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IDAHO Smash Thread


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2007
Insanity, Idaho
well that sucks, It looks like it's going to be a really big smash on Saturday, at least we'll have more room. If we did it in our place everyone would either A. Die of heat or B. Die from the smell of everyones feet and other nasty oder. It's just not going to be th same with out you BC


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
Yeah BC "yeah ***" I wasn't talking about you it's more a less Dom, he's has the ego the size of Texas. we all know it, but we still love him anyways. So BC watcha going to Utah for?
Wth...I don't have an ego I just talk **** for fun. I'm tired of yall talkin bout me like this -.- .



Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
its Relhots if you want to know what it means its my last name backwards!!!! Relhots = Stohler!! :) but it really is backwards. thats why i said i gave you enough personal information to be able to find me.

My friend needs to learn, I need to learn from my other friend but we might be able to handle you guys. you dont look so hard but i dont know. I could be wrong i havent played in a while cause i have to manage my bowling and the youth league.

This is a vid proving how good i am by messing up.:) Relhots=Jon Ericbm2=Eric

Don't think of yourself as so good yet you haven't had as much experience as the rest of us have.
And any good smash player knows videos don't really show all your skill just a fraction of what you can do.
I'll MM you if you want to =).


P.S. BC I really like how this match looks except for the end lol. http://youtube.com/watch?v=29726mQnA3c


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I guess but i don't know i didn't really like how most of the matches looked this time. At least for me it felt like i was playing really slow and making some dumb mistakes.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
I dont think im good not in the least. didnt you see my comments about my saying that i will lose or that we would lose. i dont know why you guys think i would win or that i have an ego.

But my friend is still very good with ness.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
Don't think of yourself as so good yet you haven't had as much experience as the rest of us have.
And any good smash player knows videos don't really show all your skill just a fraction of what you can do.
I'll MM you if you want to =).


P.S. BC I really like how this match looks except for the end lol. http://youtube.com/watch?v=29726mQnA3c
i only showed that vid to show how good im at losing. not to show off. if i wanted to show off i wouldnt shown me getting killed expecially me falling to my death.

QraQ did you even watch the vid? i died how is that showing off?


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
its incredible...
like finding uncharted land
and all the native people are primitive
What exactly is surprising to you?

Anyway, I may need a ride again if I'm coming Saturday... although my car may finally be fixed -_-. Oh and I'd have to get home at a less horrid time, due to work Sunday morning.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Alright, some updates from Us.

Alch and I are almost a sure go. I have to tell my mom I'm staying with a friend in Boise for a Smash tourney and ask if I can use her car instead of my truck for the sake of gas mileage and I'm good. Alch is telling his parents he's staying at my place Saturday night and my mom is bad *** enough to cover for us. We may have 1 or 2 other people being able to cover and go as well, everyone else has something going on or just can't go.
So is this going to be an all nighter or what? I need to know what to tell my mom later tonight so she won't freak out too badly.

And whoever said we needed our parents permission-
Hey, I'm 18, Alch is 17. We aren't that little ;_;

So yea. Also, Qraq, if you need a ride from the base I can hook you up. It'd be great if I could meet you in town, but if I need to drive to the base to get you I can, I've got stickers and an ID. Let me or Alch know. I know you said you may already be down there which is cool, but the offer is there. Also, Alch and I both have cubes and extra controllers, and I SHOULD Have a 19'' TV somewhere, I'll have to look around for it.


Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2007
Pothole, Idaho
Wth...I don't have an ego I just talk **** for fun. I'm tired of yall talkin bout me like this -.- .


Yeah i have to agree with jailene here. They were just joking.......and we do still love you! Even though i want to hurt you half the time, but that's ok. It's more of a love hate realationship.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
More updates...

My mom is awesome and has agreed to cover for Alch on his parents. My mom said I can use her car and we can go IF it doesn't snow, so hope for the best guys.

So for some of you who know Stan (Shuuk) I've been talking to him and he gets off work at 6 Saturday night. Anybody think we could hold off if he decides to rear that bald head of his and play with us? :$


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
haha i don't really know why you would go to IF nothings going to happen there but you should really try to get stan to go and get him back into the smash community.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
I'm trying. I've kinda lost touch with him because I've moved twice in the last year and he's always working, but Stans the kind of guy that makes the party last that much longer.

