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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
SE Washington
Banned to make room for a ridiculously long post!

Season 3
Ep: 1

When we done last left Kibble(not dawg food) and Bkupa, they were atz the art fair. Let's check in on them...
Kibble is head first in the dumpster, grabbing everything that seems edible. He CANNOT believe the things people throw out: French fries, old hamburger buns, a banana peel, and some expired milk...well technically yogurt now. OM NOM NOM NOM. Kibble suddenly stumbles upon this:

Kibble holds this in his hands and admires the artwork. He hallucinates and the comic suddenly becomes A BIG TASTY PASTRAMI SAMMICH! Kibble eagerly devours the comic. He then stuffs whatever he can find and heads back towards the booth. When he arrives, he sees a big crowd gathered around B Kupa's booth. He heads toward the center of the commotion (which isn't hard because he has a colony of POSSUMS LIVING IN HIS CLOTHES =O!! He calls the big one "Bitey".) He sees Bkupa shaking hands with a man who looks like this:

except without the pedophillia...
Bkupa inform Kibble that the man is none other than SMASHERK, THE BIG ARTZ DELLAH! SK has just bought the painting and has signed Bkupa to a contract (with Kibble, of course!) Now BKupa is not a struggling artist anymore...Kibble still is a hobo though...

Meanwhile, at the Lab
Dark Serenade sit at home thinking about what to do. She looks everywhere but cannot find a way to hurt Iron Thorn..all she sees are guns, knives, brass knuckles, and a spoon. She gets an idea and runs to hear medicine cabinet. She finds EXACTLY what she needs there...
Ep: 2
ZZZZzZZz....Oh hello. I am proffesor Oak and this world is inhabited by creatures we know az POKEMANZ!!!!! Some use POKEMANZ!!! for pets, others for fighting. If I could just find my pants I could show you my lab....no don't run away! I really am a professor! Ash, wait, I can explain! .....at least I still have my.....POKEMANZ!!! UP DA BUTT, CHARIZARD!!!

We last left DS at her house, plotting her plot (lolredundant) to ruin Iron Thorn....

IT is napping on her bed, tired after a day of walking around. DS enters and quietly closes the door. DS wakes IT up and congatulates IT on her speedy recovery. IT cheers up but knows she still has about 3 weeks until a full recovery. DS reaches into her purse and pulls out a bottle of champane and two glasses. IT stares at the bottle, not having anything decent to drink in 4 weeks. DS explains that she smuggled it in especially for IT. DS commences to pour the two glasses as IT turns her back to get her crutches. THIS IS WHAT DS HAS BEEN WAITING FOR. DS quickly pulls two sleeping pills from her purse and puts them in IT's glass. The malicious pills fizzle away into the drink. DS hands IT the glass and proposes a toast to health and prosperity. IT unkowingly drinks the champane....

Meanwhile At the Bat Cave
StB walks up the steps leading to Jungle Apartments. A tenant sits in the hallway sipping his beer. StB asks if he's in the right place. The tenant confirms that StB is in the Jungle and welcomes him. StB snickers and asks the tenant if the residents have fun and games. The tenant gets up and slaps StB, saying the don't tolerate that kind of crap here. The tenant then points at a large blue sign that reads: NO WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE. DENIED. StB nurses his wound and heads up the stairs to MarthTrinity's apartment...
Ep: 3
*enters* It's a beutiful day in the neighborhood, a beutiful day for a neighbor! I have always wanted a neighbor, just like you. *takes off suit and puts on a sweater*I have always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you! So let's make the most of this beutiful day, and since we're together, we might as wll say. Would you be mine, could you be mine won't you be my neighbor? Won't you please? Won't you please? Please won't you be...my neighbor? Hi there neighbor. My, I've seen you grown since last time...you're getting bigger everyday! I think you are now able to do things you couldn't do before, it's all a part of growing up. Now let's see what's happening in the neighborhood of Make-Belive. Trolley? *trolley rings and goes through a tunnel* R.I.P FRED ROGERS

OKAYZ NAO, LET'S BE CEREAL...We last left Dark Serenade in Iron Thorn's room, having slipped sleeping pills in her drink...

Iron Thorn finishes her glass and thanks DS for being so generous. DS smiles as she drink her glass. IT looks pale for a moment and collapses on the floor. DS calmly walks toward the door and locks it(=O!!!). She walks over toward IT's body and brings out the legs from under her. DS isolates the injured leg, which has now been out of a cast for 4 days. DS fumbles in her purse for the OTHER tool. She slowly takes out a hammer from the bag. (at this point you're probably wondering how DS snuck a hammer into a hospital. Well, you see, the gaurd was on a journey to requisition his groove..) DS looms over IT with fear and rage. She quickly brings down the hammer! The hammer strikes poor IT's leg and crunchiong sounds can be heard. DS must be carefull not the break the bone too much, or suspicions may arise. After 3 more blows, DS sprays IT with some champagne and arranges the crutches to make it look like a fall....

