People who were in the video included PMIRL, Yostuffstank AD and various others.No offence Pants but I don't understand why people keep referencing your videos.
Firstly, I doubt many people are inspired to play a game by a combo video. 14 year olds watch Ganondorf combo videos and suddenly think he's an amazing char, anyone who knows what an OOS game is knows that the Ganondorf was just a good player who uploaded one-in-20 match occurences, and/or was just exploiting the mistakes of lesser players who don't know the MU.
Secondly, correct me if I'm wrong, but your opponents didn't seem like they were exactly what you'd call high-level opposition. About 4 of them just either fell into usamshes without inputting any commands, or literally just stood there while you did it.
Half the video just seemed to be you hitting uairs on people who were inputting no commands, they weren't even trying to retreat and bait aerials, they were just moving towards you.
Like for example in the middle section, which I'm guessing is supposed is to indicate mid-level opposition, there was a Ganondorf who was trying to approach from about 2-3 Ivysaur bodies away with flame choke, and did it twice in a row, seriously even I know you never do that as the Dorfster.
I don't know what the metagame was like a year ago, but I don't think alot of the stuff in the vid would work on high-level players of the current metagame. I'm not trying to take away from your skill Pants, I know you had/have a good Ivysaur, but I think using a vid like that to gauge Ivysaur's competitive potential is misleading.
Correct me if I'm wrong on anything I've said.
and im not just talking about just combosaur.. im talking about the collab video with zeta, PMIRL yostuffstank and I.
you doubt people were inspired to play based off a combo video?... that to me sounds a little absurd. I remember the 1st time I saw linkology by germ and the DBR combo vids.... whether or not DI was correct or the opponents "could have done this to get out" watching those videos made you wanna pick up a controller and get better.
go ahead and disect the videos as much as you want what it comes down to is they inspired people to play PT.
You wonder why people keep refferencing my videos?
its because there hasnt been a new highlight video of PT since Combosaur... what else are they supposed to refference?
I miss the old days of the PT community where we were a unified front. now it seems that its just a social hiearchy of elitists