And BC, it's not for Idaho Falls, it's the word if just capitalized lol.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
ITs fine if you show up late....the smashfest is as late as you want as it to be....its uaually qraq and BC at the end...ant 6 in the morning...with me usually out at 4 or 5...Kinx and lemon...SAY LATER!!!!!! And I think Qraq will come into boise a day early, he usually spends the weekend with us. :)


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Sounds good.

Bryan says:
Bryan says:
Magic ftw! says:
i'll have to decline. kas got that night off and i'm not going to spend it dragging her to random places

Stan's whipped :(


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
i only showed that vid to show how good im at losing. not to show off. if i wanted to show off i wouldnt shown me getting killed expecially me falling to my death.

QraQ did you even watch the vid? i died how is that showing off?
Lol dude calm down.
I wasn't referencing your video for saying "don't think yourself so good yet".
I was referencing you saying we didnt look "that" good ya know.
I dont want to have problems with someone I haven't even met yet.
So let's just squash this, meet, play smash, and maybe spoon a little (optional)

Turtle a ride from base would be much appreciated and ill pony up some gas money as well. Let me know what time and shiz.


P.S. The spooning goes double for BC


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
Lol dude calm down.
I wasn't referencing your video for saying "don't think yourself so good yet".
I was referencing you saying we didnt look "that" good ya know.
I dont want to have problems with someone I haven't even met yet.
So let's just squash this, meet, play smash, and maybe spoon a little (optional)

Turtle a ride from base would be much appreciated and ill pony up some gas money as well. Let me know what time and shiz.


P.S. The spooning goes double for BC
I was just kidding about that even tough i forgot to put jk.

Sorry guys I cant come for 2 reasons:

1.) Parents say i cant go because i dont know all of you well enough

2.) It starts a 5pm. I have to be at St. Al's on saturday, then i have to bowl in meridian on saturday at 7:30am

My mom said that next week, if you guys are having one, that i could come. probably.

PS: how did i go from smash noob to smash child in one night?


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
Alright, some updates from Us.

Alch and I are almost a sure go. I have to tell my mom I'm staying with a friend in Boise for a Smash tourney and ask if I can use her car instead of my truck for the sake of gas mileage and I'm good. Alch is telling his parents he's staying at my place Saturday night and my mom is bad *** enough to cover for us. We may have 1 or 2 other people being able to cover and go as well, everyone else has something going on or just can't go.
So is this going to be an all nighter or what? I need to know what to tell my mom later tonight so she won't freak out too badly.

And whoever said we needed our parents permission-
Hey, I'm 18, Alch is 17. We aren't that little ;_;

So yea. Also, Qraq, if you need a ride from the base I can hook you up. It'd be great if I could meet you in town, but if I need to drive to the base to get you I can, I've got stickers and an ID. Let me or Alch know. I know you said you may already be down there which is cool, but the offer is there. Also, Alch and I both have cubes and extra controllers, and I SHOULD Have a 19'' TV somewhere, I'll have to look around for it.
Yeah im at least 3 yrs younger than you guys


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Lol dude calm down.
I wasn't referencing your video for saying "don't think yourself so good yet".
I was referencing you saying we didnt look "that" good ya know.
I dont want to have problems with someone I haven't even met yet.
So let's just squash this, meet, play smash, and maybe spoon a little (optional)

Turtle a ride from base would be much appreciated and ill pony up some gas money as well. Let me know what time and shiz.


P.S. The spooning goes double for BC
What about me? are you not coming over tonight? Friday night is our nite to spoon... :(


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2005
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Well............................... I wasn't paying enough attention and i missed the bus cuz i read the ticket wrong so im not leaving boise until sunday....... so i guess ill be able to go to this after all no last OOS tournament for me :((sad face for realz).


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Well............................... I wasn't paying enough attention and i missed the bus cuz i read the ticket wrong so im not leaving boise until sunday....... so i guess ill be able to go to this after all no last OOS tournament for me :((sad face for realz).
That really really sucks...and why are you leaving sunday, don't you have finals?


