEAH
Mediocre Omelet (12:37:05 AM): Check if he's feeling at all zombieish.
vergilijus (12:37:05 AM): I rtake one
symptom129 (12:37:08 AM): i take one too
Kielbasa75013 (12:37:08 AM): Marshy says he's in pain
Kielbasa75013 (12:37:16 AM): but doesn't feel anything other then the wounds
symptom129 (12:37:17 AM): god **** it
Mediocre Omelet (12:37:19 AM): Okay.
symptom129 (12:37:22 AM): so
vergilijus (12:37:26 AM): eh
Kielbasa75013 (12:37:27 AM): Tom and Virgy grab the katanas
Mediocre Omelet (12:37:29 AM): Anything else interesting?
symptom129 (12:37:30 AM): we can take this door or go down the hallway
Mediocre Omelet (12:37:33 AM): IN the museum room?
Mediocre Omelet (12:37:44 AM): Let's not split up now.
symptom129 (12:37:49 AM): i dont want to
vergilijus (12:37:51 AM): no splitting up
symptom129 (12:37:53 AM): i say we take the door
Mediocre Omelet (12:37:54 AM): Yeah.
symptom129 (12:37:56 AM): door?
Kielbasa75013 (12:38:02 AM): Mediocre goes to the door
symptom129 (12:38:09 AM): listen at it medi
Mediocre Omelet (12:38:12 AM): Yes.
vergilijus (12:38:12 AM): we can go straight across to the east or go south where I am looking
Mediocre Omelet (12:38:15 AM): I listen.
symptom129 (12:38:21 AM): we are going east door virg
vergilijus (12:38:23 AM): ok
Kielbasa75013 (12:38:27 AM): south is nothing
vergilijus (12:38:31 AM): ok
symptom129 (12:38:31 AM): just a hallway?
Kielbasa75013 (12:38:31 AM): you'd have to go north
symptom129 (12:38:33 AM): oh i see
Kielbasa75013 (12:38:34 AM): south is the bust
symptom129 (12:38:36 AM): north is hallway
vergilijus (12:38:38 AM): gotcha
symptom129 (12:38:42 AM): east door though
symptom129 (12:38:47 AM): medi listened
Kielbasa75013 (12:39:32 AM): Medio listens to the door
Kielbasa75013 (12:39:42 AM): nothing
Kielbasa75013 (12:39:46 AM): he opens it and shines the light around
Mediocre Omelet (12:39:47 AM): Nothing else cool in the museum room, by the way?
Kielbasa75013 (12:39:52 AM): not that you can see
Mediocre Omelet (12:39:55 AM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (12:40:00 AM): Yeah, shine light around.
Kielbasa75013 (12:40:16 AM): it's a bedroom
Kielbasa75013 (12:40:18 AM): a huge bedroom
Kielbasa75013 (12:40:21 AM): master bedroom
Kielbasa75013 (12:40:31 AM): there is a big kings size bed in front of you
Kielbasa75013 (12:40:35 AM): two bodies are on it
Kielbasa75013 (12:40:39 AM): both with bullets in the head
Mediocre Omelet (12:40:45 AM): Okay.
symptom129 (12:40:52 AM): any notes?
Mediocre Omelet (12:40:53 AM): Do we recognize them?
Mediocre Omelet (12:41:08 AM): And guns.
Kielbasa75013 (12:41:12 AM): you recognize them as being the father and mother of the family
Kielbasa75013 (12:41:13 AM): no guns
Kielbasa75013 (12:41:14 AM): no notes
symptom129 (12:41:18 AM): no guns?
Mediocre Omelet (12:41:20 AM): Where did the bullets come from?
Kielbasa75013 (12:41:20 AM): no guns
symptom129 (12:41:25 AM): someone shot them medi
Mediocre Omelet (12:41:32 AM): Okay.
symptom129 (12:41:38 AM): what else is in the room
vergilijus (12:41:40 AM): scan the room for anything else
symptom129 (12:41:44 AM): any doors? dressers?
Mediocre Omelet (12:41:47 AM): I check pockets.
vergilijus (12:41:52 AM): good idea
symptom129 (12:42:00 AM): look for keys and ****
Mediocre Omelet (12:42:02 AM): I'm pocket obsessed, guys.
vergilijus (12:42:15 AM): better than cavity obsessed
Mediocre Omelet (12:42:20 AM): Heh.
Mediocre Omelet (12:42:25 AM): I check those too.
vergilijus (12:42:27 AM): =-O
Mediocre Omelet (12:42:28 AM): No, not really.
symptom129 (12:42:46 AM): we need to find a vaccine soon
vergilijus (12:42:49 AM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (12:42:54 AM): Agreed.
Mediocre Omelet (12:43:08 AM): How long has it been since Marshy was bitten?
Kielbasa75013 (12:43:09 AM): you check pockets
Kielbasa75013 (12:43:17 AM): nothing
Mediocre Omelet (12:43:23 AM): Blah.
symptom129 (12:43:30 AM): what else in the room
symptom129 (12:43:32 AM): doors?
symptom129 (12:43:38 AM): fridges? =3
Mediocre Omelet (12:43:42 AM): Cabinets?
Mediocre Omelet (12:43:52 AM): Naw.
Kielbasa75013 (12:43:55 AM): two large dressers
Kielbasa75013 (12:43:58 AM): nightstand
Mediocre Omelet (12:43:59 AM): OKay.
Kielbasa75013 (12:44:04 AM): with a bible on it
symptom129 (12:44:09 AM): -_-
Mediocre Omelet (12:44:09 AM): Me and Marshy check all of them.
symptom129 (12:44:16 AM): no doors?
vergilijus (12:44:20 AM): open th ebible and check if some pages were cut out
Kielbasa75013 (12:45:22 AM): the dressers contain rich clothes
Kielbasa75013 (12:45:28 AM): the bible is just bible
Mediocre Omelet (12:45:36 AM): And no doors?
symptom129 (12:45:38 AM): im sorry to ask again eor, but are there any doors
Kielbasa75013 (12:45:40 AM): no doors
Mediocre Omelet (12:45:42 AM): Then we might as well head back.
symptom129 (12:45:43 AM): okay then
vergilijus (12:45:51 AM): back out and then north
Kielbasa75013 (12:45:54 AM): sorry i missed your first request
Mediocre Omelet (12:45:55 AM): Check the north door.
symptom129 (12:45:58 AM): we go back out and head down the hallway in medi,marsh,tom,virg fashion
symptom129 (12:46:05 AM): we take the north bend hallway
vergilijus (12:46:09 AM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (12:46:18 AM): Listen first.
