I dont think you understand....
If you wanted me to win all the matches, i couldve gone olimar

Until you can whoop me in sonic dittos, dont spew @ me that you overkill.
Im not even 100% done in training my sonic.
And sure, next time we play, go MK, Nado spam, and you will just get grab release chained the whole match

Your thoughts....
Edit: G'nite 4 real this time every1

Hyesz! Show me ya snooze!
Edit2: JM, if you think your better than me, prove it, take on Viper's Kirby, and Win...
If you do that, ill renounce my title as the Leader of LIO...
Thats how much i think you wont

and if you like to play kirby, next time ill go with ICs, ill p*** you off with one grab= one stock....