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IDAHO Smash Thread


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Networking Farewell....

So I'm still deciding, but I don't know if I want to help network crap anymore. I still made this group...


For the networking of Idaho and brawl.... I can see the frustration BC and Buzz have had for years. 11 people....with 40+ both confirmed and unconfirmed...I guess I just assumed too much with people going...with OOS ditching at the last second...etc...and we gave 3 weeks in advance and made sure it was during NO tourneys...which people eventually just made one.. :( .....it really doesn't make me want to play smash anymore...Seriously...

You see...I'm not concerned about being the "best"...I like to be good, but it doesn't get me down if people get better than me...No, my main concern is getting Idaho on the map, hosting elaborate large scale tournaments , hosting smashfests...etc. So, my ego took one hopefully not but most likely fatal blow today. We called EVERYONE on the confirmed list(except dom...he had military stuff...actual legit stuff), In Idaho, and no one would pick up their phone, Utah pussed out, cause we would **** them...Oregon...don't know wtf happened to that, especiallly that some said, oh yeah, we'd come if Idaho made a tourney....Washington..makes their own **** tourney...and basically NO ONE showed up...11 people...which fvckin 6 of them are in MY small group that I smash with once or twice a week...You guys have NO idea on how much Jailene and I put into this...Just to get a super ****ty tourney....Face it, everything ever held in Idaho will NEVER be big....I thought I could make a change...I have for somethings...but have not reached my goal at all...BTW...my goal with all the advertising I did was 30...

but my ONE question is....

is anyone even serious about smash anymore?

It only seems like Gnosis, BC, Qraq, Tate (when he has time) , Jailene(w/networking) and I am serious, with some semi serious guys, like kinx, Lemon, turtlehoop, alch....?

This is my vent,...I'm debating leaving all together, but that would make 8 months of my life....wasted..so...for know on if you have a smashfest at my house..thank jailene for it...not me...If jailene ever decides to throw another tourney, I will not do anything...If there are no more smashfests or tourneys...make your own Idaho...Invite me..but I won't put one together...

So Idaho, help boost my ego... maybe I'll get back into it....maybe I won't stop..but as a community..it all rests in your hands....

AlCheMisT amari

Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
hi, ive been off this for a while.
btw, can u change alch to Alchemist on the front page please.
my character selection has changed a little bit too, from best to worst top three: Marth, Ness, Yoshi. if you wanna change that one the front too u can put it like Marth, Ness/Yoshi.

Idk if anyone on here is making it to tomorrow's ... thing, but im gonna make it. if anyone can make it that would be great since i've only played you once.

--- AlCheMisT :yoshi:


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Knuttz, I wanted to go. You have no idea. I was hardcore ready to bring people to play, but debate districts is a priority I've had for months. I couldn't ditch my partner, and I'll definently make more when debate is over, which in 2 weeks is the last tournament. I talked to you a couple nights ago, last night I think, and I know the feeling you put into it. I know probably some of the things I said were coming across kind of negative, but it wouldn't stop me from showing up, even to get *****.

I even showed up to a Smashfest, even if it was only for a few hours, when I went to a yugioh regional the same day. :(


Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2007
Pothole, Idaho
The tourney blew balls. I'm n agreement with knuttz on this one. I'm serious about smash......just finding a job for me at the moment is a tad more important.

I guess i'm pissed because i kicked my boyfriend's dad out of his house so that we could have a space to smash.....and no one showed the fvck up! Knuttz didn't really mention this because i just told him i would get the house. It took me two weeks to convince his dad and their landlord to use the house. And what the fvck did we get? The usual group and 4 people who we've never met.

But whatever i guess. What's done is done. I guess Frankiefreakshow and i will take over for knuttz. We'll start arranging tourneys, smashfests and ****


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
turtlehoop, i don't think he was pointing any fingers at you. Don't be so quick to jump the gun just because he forgot to mention your name ;)

and half the vids are already up and the rest are uploading as i speak. If only most of them weren't just knuttz and BC. oh well it could be worse.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Ouch. This is rough. I know exactly how you feel, Knuttz. I remember back in my tournament hosting days, we'd have dozens of confirmed players disappear without a word. They would post their apologies days later with random excuses. I am glad I was at least honest from the beginning about sugarpoultry and I being unable to attend. That would have only added to the disappointment had we suddenly backed down too.

I don't know if it has anything to do with Idaho itself, but this state certainly does have difficulty rallying decent game communities together. With Brawl right around the corner, there may be hope yet as many more people join the scene. However, everyone else's scenes will grow that much more, and Idaho will continue to be low tier. :(

Knuttz, I'm sorry this whole event turned against you and damaged your will to keep going. I completely understand if you feel that it is no longer worth it. You are a way cool guy, and I hope to see you again the future at a smash event. I imagine you put much work into this tournament only to be betrayed by everyone.

Hopefully, we can start again when Brawl comes out. Even if everyone loses the will to travel, we should both build out communities up as best we can and then have periodic online East vs West crew battles!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
Ya I've had some busted tournaments too in Texas even.
Just press on ya know.
Brawl coming out soon so we'll train up on that.
It'll be sure to usher in more idiots to pummel =).



Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
So Idaho, help boost my ego... maybe I'll get back into it....maybe I won't stop..but as a community..it all rests in your hands....
I kind of know where you're coming from.
I was "thinking" of quiting smash when I came to Idaho.
But I pressed on cause I like the game that much and thought I'd create or find a smash community here.
It's a love of the game and the people you play it with.
And these kind of competitive games always have their OOS and lying scrubs you just got to deal.
I shouldn't have to tell you this and you shouldn't need people to keep you into the game


But it's always good to have =)


P.S To OOS: Good job tools =)


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho

He did mention my name, but I was just pointing out the fact that I was stuck with other **** at the wrong times. I was more or less trying to make him feel better :$


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
This is part of the reason I turned to programming. I decided I would rather contribute to the whole community at once instead of grapple with the dying Idaho communities. When Brawl comes out (officially), I'm sure we'll see more players express competitive interest.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
I'd like to say thanks guys...I've just gotten sick...which makes me angry cause i never get sick, and you guys have helped out...alot...especially you guys who have had a tourney flop like mine...and with brawl only a couple weeks away, I'll give it another shot.....Anyone who knows me knows...

a. It takes ALOT to get me upset...
b. I'm VERY easy to convince...
c. When push comes to shove...I never give up...I try harder...

Which is why I'm trying to centralize some things....to help out....We can do smashboards, AND allisbrawl...Buzz, this is pretty much like your idea of a centeral Idaho site...and since we didn't do it...AllisBrawl works perfect..If we centralize Idaho in one group on this site, it will help spread the word around...Its easier to network.....also, it makes people know who is really part of the Idaho group..:)..I know we will get quite a few people once brawl comes out...Advertise Advertise Advertise.....

Here is the link to the Idaho group..please make yourself a part of this group:EVERYONE PleASE do this...

And I think I have a good idea on who are serious players...organizers..and casual players in Idaho...So we will have a fresh start...say bye to melee (one last tourney for me), and hello to brawl...Buzz, since your in E. Idaho, try to direct some people you know to that group... :)...
Thanks again everyone for the help...its now time for me to do a paper....

P.S. To Zarwinki's Group...I hope we didn't scare you away...you guys are good for not playing anyone in the compeditive scene...stick with us..join the idaho smash group....and play with us. :)


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
battle christ
its on

come to the jiggs its a bigger tournie then any of idahos
LoL Could you make anymore of an obvious statement?
And your ego outweighs your skill on that notion you will lose.
Ill put $10 on BC (the real one) whenever you play him.



Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
M3sm3r1ze you're seriously the first I've ever heard out of Montana, so that's great. Since you didn't make it to the tourney, you guys got any vids??

edit: This avatar! I love it!


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
So, i'm about ready to publicly chastise the Chubbick tourney...More and mroe it pisses me off...Being sick makes me mad, which makes me mad at people...I'm trying to get things changed, but if it doesn't, which it may not....I'll dedicate a WHOLE THREAD to the making fun of the rules of the tournament. I think the nation would have a hoot making fun of the ruleset. :)

P.S. I say thing I may regret when I'm sick....and tired...and busy all the time... :( ...but **** **** **** ****....come on...Here are the rules....for real...

Game Rules:
-3 Stock (8 Min Time)
-All Stages On and Random
-Items Off
-Friendly Fire Off
-No switching characters (stay your character the whole tourney)
-Glitches are forbidden!! No Glitches at all! This includes no Wavedashing and etc. strategic moves!

somebody please stop me and my rampages....


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
wow that is pretty whack, especially since most of you guys wave dash without thinking and etc. strategic moves. Does this mean that you are only allowed to walk up to the opponent and punch and can't run away cause that could be considered strategic. I see some very boring battles about to take place.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
lol no friendly fire can you say double falco or smaus haha....... does this mean no edge hogging.
Well double Falco wouldn't be much.
No gayser
No shine canceling
No double shine
No pillar

So basically it's a marth and peach tourney lol


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
Well the gaysers use glitchy lag-cancel on landing, unless you wanna stand there and do it, the next two both use jump-cancel glitches, and the last one uses the most dreaded glitch of all, l-cancel.

Unless by shine-cancel he meant jumping out of shine then it's not a glitch... maybe to Chubbuck though.

edit: Also, check out the allisbrawl group, I found interesting Brawl tourney info??


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
This is for you Espy, Running a tournament like this will more or less get you branded by the Idaho Smash community as the worst smasher ever............. Now thats saying something when the IDAHO SMASH COMMUNITY is calling you that.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Good stuff, who is going to what? Dom and i still are going to chubbick....and we want to take gnosis and BC...its teams...and we will get ourselves a copy of brawl. I dont like the no wavedashing...I so propose the most boring last match when we win brawl...we will all just kill ourselves...yeah....it will ruin the promotional aspect because their radio station is there. What an end to melee....the winners win by trying to kill themselves.....Yes, i'm ruthless...
Also, I kinda want to contact their radio station to persuade them not to come..But....that may be going too far...


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
So do first and second both get Brawl then??

Also fvck it you should call the radio station and tell them not to go....... this tournament is a joke with a good prize lol.
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