Mediocre Omelet (12:46:19 AM): At the door.
vergilijus (12:46:22 AM): yes
symptom129 (12:46:25 AM): if there is a door =/
symptom129 (12:46:31 AM): arent we going down a halllway
symptom129 (12:46:33 AM): that bends
Kielbasa75013 (12:46:41 AM): you go back to the hallway
Kielbasa75013 (12:46:42 AM): and start to walk
Kielbasa75013 (12:46:51 AM): you reach the bend
Kielbasa75013 (12:46:54 AM): Mediocre turns it
Kielbasa75013 (12:46:58 AM): paints on the wall
symptom129 (12:47:09 AM): what does that even mean
Kielbasa75013 (12:47:14 AM): paintings*
Kielbasa75013 (12:47:17 AM): bah
Mediocre Omelet (12:47:19 AM): I take out my brush.
symptom129 (12:47:21 AM): LOL
Mediocre Omelet (12:47:23 AM): And paint on the wall.
Mediocre Omelet (12:47:29 AM): With Marshy blood.
Kielbasa75013 (12:47:35 AM): the hallway bends to the north
Kielbasa75013 (12:47:39 AM): or, to your right
Kielbasa75013 (12:47:45 AM): about ten yards ahead
Mediocre Omelet (12:47:46 AM): Shine the light.
vergilijus (12:48:06 AM): yep
Kielbasa75013 (12:48:11 AM): Mediocre starts to walk up
Kielbasa75013 (12:48:18 AM): but he hears footsteps from around the bend
Mediocre Omelet (12:48:18 AM): I'm not walking.
Kielbasa75013 (12:48:22 AM): what
Mediocre Omelet (12:48:22 AM): Oh.
Kielbasa75013 (12:48:25 AM): either way
Kielbasa75013 (12:48:28 AM): you hear the footsteps
vergilijus (12:48:33 AM): positions
Mediocre Omelet (12:48:38 AM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (12:48:45 AM): Go up to the bend and be ready with bayonet.
Mediocre Omelet (12:48:49 AM): How many footsteps?
Kielbasa75013 (12:48:54 AM): a pack
Mediocre Omelet (12:48:58 AM): Okay.
Kielbasa75013 (12:48:59 AM): you can't tell exactly how many
Mediocre Omelet (12:48:59 AM): Back up.
Kielbasa75013 (12:49:03 AM): you back up
vergilijus (12:49:04 AM): back up, Medi
Mediocre Omelet (12:49:07 AM): To end of that part of hallway.
symptom129 (12:49:14 AM): what
symptom129 (12:49:36 AM): are we going to attack this thing
Kielbasa75013 (12:49:57 AM): you go back to the first bend
Kielbasa75013 (12:49:58 AM): i think
symptom129 (12:50:03 AM): i have no idea what they did
symptom129 (12:50:10 AM): but if the hallway is a bend
symptom129 (12:50:19 AM): then we would be able to see the zombie before it is able to reach out and touch us
vergilijus (12:50:20 AM): medi checked the bend, then came back
symptom129 (12:50:22 AM): so we should keep walking slowly
symptom129 (12:50:41 AM): okay all?
vergilijus (12:50:48 AM): guns ready
Mediocre Omelet (12:51:01 AM): Why are we walking?
Mediocre Omelet (12:51:04 AM): Just stay back.
Mediocre Omelet (12:51:06 AM): Let them come to us.
vergilijus (12:51:14 AM): yeah, I agree with that
symptom129 (12:51:16 AM): um
symptom129 (12:51:26 AM): okay then
symptom129 (12:51:34 AM): i say "are you guys human over there?"
vergilijus (12:51:34 AM): once they turn the bend we fire
Mediocre Omelet (12:51:40 AM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (12:51:42 AM): Say that.
Mediocre Omelet (12:51:46 AM): But they're not.
symptom129 (12:51:49 AM): "if you love me, wont you let me know?"
symptom129 (12:51:58 AM): "meow mow nyaa nya???"
symptom129 (12:52:04 AM): just covering all the bases
Kielbasa75013 (12:52:04 AM): Tom talks
Kielbasa75013 (12:52:14 AM): he hears moaning
symptom129 (12:52:19 AM): yeah we kill them now.
Kielbasa75013 (12:52:20 AM): from around the bend comes a zombie
vergilijus (12:52:20 AM): they're diabetics
symptom129 (12:52:28 AM): shoot him with pistol in the head
symptom129 (12:52:29 AM): i do that
symptom129 (12:52:32 AM): revolver
Mediocre Omelet (12:52:40 AM): Shoot him.
symptom129 (12:52:42 AM): i did =3
Mediocre Omelet (12:52:43 AM): Pistol.
Mediocre Omelet (12:52:46 AM): Oh.
vergilijus (12:52:50 AM): pistol drawn
Mediocre Omelet (12:52:52 AM): I get my pistol out.
Mediocre Omelet (12:52:55 AM): Ready to shoot more.
Kielbasa75013 (12:53:14 AM): Tom shoots with the revolver
Kielbasa75013 (12:53:36 AM): the zombie drops dead
Kielbasa75013 (12:53:40 AM): another one comes out
Kielbasa75013 (12:53:41 AM): and another
Kielbasa75013 (12:53:48 AM): five more
vergilijus (12:53:48 AM): shoot them
Kielbasa75013 (12:53:49 AM): seven
vergilijus (12:53:59 AM): some one may need to shot gun it
symptom129 (12:54:13 AM): steps forward and shutguns it
symptom129 (12:54:15 AM): shotguns*
Mediocre Omelet (12:54:26 AM): Shotgun.
Mediocre Omelet (12:54:28 AM): Me too.
