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Impact Clash II Brawl & Melee tourney October 11, 2008 @ GA World Congress Atlanta GA


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Brawl Results:
1st: AfroThunder (Snake)
2nd: Reflex (Wario)
3rd: HRNUT (Marth/Snake/Olimar/Meta Knight)
4th: GameDragonX (Mr. Game Watch/Diddy Kong)
5th: Will_ (???)
5th: George (Kirby)
7th: Talon (???)
7th: Desu ( King Dedede)
9th: Dook Digity
9th: Elev8
9th: Nice1
9th: JMOAN

So the tournament sucked, but I had a lot of fun this weekend. <3 everyone at Sleepy's at some point during the weekend.
George, where did you find these results? Or did you calculate them through the brackets?

I'm wondering because I wanna see the full results.

We should like totally submit these results to Ankoku's Character Ranking thread.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
So the winner used Snake? ...Lemme think for a bit
Eh Snake isn't as broken as a certain other character. We've found huge weaknesses that he [Snake] has. Afro simply outplayed everyone (although Reflex could very well have won). I'll leave it to that because tons of huge tourney threads get derailed like this.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2008
Horrible tournaments like this one make me want to quit Brawl.

Also, Xif sucks at running brackets. Way to leave in the middle of running a show to go eat.

I'll prolly never go to another Impact Clash. The most fun I had on site was when I was over in the corner playing Tin Pin Slammer with HtH.

The Alpha Gundam

Smash Champion
Jan 2, 2006
Horrible tournaments like this one make me want to quit Brawl.

Also, Xif sucks at running brackets. Way to leave in the middle of running a show to go eat.

I'll prolly never go to another Impact Clash. The most fun I had on site was when I was over in the corner playing Tin Pin Slammer with HtH.
Welp its brawl so i don't blame him for leaving to go get food i would of done the same XD


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Horrible tournaments like this one make me want to quit Brawl.

Also, Xif sucks at running brackets. Way to leave in the middle of running a show to go eat.

I'll prolly never go to another Impact Clash. The most fun I had on site was when I was over in the corner playing Tin Pin Slammer with HtH.
GDX offered to run the bracket for me. I asked and confirmed his intentions 3 times before I explained to him how the bracket was at the moment and how to write down matches for the tapings. I told the guy running the tournament that GDX took over, I thanked GDX, and then ate, after fully relinquishing current responsibility.

And then On top of that, I had already done the absolute most difficult part of the bracket. I was the one that had to fix the matches that were cut off from the print out, and then add in the NO LESS THAN EIGHT PEOPLE that they completely left out of the tournament. People left out including Desu and Reflex, and Desu was actually put down for KoF11 instead.

On top of that, I had to deal with people crowding the bracket at a time when so many different edits were being made, and people using Wii motes that were screwing the systems.

Oh, and did I mention that I never even offered to do Brawl brackets? I said very specifically that I would help run melee doubles and melee singles, and then they just stuck me with brawl. The great part was getting yelled at the beginning for

1: trying to explain to the idiot running other tournaments that he could not just add people to the brawl bracket second round of winners when there were 2 people in the first round fighting to go to that spot and then

2: That it was somehow my fault that people were being left out because I was supposed to know "my people" when I am in no way a part of the Brawl community.

So please excuse me when I ask you to shut your stupid god ****ed face. It's easy to complain when you're sitting back waiting for matches. fvck you, I didnt sign up to run a tournament of a game that I don't play with a bracket that had like 10 people missing, causing me stress for the people who paid and weren't entered. I at least was able to salvage the bracket into a comprehensible one by the time I left it, and made sure that someone else was running it.

I truly thank GDX, because I was gonna lose my mind soon simply because I don't like Brawl and was running a tournament for a bunch of idiots like Infi-tan.

