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If this thread gets over 100,000 replies...

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Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2006
The Netherlands, Venlo
I'll bet 1 on Ganon.

Btw, more matchups: Samus vs Cpt. Falcon (both bounty hunters), two people from the same universe against each other (Mario vs Luigi, Roy vs Marth, Mewtwo vs Jiggly etc.), Kirby vs Jiggly, DK vs Bowser.


Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2006
By the way, I'm tied with Lowroad with five points... i'm not in second.

I'll bet 2 on Ganon

I'd like to have Ness vs. Y. Link (both kids) and Pikachu vs. C Falcon (I think it'll be interesting)


Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2006
Heal only Great Bay


Pokemon Stadium (39)
Corneria (30)
Fountain of Dreams (30)
Dream Land 64 (23)
Green Greens (20)
Kongo Jungle 64 (19)
Princess Peach's Castle (18)
Rainbow Cruise (16)
Yoshi's Island (15)
Jungle Japes (15)
Mushroom Kingdom II (15)
Great Bay (15)
Yoshi's Island 64 (14)
Fourside (14)
Battlefield (5)

Brinstar Depths-16th
Yoshi's Story-17th
Kongo Jungle-18th
Mushroom Kingdom-20th
Onett- 21st
Big Blue- 22nd
Flat Zone - 23rd
Poke Floats - 24th
Hyrule Temple - 25th
Mute City - 26th
Venom - 27th
Icicle Mountain - 28th
Final Destination - 29th


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Fire Emblem Mafia - Game OVER!!! Town wins!

Don't join if you don't have the time and effort!!!

Ok, that was so this game is not screwed up by inactive people. Now, the rules. I ripped this from South Park mafia. Stuff I added is red.

The Rules

Here's a fun link for you guys! It's a flash tutorial, and it's pretty cool. I'd check it out if you still don't completely understand how the game works.

If you have never played mafia before, I recommend visiting the following links.
Newbie Guide

I'm going to steal the ruleset from Drab, but I won't actually quote him since I will make some changes. But, I'm giving credit to him here. Even if you played/are playing in SSBMafia, please read through the rules to note the changes.

How about this rule: NO SWEARING. Bahamut edited out some curse words, so continued violation of this rule could result in consequences beyond the scope of this game. But that's not in my hands, however.

In Mafia, there is a certain number of players, divided into two main groups: the Town, and the Mafia. If you are a member of the town, you win if, at any point, all non-town members are dead. If you are a member of the Mafia, you win if the Mafia ever comprises a majority of the remaining players. (For example, if there are three mafia members and two town members left, the mafia wins.) If you are neither town nor mafia, your winning conditions should be explained in the PM I send you. The way you go about winning is simple: you kill off people you don't like.

Here's how it works:

Each game 'day' is divided into day and night. During the day, players post in the thread, trying to decide which members of the town are really members of the mafia. BUT YOU CANNOT EDIT YOUR POSTS AT ANY TIME! Please post carefully! Each player gets one vote per day, and whenever one player has a majority of the town's votes, that player is lynched by the town, and is eliminated. Votes look like this:

Vote: camo-man

Please bold your votes.

If later, you decide to change your vote, post this:

Unvote: camo-man

During the day, the town tries to decide who is acting like a mafioso, and debates about who to lynch. However, the mafia will try to mislead the town into lynching a town member instead.

Each day lasts until one player is lynched. After a player is lynched, the day ends, and it becomes night. No player may post in the thread during the night. EDIT: However, "twilight" posting is allowed. This is posting after someone is lynched, but before I post the deathscene and declare it night. During the night, the mafia chooses one player to hit, and will PM me their choice. That player is killed, and eliminated. Also during the night, some players may have night abilities (detailed after the game begins. If they wish to use these, they PM me with their actions during the night).

There are two night abilities which are part of every mafia game and they are the Doctor and the Cop.

Each night, the doctor selects one player to protect (other than himself). That player cannot be killed during the night, either by the mafia hit, or by any other night abilities. The cop chooses one player to investigate. The next morning, the cop will learn whether that player is aligned to the town, or not.

Players with beneficial night abilities like this would be best to keep them secret, so as not to become instant nightkill targets for the mafia. Therefore, it's usually best to keep your abilities secret for at least the first portion of the game.

After all night abilities have been received, the next day will begin. I will post in the thread the obvious results of the night actions, such as who was killed and whether they were mafia or town; however, I will not tell you who killed who. The point of the game is figuring out who, after all.

Also, no outside communication is allowed by town members. The mafia, however, can communicate with other mafia members via PM, e-mail, or whatever. The mafia knows who is in the mafia and who is in the town, but each town member is ignorant of what alignment anyone has except themselves.

Play continues in this day/night sequence until either side's victory condition is met, at which point the game is over.