Mediocre Omelet (12:54:31 AM): ONce more comes.
Kielbasa75013 (12:54:38 AM): Tom goes forward and shotguns them
Mediocre Omelet (12:54:38 AM): And the ones already shot fall.
Kielbasa75013 (12:54:40 AM): it takes three shots
Kielbasa75013 (12:54:43 AM): they all die
vergilijus (12:54:46 AM): nice
symptom129 (12:55:10 AM): alright
vergilijus (12:55:17 AM): any familiar faces on them?
symptom129 (12:55:19 AM): medi,marsh,tom,virg continues to move forwards
symptom129 (12:55:28 AM): stop it with the familiar faces arrgh
Kielbasa75013 (12:55:29 AM): no familiar faces
symptom129 (12:55:35 AM): Eor will you just tell us if we recognize a face
symptom129 (12:56:02 AM): wow did you guys read the thread
symptom129 (12:56:10 AM): pythag and spammaster being chased by 10 fast zombies
symptom129 (12:56:12 AM): dont they have GUNS
vergilijus (12:56:18 AM): uh oh
Kielbasa75013 (12:56:19 AM): yes i will
Mediocre Omelet (12:56:21 AM): No car?
symptom129 (12:57:21 AM): let us continue in medi,marsh,tom,virg fashion
vergilijus (12:57:22 AM): not looking good for squad Pyspam
symptom129 (12:57:23 AM): down the hallway
vergilijus (12:57:28 AM): yes
Mediocre Omelet (12:57:35 AM): Oh.
Mediocre Omelet (12:57:38 AM): in the woods.
Kielbasa75013 (12:57:40 AM): you continue down the hall in that fashion
Kielbasa75013 (12:57:51 AM): there is a door to your right
Kielbasa75013 (12:58:09 AM): and another turn to the right ten yards infront of it
symptom129 (12:58:21 AM): alright then
Mediocre Omelet (12:58:23 AM): LIsten at the door.
symptom129 (12:58:23 AM): listen at the door
symptom129 (12:58:27 AM): medi do it =3
Kielbasa75013 (12:59:08 AM): Medio goes to the door
symptom129 (12:59:42 AM): listen yo
Mediocre Omelet (12:59:47 AM): I did.
Mediocre Omelet (12:59:51 AM): Or I said I wanted to.
symptom129 (12:59:56 AM): then what do you heaar
Mediocre Omelet (1:00:02 AM): Eor has to tell me.
symptom129 (1:00:02 AM): =3
Kielbasa75013 (1:00:03 AM): ****it mediocre stop holding them up
symptom129 (1:00:08 AM): come on medi
symptom129 (1:00:10 AM): tell us what you hear
vergilijus (1:00:10 AM): "never gonna give you up..."
symptom129 (1:00:12 AM): take charge
symptom129 (1:00:14 AM): **** you virg
Kielbasa75013 (1:00:16 AM): Mediocre listens to the door
Kielbasa75013 (1:00:20 AM): something pounds on it, hard
vergilijus (1:00:25 AM): back off
Mediocre Omelet (1:00:25 AM): Back away.
Kielbasa75013 (1:00:26 AM): more pounding
vergilijus (1:00:30 AM): and ask if it's human
symptom129 (1:00:30 AM): shoot the door with a shotgun
Kielbasa75013 (1:00:31 AM): it cracks
Mediocre Omelet (1:00:35 AM): Stab it.
symptom129 (1:00:37 AM): shoot it
Mediocre Omelet (1:00:38 AM): Or wait.
symptom129 (1:00:38 AM): i shot it
Mediocre Omelet (1:00:42 AM): Nevermind then.
Kielbasa75013 (1:00:44 AM): tom shoots through the door
Kielbasa75013 (1:00:48 AM): and blows a hole in it
Mediocre Omelet (1:00:49 AM): Don't shoot me.
symptom129 (1:00:53 AM): you stepped back
Kielbasa75013 (1:00:58 AM): yes medicore did
Kielbasa75013 (1:01:08 AM): you see a dead zombie colapse
Kielbasa75013 (1:01:12 AM): and a fast one sprints out
Mediocre Omelet (1:01:13 AM): Shine light.
symptom129 (1:01:15 AM): shoot it
Mediocre Omelet (1:01:16 AM): Stab it.
symptom129 (1:01:16 AM): shoot it
vergilijus (1:01:16 AM): shoot
symptom129 (1:01:17 AM): shoot it
Mediocre Omelet (1:01:31 AM): Shoot it, fine.
Kielbasa75013 (1:01:36 AM): everyone shoots it
Kielbasa75013 (1:01:40 AM): it explodes backwards, dead
Mediocre Omelet (1:01:44 AM): I hope it's dead.
Kielbasa75013 (1:01:45 AM): no more zombies in the room
Mediocre Omelet (1:01:45 AM): Yeah.
vergilijus (1:01:50 AM): check the room
symptom129 (1:01:50 AM): clear room, what is in it
Mediocre Omelet (1:01:55 AM): No.
Mediocre Omelet (1:02:01 AM): Zombies down the hall might have heard.
Mediocre Omelet (1:02:05 AM): We should go further.
Mediocre Omelet (1:02:11 AM): Then come back when we reach the end of the hall.
symptom129 (1:02:16 AM): what is in the room just tell us eor
Mediocre Omelet (1:02:21 AM): Or someone should stand gaurd.
Kielbasa75013 (1:02:26 AM): it's another bedroom
symptom129 (1:02:28 AM): ill stand guard
Kielbasa75013 (1:02:28 AM): smaller, this time
Mediocre Omelet (1:02:35 AM): Anyone inside?
symptom129 (1:02:39 AM): zombies LOL
Kielbasa75013 (1:02:40 AM): no
Mediocre Omelet (1:02:40 AM): Other than zombies?
Kielbasa75013 (1:02:41 AM): bedroom
Kielbasa75013 (1:02:45 AM): er
Kielbasa75013 (1:02:47 AM): bed in the middle
symptom129 (1:02:48 AM): no vaccines?