TH is readyiez to challange Ivory Flame for a place on the team. TH takes out the ball and the game starts. They are both evenly matched, though IF has more experience, which gives him a small upperhand. They continue, matched basket after basket. The coach finally has enough and announces whoever makes the next basket wins. IF has possesion of the ball and is at the three pointer line when he begins to shoot. TH warns IF to look out for DA GIANT FISH IN A BEAR SUIT! IF is not falling for TH's cheap tricks and DUNKS TEH BALL! it kind of looks like this (up to :23) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcthyMEvoc4&feature=related. IF has defeated TH. The coach is about to turn down TH- WHEN ALL OF DA SUDDEN THE FISH IN THE BEAR SUIT SHOWS UP AND MAULS ONE OF THE PLAYERS!!
After this incident, the coach shakes TH's hand and welcomes him to the team.
Ep: 4
ZZZzzzZZ....*gets poked by cameraman* (CM) Sundance, you're on live. (me) meh..*continues sleeping* (CM) *pokes harder* You're ON LIVE. Get up and start the show! (Me) You're not the boss of me! (CM) *kicks* GET THE HELL UP! (me) I'LL KILL YOU AND WEAR YOUR BOOTS! *pulls out knife*
*sounds of things breaking can be heard, as well as the camera man's screams* (me) I'LL USE YOUR BLOOD AS SYRUP ON MY PANCAKES!

okayz nao, time to start the show....We dun last left StB infront of Marth Trinity's apartment door...

StB stands outside MT's door and waits patiently. MT opens the door and is shocked to see StB. He hugs StB and asks what has he been doing all this time. They have known each other since High School, which let out a week ago (=O). StB sees that MT has some luggage and seems to be leaving, he asks where MT is heading. MT replies that he has a job downtown and invites him to join. StB accepts and the two are off to MT's workplace. The two catch up as they ride in MT's car, which is surprisingly nice....anyway, the two pull up next to an ol' abandoned warehouse. StB looks at the warehouse in confusion while MT gets out of the car. StB then asks what sort of job MT has, to which MT replies he is a referee. As the two enter the warehouse, MT tells StB pull up a chair and wait for him. StB looks for a chair and sees none, so he sits on a box. After 2 minutes, MT comes back in his stripped shirt and beckons Baron to follow. As they make their way across the universe to the back, StB asks him exactly what kind of ref is he. MT smiles and replies that he referees bear knuckle boxing. When they enter the back, a throng encircles two shapes. StB asks how the men recover after such a beating. MT chuckles as asks StB if he sees any fighter is the arena. StB looks around and states he sees no fighters and follows MT as he makes his way to the center. When StB arrives....HE SEEZ TWO BEARS WIT BOXING GLOVES FIGHTING!! =O!!!

Kibble(not dawgfood) relaxes as Bkupa packs his things, as he is moving to a bigger apartment across town. The money SmasherK paid for the painting was enough to rent a 2 bedroom apartment in a nice neighborhood. Bkupa stops and recalls that he has not properly thanked Kibble for his inspiration. He walks over to Kibble and pulls out a wad of cash, he asks Kibble what would he like to do. Kibble stares in amazement and asks if Bkupa will do ANYTHING he asks. Bkupa nods and asks again (=O). The scene opens up with Kibble and Bkupa standing in their underwear. Bkupa aks if Kibble is SERIOUS about the request. Kibble nods with a grin. He tells Bkupa that Mendez never used fabric softener-BUT HE'S NOT AROUND!! Kibble then proceeds to pour half a bottle of fabric softener into the washing machine as he yells with glee. The camera then zooms out to a building that reads '24 HUR LAUNDRY".
Ep: 5


We done last Agi in da cold city, getting his head togetha...

Agi drives to the alley where he made his encounter with StB. He stands in the same spot he stood on that day, and he carefully recalls what happened. He walks over to the trashcans and pulls one open. A hobo quickly punches Agi and yells at him for lettin the heat out. Agi gets up and decides that was the wrong trashcan, so he opens up another one. This time the trashcan is full of sign that say StB was indeed here. They kinda sotra look leik dis:
. Agi knows he has failed, he had the chance to end this case early, but he let it get away from him. He pulls out a flask from his coat. He drink deep and haz himself a long drink. He chugs about half the flask, then wiped the chokolate milk moustache on his face. He walks dizzily to his car. He adjusts his rearview mirror and begins to drive. A few minutes later he sees police lights tailing him and begins to pull over. He is a nervous wreck, he is scared he'll getz a DUI. The cop walks over to Agi's window and asks him if he has been drinking. Agi truthfully replies with a yes, that he has drank 3/4th of his flask. The cop takes out a breathalyzer and tests Agi. The tests come back wth a 0 BAC. The cop looks at him strangely and lets him go...

