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IDAHO Smash Thread


Smash Cadet
Sep 23, 2007
Holy balls. When the hell did our smash community just double? Seriously... I'm out for two weeks or so and something big bursts out of literally nowhere :o

But welcome to the smash community guys. Me and LeMoN are looking forward to playing some new faces :]

Sorry about not posting much on the boards guys :p We just got fired from our jobs (rofl) so we'll be a bit more free at least until we go back to studying. Only thing is that money might be a bit of a cramp, so our traveling distance will probably be as far as Knuttz's place. Maybe we can hit up the get-together coming up tomorrow if we can get the OK from the higher powers. And whatever happened to the PR?

PS - Buh, I wish we could have stayed a bit longer that one night so LeMoN and I could have contributed a bit more to Idaho's smash-style ;D


Smash Cadet
Sep 23, 2007
I think LeMoN, gnosis, and BC play Fox. Cboy plays too, but he's better with Zelda ;)

Wait, list of mains is on the first page rofl.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
i play fox a little but i am just scrappy, not good. I get carried away with my shines and get nowhere mostly due to the fact that i rarely remember to wave dash out of them into an up smash which is probably because i play falco.


Smash Cadet
Sep 23, 2007
I remember when I used to main Falco :3 Thought I was good until I found out about pillaring and all that good stuff :/ I tried Fox a little bit ago. He's too... quick-on-his-feet for my taste. I'll stick to my slow-moving characters :p

I still haven't played you yet, tate :/ and I haven't played Josh in a long time either haha. If I'm able to get to that smashfest tomorrow, I'm killing more than two birds, if you catch my drift *nudge nudge* ;]


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I remember when I used to main Falco :3 Thought I was good until I found out about pillaring and all that good stuff :/ I tried Fox a little bit ago. He's too... quick-on-his-feet for my taste. I'll stick to my slow-moving characters :p

I still haven't played you yet, tate :/ and I haven't played Josh in a long time either haha. If I'm able to get to that smashfest tomorrow, I'm killing more than two birds, if you catch my drift *nudge nudge* ;]
Good you guys are coming...its at a different place than my appartment. The address is on that other post. I'll pm you the address...its not far from my place! :)

Edit....this is nutz...BC is at my place...and didn't realize that i was logged in as him.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Kinda scares me knowing everyone is gonna hate on Space Animals and my playing Falco :(

Oh, and to Qraq:
If you decide that the BX is the place to meet (I sent you a PM) There will be 3 of us that walk into the food court. I'm a HUGE kid, 6'4, weigh 300+ and I'll be wearing an ISU Sweatshirt. Other two kids are brown haired, one is tall and skinny, other looks like he wants to spaz on your face.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
ya kinx i think you never play me because you are always too focused on playing BC for some reason. By the time you actually play me i might actually be fairly good. I mean come on knuttz and BC only 3 stock me on average now haha.


Smash Cadet
Sep 23, 2007
ya kinx i think you never play me because you are always too focused on playing BC for some reason. By the time you actually play me i might actually be fairly good. I mean come on knuttz and BC only 3 stock me on average now haha.
Haha. It wasn't my fault that I got sucked into the competitive spirit ;D You should snap me out of it if I get into it again. I always have the need to play new faces, especially since I've seen you play more than enough times :p I still need to play against some more Space Animals so I can get used to it. It's kinda awkward trying to pit a character who takes time to utilize its moves against one that moves on the go lol. But push on I must. 2D is the new in thing.

And ya... I only hate one space animal. And that be da Fox and BC and my my brother destroy me without a sweat :/ I usually do pretty well against the bird, though :] And the private pwning lessons with Marth are still a-go right, knuttz? :(

The OK on the smashfest is still on hold. Why you ask?! Parents are sleeping rofl :[ But it'll be the first thing I ask tomorning.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
I remember when I used to main Falco :3 Thought I was good until I found out about pillaring and all that good stuff :/ I tried Fox a little bit ago. He's too... quick-on-his-feet for my taste. I'll stick to my slow-moving characters :p

I still haven't played you yet, tate :/ and I haven't played Josh in a long time either haha. If I'm able to get to that smashfest tomorrow, I'm killing more than two birds, if you catch my drift *nudge nudge* ;]
I suck with falco the most. And he's one of the most easiest to play with too.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
So wait I forget, am I good for a ride to this?

