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I'm... Tired of this crap.

Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Link to original post: [drupal=4733]I'm... Tired of this crap.[/drupal]


I posted this more out of emotional backlash than rational thought. I was pissed, and overreacting to the issues in the crowd. The original is in the collapse... It's not accurate. It was my emotional outlash towards a perceived bull**** situation that wasn't as bad as I saw it to be.

You know what I find hilarious about the whole MK ban discussion in europe? There's really no point. He's already effectively soft-banned here in Germany.

I've been working my way through two singles brackets (weird setup) at this smashfest, and basically in both the same thing happened: lost to the same top guy in winners (who is amazing), won against the same two really good players in losers, and got to grand finals... And I noticed something: there's nobody behind me. Nobody. To an extent, I can understand that; the guys in the loser's bracket are in my crew (So likely to get the same people hyping that I do) and possibly the single most beloved person in the community. But there's an extent to which going against someone is okay, and there's an extent to where it's not.

It is not cool to boo someone specifically because he beats you with Metaknight. Look, I'm sorry, but if you lose to me with three different characters, INCLUDING THE DITTO, you lose the right to complain about how I'm "getting carried by my character". And for ****'s sake, when one of the best players in the country comes from out of state, and you're the underdog but still able to pull down really close, really hyped games and sets, it should not MATTER that you are using Metaknight. It shouldn't.

I don't know. It's like everyone is against me because I'm using Metaknight. Never mind that they lose to me in the ditto after practicing it. Never mind that I'm pretty much the only person pulling out a Metaknight and just wrecking ****. Never mind that my playstyle, as simple as it may seem, is really hard to pull off convincingly. It is BULL****. For ****'s sake, guys, this should be THE hype moment of the tournament: an established mid-level player is going almost even with a guy who not only is near the top of the power ranking but also famous for destroying top-caliber MKs around here: incredibly close games and sets with really good play. And yet nobody cares. Because I main Metaknight.
And I know I can't change **** about it. People are going to ***** about metaknight no matter what. When I three-stock their weird pocket characters because I knew the matchup and they got outplayed by a wide ****ing margin, when I beat their mains in close matches because I genuinely outplayed them, when I lose... No matter what, they're going to john and ***** because "Oh look, he uses metaknight, oh look, his style focuses on extremely safe tornado and tilt usage; he must be a scrub with no skill who's getting carried by his character". This will never changes

But it's getting to the point where it's simply no longer fun.

I'm reminded of how M2K talked to me about how he was booed in his set against Brood by his home country even after putting on the "USA" tag. This is, of course, on a much less huge scale, but the general feeling is the same: I feel like my community doesn't give a **** about me... because I main a borderline overpowered, slightly overused character who hasn't won a major international around here in a long, long time.

People wonder what main I would pick up if MK gets banned. I've always told them I wouldn't; I'd quit. Well... maybe I shouldn't wait for the ban to come here. Because this? This is bull****. This is total bull****. And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the constant johning, the snide comments about "Yeah, we should ban MK already", the incessant complaining about how broken the character is, even WHILE they're beating me. I'm ****ing tired of this crap, and yes, I know this would've been better on German Smash Boards, but I'm suspended there for giving an accurate description of exactly the kind of person who is causing this kind of crap, so **** it.

You want your hype?

I'm going to play grand finals with snake.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Thats all just an opinion you realise? The vast majority of players think he is broken good and thats not without reason.

Seems to me like your options are, in order of preference:
1) Deal with it
2) Quit

Its hard to have sympathy when the crux of your post is 'I dont think mk gives me an unfair advantage, everyone elses opinions are wrong.'



Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
I think it's bull**** when people complain that people complain about them using Metaknight.

"But I, as an MK main, beat his MK in an MK ditto even though he doesn't main MK! Obv I'm not being carried!"


If you think you aren't being carried by MK, pick a different character. Don't whine and quit.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Thats all just an opinion you realise? The vast majority of players think he is broken good and thats not without reason.

Seems to me like your options are, in order of preference:
1) Deal with it
2) Quit

Its hard to have sympathy when the crux of your post is 'I dont think mk gives me an unfair advantage, everyone elses opinions are wrong.'

Again: MK hasn't won an international in this neck of the woods... ever. Don't give me that bull****. :glare: Chair kinda nailed it.

And yeah... that's kind of the point. I even said that they're gonna ***** no matter what. But you know what? That's why I posted this in blogs, instead of, say, competitive. I wanted to get this **** off my chest. I was having an emo moment.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
I think it's bull**** when people complain that people complain about them using Metaknight.