Kielbasa75013 (1:02:49 AM): single size
Kielbasa75013 (1:03:06 AM): drawer
Kielbasa75013 (1:03:09 AM): old posters on the wall
vergilijus (1:03:09 AM): check it
symptom129 (1:03:09 AM): open drawer
Kielbasa75013 (1:03:13 AM): you open the drawer
Kielbasa75013 (1:03:14 AM): nothing
symptom129 (1:03:17 AM): lets go
Mediocre Omelet (1:03:19 AM): Anything else?
Kielbasa75013 (1:03:21 AM): well, nothing but clothes
Kielbasa75013 (1:03:23 AM): nightstand
Mediocre Omelet (1:03:24 AM): That might hold secrets?
Mediocre Omelet (1:03:28 AM): Check nightstand.
Kielbasa75013 (1:03:32 AM): nothing but a lamp
vergilijus (1:03:34 AM): lets go
Mediocre Omelet (1:03:35 AM): Oh.
symptom129 (1:03:35 AM): medi,marsh,tom,virg fashion continues to move down the hall.
Mediocre Omelet (1:03:38 AM): Yeah.
vergilijus (1:04:06 AM): whoever's at the end always checks oveer their shoulder every now and again
Mediocre Omelet (1:04:15 AM): You.
symptom129 (1:04:16 AM): that would be you
Mediocre Omelet (1:04:18 AM): You're at the end.
vergilijus (1:04:20 AM): I know
vergilijus (1:04:30 AM): I'm saying if we ever switch, eor will know
Kielbasa75013 (1:04:36 AM): ok
symptom129 (1:04:44 AM): continue down the hall
Kielbasa75013 (1:04:46 AM): you go back to the museum hallway and continue on
symptom129 (1:05:46 AM): eor is too busy killing pythag
Kielbasa75013 (1:05:48 AM): you reach the bend
symptom129 (1:06:06 AM): flash light around bend
Kielbasa75013 (1:06:11 AM): tom does so
Kielbasa75013 (1:06:13 AM): he sees a staircase
symptom129 (1:06:15 AM): slowly move forwards
symptom129 (1:06:26 AM): lets go gents
vergilijus (1:06:30 AM): indeed
symptom129 (1:06:37 AM): medi,marsh,tom,virg up the staircase
Mediocre Omelet (1:06:48 AM): No more doors or such, I assume?
Kielbasa75013 (1:07:01 AM): no more doors
symptom129 (1:07:03 AM): wow im tired a ****
symptom129 (1:07:08 AM): brittany called me and i called her mom
vergilijus (1:07:24 AM): that's not good
Kielbasa75013 (1:08:57 AM): mediocre goes to the staircase
Kielbasa75013 (1:09:04 AM): and starts to walk up it
Kielbasa75013 (1:09:07 AM): it's another spiral
Kielbasa75013 (1:09:10 AM): everyone follows
symptom129 (1:09:13 AM): gun out, medi
Mediocre Omelet (1:09:16 AM): I peek out the top.
Mediocre Omelet (1:09:23 AM): With my gun out the top, too.
Kielbasa75013 (1:09:30 AM): mediocre peeks out the top with his gun
Kielbasa75013 (1:09:32 AM): nothing
symptom129 (1:09:39 AM): lets go up then
symptom129 (1:09:42 AM): slowly and carefully
Kielbasa75013 (1:09:53 AM): you go up
Kielbasa75013 (1:10:04 AM): the room is richly wallpapered with red and gold strands
Kielbasa75013 (1:10:12 AM): some fancy tables sit with vases
Kielbasa75013 (1:10:16 AM): it seems to serve no real purpose
vergilijus (1:10:23 AM): **** rich people
symptom129 (1:10:35 AM): what kind of doors
Kielbasa75013 (1:10:45 AM): door to the west
Kielbasa75013 (1:10:49 AM): that's it
symptom129 (1:10:52 AM): lets do it
symptom129 (1:10:57 AM): listen at the door
vergilijus (1:10:59 AM): yup
Mediocre Omelet (1:11:12 AM): Yeah.
Kielbasa75013 (1:11:12 AM): mediocre goes and listens to the door
symptom129 (1:11:29 AM): HOWARD DEAN BYAAAHHHHHH
Kielbasa75013 (1:11:47 AM): tom shouts
vergilijus (1:11:52 AM): don't wory: he won't win another primary
Kielbasa75013 (1:11:52 AM): mediocre hears nothing
Mediocre Omelet (1:12:07 AM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (1:12:09 AM): Open.
Mediocre Omelet (1:12:11 AM): Shine light.
symptom129 (1:12:27 AM): lets do it
Kielbasa75013 (1:12:31 AM): you open it up
vergilijus (1:12:33 AM): indeed
Kielbasa75013 (1:12:37 AM): the floor is wooden
Kielbasa75013 (1:12:47 AM): inside are several treadmills and weights
Kielbasa75013 (1:12:53 AM): it seems to be a sort of gym
symptom129 (1:13:03 AM): fridge?
Kielbasa75013 (1:13:03 AM): door at the far west end
Kielbasa75013 (1:13:05 AM): leading south
Kielbasa75013 (1:13:08 AM): no refridgerator
Mediocre Omelet (1:13:17 AM): Hmm.
Kielbasa75013 (1:13:23 AM): it's a big room
Mediocre Omelet (1:13:27 AM): Nothing of interest?
Mediocre Omelet (1:13:30 AM): Just gym stuff?
Kielbasa75013 (1:13:41 AM): just gym
symptom129 (1:13:44 AM): alright
vergilijus (1:13:47 AM): lets roll out
symptom129 (1:13:52 AM): lets go to the door leading south
symptom129 (1:13:56 AM): listen at it
Mediocre Omelet (1:14:01 AM): Listen.
Kielbasa75013 (1:14:58 AM): medicore listens
Kielbasa75013 (1:15:01 AM): he hears nothing
Kielbasa75013 (1:15:05 AM): he opens it
Kielbasa75013 (1:15:06 AM): another hallway
Mediocre Omelet (1:15:10 AM): Light.
Kielbasa75013 (1:15:11 AM): a long hallway
Kielbasa75013 (1:15:25 AM): it seems to reach the other side of the mansion
Kielbasa75013 (1:15:30 AM): it has three windows on the right side
Kielbasa75013 (1:15:33 AM): or, west side
symptom129 (1:15:35 AM): lets go slowly
Mediocre Omelet (1:15:36 AM): Any doors?