I also thank the host strangely enough for at least being understanding, and giving me the door fee off, which is the only reason I accepted to run the brawl bracket anyway even though I said melee, because 20 dollars is a lot

the next IC needs more A/C, more outlets, and a better bracket system. We shouldnt be printing out the brackets, and instead bring 2 or 3 laptops to record the matches on the machines, and maybe using printouts merely for reference.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Yea, this pretty much was the worst tournament ive ever been to. I drove 7 hours for:

-Tourney for brawl singles not actually starting until 3, when planned at noon
-Because of not starting at noon, no time for brawl doubles
-They failed at making a bracket. It took 3 attempts and an hour, but they finally did it.
-Xif being a horrible ****ing failure at running a bracket. He wasnt done with the first 2 rounds of winners in the 3 hours he was running the tourney. At 6pm, he was almost halfway done with 2nd round when I said **** it. Then me, kokingpin, and dook ran the rest of the tourney and got **** done
-Brawl clearly had the most entrants with 48 or so people, but they cut the amount of tvs down for brawl from 4 to 3, and then to 2, while we were only through 3 rounds of losers. Why make the highest attendance game take longer on purpose?
-We paid a 20 dollar entry fee, which was to include free food for everyone. Instead, they brought 2 chicken trays and 2 trays of fries from Chick-Fil-A for the 80 or so people that were there, and most of the people in the room didnt get ANY food (including us). And the best part, they didnt even reimburse anyone at least half of the entry fee. They never even planned to reimburse for their lack of food. Even if it were evenly distributed, i dont think there was enough for everyone to even get 1 piece of chicken and a single fry.
-After telling them on the forums what we're bringing, and them telling us all 4 of us would get in free, I had to argue with them just to get my money back. And then, not all 4 of us got in free. I had to pay full price
-There was no free parking...anywhere. It was $10 dollar parking that everyone had to pay. No one at the building who worked there even knew that free parking existed.
-There was so much equipment that wasn't even being used that couldn't be hooked up cause they didnt come prepared for anything like extension cables or power strips.
-In general, the guys running the thing werent able to organize anything.

I refuse to ever come to another impact clash tourney, cause this **** was just ridiculous. It was like last weekends at hungrybox, but at least there i wasnt 7 hours from home. A shame too cause i met some cool people up there. And i got 4th, but i lost to hrnut in the loser semis so i didnt care.

Talon: pretty good rob you got there man. keep it up
george: your kirby is so freakin tricky. It was hard to get ahold of him in our sets
KOKingpin + Dookdiggity: Thanks for running the tourney with me. Sad we had to take over
Xif: I dont hate you as a person, but seriously, learn to run a ****ing tournament if you are gonna run one. If you know you gonna fail at it, then just dont do it
SleepyK: Thank you so much for letting us stay at your house. We left at around 7-8am, incase you were wondering.
dentedglass: His luigi is so good! His comboing ability is up to the same level as polmex and weeG. If polmex or WeeG came to this tourney, this kid would've become god, because he beats people when he doesn't use upB ever. one of you two need to teach him the ways or shoryuken.
Nice1: This kid is too funny. I wanna see him if i go to anymore GA tourneys
Afro/Ginger/Icekid/Hunter: Glad you guys made it. Afro and icekid made this tourney too funny
Milln: lol, sorry i said your name wrong so many times. Ill have to get at you for that MM some other time.
*********: just....lol. Too many funny things happened this weekend, from the games we played friday to the rides there and back. The caravan definitely needs to be all-crew every tourney
Impact Clash staff: You failed. All of you.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2006
fun tourney shouts to come later but i had alot of fun seeing everyone and hanging out with FL a lot


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
-Xif being a horrible ****ing failure at running a bracket. He wasnt done with the first 2 rounds of winners in the 3 hours he was running the tourney. At 6pm, he was almost halfway done with 2nd round when I said **** it. Then me, kokingpin, and dook ran the rest of the tourney and got **** done

Xif: I dont hate you as a person, but seriously, learn to run a ****ing tournament if you are gonna run one. If you know you gonna fail at it, then just dont do it
They allotted me 4 TV's (and then 3 before I left) to work with, plus I had the task of writing down each players position and order of fighting for every match since it was recorded.

Oh yeah, and the bracket they gave me left some of the bracket matches cut off and they themselves completely left out about 8 to 10 people. So I was there having to write in the bracket portions that were left out and then trying to put people in that were completely left out in to the byes of the bracket while trying to make the whole thing comprehensible.

But no, it was all my fault. You guys got "**** done" after I had already cleaned up the entire mess, and you guys just know how to run tournaments, and I don't.

What arrogance, to compare your time running the bracket to mine. And that was 3 people running it apparently after I left, I was handling the cluster fvcked bracket by my self.