"But I, as an MK main, beat his MK in an MK ditto even though he doesn't main MK! Obv I'm not being carried!"


If you think you aren't being carried by MK, pick a different character. Don't whine and quit.
Cheap peach, do you have a main? That is, a character you spend most of your time training? Most of your time working on? A character you know inside and out? A character where your knowledge of that character completely destroys your knowledge of any other character? Even if you don't, maybe you can understand how others who do have such a main feel when they hear "just pick a different character to show that you're able to play the game".


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
But yeah it's a scrub community, man I'd just find a different game or find something more exciting and less stressful to do with your free time, like hookers or uh...something.
Well, if that's everyone needs to do, then we can all do just that.


How about trying something you like to play competitively on. That's not video games or anything related.

Like paintball.


Feb 6, 2009
Cheap peach, do you have a main? That is, a character you spend most of your time training? Most of your time working on? A character you know inside and out? A character where your knowledge of that character completely destroys your knowledge of any other character? Even if you don't, maybe you can understand how others who do have such a main feel when they hear "just pick a different character to show that you're able to play the game".
You make it sound like you have to get a limb amputated.

It's a video game.
Where you have to put a little bit of effort into learning a new character.

People do it all of the time.
I do it all of the time, in all of the fighters I play.
It's not that big of a deal.

Stop making it out like people are giving you the death sentence. I swear you'll be okay, just relax, and stop taking everything so damn seriously.


Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
Ever since Brawl came out, people have been 1) increasingly arguing for MK being banned 2) saying things like MK is "gay" and hating on MK mains and whatnot.
I'm not saying that MK mains deserve to be disrespected, and I understand that people are pissed because they put so much effort into their main and now he's banned. If my main got banned, I'd be pissed too.
However, if I had chosen to main MK, I would have worked on a secondary in case he got banned, what with all the MK-ban talk. I mean, why take the risk of all your effort going down the drain?
And BPC, have you never before seen/heard of cases where people said things like "you only did well cause you play MK" and "MK players have no skill" and the like? If not, wow. If you have, you should have learned to deal with it by now, and if you couldn't learn to deal with it, you should have picked up a secondary. You don't deserve it, but realistically this problem is not going to go away, so you may as well get used it. People who say things like that are ******** anyway, and learning to ignore the ******** things that people say is a crucial skill in all aspects of life.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2010
The way people act in tournaments is incredibly disrespectful sometimes.

It's not even limited to MK, after watching the SiiS6 vids, it's clear that the way the crowd was acting during any of Logic's matches at SiiS6 was ridiculous.

People need to learn to respect players, if there's a tournament with MK legal, there's nothing ****ing wrong with a player playing MK, if people hate you for playing MK, that's their problem, they can suck it up and hold MK banned tournaments if that's what they want.
You shouldn't expect people to cheer for you or anything, but they should respect that if you win, then you were the better player under that ruleset, and if the way you played was so easy to emulate, they should just do it too.

I agree with infinite though, you should be prepared for the MK ban, and have a reliable secondary to fall back on.


Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2011
I can understand the "main" feeling though
Like people saying "hey dude, just pick up some character other than Metaknight"
Wtf am I supposed to do if I don't like anyone other than Metaknight :glare:

I would probably try to be a smash villain
When everyone starts booing me, I throw them the finger and undulate in very offensive manner
Or change my MK color to white and give myself the tag "BOO"

But I'm dum lol

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
yes, your community sucks, tell me something we don't know.


Feb 6, 2009
>Implying brawl and melee communities are different.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
And yeah... that's kind of the point. I even said that they're gonna ***** no matter what. But you know what? That's why I posted this in blogs, instead of, say, competitive. I wanted to get this **** off my chest. I was having an emo moment.
Heh, the funny thing is, my state banned Metaknight a month before the BBR ruling. Me and a lot of other non-MK mains decided to switch mains on principle, so it was fair to those who played Metaknight.

I purely mained peach before, now I main shiek.


Feb 6, 2009
on this point they are.
Maybe about meta knight, but both the brawl and melee communities are extremely irreverent.

Actually that's an attribute that basically the entire fighting community shares.

Some people overdramatize it though, obviously. And people who have never been to a tournament and have only watched streams can't fairly say what it's like, because they don't realize that most of the time it's only friendly competition.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Maybe about meta knight, but both the brawl and melee communities are extremely irreverent.