Kielbasa75013 (1:15:38 AM): evenly spaced
vergilijus (1:15:45 AM): watch out for the windows
Kielbasa75013 (1:15:46 AM): a door at the far south end, leading east
symptom129 (1:15:53 AM): lets go slowly
Mediocre Omelet (1:15:54 AM): Okay.
vergilijus (1:16:02 AM): and the wall opposite the windows
Mediocre Omelet (1:16:04 AM): Let's go slowly.
Kielbasa75013 (1:17:15 AM): order again?
Kielbasa75013 (1:17:19 AM): mediocre, marsh, tom, virg?
vergilijus (1:17:23 AM): medi, marsh, tom, me
symptom129 (1:17:26 AM): yup
Kielbasa75013 (1:17:26 AM): ok then
vergilijus (1:17:29 AM): eyes on windows
vergilijus (1:17:32 AM): guns ready
Kielbasa75013 (1:17:33 AM): you start to slowly go across the hallway
Kielbasa75013 (1:17:40 AM): he comes up on the first window
Mediocre Omelet (1:17:44 AM): Look out.
Kielbasa75013 (1:17:47 AM): he looks out
symptom129 (1:17:49 AM): peer out
symptom129 (1:17:51 AM): =3 dont look out
symptom129 (1:17:52 AM): peer out
Mediocre Omelet (1:17:57 AM): But not too close.
Mediocre Omelet (1:18:00 AM): To the window.
Mediocre Omelet (1:18:09 AM): We should all hug the non-window wall, actually.
Mediocre Omelet (1:18:12 AM): Or walk against it.
symptom129 (1:18:13 AM): yeah okay
symptom129 (1:18:17 AM): we hug the non window wall
vergilijus (1:18:18 AM): that's what I said :-)
symptom129 (1:18:23 AM): only medi is far enough to see out the window right now
Kielbasa75013 (1:18:30 AM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (1:18:36 AM): mediocre looks out the window
Kielbasa75013 (1:18:45 AM): he sees the other houses
Kielbasa75013 (1:19:01 AM): and at the base of the window, on the other side, is the roof, slanting slightly downward
Kielbasa75013 (1:19:06 AM): it seems to go on both north and south
Kielbasa75013 (1:19:14 AM): he'd have to get close to see how far in both ways
Mediocre Omelet (1:19:15 AM): Go and sneakily lock the window.
Mediocre Omelet (1:19:26 AM): LIke, crouch.
symptom129 (1:19:35 AM): aim revolver at window
Kielbasa75013 (1:19:43 AM): Mediocre crouches up to the window and locks it
symptom129 (1:19:47 AM): okay
Mediocre Omelet (1:19:53 AM): Look out.
Mediocre Omelet (1:19:56 AM): Both directions.
Mediocre Omelet (1:19:57 AM): And up.
Kielbasa75013 (1:20:11 AM): you look out in both directions
Kielbasa75013 (1:21:29 AM): the roof slants downward about three yards
Kielbasa75013 (1:21:47 AM): it goes north and south the entire way
Kielbasa75013 (1:21:55 AM): but stops at the edge
symptom129 (1:21:56 AM): cool
symptom129 (1:22:00 AM): lets continue then?
Mediocre Omelet (1:22:06 AM): Nothing up?
Kielbasa75013 (1:22:13 AM): you look up
Kielbasa75013 (1:22:49 AM): you see nothing, but that the roof of the third floor ends directly ontop of the window
Mediocre Omelet (1:23:01 AM): Okay.
symptom129 (1:23:06 AM): lets continue then?
Mediocre Omelet (1:23:09 AM): Follow same procedure for other windows.
Mediocre Omelet (1:23:24 AM): Unless the third window is around the bend.
symptom129 (1:23:24 AM): i will continue to aim out the windows while he locks them
vergilijus (1:23:31 AM): yes
symptom129 (1:23:47 AM): i dont think this hallway bends
Kielbasa75013 (1:23:47 AM): there is no bend
symptom129 (1:23:50 AM): it just goes straight
symptom129 (1:24:03 AM): we continue and lock and aim the next two like the first
symptom129 (1:24:09 AM): and then approach the door
Kielbasa75013 (1:25:22 AM): mediocre walks forward towards the other two windows
Mediocre Omelet (1:26:02 AM): Aw, no One Piece this week.
Mediocre Omelet (1:26:07 AM): Medi is sad.
vergilijus (1:26:12 AM): I know
vergilijus (1:26:14 AM): :'(
symptom129 (1:26:16 AM): >_>
Mediocre Omelet (1:26:22 AM): Your avatar is awesome, by the way.
vergilijus (1:26:25 AM): I want to see Kizaru!
Mediocre Omelet (1:26:27 AM): While we're on the subject.
vergilijus (1:26:28 AM): thanks :-)
symptom129 (1:26:34 AM): this will cheer you guys up
symptom129 (1:26:34 AM):
vergilijus (1:26:39 AM): doflamingo is my favorite villain
Mediocre Omelet (1:26:50 AM): I don't know enough about him.
symptom129 (1:26:55 AM): wtf rap music just started playing on my computer
symptom129 (1:27:05 AM): i have no idea where its coming from.
Kielbasa75013 (1:27:09 AM): hurray
vergilijus (1:27:12 AM): he's a pimp; he can control people like puppets
vergilijus (1:27:14 AM): anyways
vergilijus (1:27:17 AM): continue
Kielbasa75013 (1:27:17 AM): Mediocre continues
symptom129 (1:27:18 AM): haha
Kielbasa75013 (1:27:21 AM): to the second window
Kielbasa75013 (1:27:25 AM): Virgy is past the first window now
Kielbasa75013 (1:27:29 AM): mediocre goes to lock it
Kielbasa75013 (1:27:33 AM): you hear footsteps on the roof above you
Kielbasa75013 (1:27:40 AM): running
symptom129 (1:27:41 AM): watch the windows
Mediocre Omelet (1:27:47 AM): Run and lock it.