Remember, this will be a rather long-term game, so if you won't be able to commit some time to this game, please, don't sign up. If you sign up, but for some reason will be away for more than a 48 hour period (and still wish to play), please post in the thread approximately how long you will be gone for.

There are also independants, which I tell them their goal.

Ok, so now I'll list out some specific rules, etc. And from now on, it's my added stuff.
1: You can't, under any circumstance, quote any PMs from me.
2: You can't edit any post.
3: You can't communicate outside the game about this game unless otherwise told to.
4: Don't post when I say "Dont' post."
5: Don't swear.
6: Don't diss or disagree with the mod of the game.

That's all I can think of for now. Now, the penalties. Everybody starts with 3 "good" points. When you violate rules, their penalty value is deducted. When you hit zero, you're modkilled and the game moves into night.

Rule # | # of penalty points
1 | 3
2 | 2
3 | 3
4 | 2
5 | 1
6 | Instant death
These rules are so everybody can enjoy the game.

Now, for some of Baha's rules. THESE ARE REALLY IMPORTANT!!!

1) There is a modkill waiting for someone who does not post after a random number of days, unknown to you. After that amount of days, ranging from 4-7, if you don't post and you don't have a reasonable excuse, such as vacation, you will get modkilled at the beginning of the day, when I go on. If there are available "much needed replacements", I will replace that person with one instead.

2) The days have no deadlines as long as there is good discussion going on. If it starts to die out, I will make a deadline.

There, those are the ones concerning you guys.

Since each mafia game has had some unique differences, I thought I should make mine a bit different too, by adding weapons.

For those of you unfamiliar to Fire Emblem, there are 5 weapons: swords, lances, axes, magic, and bows. The swords, lances, and axes are direct combat weapons. Swords beat axes, axes beat lances, and lances beat swords. If you are a sword user and are attacked by a lance user, then you die. However, if you are attacked by an axe user, you live through the attack.

Indirect weapons (magic and bows) are different. Bows can kill anything, but the wielder can also be killed by anything. Also, the bows, because of accuracy problems, could miss. Magic can also kill anything but magic unless there's a certain condition.

Then, there are flying mounted people. They automatically have 50% doding abilities, but if fired upon by an arrow, they instantly die.

Well, that's all I can think of right now. You can start signing up now. (Sorry for the long, long read.) Please alert me if you can't understand something or there's a mistake/contradiction.

1) Bahamut - lynched Day 9(clueless powerhouse)
2) ZMan - modkilled Night 8 (naive cop)
3) Ronike (replaced Duke Night 1) - killed Night 5 (random uber blocker)
4) Radnortuws - killed Night 7 (chancy cop)

5) Lance87 - lynched Day 6 (roleblocker)
6) Eorlingas - committed suicide, Night 1 (godfather)

7) thedocsalive - killed, Night 1 (cop)
8) pezaddict - struck by lightning, Day 6 (tracker)

9) falcoX - lynched Day 3 (SK)
10) ixnayonthehombre - beheaded, Night 6 (converter)
11) frozenflame751 (replaced GotMink Day 5) - lasted to end (archer)
12) frozenflame751 - killed, Night 1 (vig)
13) Marshigio (replaced chara who was replacing chill before game started) - lasted to end (tactical switcher)
14) SideEffect001 - lynched Day 5 (lynch doctor)
15) ligolski - lasted to end (royal rule-breaker)
16) Skylink - killed, Night 1 (doctor)
17) karshkin - killed, Night 2 (roleblocker)
18) tails3535 (replaced Riciardos Night 3)-lynched Day 4 (role thief/mason)

19) Okurama - lynched Day8 (beserker)
20) Chill (replaced agentli Day 4) - killed, Night 4 (voteblocker)

21) Ih8jamesbond - smited, Day 7 (freezer)
22) TahjMach - shot, Night 6 (tracker)

23) Sinz - lynched Day 7 (archer)
24) chara8hellokitty (replaced SoUV Day 2) - modkilled Day 2 (vote thief/mason)

Much needed replacements:

They're called much needed replacements to make them feel better. Being second string sucks. (How would you like it if I called you "alt of camo-man"?

EDIT:New rule. Nights can't take more than 5 days. Those who haven't sent in their roles by then will be skipped. Too bad so sad, as my teachers tell me. Unless you have an excuse. Then remind me.

Day 1
No lynch

Night 1

After a fast dinner, Skylink goes outside for a walk. He looks into his pocket and says, "Hey! Who stole my lord's crest that grants passage to anywhere in the castle?" Eorlingas walks out from behind the shadows and impales him with his lance.

"Not me....."he says. "What the? This isn't Skylink! This is thedocsalive!" It's true.... Eorlingas mistook thedocsalive for Skylink! thedocsalive was Eirika, town-aligned sibling/cop.