I'll call knuttz when I'm off work if so.
OK...let me know when you "get off" also is barron coming....i'll just text you..anyone can come at anytime...I got tons of sacks.. :) chicps and soda...a smashers dreramm....gotta poo now :mad:


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Very nice post Nuttz.

I'm leaving my house at 3:30 to pick up Zing and Alch, we're stopping by the bank, the smoke shop (Becuase they have the BEST Selection of energy drinks i've ever seen), then walmart for gas, then burger king for some munchies, then we'll head that way. Should be there around 5ish.
Do you want us to just knock when we get there? lol :x


It's now 4:05 and we haven't left. My mom took the car I was going to use to wash it for some stupid reason and hasn't come back yet. We'll leave when we can.


Smash Cadet
Sep 23, 2007
You guys need to give us a call when you want us over there, AND DON'T TEXT TO OUR HOME PHONE rofl :3 And tell us the time that the smashfest is gonna go down, because i think LeMoN is gonna go out for a bit.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Thanks again for inviting us, guys, and thanks to Knuttz for the place and letting us crash there. Was a ton of fun, and I know we smashed until like 6 or 7am? Alch and Qraq were doing singles longer I think.
So yea, Had some fun. Can't wait for the next one.
And I heard CT got hit on his way over at an intersection or some ****?


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Dang, the west Idaho smash community is still growing! I am jealous.

School is finally over for me. I'll have to start working on the Idaho smash community site before Brawl is released. XD


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2007
Indeed, thanks a ton. I had a blast, thinking about taking a nap now.. I got tons.. of... zzzzZzzZzzzzZZZzzz... Er, right, practice. I look forward to future smashfests, since we all know I could use the practice. ^^'


Smash Cadet
Sep 23, 2007
Lol, this sucks.

Me and LeMoN had to leave early :[ We always have to go when something pretty effing awesome goes down... Like the PRs D;

Last night was pimping, though. Awesome getting to meet some new smash faces. And yeah dude Zing rofl, I think I might need to teach you how to play :p


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Haha, I think you and Zing had TOO much fun last night. He basically let you **** him in every way possible that Game and Watch could, but I'm pretty sure he enjoyed every minute of it.

EDIT: Still kinda depressed CT couldn't make it. I wanted some Birdy dittos and BC was playing Gnosis and Alch all night :(


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Nah, we ditto'd during the tourney, I don't remember the stage. Probably Yoshi's, which is a crap birdy stage anyway. I just haven't done a whole lot of them lately since Alch has been playing Ness a lot more.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
Ya im real bummed about not making it too. My poor car is in kind of bad shape now and i don't even want to talk about my dvd recorder i had in the back seat. But anyways new advice to everyone, stop and look both ways before going through a green light???? Oh knuttz did you have your dvd recorder to get any matches with, if you do i should have some free time on tuesday to get them up.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
You should just get a camera hooked up to the tv, and hooked up to a laptop, and have the laptop hooked up to a external hard drive and you can save and edit the videos on the hard drive.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
Because external hard drives are too unreliable and too easily corruptable by video. It is much easier to manipulate the video straight from the dvd and keep a steady framerate and avoid slowdowns. Hard drives also have a problem with loss of quality so much so that falco might be missing his beak for three seconds in a somewhat bad situation. Not to mention the very possible lag in audio that could occur in your said setup. My god im going to have to change my major after a couple years of working on vids for you guys.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
Because external hard drives are too unreliable and too easily corruptable by video. It is much easier to manipulate the video straight from the dvd and keep a steady framerate and avoid slowdowns. Hard drives also have a problem with loss of quality so much so that falco might be missing his beak for three seconds in a somewhat bad situation. Not to mention the very possible lag in audio that could occur in your said setup. My god im going to have to change my major after a couple years of working on vids for you guys.
We use it all of the time and nothing happens. We use a Western Digital 500GB hard drive, Mac book laptop, and a Sony camcorder. It works fine for us when we tape stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
Im just too picky about quality to use that method i guess. I hate random missing pixels caused by the multi translation from tv to camcorder to laptop and then to a mallable format to edit it with. But i guess i just have to remember that everything just goes up on youtube so its gonna look like **** anyways and there is nothing i can do to make it look better then what yours is going to so until youtube gets a more lossless codec your method will be just fine.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Ya so Yamer and I are think about having a tournament on the 5th but the date could be sooner if that works best for everyone. I posted in Utah so if a car from there goes and one or two from the Boise are go we should get a good amount of people, and im sure Buzz and his randoms would also go.
If i counted right that like 14-16ish

Utah car would probably have 5
Boise Car would have 5 unless you had two cars then it could be like 7-8
Idaho Falls has 3
Buzz & friends 4-5

So i think we should try to get this set up, what do you guys think?