IT wakes up alone. As soon as she wakes a sharp pain shoots at her leg. She realizes that she in on the floor. She screams for help and nurses soon rush in. Her leg is in bad shape, it's a deep purple (SMOKE ON THE WATER!) and badly inflamed. The nurses carry her to bed as the doctor prepares to do sum surgery =O......
Ep: 6
(Sakurai) Hello everyone. I know you were all expecting Sundance to come out here and introduce the show. Well, let's just say he's a bit tied up and the moment...*laughs*. (scene flashes to me playing a version of Brawl with no tripping) I have come to understand that you people are not happy with the way I've programed Brawl. You think Metaknight's too broken, you hate tripping, and YOU HATE MY STAGES. I tried my best and this is how you repay me? You guys want and explination? I WAS HIGH, HAPPY NOW? I was high and MK came on me to me in my dreams and told me to make him good because we wuz mah baby. *pelvic thrust* YOU MUSHT RECOVAH! *shrill shriek*

*comes back from playing zero trip Brawl* Well, I hopez Sakuria didn't boar you guyz...

Agi continues driving after being stopped by the police. He realizez he needs some tunez to soba him up. He turns up the radio, and "I feel liek Makin' love plays". Agi informs us that dis iz da ****z and turns it up. He doesn't realize that he has gone out of the city and begins heading into the country. Agi sings and drinks some more choklit milk...then he hitz somethin. His slams his breaks and skids for a few feet. He laughs drunkenly and gets out of the car. He sees a moose on the street, and it's still alive. What's weird about this moose is that it's very small...and it has a yeller(yellow, lol) T-shirt. Agi stares over it for a few moments. They moose starts screaming "HELP ME, HELP ME! I'M JUST A LITTLE BOY!" but Agi's so drunk he's just gonna leave that talking moose on the road...

IT wakes up again in her room. Her leg is in a cast again and is always in severe pain. A knock is heard on the door. DS enters with a sad look on her face. IT feels a shiver down her spine when she sees DS. DS asks what happened as she looks at the cast. IT tells her that she has been wondering the same thing for a while. DS asks if IT think that the champagne had anything to do with it. IT responds that the nurses have told her she was on the floor, smelling of champagne....

Ep: 7
Hi there everyone =D! Sundance here, and boy do I have a story for you! I'm being sued :D! If you remember from last episode, I attacked my camera man and ended up killing him. I gave the body to Mendez (who dun made dawg food out of it), and hid all deh evidence. The Police done come to my house and find a bloody glove on mah property (=O)! So nao I'm in quite the Strawberry jam. I'll be to busy in courtz and what now so I'll have some guest hosts up...

Okayz evurywon, it be finally hure! The continuation of everyone's favorite show! We done last left StB in the ol' abandoned warehouse with MT. MT works as a referee in the dangerous sport of bear knuckle boxin. Let's re join him...

StB stares in awe of the two bears fightin. The bears both have trainers and boxing gloves stapled to their front paws. Suddenly one of the bears falls, ending the match. MT holds the winner, Murderoy's, front paw up in victory. The crowd cheers as the opponent, No John, is dragged out of the ring. StB notices that only a couple people have placed money on this fight, giving him an idea. He asks MT if anyone is in charge of bets, to which MT replies no. StB decides to start a betting parlor for the fights, which are seemingly popular wit da crowd....

Mendez stands empty eyed at the dawg food factrie. His job is to empty the horses into the furnace, where they become delicious food for puppies. A horse appears on the conveyer belt. "Kind sir, if you spare my life I shall grant you three wishes!" it says. Mendez looks up at the horse and smiles. He picks up the horse (YA RLY) and tosses it into the furnace. He looks at the clock, about three more hours till his shift is ovah. *3 hours and four minutes latah* Mendez is at home, trying to relax. He takes some medication that his doctor perscribed to him. What he doesn't know is that his "doctor" isn't a doctor at all, and that the pills are actually birth control and some estrogen pills. He takes them and sits down to watch some telly. He flips over some channels untill he suddenly freezez. KIBBLE(not dawg food) IS ON DA TELLY!
Ep: 8
*comes out dressed as vampire* GOOD EVENING. *reads cue card* I AM GOING TO SUCK! *reads next cue card* ...YOUR BLOOD. ......god dammit