Actually that's an attribute that basically the entire fighting community shares.

Some people overdramatize it though, obviously. And people who have never been to a tournament and have only watched streams can't fairly say what it's like, because they don't realize that most of the time it's only friendly competition.
eh, for locals maybe

when interstate rivalry is involved, it can get pretty disgusting.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2010
San Antonio, Texas
I personally have never been to a local tourney so I don't know what its like to take crap for being MK. I also don't use MK but I agree about how people john a lot when someone wins or even loses as MK. It getting really old and if someone beats an MK pro then that person doesn't have a DAMN thing to complain about, PERIOD

:Tally Hoes

Banned via Administration
Oct 11, 2011
You could f*** everyones world up and try to prove metaknight isn't broken by never playing mk dittos by just switching for that mu look at them. Then ask why they lost as mk when they were so sure mk should've won yet another match.

Also emotions are important to control if you act anything less than highly mature it will offen times hurt your cause; saying f*** them and non mk mains really doesn't help and ruins everyones day maybe even tea time. Look at Hungry box he gets a lot of hate for not nearly broken puff and wins respectably and he would NEVER be a good player if he let his emotions control him to much. Quit trying to be the best if you can't step it up on a personal level.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
I can't believe Germany loses to BPC. How garbs are these players when YOU can 3 stock their secondaries? I'm guessin pretty damn garbs and, therefore, negligible when it comes to their opinion on you & MK. Seriously; ignore them. Surely there's plenty of players around who aren't scrubs.
Oh, and for your own good (regarding you winning ****): don't switch main.


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
First of all, congratulations!

Second of all, you're absolutely right about how these 'carry johns' and the booing shouldn't happen, since it's extremely disrespectful, rude and above all very unsportive, and I'm sorry for that. You have clearly put some time into it and your wins should not be taken from you.

However, you should know you really can't force people to be hyped when it comes to Metaknight. I must admit I likely wouldn't be stimulated to even watch your matches if I were there. I have seen Metaknight winning a million times already, he's the best character after all. Regardless of how much skill you have and how much time you have put in the game, he's just not special anymore, and many have grown to personally dislike that character. Thus, characters are a big factor when it comes to hype in every fighting game, and so it will likely remain.



Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
Irregardless isn't a word. @yay

And BPC, that arrogance hahaha. And you're p bad if you don't win with MK but put time in the char.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
I can't believe Germany loses to BPC. How garbs are these players when YOU can 3 stock their secondaries? I'm guessin pretty damn garbs and, therefore, negligible when it comes to their opinion on you & MK. Seriously; ignore them. Surely there's plenty of players around who aren't scrubs.
Oh, and for your own good (regarding you winning ****): don't switch main.
The 3-stock bit was to an extent exaggerated, it only happened like once or twice. And up yours; I beat Quiksilver in two sets in grand finals. Weird ruleset, but it's still something. :laugh:

But yeah, I dunno. I was just... ugh. Pissy about this stuff, especially coming from guys from my own crew. Just... disappointing. If this is the kind of atmosphere people are going to have just because I use MK at a high level, then I really wonder if it's worth continuing. It's like a ruleset with no LGL: sure, you can still play, but it's just not going to be any fun at all.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
You beat quiksilver? o_O

Btw feel free to explain the concept of a crew to me. Why the **** are you in a crew that doesn't like you (and due to this, the feeling is mutual i presume) LOL .


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
That's like someone else saying, "Jump, stop playing smash."

You cannot state things just like that.

And people booing at you just because your metaknight just means the spectators are people with very thick noggins.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
That's like someone else saying, "Jump, stop playing smash."

You cannot state things just like that.

And people booing at you just because your metaknight just means the spectators are people with very thick noggins.
I haven't played smash in months, my wii is broken and I only play smash at tourneys (never hosted in holland). So actually, I wouldn't mind.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
You beat quiksilver? o_O
We ended up playing like 5 sets between two brackets. I won the two grand finals sets in the bracket that had a rather "unconventional" ruleset, and one of the other sets was last game last hit in the bracket using the APEX ruleset (these vids are going up on my YT channel overnight). I wouldn't exactly say we were playing even, but it was reasonably close.

Btw feel free to explain the concept of a crew to me. Why the **** are you in a crew that doesn't like you (and due to this, the feeling is mutual i presume) LOL .
They like me all right, they just hate my character.
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