Kielbasa75013 (1:27:53 AM): a zombie drops infront of the window when mediocre locks it
symptom129 (1:27:58 AM): shoot it
Kielbasa75013 (1:27:59 AM): and leaps through it, tackling him
Mediocre Omelet (1:28:00 AM): Back up.
vergilijus (1:28:02 AM): shoot it
symptom129 (1:28:03 AM): with revolver
Mediocre Omelet (1:28:05 AM): Stab it.
Kielbasa75013 (1:28:06 AM): verg shots it dead
symptom129 (1:28:14 AM): kick it off medi
Kielbasa75013 (1:28:15 AM): another zombie breaks through the first window
vergilijus (1:28:16 AM): eyes back on windows
symptom129 (1:28:17 AM): lets go lets go
Kielbasa75013 (1:28:18 AM): and the third
symptom129 (1:28:21 AM): shoot it
vergilijus (1:28:23 AM): shoot
Mediocre Omelet (1:28:29 AM): Shoot.
Kielbasa75013 (1:28:31 AM): verg turns to the first window while tom aims to the second
Mediocre Omelet (1:28:33 AM): With pistol.
Kielbasa75013 (1:28:34 AM): mediocre starts to get up
Mediocre Omelet (1:28:39 AM): Aim at second.
Kielbasa75013 (1:28:40 AM): another zombie lands in the seocnd window
Mediocre Omelet (1:28:45 AM): Wow.
vergilijus (1:28:46 AM): get it tom
symptom129 (1:28:46 AM): medi get the second
Kielbasa75013 (1:28:47 AM): virg shoots the first window zombie, tom the seocnd
symptom129 (1:28:50 AM): okay
symptom129 (1:28:59 AM): shoot shoot =3
Mediocre Omelet (1:29:09 AM): I shoot at second window if any more zombies come.
Kielbasa75013 (1:29:36 AM): mediocre fires his shotgun at the second window, blowing the zombie back
Kielbasa75013 (1:29:40 AM): another one jumps through the third and first window
Mediocre Omelet (1:29:46 AM): Pistol.
Kielbasa75013 (1:29:47 AM): another one through the first
symptom129 (1:29:47 AM): shoot at the first window
vergilijus (1:29:48 AM): sahoot
Mediocre Omelet (1:29:50 AM): I was using my pistol.
vergilijus (1:29:59 AM): tom, shoot the other one at the first
symptom129 (1:30:10 AM): shooting all the ozmbies at first window
symptom129 (1:30:12 AM): virg has other window
symptom129 (1:30:17 AM): medi has middle one or whatnot
symptom129 (1:30:20 AM): lets start moving
Mediocre Omelet (1:30:25 AM): Yeah.
symptom129 (1:30:27 AM): do the new door
Mediocre Omelet (1:30:30 AM): WE start moving to the next door.
vergilijus (1:30:32 AM): back to wall, sideste
vergilijus (1:30:33 AM): p
Mediocre Omelet (1:30:34 AM): Still targeting windows.
Kielbasa75013 (1:30:35 AM): ****it let me update my notes for ammo
Mediocre Omelet (1:30:50 AM): We should check our ammo soon, guys.
Kielbasa75013 (1:30:55 AM): another one drops the second window
symptom129 (1:31:00 AM): medi thats your window
Mediocre Omelet (1:31:01 AM): Shoot it.
Mediocre Omelet (1:31:07 AM): With pistol!
Mediocre Omelet (1:31:11 AM): I've been using my pistol.
Mediocre Omelet (1:31:13 AM): Not shotty.
Kielbasa75013 (1:31:13 AM): mediocre shoots it
Kielbasa75013 (1:31:15 AM): i get it
Kielbasa75013 (1:31:35 AM): no more zombies come from the roof
vergilijus (1:31:42 AM): get to the door
symptom129 (1:31:43 AM): lets move to the door
Mediocre Omelet (1:31:45 AM): Stay aimed.
symptom129 (1:31:46 AM): medi listen at it
Mediocre Omelet (1:31:48 AM): At doors.
symptom129 (1:31:49 AM): we will aim at windows
Mediocre Omelet (1:31:52 AM): Okay.
Mediocre Omelet (1:31:53 AM): I listen.
symptom129 (1:31:56 AM): reload btw
Mediocre Omelet (1:32:01 AM): Since I'm the designated listener.
vergilijus (1:32:04 AM): yes, reload
Mediocre Omelet (1:32:08 AM): Yeah, reload.
Mediocre Omelet (1:32:10 AM): And Marshy.
Mediocre Omelet (1:32:15 AM): If he still needs to.
vergilijus (1:32:24 AM): how's marshy doing
Mediocre Omelet (1:32:35 AM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (1:32:37 AM): I talk to him.
symptom129 (1:32:39 AM): first eor, medi listens at door
Mediocre Omelet (1:32:41 AM): How ya doing?
Mediocre Omelet (1:32:48 AM): Are you turning into a zombie?
Kielbasa75013 (1:34:44 AM): you all reload
Kielbasa75013 (1:34:54 AM): marshy doesn't feel anything different except for the wounds
symptom129 (1:35:06 AM): listen at door
Kielbasa75013 (1:35:28 AM): your or mediocre
symptom129 (1:35:30 AM): medi
Kielbasa75013 (1:35:32 AM): you*
symptom129 (1:35:46 AM): im tired as **** but im not leaving because i know what happens when you arent able to play your own character LOL =)
vergilijus (1:35:54 AM): =-O
symptom129 (1:36:03 AM): you cuddle people... or DIE
vergilijus (1:36:07 AM): yes
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:13 AM): you walk to teh door
vergilijus (1:36:14 AM): or a weird combination of the two
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:18 AM): mediocre listens
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:21 AM): he hears nothing
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:23 AM): he opens it
symptom129 (1:36:29 AM): shine lightsies
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:30 AM): it's another hallway
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:35 AM): directly acros is another door
symptom129 (1:36:36 AM): wtf -_-
Mediocre Omelet (1:36:39 AM): Yeah.
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:41 AM): not that long
Mediocre Omelet (1:36:41 AM): Shine light.
symptom129 (1:36:45 AM): okay
symptom129 (1:36:50 AM): windows or anything?