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
Im just too picky about quality to use that method i guess. I hate random missing pixels caused by the multi translation from tv to camcorder to laptop and then to a mallable format to edit it with. But i guess i just have to remember that everything just goes up on youtube so its gonna look like **** anyways and there is nothing i can do to make it look better then what yours is going to so until youtube gets a more lossless codec your method will be just fine.
It doesnt look too bad.
Heres a vid of me & my friends messing around with the blackhole glitch.
I dont see any random missing pixels.


But it looks better on my friends laptop than on youtube


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
There is always a blurr effect with fast movements on youtube. So of course its gonna look better on your friends laptop. My end encode is usually good enough quality you could stick it back on the tv and it would be very very close to identical. But of course that is just from my now broken dvd recorder. Knuttz dvd recorder is far different and because of the codec used i will probably never understand how to pull the full quality out of it, **** those insanly smart computer scientists from india.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Ya so Yamer and I are think about having a tournament on the 5th but the date could be sooner if that works best for everyone. I posted in Utah so if a car from there goes and one or two from the Boise are go we should get a good amount of people, and im sure Buzz and his randoms would also go.
If i counted right that like 14-16ish

Utah car would probably have 5
Boise Car would have 5 unless you had two cars then it could be like 7-8
Idaho Falls has 3
Buzz & friends 4-5

So i think we should try to get this set up, what do you guys think?
That actually sounds like a decent Idea...we then can actually see how buzz matches up with us.. :) I would drive IF people helped with gas. I want to see how bad yamer will beat me. Buzz can then see us play and make a descision on anothehr power ranking vote. :)

There is always a blurr effect with fast movements on youtube. So of course its gonna look better on your friends laptop. My end encode is usually good enough quality you could stick it back on the tv and it would be very very close to identical. But of course that is just from my now broken dvd recorder. Knuttz dvd recorder is far different and because of the codec used i will probably never understand how to pull the full quality out of it, **** those insanly smart computer scientists from india.
Craztad...you are funny....too funny...and you know exactly why. :) One thing to try with blurs...run a blurred frame through a low pass filter...half of what the sampling rate is...for instance...for sound and mp3s the sampling rate is 44.1kHz, so you would run a low pass around 22 kHz. THis is actually just FINE because the human ear only hears 20kHz. and most people cant even come close to hearing that. (17 kHz is average)...But I like where you are going....if we wanted to watch it on a big screen, we won't lose any quality.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
No i don't ever care too much about the sound but i do usually send all of my video's through a triple pass of mvbob filter and sometimes if that doesn't do good enough one extra pass through retardbob cuts out any blur effect that might be left video wise, i know next to nothing about sound except how to realign and splice when needed.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
No i don't ever care too much about the sound but i do usually send all of my video's through a triple pass of mvbob filter and sometimes if that doesn't do good enough one extra pass through retardbob cuts out any blur effect that might be left video wise, i know next to nothing about sound except how to realign and splice when needed.
Ok so you do pass it thorugh a filter...the blurr I'm assuming is alaising. If youtube's sampling rate is too low you will encounter bluryness which is alaising...(if you know what that is....) the sound was just an example....

On a side note.,...you should be an EE Tate...there is soo much you can do in the field of image processing.


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2007
Ya so Yamer and I are think about having a tournament on the 5th but the date could be sooner if that works best for everyone. I posted in Utah so if a car from there goes and one or two from the Boise are go we should get a good amount of people, and im sure Buzz and his randoms would also go.
If i counted right that like 14-16ish

Utah car would probably have 5
Boise Car would have 5 unless you had two cars then it could be like 7-8
Idaho Falls has 3
Buzz & friends 4-5
Where is this going to be located? Last time I had a hard enough time getting to Boise, since I "spent the night" at Hoop's house. If it's gonna be in Utah, count me out. ^^
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