Alright, so I recorded the first 'episode' and the audio is horribly out of sync (I used camstudio). Basically since my sound card is horrid and doesn't support recording, I plugged a cable between the line in and line out, and set the microphone to the line in port. Only problem is the sound was a few seconds off. Is there anyway to fix this?
Ok here comes the video answers but first some questions so i can figure out how to do this easily for you:
Are you on windows?
If yes, do you know anything about avisynth?
If no its no big deal (i will just cry a little and prepare to write some avisynth scripts for you), do you know about x264 encoding?
If no then i will cry a little more and start writing a batch script for you.
so if your on windows and don't have avisynth download
this and install it, it has everything you need to for me to help align your audio. Actually running the program it installs called anrichan will not do what you need done so don't bother trying it to align the audio.
A basic avisynth script will look like this:
easy right. now in the script where it has delay you will want to change it to how much you want the audio delayed. for negative delay it would look like ".Delay(-0.012)" for example. You can make this avisynth script by making a new txt file and then saving it with an extension of .avs for example: myvideo.avs
So the thing i had you install should have a folder called anrichan3_beta4 somewhere in your program files. Go into it and look for virtualdub folder, inside it there is a program called virtualdub, use it to open your avs file and see if your audio delay is right. It may be a little tedious to get it right the first time but then it should be the same everytime after that so you won't have to worry about the delay anymore.
If you get that far then i can help you with getting it re-encoded with the delay using x264 and get a small batch script set up for you to make it extremely easy so you only have to give the program the video location and it will pop out a new video for you.
If you are not on windows then i will give you a completely different method that is slightly more involved.
edit: on second thought it would be a hell of a lot easier for you to upload a small video to rapidshare or something like that so i can download it and figure out the correct delay so you don't have to mess with the tedious part of it and i can get the correct batch scripting figured out for bitrate and frames per second to re-encode with.
edit2: just to make this post have something smash related, i practiced a little marth today, it was fun.