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IDAHO Smash Thread


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Yo I'd be willing to pay like $20 in gas money if anybody wants to come pick me up so we can smash this coming weekend.
I've been really anticipating playing some Idahoans.
Not much competition on this base but I'm training a couple people and they're coming along nicely so hopefully I can get some more active smashers in the Idaho circuit.
My # is (940)232-0542 just give me a call or text me if you could pick me up.
Thanks peace.

What day would you like to do this. Also, how long could you stay? I can throw something at my house on Friday night, like a pre-touney smashfest. (how do you feel other W. Idahoans) If I picked you up on friday, you could stay untill Saturday or Sunday. If not, There is a tourney Saturday at 5:00pm, but it would be very tight if i picked you up.

Best plan of action would be I would pick you up on Friday around 6:30 (I get off work at 5:30), and we start a smash fest at 7:30 at my place. Idaho isn't too active, but we can get as many as we can :). Then, we can chill and do what I have planned on Saturday, go to the tourney Saturday (hopefully we can get them to do singles and not FFA), and then you can make a decision on Staying Saturday or Sunday.

Its up to you though. :) Let me know, I'll talk and plan it out, and try and call you tonight.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Gimme money for a train ride over there and I will attend any tournament you want. ;^D
OR smashers are some of the poorest, so spending our penny jar's contents getting there might not be covered by the prize money if we do win.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Okay kids, I'm holding a SmashFest at my place at 7:30. PM me if you are going to make it. PitchD is coming, so bring your best game W. Idaho. Call me at 921-7832 if you need directions.

I'm trying to make this as big as I can in my small apartment. :) byoc, and if anyone can bring an extra TV it would be nice. Already have a few people lined up, but more would be nice.

I know there is a tourney tomorrow, but if you guys need to train..(hopefully it isn't FFA.. :( ) friday is the last time to do it.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Alright, Idaho, listen up!

Super Smash Bros. Brawl = one-time shot at a new, thriving smash community in Idaho

Idaho is a painfully desolate state with little activity as far as smash is concerned. I see SSBB as a golden opportunity to rejuvenate our community and start a little smash fire. I am open to any other ideas, but here is my battle plan:

First off, I want to build a web site just for Idaho. This web site would contain an active list of upcoming smashfests and tournaments. Obviously, it may have to be broken into two pieces (east and west), but that is beside the point. The point is not everyone is oh-so-giddy about signing up for a Smashboards account. On top of how much work that takes, people run into the nightmare of having to FIND the blasted Idaho threads (and usually end up creating a new one which ends up getting locked or neglected). It would be much much nicer to just have a central location where people could visit to see what is going on.

Alright, the second step is a bit more tricky. Basically, if I do get this web site built, it needs to be properly advertised. So, here is my idea: we should have a few hundred business cards printed off with the web site URL and something simple on it like this: "Looking for people to smash with? Visit this site!" We then visit local game vendors and make them a deal. If they agree to pass out one card with every copy of SSBB sold, we will post their store details onto the web site, thus marking them as a sponsor. We could even reassure them that the site would be completely non-profit (and it will be). Obviously, this might not fly with the bigger stores (Best Buy, Circuit City, etc.), but we might be able to pull it off at places like EB Games, GameStop, GameCrazy, etc.

Before I add a thousand more details... Any thoughts on this? Does it sound feasible?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2007
Man, Buzz that is like a stroke of genius. I remember how long and hard it was for me to find the Idaho smash community.

As for the Play N Trade there was a really big tournout! I got 5th which is about what I'd expected after not playing with humans for a really really long time! Sephiroth I'm assuming you were the white sheik? We played in the loser bracket Semi Finals and you were really good. I was off my game but w/e we need to practice some time. By the end of the night I was actually doing good again.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
I got 2nd. My matches with PitchD were the longest, most epic matches ever... one match on FD had 17 seconds left =/. That is, they were until the second set when everyone wanted to go home and I was playing like ****. Those weren't entertaining.

Sephiroth M, I played you once. I was the guy with the ripped jeans and the cream colored shirt with the blue girl on it... I think I went Falco and Marth against you.

Oh yeah, and I like your idea Buzz.

Oh yeah, and everyone pre-order Brawl at the Play'n'Trade on Overland. They'll do a midnight release if enough people do =D!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2007
Sweet I'll pre order it. Gnos I never got to play you that sucks. Oh well we can practice sometime eh? I need you to make me better. Please dont base my skills off of what you saw against that luigi. I knowing I'm making excuses but I was not on my game.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Good job geno. Aso to you sephiroth m. You too skary kid. I got a coupe of people numbers. hope we get more people interested. I got 5th by the way too...kinda disappointed.....Shouda used my main....but didnt... :) excuses excuses..... It was fun...but way way way too long....

Buzz...way way better than my calendar idea. This will take advertising though. I like the overall idea with sponsers. This can be taken to the next level with us actually hosting the tournies at these places, or helping the owners with them. This could have an increased volume in tournies around the area. Don't forget BSU...there are bullitens that can be posted everywhere. When school starts, I will look into that.

To add on some details, It could display tourney results, up and comming smash stuff like you said...maybe even rankings..(east, west, or most likely Idaho as a whole, like a top 10....or 5...). It can have a bio of smashers, etc.