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:51 AM): you shine your light around
symptom129 (1:36:52 AM): doors?
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:53 AM): no windows
Kielbasa75013 (1:36:55 AM): just that other door
symptom129 (1:36:58 AM): lets go straight to it
Mediocre Omelet (1:37:04 AM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (1:37:07 AM): Go and listen.
vergilijus (1:37:10 AM): go in and close door behind us
symptom129 (1:37:17 AM): good call virg
Kielbasa75013 (1:37:52 AM): Virgy goes and closes the door behind you
Kielbasa75013 (1:37:56 AM): Mediocre goes up to the other door and listens
Kielbasa75013 (1:38:00 AM): nothing
Mediocre Omelet (1:38:10 AM): Open.
Mediocre Omelet (1:38:13 AM): Shine.
symptom129 (1:38:20 AM): aims
Kielbasa75013 (1:38:21 AM): you open it up and look in
Kielbasa75013 (1:38:23 AM): the lights are on
Kielbasa75013 (1:38:28 AM): it's a personaly study
Kielbasa75013 (1:38:32 AM): bookshelves line the wall
Kielbasa75013 (1:38:34 AM): in the middle is a desk
Kielbasa75013 (1:38:46 AM): behind it is a chair
symptom129 (1:38:51 AM): "Hello?"
Kielbasa75013 (1:38:51 AM): in the chair is a person
vergilijus (1:38:56 AM): guns drawn
Kielbasa75013 (1:38:57 AM): his head laying on the desk
symptom129 (1:39:00 AM): note?
Kielbasa75013 (1:39:01 AM): blood seeping from it
Kielbasa75013 (1:39:03 AM): a note is by his head
Kielbasa75013 (1:39:05 AM): blood is on it
symptom129 (1:39:08 AM): alright
Kielbasa75013 (1:39:12 AM): no doors
symptom129 (1:39:13 AM): watch the body guys
symptom129 (1:39:16 AM): make sure it doesnt move
Mediocre Omelet (1:39:17 AM): I kick him out of the chair.
vergilijus (1:39:18 AM): gun on the body
Mediocre Omelet (1:39:25 AM): Quickly.
symptom129 (1:39:26 AM): grab and read note.
symptom129 (1:39:32 AM): virg you check the study please
vergilijus (1:39:36 AM): I am
symptom129 (1:39:40 AM): a vaccine would be nice
Mediocre Omelet (1:39:45 AM): For sure.
vergilijus (1:39:50 AM): check the study
vergilijus (1:39:55 AM): medi, watch for movement
Kielbasa75013 (1:39:59 AM): message too long again :-(
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:02 AM): ok
symptom129 (1:40:05 AM): break into parts
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:07 AM): (the top part seems to be a bunch of information about how sorry he is, stuff about his family, and you think about how the outbreak happened. However, there is too much blood on it to read. It seems to be addressed to anyone who finds it)
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:11 AM): (the top part seems to be a bunch of information about how sorry he is, stuff about his family, and you think about how the outbreak happened.
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:12 AM): However, there is too much blood on it to read. It seems to be addressed to anyone who finds it)
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:18 AM): The only way out of this is through the planes, but with the radar and SAMs set up, no one can do so. You’d need the clearance code, and that is at the bottom of the base. And the base is locked and filled to the roof with those things.
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:23 AM): The only way out of this is through the planes, but with the radar and SAMs set up, no one can do so.
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:31 AM): You’d need the clearance code, and that is at the bottom of the base. And the base is locked and filled to the roof with those things. There’s a second entrance, the tunnel, but after what I’ve heard I’d still pick the infected entrance then that.
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:35 AM): You’d need the clearance code, and that is at the bottom of the base.
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:36 AM): And the base is locked and filled to the roof with those things. There’s a second entrance, the tunnel, but after what I’ve heard I’d still pick the infected entrance then that.
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:46 AM): Either way, someone would need the code to get in the base. I hope someone else finds this and can use it to get in.
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:52 AM): The code is 4452619773*. You’ll need to enter this at the front of the base.
Kielbasa75013 (1:40:58 AM): There is an elevator in the back that should take you to the bottom floor, though it was damaged during the fight.
Kielbasa75013 (1:41:05 AM): The tunnel leads you to the second basement floor. The entrance is suppose to be in some sort of landmark, though I don’t know what it’d be.
Mediocre Omelet (1:41:09 AM): Hmm.
Mediocre Omelet (1:41:12 AM): Awesome.
Kielbasa75013 (1:41:15 AM): the bottom floor, at the far back, is the secured room. You might need a key card for it,
Kielbasa75013 (1:41:23 AM): I don’t know where that’d be. Inside there should be a file with the clearance code to fly out, as well as some manner of escaping the base.
Kielbasa75013 (1:41:29 AM): It was meant for exactly this. If some the (blood smear covers the rest of the sentence). We never had time.
Kielbasa75013 (1:41:34 AM):
~Colonel Love
vergilijus (1:41:54 AM): **** strategic blood smatterings
Mediocre Omelet (1:41:59 AM): Check his pockets.
vergilijus (1:42:05 AM): eor, can you post the whole thing in the thread?
Kielbasa75013 (1:42:09 AM): Mediocre checks the guy's pockets
Mediocre Omelet (1:42:09 AM): And what is the message writen in.
Kielbasa75013 (1:42:10 AM): yes i can
Mediocre Omelet (1:42:11 AM): I will.
Mediocre Omelet (1:42:13 AM): Oh.
Mediocre Omelet (1:42:14 AM): Okay.
Kielbasa75013 (1:42:20 AM): the message is written in pen
Mediocre Omelet (1:42:29 AM): ****.
Mediocre Omelet (1:42:33 AM): I figured that.
symptom129 (1:42:34 AM): ill post it in the thread i guess
Kielbasa75013 (1:42:37 AM): i got it
symptom129 (1:42:41 AM): k
vergilijus (1:42:51 AM): hey guys
symptom129 (1:42:54 AM): ?
vergilijus (1:43:04 AM): want to retire for the night?
