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IDAHO Smash Thread


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2009
Nampa, ID
This TAS never gets old XD

one day, my falcon will be as good as this. :p

as for me, I'll be playing Peach, Marth, CF, Mario, and Link.

I noticed I do fairly well with Link, and I seem to play really serious when playing him. I almost beat Alchemist and NoU, had it not been for their "one grabs, the other jabs" bs XD

I <3 using Link's hookshot as a weapon in melee, it's so stupid, it's too good =)


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
my phone broke, i lost all my contacts, and at the moment cant see texts....i get a new phone in a couple days...but i'm gonna need everyones numbers....wait untill next thursday and text me with your names....its same number, but i completely screwed over my current phone...**** rocks...


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
TH: for falco: don't randomally fsmash, READ the tech..don't short hop downair if they are above you....change up your edgeguard...don't just sit there and dair...
marth: grab more, don't just randomally throw out fsmashes...you'll get punished...uair is pretty good, use it for combos...if they are in front...grab...if they are in back...dair...don't just dair all the time..

TCOW: stop playing toon link, tech chase with falcon....don't falcon rush ranomally when they are holding their shield...more upair in combos...dair is awsome against marth...

btw...everyone holds their sheidl a little too long after the attack...which makes certian attacks un punishable...


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
Your job as marth is to use your range, priority, and speed to keep people at the tip of your range and, thus, outside of their range. Hover just outside of their reach, so that if they try and approach you have tons of ways to answer, while still applying pressure and being ready to strike if there's an opening. A lot of Marth's moveset is nearly unpunishable so long as you keep yourself spaced. Nair autocancels out of a shorthop fastfall, dtilt has insane IASA frames, a spaced fair against a shield applies pressure and isn't really punishable because most of Marth's moves will come out and hit first before anything else can reach you (and most stuff can't reach you anyway), etc. You should, theoretically, NEVER get shieldgrabbed as Marth.

As for Falco, I think the most important and easiest thing to work on right now is just tech skill. Don't miss l-cancels, don't accidentally use fair when you jump out of shine instead of something useful, learn how to sweetspot all his recovery moves from a lot of different positions, etc. That sorta stuff alone will allow you to increase so many of your options and improve a ton of your game. Good thing is, none of it is that hard if you practice and practice with the right mindset. Practicing tech skill mindlessly is BAD, you just train sloppy muscle memory that ends up letting you down once you're in a match. When you mess up in practice, look at it, think about it, and realize how you messed up and how to fix it. Learn how your hands work with the controller, because everyone likes controlling the game a bit different. Find shortcuts for things that look hard (i.e., runoff to shine-upb edgehog looks like it might be technical, but when you realize all you have to do is runoff, do a half-circle from down to up towards the stage, hit the b button at down and the b button at up, it becomes silly how easy it is).

I imagine you probably know a lot of this already, but you don't play like it. That's the most important thing. Don't just know what to do, train your instincts and hands to naturally do it so it actually comes out during a match. Getting better when you practice against people requires conscious effort and analysis to rid yourself of bad habits and start playing like you know you should.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments. I'm trying to lay off smash for a day or two so I can start to retrain my muscle memory, because I know a lot of the stupid crap I do is just the old habits gnosis is describing and it's hard to break it.


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2008
My number is 208-430-1990 in case anyone has any SF questions :p

When's the next smashfest? I decided around 12 hours ago that I'm going to learn to play melee, since it seems like melee will beat out brawl in the longevity category.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
sorry gnosis i was gonna call and go smash with ya the other day but i got caught up in a programming project. about a thousand lines of code later when i got hungry and looked at the clock it was 4 in the morning. I started at 3 in the afternoon. I think i have a problem


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2007
boi Z Idaho
Wow and i thought i was up late, you guys posting at 3:30-4:30 in the morning. Sorry thoop, i can't help you with the brawl texture hacking but im thinking of taking up the challenge to crack melee to do the same thing.


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2005
Boise, ID
Hey, people...i broke my phone, and my backup for contacts is empty...so i have NO NUMBERS!!!!!!

TEXT ME with your NAME and I'll save it in my contact list. I prefer full name for the contact saving.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2009
Nampa, ID


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
So, uh.. Ya... My Wii is one of those that has the issue where it won't play duel-layered disks, at least to my understanding. This includes Brawl and Mario Kart Wii. By extension, this includes Brawl+. Now I have to send it in with the risk that they do things that I don't want done to it. (MKWii saves, Brawl Saves, games and channels I shouldn't have, etc.)

**** me... My Brawl+ Peach was getting to the point of ****** Chuck Norris himself, to...

Edit: I found my old Gamecube. I'm about to get much better at Melee as I'm likely to put in 100+ hours playing it over the next 2 weeks.


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2008
You should go play at Rahim's house, Meca. I hear he doesn't have **** to do for the next month and is interested in playing Melee. Also, I hear the guy has a tendency to learn **** at an insanely quick rate.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
Kinda, Churro. It took a while to get the proper names for the textures, but some of them aren't working. I'm also having problems and with Green Jiggs and every Ike color, it says it can't read the disk when they're selected, including in randoms.