"Cut him," said Warlord,"cut him deep, let the blood run." Josh obeyed, slowly letting the blade enter the skin. The basement was dimly lit, and smelled faintly of mold and cabbage. The blood began to drip from SmashbroMike's arm, and tainted Josh's fingers. Warlord drew closer, the sight of blood beckoned like the call of an old freind. He leaned in closer to Mike, who squirmed with horror. "I'm back, Mike..." whispered Warlord,"and you don't seem happy to see me you son of a *****." Josh chuckled as he laid down the used blade onto a small tray. "Open your mouth, Mikey-boy." said Warlord. Josh undid the handkercheif tied to Mike's mouth. Mike began to scream, he wails echoed through the basements but fell silent to the unforgiving grasp of darkness. A swift kick to the jaw by Warlord ended this. "Now, now, we shouldn't have screaming at a party should we?" Mike's face gushed with blood, the copper taste filled his mouth. "Ah, look at your teeth! They're just horrible! You don't seem to be taking good care of your teeth, Mike." said Josh. Mike spat at Warlord, who towered over him. The spit fell short of it's target, and fell innocuously on Warlord's shirt. Warlord smiled as he wiped it off, "It seems as though you have fallen victim to gingivitis, Mikey-boy." Warlord motioned Josh toward a small rusted box. "Gingivitis is awful stuff. My father lost his teeth to it." explained Warlord as Josh handed him a pair of pliers. "Luckily for you, I'm a dentist." Warlord then points at a large diploma, which,upon closer examination, reads: VOID IN CANADA. Warlord approaches Mike slowly, savoring his fear. He stands in front of Mike, and begins to inch the pliers closer.....
Ep: 9
*Takes out brawn bag* *Reaches in* *Takes out sandwich* *eats sandwich slowly*


The pliers inched closer to Mike, who tightly clamped his mouth shut. "Don't you wanna have nice teeth like mine, Mikey-boy?" asked Warlord. Warlord smiled, revealing a small speck of lettuce on his teeth. Josh, wanting to see Mike suffer, grabbed Mike's nose and held it tight. Mike's ozygen (Deliberately spelled ozygen.) has been cut off. Mike continued to hold his breath out of the fear of the pliers. Mike's lungs felt as though they would collapse, his body ached and he felt dizzy. Mike opened his mouth. As soon as Mike took in his breath, Warlord shoved in the pliers and began to look for a tooth. Mike's gag reflexes began too kick in as he jerked his his head uncontrollably. Warlord finally had a firm grip on a tooth, a big one. "Mikey-boy, this tooth is rotten! I need to get it out before it pollutes yer whole mouth!" screamed Warlord. Warlord tightened the grip of the pliers as Mike's muffled screams where drowned out by the sounds of Josh microwaving a pizza. With a powerful yank, Warlord held Mike's bloody tooth in his hands.

We all know the story by now. MasterWarlord and SmashbrosMike contunued on that way and the final movesets they were working on were never finished. They battled into the night. Spring turned to Summer, Summer to Fall, Fall to Winter. Centuries passed, then Millenia. Empires rose and fell, suns exploded. Cheif Mendez was assasinated and then re-born in Argentina. Thirty-eight years later, he died in infancy of cholera. But I digress...enough about our former friend who now walks the streets as a bizzare, half shadow-half man named "Tankra" who's only fear is the light and only joy the dark...but again, I digress...for as we all know to speak Tankra's name is to summon her awful presense. The movesets Master Warlord and SmashbrosMike were working on have, until today, gone unseen by human eye, unheard by human ear. But now, I give you those very movesets!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 9, 2008
Epic Ban for being online when you're supposedly "banned" from the internetz, and the mega awesome post of doom.
I know why you're allowed on, btw, no explanation needed.
EDIT: Why can't I make paragraphs anymore?


Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2001
Reviving myself.
Well, most people would likely tell you to cut out a big slice of cheese, but I strongly urge you DON'T do that, as it may cause unbalance in the universe and send us all packing back into prehistory. I recommend ignoring the fact that there is a wide variety of delicious cheeses around you, and suggest that you try to capture a moon beam instead. They're expendable. See if you can't get it back home and to a well-paid scientist before it perishes.


If, in one hand, I am holding a pound of feathers in a shoebox, and I want to hold a delicious Dairy Queen hamburger in the other hand, yet it's prosthetic due to a series of unfortunate events, how should I juggle the feathers and hamburger without veering into oncoming traffic?
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