Kielbasa75013 (1:43:12 AM): posted
vergilijus (1:43:15 AM): thanks
Kielbasa75013 (1:43:22 AM): mediocre checks through the pockets
Mediocre Omelet (1:43:22 AM): Wait.
Kielbasa75013 (1:43:34 AM): he waits
symptom129 (1:43:52 AM): huh?
Mediocre Omelet (1:44:00 AM): No.
Mediocre Omelet (1:44:05 AM): I want to check the pocket.s
Mediocre Omelet (1:44:09 AM): I'm telling Virg to wait.
Kielbasa75013 (1:44:13 AM): mediocre checks the pockets
Kielbasa75013 (1:44:21 AM): he finds two small cases
vergilijus (1:44:25 AM): !
Mediocre Omelet (1:44:45 AM): What are they?
Mediocre Omelet (1:44:47 AM): Vaccine?
Kielbasa75013 (1:45:06 AM): they have zippers on them
symptom129 (1:45:18 AM): unzip them
Mediocre Omelet (1:45:25 AM): Yes.
Kielbasa75013 (1:45:29 AM): you unzip them
Kielbasa75013 (1:45:40 AM): inside are filled seringes, with hypodermic needles attached nearby
vergilijus (1:45:45 AM): :-D
Mediocre Omelet (1:45:52 AM): Are they labelled?
symptom129 (1:45:54 AM): stab marshigio in the back of the head
symptom129 (1:46:01 AM): =3
Mediocre Omelet (1:46:04 AM): Hey, watch it!
vergilijus (1:46:11 AM): maybe in the shoulder, Tommy boy?
Mediocre Omelet (1:46:12 AM): Don't go stabbing my buddy.
Kielbasa75013 (1:46:25 AM): no they're not labelled
vergilijus (1:46:44 AM): do they look like the vaccine from before?
vergilijus (1:46:46 AM): just to make sure
Kielbasa75013 (1:47:01 AM): Tom stabs Marshigo in the back of the head with his kitchen knife
vergilijus (1:47:09 AM): ****it tom!
Kielbasa75013 (1:47:10 AM): marshigo crumples on the ground, the blade in his skull
Mediocre Omelet (1:47:31 AM): No, no.
symptom129 (1:47:33 AM): okay then
symptom129 (1:48:00 AM): we only have two vaccines
symptom129 (1:48:04 AM): with no guarantee of getting more
symptom129 (1:48:09 AM): and he has a bum arm
symptom129 (1:48:18 AM): i wasted my last one on mccloud
symptom129 (1:48:18 AM): and he died.
symptom129 (1:48:30 AM): if you want to tell everyone that i killed marshigio
symptom129 (1:48:31 AM): you can
symptom129 (1:48:40 AM): but they will probably freak out and think im some sort of fog traitor
symptom129 (1:48:49 AM): im not going to stop you from telling anyone.
Mediocre Omelet (1:49:01 AM): You're really stupid, Tom.
symptom129 (1:49:04 AM): =3
Mediocre Omelet (1:49:09 AM): Bum arm != useless.
vergilijus (1:49:25 AM): I would not have killed him
vergilijus (1:49:39 AM): at the worst, he could have been the first one zombies went after
Mediocre Omelet (1:49:45 AM): Yes.
symptom129 (1:49:50 AM): and we would have lost a vaccine =/
vergilijus (1:49:55 AM): he also carried guns
Mediocre Omelet (1:50:04 AM): Seriously Tom.
symptom129 (1:50:09 AM): seriously
symptom129 (1:50:17 AM): the next step is finding the key card
symptom129 (1:50:24 AM): the cave is probably the secret entrance
Mediocre Omelet (1:50:27 AM): Yeah, we figured that out.
Kielbasa75013 (1:50:29 AM): are you guys stopping here?
vergilijus (1:50:37 AM): for the night, probably
Mediocre Omelet (1:50:42 AM): Yeah.
symptom129 (1:51:05 AM): we are at a safe stopping point, yes?
Kielbasa75013 (1:51:14 AM): for the moment, yes
vergilijus (1:51:38 AM): guys
vergilijus (1:51:42 AM): from now on
vergilijus (1:52:03 AM): unless some one is straight up dying rioght then and there like Mackie, lets talk over killing some one
symptom129 (1:52:11 AM): okay
vergilijus (1:52:31 AM): because I think Marsh could have still really helped us
symptom129 (1:52:35 AM): who wants to write up a summary of the night
vergilijus (1:52:39 AM): I will
symptom129 (1:52:42 AM): okay
symptom129 (1:53:12 AM): i dont know, but the key card might just be in the military base.
Mediocre Omelet (1:53:52 AM): We'll look tomorrow.
symptom129 (1:53:59 AM): okay
symptom129 (1:54:01 AM): im going to bed then
symptom129 (1:54:07 AM): goodnight everyone
vergilijus (1:54:13 AM): goonight
Mediocre Omelet (1:54:25 AM): Well, way to go Tom.
Mediocre Omelet (1:54:27 AM): Eh?
vergilijus (1:54:28 AM): yeah
Mediocre Omelet (1:54:29 AM): Blah.
Mediocre Omelet (1:54:40 AM): That was the stupidest single move I've seen in this game.
Mediocre Omelet (1:54:44 AM): ****.
vergilijus (1:54:47 AM): I thought he posted that as jokingly giving him the vaccine in his head
Mediocre Omelet (1:54:52 AM): Yeah.
Mediocre Omelet (1:54:53 AM): Me too.
Kielbasa75013 (1:55:01 AM): he sent me a message sayign he was serious
Kielbasa75013 (1:55:07 AM): i thought it was a joke
vergilijus (1:55:11 AM): -_-
vergilijus (1:55:13 AM): that tom
vergilijus (1:55:39 AM): It was weird, because at the very beginning, he was "screw everybody"
vergilijus (1:55:54 AM): then he went out on his own and saved mack
vergilijus (1:56:04 AM): then he just straight up kills Marshy
vergilijus (1:56:50 AM): but there isn't much we can do about it now
vergilijus (1:56:58 AM): I'm writing the summary up
vergilijus (1:57:02 AM): see you guys later
Mediocre Omelet (1:57:03 AM): Okay.