Tired of these ungrateful fools, get out of here.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2008
Lawlawlawlawl @ Xif

Now I know why no one likes you. XD

Shoutouts to:

Everyone that traveled with me(KO, Randy, Jmoan, Savedge, Sinensis): Car race ftw.
GDX: Supah Cool Guy.
Umby: Omg Umby hug me more. <3
VietG: S'fine. Brawl doubles is silly anyway. Melee doubles is fun to watch.
Desu: Desssuuuuuuu I wanted to play you waaaaaahhh
HRNut: I wanted to play you too (not Ike vs. Marth wtf) but couldn't get in on the tv. D=
Full Metal: =o You look like Blood Hawk, a Lucario player from MW. Honestly.
IceKid & Afro: You two are neat. =3 IceKid signed my book. <3 Forgot to ask you, Afro. ;.; Sorreh. Also, calling tired/sleep/drive johns. D=
Supah-J: Watch that Fsmash, man. There's like 12 of 'em.
elev8: Tired/sleep/drive johns. Ily, elev8
Reflex: Ily2
Everyone else I met/played/saw: Sup.
The Soul Calibur 4 players: Cool guys.
The Arcana Heart players: Flash kick super wins the day.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Lawlawlawlawl @ Xif

Now I know why no one likes you. XD
It's so easy to complain from the other side.

regardless, it was not my god d@mn tournament by the time I went to eat. I had no intention of giving it up and then GDX offered himself to help run it and I let him.

And oh my yes nobody likes me, I guess All the people I chill with for days before and after the tournament just can't stand the sight of me.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Not that I was there or anything but... reading XIF's posts, I have to side with him. It's obvious those that complain about XIF directly don't understand what really happened. He already stated that he didn't volunteer to do Brawl stuff, yet it was thrust apon him anyway. Judging from what I read, it seems XIF did what he could to set things straight and proper before yielding the actual bracket management to someone else. Just be thankful the tourny got done with in the first place, and that you arn't all out of money in a ******** way. He did what he could, and if you thought you could've done better, you should've stepped up and said so, instead of standing on the side and keeping the complaints to yourself until you got home to SWF.

In the end, the results worked out pretty expectedly, 'cause my man Reflex is up top at #2 XD.

Again, I wasn't there, but I do recomend that PCs be used for actual brackets, and a controller standardization (i.e. GC controllers only please) be used to speed up the process. Seems more outlets were needed because I read somewhere about having too many unused T.V.s.

I hope everyone had fun. Congrats to Afro, congrats to my Columbus guys too. : )

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Lawlawlawlawl @ Xif

Now I know why no one likes you. XD
>_> I love XiF why can't you? Anyways you guys had 5 tvs.....no johns. I would blame more the tourney hosts than anything.

To tourney hosts, get a different venue please so the door fee isn't so gay and there is enough room and don't try to screw over Melee. Maybe if you do those two things I will go back.

Edit: Barwl people learn to play Meleez. soi soi soi soi soi


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Yo SFL came up and took EVERYTHING.

Good matches everyone i played.
Grand Finals were BEAST


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
>_> I love XiF why can't you? Anyways you guys had 5 tvs.....no johns. I would blame more the tourney hosts than anything.

To tourney hosts, get a different venue please so the door fee isn't so gay and there is enough room and don't try to screw over Melee. Maybe if you do those two things I will go back.

Edit: Barwl people learn to play Meleez. soi soi soi soi soi
NES N00b is mad chill, much love.

All I gotta say is that you need to give yourself more credit. You were still acting like "oh no hope I dont get owned" during both of our sets. You really need to have alot more confidence because you are a good player and technically sound. Need more faith in that Falcon too what the heck's a fox? :chuckle:

Talk about heart racing when I made it to losers finals vs you again.

PS: gtf away from peach after your nairs unless peach ends up in the air, cc d smash should never really work.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
I had fun at the tournament, I don't know why everyone is johning sooo hard. We drove 11 hours and we all had a ridiculously fun time.

Our car ride winning almost everything at the tournament was hilarious, too.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Birmingham, AL
I have no idea about full results. I copied the list the down that was written on the bracket, which went as far as top 12. After that, things become a mystery.