Seeing his sister, Eirika, dead on the floor, snaps Erolingas out of his insanity. "No... what have I done?" he says. Then, he impales himself. Eorlingas was Ephriam, mafia-aligned godfather/sibling.

Then, a person runs up and smashes the remains of thedocsalive. "What the? What am I doing here?" he says, after the deed was done.

Elsewhere, the real Skylink is taking a walk. Behind him, he suddenly hears a monstrous crashing. He flees in panic, but it's no use. He is burned waist-down. He looks up, and he sees his protection spell he cast on thedocsalive come flying towards him. "Hmmm.... that's strange...." he says. "But, that means it's my lucky day!" Unfortunately, when it got to Skylink, tendrils of darkness wrapped around the barrier of the spell and the shield shattered. The dragon took another breath and roasted Skylink. He was Mist, town-aligned docter.

The dragon, after making it's kill, transforms into frozenflame751. "What the?" he says.... "He looked like thedocsalive just a moment ago...." Then, he hears a sword being drawn and then felt himself being tore apart by a super-fast enemy. frozenflame751 was Ninian, town-aligned vigilante.

Somewhere else, there was a person trying to hit ZMan. "Darn. I missed!" he says. ZMan goes about on whatever he was doing, unaware that someone tried to shoot him.

On the other side of the castle, ligolski was walking through the gardens when suddenly, a cold blast of wind blows by and freezes him. ligolski can't vote or talk today.

Day 2
Modkilled chara

Night 2

Karshkin was hiding behind a bush when suddenly, an arrow appears. It misses. "Darn it!" he heard.

"What the? Who's there?" Then from behind, he hears something big trampling through the trees and bushes. karshkin realizes he's in danger and throws up a magic shield to ward off any magic. *SLASH!* A sword cleaves him in half and he dies. A loud roar is heard and then all is silent again. karshkin was Athos, town-aligned roleblocker.

Then, huge wings are heard beating and then ZMan is picked up by a giant wyvern. It's rider says..."What the?! This isn't lance87!" ZMan is voteblocked today.

On the other side of the castle, ligolski was walking through the gardens when suddenly, a cold blast of wind blows by and freezes him. ligolski can't vote. After 3 days, his face thaws out and he can talk.

Day 3
Lynched falcoX

Night 3

As Rad prepares to go to sleep after a long night, an arrow suddenly zips over his head and spears his pillow. He hears, "Darn it! Missed!" He looks outside, but his assailant is nowhere to be seen.

Out on the castle grounds, agentli decided to sit down for a bit and enjoy the view. It was so peaceful that he dozed off slightly. Just when that happened, a wyvern picks him up by the shoulders and carries him away. agentli is voteblocked today

At the same time, an axe-weilding man charges while screaming "Death to ZMan!" But it was not ZMan, it was ligolski! ligolski draws a sword and parries the blow. Seeing he has no chance of killing him, the axeman runs away.

Day 4
Lynched tails3535

Night 4

Chill was at the top of the castle, feeding his wyvern. "Eat up. You're going to have to get lots of energy to kidnap Marshigio....." He chuckles evily.

Then arrows shoot out from a nearby window..... nad pierce the wyvern and Chill in the heart! "Auggghh..." says Chill. And he dies. Chill was Cormag, mafia-aligned voteblocker.

Elsewhere, Bahamut was reading his book. Then the room became pitch black and he felt himself being choked to death..... but a powerful wave of energy sweeps the choking magic away and the darkness lifted..... Bahamut is still alive. "How'd that happen?" he says.

Day 5
Lynched SideEffect001

Night 5

"HAAAAAAA!!!!" shouts Ronike, as he charges up for a special move. Pshew, goes the move. "Yes! My Aether skill finally activated.... now to look for Ih8jamesbond...." So Ronike finds bond and hits him twice.... Bond is now roleblocked for 1 more night and voteblocked for 2 days.

"Hm. Now I can get a good night sleep........ --Waaaaaaaah!" Suddenly, a rope of darkness grabs him by the foot and drags him into a bush, where he is suffocated. Ronike was Ike, town aligned random super blocker.

"What the hell? That's not ligolski! That's Ronike!" says the attacker....

Then, the archer prepares another shot.... *fwit!* goes the arrow.... and .... misses TahjMach, the intended target. "Meh, Whatever. " the archer says.

Day 6
Lynched Lance87, pezaddict got struck by LIGHTNING!!!

Night 6
I'm lazy. Sue me.

Day 7
Lynched Sinz. And lightning stuck Ih8jamesbond.


Smash Lord
Dec 19, 2005
You get a pez dispenser.

*inserts coin*

(btw armygeddon bomb, I think I submitted the avatar you're using)


Sep 7, 2003
El Paso, TX
Screw you. :p

camo-man and I talked, and I'm extending the first day to 96 hours. I just don't want the first day to last forever. At the rate mafia games are going now, the Internet will be out of style before we see the end of the list.
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