If you need help making the site look pretty...I'll try. I'm kinda familiar with html, c, c++, and java. (I'm a year away from an EE degree)

(sorry i have no l button....so my vocab is very selective because I dont want to push ctrl+v everytime I want an l).


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Like I said, it is a one-shot deal. We have to score when the copies are actually sold! If we miss that, good luck gathering up the lost remnants. We have until December to figure this out and execute a plan.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Like I said, it is a one-shot deal. We have to score when the copies are actually sold! If we miss that, good luck gathering up the lost remnants. We have until December to figure this out and execute a plan.
Well, that is 4 months away, we have a long time. I mean we, because I'd like to help out a little. This will take more than one person. Going face to face with owners will help the chances of spreading the word, So I'd have no problem with traveling around boise/meridian/eagle. If it gets done right, Idaho will be put on the map. Anyway, If you need any input or idea's, PM and we can talk it out. :lick:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2005
Mountain Home, ID
Well I'm already experienced in networking in Texas cause I was pretty much the monarch people went through to set **** up there.
Getting Brawl to become a big hit is not the problem.
The only problem is to get people to get technical early.
And the problem with THAT is it took over 2 years for them to find every technical theory and bring it to face value for the mainstream pro smash community.
Many ways to go about such things is to hold month or weekly STDs (smash till dawn) to get together and figure alot of technicals out quickly so we can start networking with the local Lan and gaming centers to run it up.
Also in about a months time they will have official rulings for Brawl that we can implament throughout the centers so we can eleviate the problem of crappy rules.
You also have to think that the centers will hold Brawl tournies at least 2 weeks after it comes out so not everyone will be good at that time and official rules won't really be needed.
Only difference between Brawl and Melee is that people actually understand there are more advanced ways to play in games like this and we have to get others to understand this while it's early so we create a better populous of Smashers in Idaho later.
I'm willing to get on as soon as Brawl is out.

Sephiroth M

Smash Apprentice
Jul 10, 2007
Marsing, ID
Scarykid almost went Falco when i picked IC's against his sheik. We ended up doing a sheik ditto, which was like facing dark link on OoT. ( A.K.A, pretty good)

Geno, you are very good, since i couldn't take more than 1-2 stock off of you. SHL :dizzy:
Anyone else suffer a defeat by geno?


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Buzz's ambition makes the rest of us jealous X^)
Can you print some business cards up for Oregon, heh heh.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2007
Hey anyone up for practicing either thursday or friday? I'm completely open all day both of those days. As for a location. Play N Trade Meridian was pretty well stocked at the tournament so maybe we could talk to them. If not then I could try and make it to someones house. Keyword=Try


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
So, who all is coming on the 18th? I have housing if you want to come Friday or whatnot.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2005
Mountain Home, ID
Yo Knuttz and myself were definitely thinking about going if you want to lodge us up for the night seeing that it's a 4 hour drive to Rexburg from Boise.
Hit me up on aim.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2007
Wow so it looks like I am actually going to Rexburg. Can I hitch a ride with anyone?


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Wow so it looks like I am actually going to Rexburg. Can I hitch a ride with anyone?
Hey, contact Me or Gnois......Same with you BattIeChrist if you are in boise.

W. Boise...we might have to take two cars with the peope coming. Can I confirm everyone coming? Me, PitchD, SkaryKid (if he gets a ride), BC (If he gits a ride and is in boise), Gnosis, The ChancIr.
Anyone eIse coming or want to come from boise/nampa


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2007
I was Duke. I tried to go Marth against your Fox on Yoshi story even though I don't play Marth, shyeah no johns. Also, during warm ups I ***** you in Falcon dittos but I later learned you don't even play him. I was the guy with the fo-hawk.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I can probably make it if someone picks me up in IF otherwise no i can't make it. when does it get over because i also have work at 5.
I could pick you up if you really needed the ride.


Smash Rookie
Aug 2, 2005
Idaho Falls
So Buzz, you met me at EB a week or so ago. I like your idea about brawl and the cards. I am a supervisor at Circuit City and I could tlk everyone into hadning out those cards. As for the 18th, I work and won't be able to get the day off. Anyways, let me know when you want to get together to discuss the cards and everything


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Yes...post the results so i know who to watch out for...
Here are the results from sugar poultry...buzzes wife.

Here are the results from "THE THIRD REX" Tournament.

1st - AHottGreasedUP Jiggly-Puff 4 Lovin' (utach)
2nd - Qraq (W. Idaho)
3rd - BattleChrist (W. idaho)
4th - Knuttz (W. Idaho)
5th - The Buzz Saw (E. idaho)
6th - Xsyven (utah)
7th - Casture (belive E. Idaho)
8th - Sugar Poultry (E. Idaho)
9th - Josh (Belive E. Idaho)

1st - Xsyven & AHottGreasedUP Giggly-Puff 4 Lovin'
2nd - Qraq & Knuttz
3rd - BattleChrist & Casture
4th - The Buzz Saw & Sugar Poultry

Watch out for all these guys sephiroth M. Compared to the game place tourney a couple week ago. per person, the talent was way better. I personally played better, wasn't so nervous.

P.S. BattleChrist....I hate your Edge shine with your fox....and I HATE dying at 30-40 percent (with even jiggly puff), but its a learning experience....Also, let me know when you are in the dorms....I'll try to get something together before school starts or during school. you are literally 5 minutes from me...plus, since you are a student...your invited to come to the football games with me when I go..(just make sure to get your student ticket!
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