PM me ur character ideas girl
That was a neat little fact about the toads and I give you credit for it, but I still disagree that it's more reasonable to be able to pull out a full character than blowing powder into someone's face. Sports equipment is easily carried, Toads really aren't.The toads defensively and instinctively release out spores when struck, like the Toadstool subspecies of actual fungi.
The idea of Peach pulling a Toad out of hammerspace, much like her Sand Wedge, Frying Pan, and Tennis Racket for this is more reasonable for Smash than her just not being harmed by the hit and blowing a kiss that somehow counters the damage.
I get it though, you all don't like my idea, and it was out of place to try and throw my ideas onto someone else; but please let's not act like in a game where characters double jump, pull **** out of nowhere, and where swords somehow clank with feet, that blowing a kiss that blows powder to distract the opponent from finishing their attack is somehow unreasonable.