There should never EVER be anything near a $20 door fee. $5 is generally accepted, $10 is understandable, but $20 is gouging tournament entrants. Regardless of how much the venue costs, whether food is included (this was promised, but never delivered upon anywhere near the degree it needed to be), factoring in the fact that most people paid for parking, and that some people entered in four tournaments or more, and suddenly you're looking at $70 at the venue alone when it should be no more than $50.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Uhh what are you talking about?
I totally thought you were thinking about how OP Snake is. If you weren't, my bad.

Eh, I think Xif deserves thanks for running the thing as best as he could even though he did not intend to run Brawl at all. The disorganization of the tournament was pretty obvious, let's not point fingers at people who aren't part of the problem. Xif hates Brawl guys, he obviously didn't intend to run brackets for a game he despises. It adds up and his story is sound imo.

Regardless, I had a fun time, but I'm pretty sure this thing could've been run better if they had suspected such a large turn-out for Brawl (note the first Impact Clash had an amazing 12 people for Brawl).


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
i think flashmetroid won like 3 different games. and matt won brawl
Flash won like 5 games
I won Brawl
Hunter got 1st/2nd in 3rd Strike

Flash woulda won MvC2 as well, but there are some grimey people out there <.<


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
I totally thought you were thinking about how OP Snake is. If you weren't, my bad.

Eh, I think Xif deserves thanks for running the thing as best as he could even though he did not intend to run Brawl at all. The disorganization of the tournament was pretty obvious, let's not point fingers at people who aren't part of the problem. Xif hates Brawl guys, he obviously didn't intend to run brackets for a game he despises. It adds up and his story is sound imo.

Regardless, I had a fun time, but I'm pretty sure this thing could've been run better if they had suspected such a large turn-out for Brawl (note the first Impact Clash had an amazing 12 people for Brawl).
Snakes not OP (atleast not to the other top 6 or 7 characters).
If you truly believe so (as in you ARENT being sarcastic), Learn 2 Play.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Snakes not OP (atleast not to the other top 6 or 7 characters).
If you truly believe so (as in you ARENT being sarcastic), Learn 2 Play.
Read my post that Gryphon replied to. I thought he was saying Snake was broken and I said I disagreed and gave my reasoning.

Simply put, Snake has weaknesses that are easily exploited and actual counters. There's no way he can be considered broken then now can he?

So you don't use AfroThunder as your SWF name hmm? Meh, it was fun watching you duke it out with Reflex. I don't know if that was recorded though...


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Nah i use Leh, lol. Yeah i had alot of fun fighting Reflex they were the best matches i'veh ad in awhile. I think Dookdigity recorded em. So lets hope to that.


Smash Cadet
May 15, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
Flash won like 5 games
I won Brawl
Hunter got 1st/2nd in 3rd Strike

Flash woulda won MvC2 as well, but there are some grimey people out there <.<
i think i saw flash get buttraped by Max (GA's number one marvel player) in their match.. but i agree that flash took the other majority of fighting games.

good shiz to you for taking brawl, your snake is crazy sick and that brawl grand finals was epic!


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
i think i saw flash get buttraped by Max (GA's number one marvel player) in their match.. but i agree that flash took the other majority of fighting games.

good shiz to you for taking brawl, your snake is crazy sick and that brawl grand finals was epic!
flash didnt play marvel

And thanks.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2008
>_> I love XiF why can't you? Anyways you guys had 5 tvs.....no johns. I would blame more the tourney hosts than anything.

Edit: Barwl people learn to play Meleez. soi soi soi soi soi
Tch, fine. You signed my book so you're insta-cool, Nesn00b. I'll take back most of what I said to Xif. =x

I do play Melee, but I don't have any drive to get good at it. =o

I think someone's Dreamcast power cord got lumped in with my Ps2 stuff. If you're missing a Dreamcast power cord (those are the ones that are rounded on both ends and a notch in the middle, right?) send me a PM.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
This was

so horribly run

that I nearly wanted to vomit.

They gave us ONE tv to run melee singles on, we had to do a bracket on scratch paper, it was hot as ****, 20$ door fee was RIDICULOUS- especially "including food"?

They brought in a few trays of chicken strips, and then set them down and left them. Within 10 SECONDS they were gone, I know AT LEAST myself and Marty got horribly screwed on the food-

I got half of a chicken strip, that I found ON THE FLOOR.