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Ok guys.

My mom is good with me going and what not. It'll be 3 of us from what we know (Myself, Alch, and someone named Zing, he should be posting soon). That's 3 more than you guys are used to, so it'll be fun. If we can't get a 4th person, would someone mind teaming with my buddy for friendly teams if needed? He's been learning the game really quickly, and this will be good for him.
Also, I have a full set up. TV, VCR, Cables, and the Cube with controllers. Alch is also bringing his cube.

Yea, send me a PM. I'll meet you at the BX food court or something and we'll arrange a time. 5-10 bucks for gas would be awesome, 5 from everyone who goes with me is 15 and that covers at least the trip there which is all my mom really cares about. 283-6120 is my cell if you have questions.


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2007
Hey guys! Sorry for the late post, I'm up and ready to Smash. I'm one of the tagalongs from Mtn. Hell. I play a Fox as my main, don't have a decided secondary yet. Can't wait to meet you all and... Uhh.. Yeah, smash and stuff. If I need to bring anything, let me know, I have access to a cube, Smash, and 2 controllers.

Edit: Oh, right, I'm 15, MSN is kelimethegreat@hotmail.com if you need to get a hold of me, and for texts, my number is... Not available at this time D;


AlCheMisT amari

Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
soo..... being kicked off the computer for a day ftl.

oh well, didnt have much time to get on anyways. I had a basktball game to play at, and a half-time trash-can/drum feature to attend to. That's pretty much my night.

So the replies ive read are so and so... BC can make it, we're picking up Qraq, relhots isnt making it, neither is stan, zing's is now making it woot, and we're getting taco bell on the way out. lol, was that not in the replies? psh, i know, but atleast im getting some good *** food from the base on the way out.

spooning.......... rofl
btw, ?. we don't know of milk matching, but we probly know it as something else, what is it?

but by this time tomorrow, no worries, cuz we're going to be smashing till i pass out or sadly, the time i have to go home. :cool:


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Hey guys! Sorry for the late post, I'm up and ready to Smash. I'm one of the tagalongs from Mtn. Hell. I play a Fox as my main, don't have a decided secondary yet. Can't wait to meet you all and... Uhh.. Yeah, smash and stuff. If I need to bring anything, let me know, I have access to a cube, Smash, and 2 controllers.

Edit: Oh, right, I'm 15, MSN is kelimethegreat@hotmail.com if you need to get a hold of me, and for texts, my number is... Not available at this time D;

Thats good....bring as many controllers as you can..mark them with a twist tie or something so you know what is yours...I want to at least have 5 setups..(5 setps mean 10 people playing at a time)i have 3 tvs...and one cube..So gnos...when we get you , if we need to...can we get one of your setups? and if BC might have one too...so thats 5..I'll bring my extention cords from my house and i think we would be set....6-7 setups isn't bad also...but 5 is my goal! :)


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2007
Hey guys! Sorry for the late post, I'm up and ready to Smash. I'm one of the tagalongs from Mtn. Hell. I play a Fox as my main, don't have a decided secondary yet. Can't wait to meet you all and... Uhh.. Yeah, smash and stuff. If I need to bring anything, let me know, I have access to a cube, Smash, and 2 controllers.

Edit: Oh, right, I'm 15, MSN is kelimethegreat@hotmail.com if you need to get a hold of me, and for texts, my number is... Not available at this time D;

Fox is my main too. you got to show me a vid of how good you are. too bad i cant go.


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2007
I'll show you a vid when I'm good enough to make one worth watching, how bout that? ;)


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Hey Guys.

If you guys could tell me names you want put into the cube, could you guys tell me before tomorrow around 3pm? I'm going to reset the names on my cube and hopefully just have peoples names to be a help.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
Hold up for a second, where exactly is this thing taking place knuttz. At your place or at your moms place or ... ok im lost. Im going to I Am Legend tomorrow and then i will be heading to the smash fest to try out the new hopefully not as good as me smashers. And one pointer for all the new guys, if you roll, knuttz's marth or gnosis's sheik will punish you severly. I had to learn the hard way and still do quite often.
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