AlCheMisT amari

Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2007
Mountain Home, Idaho
^ that kindve sucks ^

hey. Smashfest sometime in September, my place. My family is going to see my sister and the new baby when it is born sometime around the second week of sept. At that time i'll have the house to myself because i'm not going and i'll either need smash, girls, or well. . . something to keep my home alone time fun. Nice house, plenty of room for setups though probly not in the same room, and sleeping space. Food, drinks, ect., and easy availability to food... drinks... ect....

lemme know what you think


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
Edit: I found my old Gamecube. I'm about to get much better at Melee as I'm likely to put in 100+ hours playing it over the next 2 weeks.
Good idea. Get better than Meridian, it should be easy enough. We never practice after all.

Tomorrow'd be a good day to smash eh.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
You should go play at Rahim's house, Meca. I hear he doesn't have **** to do for the next month and is interested in playing Melee. Also, I hear the guy has a tendency to learn **** at an insanely quick rate.
Give me a few days. I am going to be sent a Rom Hack that I'm going to beta test and make a Let's Play of either today or tomorrow. I also suggest to Rahim to get a Gamecube and Melee. The Gamecube is next to nothing these days and the only thing about Melee is that it's hard to find. ^_^


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2008
In the mean time, I'll be looking into pad blueprints to see if I can wire a Gamecube pad PCB to a stick.

P.S. **** censorship

No U

Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2008
Boise ID
Hey I finally got a new phone. 869-7758. If you guys could send me a text with your name so I can add you that'd be cool.

Also Alch, Churro, Knuttz, the racetrack guy who found our stuff handed it over to the contra costa fairgrounds people, and they'll mail it back to you if you tell them what you had and your address and all that. Their number is (925) 757-4400‎ or you could email them from their website.

Also we should smash tomorrow imo.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday, should be good for me. I need someone to come with me and help pay for gas, though. I'm kinda broke right now... =p

And 14 hours of solid practice with Doc Mario, Luigi, and Captain Falcon has taught me to L-Cancel and Wavedash to a proficient level. a little while longer and I'll be able to do both perfectly. Right now the shield comes up every-so-often or a jump on rare occasions. Or, in the case of L-Canceling, I air-dodge. Always early. Never late...

That being said, I'm going Marth from now on. (Naturally) I want to try her out on humans instead of Lvl 6 Bowsers/Marios/Fox & Falcos, so... ya...


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
Just give me a call or throw me a text. I don't have your numbers anymore, I got a new phone.

Also, this is mainly for Dom/Ryan/Gnosis/Brandon, but watch the Smash videos I put up on my Youtube if you find the time. Zach and I want to see what we're doing wrong to improve.
I can play anytime before 3 preferably way before so I have time before i go to work. I really want to play more often now too so hit me up.

scarykid said:
I main meta in brawl now.
just saying...
Way to join the bandwagon.
Can't say I didn't see this coming lol.

BattleChrist said:

I dedicate the end of this song to you dom

And I dedicate this to you BC.

P.S. The end of mario kart rap is how i am lulz. %&*$ battle mode


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday, should be good for me. I need someone to come with me and help pay for gas, though. I'm kinda broke right now... =p

And 14 hours of solid practice with Doc Mario, Luigi, and Captain Falcon has taught me to L-Cancel and Wavedash to a proficient level. a little while longer and I'll be able to do both perfectly. Right now the shield comes up every-so-often or a jump on rare occasions. Or, in the case of L-Canceling, I air-dodge. Always early. Never late...

That being said, I'm going Marth from now on. (Naturally) I want to try her out on humans instead of Lvl 6 Bowsers/Marios/Fox & Falcos, so... ya...
This is good news. One little warning though about l-canceling, and that's that a lot of people first learning it accidentally train themselves to only know one timing for it. This could be when the aerial hits, or for a whiffed aerial, etc. I just know that a lot of newer melee players can get l-cancels most the time, just not when it really matters, like in the middle of a combo or when hitting a shield. Another way people miss l-cancels a lot is when they run off a platform with an aerial, or drop through one with an aerial, etc. Anything beyond a standard SHFFL can mess people up if they're just relying on muscle memory and don't have a feel for when they should be pressing L based on their characters distance from the ground.

One way to help with the timing for hitting shields is to lower the damage ratio and set the CPUs handicap really high and yours really low. This way you can just spam aerials on them and get comfortable with the different timings from early/late hitlag, early/late fastfall, etc.
Works great with Bowser as the CPU. Also practice the timing from a ledgehop, dropping through a platform, etc.

And I'm not saying you made the same mistakes I did, just trying to be helpful :laugh:

Oh, and all those days work for me as well. Mountain Home? Knuttz? BC? No u? Fro? Tate? Anyone else?

edit: Maybe not friday
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