If you're gonna charge that much and say you're including food, REGULATE IT GOD****IT. I'm sure more people got screwed on their "share of food"

They kicked us out, not even letting us finish finals for melee teams, which they weren't even going to hold if we hadn't just done it ourselves.

There was no brawl teams- more fail.

The "free parking" either didn't exist, or was ridiculous to find- cause I ended up paying 8$ for all day parking.

All in all, it just seems like the IC tournament organizers just didn't give a **** about Smash players- which is fine, but I'll be ****ed if I'm going to support another IC tournament if there's going to be this kind of negligence from the T.O.'s

*One additional melee result:
9th- FullMetal

Chaddd 2nd round (in winners) and XIF 4th round (in losers)

You suck XIF, I shoulda had that match <3

I'm not doing shout-outs, all the smashers that were there know I <3 'em.

PS: Me and josh were SO going to win teams. Real talk, son. ;)


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Honestly this was the most horrible tournament i have ever gone to.
Worst than a gamestop tournament. Lacked organization. Lacked Leadership (until Dook Digity, GDX, and myself took over) and most of all, It lacked Working tvs, wiis, and places to hook things up. OMG soooo freaking horrible.

now enough with complaining.

Milln, Jmoan, Savage, Sinensis - had fun hanging out with you guys, I will be playing melee more now lol.

Dogy - We should have taken Teams. We was beasting with Doc/Zelda. was too good

Dook Digity - you are too badass for coming from AZ. Get good at melee and we can play 64 Melee and Brawl lol

Yoshi - Stop getting stuck under FD
ps Egg Time is still my favorite

GDX - Thanks for helping with Running to tournament. 4th place aint that bad lol

This is completely off any subject but Obama sounds like The Rock when he talks.

NES Noob - you **** too hard in Melee now.
>_> I love XiF why can't you? Anyways you guys had 5 tvs.....no johns. I would blame more the tourney hosts than anything.

To tourney hosts, get a different venue please so the door fee isn't so gay and there is enough room and don't try to screw over Melee. Maybe if you do those two things I will go back.

Edit: Barwl people learn to play Meleez. soi soi soi soi soi
actually we only had 3 until i unhooked one of the friendly tvs so we could get a fourth TV going. and then they took 2 tvs away from us to give it to a game that takes like 2-4 mins per match.

Reflex - you are too good and too cool. You need to make that Mustache happen man. you would be super badass with it.

Talon - i was impressed with you beating Nice1. we really really need to start something up in Murfreesboro.

Nice1 - stop steal reflex as my partner **** it. Even though brawl doubles never happened. lol but seriously you did great except for when you got gimped by Talon's Rob in Match 2.

KOKingpin - you are sucktastic when you dont sleep. stop doing that.

Alpha - i didnt see you there behind the dark background. HAHAHA <3 alphaalphaalpha.


Impact Clash staff - Seriously did you even think about how a tournament is supposed to be run for Super Smash Brothers Melee or Brawl. Then you ***** and moan to me about how long its taking. Dude Fvck all of you. Learn to Run a tournament and then come talk to me. i WILL NOT be returning to your Series of tournaments. There is no Probably about it. Not only did you Rip a bunch of people off with a 20 dollar door fee but you promised food and people got like 3 chicken fingers and a handful of fries. worthless. that's the only word i can think of. Worthless. I'm sure y'all walked with Peoples money too. but I'm not gonna worry to much about that. Maybe you will take this Horrible, Horrible, lemme say it once more, HORRIBLE mistake of a tournament as an example of what not to be. and do a better job next time. But i highly doubt it seeing as most of you were fvcked up on something and probably don't even remember much of what happened.


Xif - next time don't take the job of running brackets if you don't plan on doing it the whole time. you really slowed the process down a lot. Made things a lot worst then what they already were.

Oh and btw for Ankoku's thread Talon is Fox/R.O.B. and Will is DK


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2004
horrible Tournaments Like This One Make Me Want To Quit Brawl.

Also, Xif Sucks At Running Brackets. Way To Leave In The Middle Of Running A Show To Go Eat.

I'll Prolly Never Go To Another Impact Clash. The Most Fun I Had On Site Was When I Was Over In The Corner Playing Tin Pin Slammer With Hth.
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