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IDAHO Smash Thread


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
The worst **** that could ever happen to me ****in happened........ MY IPOD IS ALL ****ED UP :mad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It froze last night so i reset it but it was out of power so i hocked that ***** up to my compute and went to be i woke up this morning and it han notheing on it so i was like WTF:mad:..... I then tried to put all my **** back on and then started getting ready for school. After i was ready i checked to see how much of my music i got on it and it said it was done so i looked at it for like 5 seconds and knew something was wrong because somehow it turned all 27ish gigs of my music into like 1 so i looked at the list of music and it only put on two artists so i tried to put all my **** on again and it was all like "hmm well you can just go ahead and suck on de enda my d!ck n!gga!!!!" and didn't put anything else on so i don't know what the fvck im going to do now that i don't really have any music. I'll probably go mother fvcking crazy and stab someone or something like that so ya this is now the worst day ever........ To give you a grasp on how bad this is for me think of taking crack away from a crack head or like meth from a meth addict cuz im fvcking addicted to music like i fvcking need that **** to get my fix :urg:.


Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2007
Pothole, Idaho
God i hope that doesn't happen to my ipod. I'll pissed off like a mother ****er!!! That thing is like my life....it's kinda sad but it's true!

The worst **** that could ever happen to me ****in happened........ MY IPOD IS ALL ****ED UP :mad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It froze last night so i reset it but it was out of power so i hocked that ***** up to my compute and went to be i woke up this morning and it han notheing on it so i was like WTF:mad:..... I then tried to put all my **** back on and then started getting ready for school. After i was ready i checked to see how much of my music i got on it and it said it was done so i looked at it for like 5 seconds and knew something was wrong because somehow it turned all 27ish gigs of my music into like 1 so i looked at the list of music and it only put on two artists so i tried to put all my **** on again and it was all like "hmm well you can just go ahead and suck on de enda my d!ck n!gga!!!!" and didn't put anything else on so i don't know what the fvck im going to do now that i don't really have any music. I'll probably go mother fvcking crazy and stab someone or something like that so ya this is now the worst day ever........ To give you a grasp on how bad this is for me think of taking crack away from a crack head or like meth from a meth addict cuz im fvcking addicted to music like i fvcking need that **** to get my fix :urg:.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Ya it's mine to lol... it does this gay **** now like it will freeze and then use up all it power even if the back-light isn't on so i'm always just like WTF?!?!?!?!? Ya i did it today when i was playing but i played like 2 or 3 matches so when i looked at it it was all out of power and hot as a *****......... didn't say anything about it today but thats cuz i get to mad to care when i play Brandon :mad:.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
OOOO it's a double post

This is my second double post today to put a thread on top cuz i don't want to wait and it's also the second one ever i've done knowing i was doing it.......

Ya so anyway Peach masta wants us to go to the jigs on march 1st which looks like it's going to be a really good tournament so i think we should get a car going. I already know brandon can't go and i don't think Tate can go him also being in his last year at BSU but there are a few other i know have cars and could maybe drive. Lets start with you mt. home people i know one of you have a car and know people in OR so if you could be so bad@ss and drive that would be the ****. Gnosis i know you don't think your car can make it but it can so you should think about driving. Felix i've hear you are a good driver and i don't think you'll see this but hey you know what i'm going to ask you anyways, you should drive.

Now if OR doesn't come to our tournament than i wouldn't worry to much about this one cuz that kinda the deal i told to Peach Masta but either way I would still like to go so you guys i mentioned earlier should still think about being cool and driving.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
whoa BC i still got 2 maybe 2 1/2 years left but ya i can't go. That weekend is the weekend of my little bros state b-ball tournament so my car is a definite no.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2007
Insanity, Idaho
grr...can't wait till the summer BC...I really hope you guys can go to that thing...Dom and I will be going to the chubbick tourney on that date...so no go with us...but yeah....i hope you all can go to the jiggs, so people from oregon are coming....BC!!! are you coming with me tommorow to do a little "advertising"? we might have to wear masks....or take MY carl...:)


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I sent in my ipod so in a week i should be fine, right now im using my old palm with that SD car **** that you use with your phone Nutz so everything is good for now.

If i can get a ride i'll try to go to the chubbick with gnosis or somethin.

I'll also call you later today and do the advertising ****.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
So i talked to Nutz yesterday and he said that everyone will probably just go to their own house when brawl gets released and play it but i have a better idea. Lets have a smashfest with one tv for people to unlock all the characters and the others for people to play matches in so we can get all the characters and get some good practice in.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
2 weeks till my B-day and 2 1/2 till Brawl =D.

we need a party....what u want for your birthday? And BC, we need to play on thursday...after all my school shizzle...and i'll try to call felix...so is everyone coming to the tourney? they better, or I'll hunt them DOWN!..and dom, are you going to try to *** at the tourney, or do you have just hold it in for your exercise at the base.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
I can't skip District Debate on Saturday. It's, well, districts. I skipped a tournament to go to that Yugioh Regional and Smash with you guys back on Jan 26th, but I still want to smash :(


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
FINE! geez... :) ....its okay, anyone from mountian home coming? who can drive, i have a place to stay> also smashfest on friday. :)


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Knuttz, as far as I know no one is able to go. I'm the only one who can drive. Friday MIGHT be a possibility, but the tournament Saturday is almost a gauranteed no from everyone.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
thats crazy BC. Now we know why you go all psychotic when your ipod doesn't work or when you have to play knuttz, its all those energy drinks you had back in idaho falls.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2007
Insanity, Idaho
Sorry for last two double posts, I had computer problems
Here is the tournament thread.


look here, it is in boise/star! :) its about 3:30 to 4 hours away from you. If you come, you have to come friday, come to my house for OOS people, if not, come saturday, its not SUPER far...the best way to do it is to get a car full of like 4-5 people and split gas. :)


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Hey guys, none of us can make it this weekend, sadly. I got stuck at my house because I decided not to go to school. Either way, yea, can someone change my main on the front page to Fox? I've just about given up Falco :/

Also, by some off chance, there MAY be a small spur tournament held here in Mountain Home...probably won't have prizes or entry fees or anything, but it's something for our local smash scene (mostly noobs) to get together and have fun and get better at the game, regardless if brawl is less than two weeks away.
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